1,319 research outputs found

    Інтегро-диференціальні системи псевдопараболічного типу: апріорні оцінки та імпульсно-точкова керованість

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    Для вольтеррівського інтегро-диференціального оператора псевдопараболічного типу одержано апріорні оцінки у негативних нормах, теореми існування та єдиності узагальнених розв'язків відповідних крайових задач. Розглянуто питання імпульсно-точкової керованості систем, що описуються інтегро-диференціальними псевдопараболічними рівняннями.Для вольтерровского интегро-дифференциального оператора псевдопараболического типа получены априорные оценки в негативных нормах, теоремы существования и единственности обобщенных решений соответствующих граничных задач. Рассмотрен вопрос импульсно-точечной управляемости систем, описываемых интегро-дифференциальными псевдопараболическими уравнениями.For a pseudoparabolic Volterra integro-differential operator, the a priori estimates in negative norms and the unique generalized solvability theorems for the corresponding boundary value problems are obtained. The question of impulse-point controllability of systems governed by pseudoparabolic integro-differential equations is investigated

    Літературне редагування у системі фахової підготовки філологів

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    Bischofite exits in the upper crust with its related minerals carnallite, sylvite and halite, and is known as the most ductile material within the halide family of minerals. It is normally extracted from the subsurface by solution mining in underground caverns. Abandonment of the caverns causes the wall rock to creep towards the inside due to overburden stress, which in turn results in subsidence at the surface. In order to allow reliable prediction of the creep of Bischofite at cavern walls, a well-defined flow law is required that can be applied at strain rates at least as low as 10-9 s-1. Such rates are difficult to achieve in the laboratory. We have conducted new, conventional axi-symmetric compression tests on as-received polycrystalline Bischofite samples from natural cores. The experiments have been carried out at near real in situ conditions of temperature and pressure (70oC and 40 MPa, respectively), using a range of strain rates from 10-5 to 10-8 s-1. All experiments were strain rate stepping experiments including stress relaxation after every step down to strain rates of 3×10-9 s-1. In the relaxation part of the experiments, the deformation piston was arrested at fixed position and the stored elastic energy in the sample and in the machine was allowed to relax through plastic deformation of the sample. The measured mechanical data were used to obtain the stress exponent (n) as included in a conventional (Dorn-type) power law. We observed that during the stress relaxation, the n-value gradually changed from n>5 at 10-5 to n~1 at 10-9 s-1. The absolute strength of the samples remained higher if the relaxation started at a higher stress, i.e. at a faster rate within the range tested. We interpret this as indicating a difference in microstructure at the initiation of the relaxation, notably a smaller grain size related to dynamical recrystallization during the constant strain rate part of the test just before relaxation. The data thus suggest that there is gradual change in mechanism with decreasing strain rate, from grain size insensitive (GSI) dislocation creep to grain size sensitive (GSS) pressure solution creep. We propose that a hybrid flow law in which strain rate is equal to A’σnexp(σ/B) should best be applied to describe the flow of Bischofite at in situ conditions of 70oC, 40 MPa and slow strain rate. Best fit analysis resulted in values n=3.4, A’= 10(-8.519) and B = 2.26

    Multiple Didymella teleomorphs are linked to the Phoma clematidina morphotype

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    The fungal pathogen Phoma clematidina is used as a biological agent to control the invasive plant species Clematis vitalba in New Zealand. Research conducted on P. clematidina as a potential biocontrol agent against C. vitalba, led to the discovery of two perithecial-forming strains. To assess the diversity of P. clematidina and to clarify the teleomorph-anamorph relationship, phylogenetic analyses of 18 P. clematidina strains, reference strains representing the Phoma sections in the Didymellaceae and strains of related species associated with Clematis were conducted. Partial sequences of the ITS1, ITS2 and 5.8S rRNA gene, the ß-tubulin gene and 28S rRNA gene were used to clarify intra- and inter-species relationships. These analyses revealed that P. clematidina resolves into three well-supported clades which appear to be linked to differences in host specificity. Based on these findings, Didymella clematidis is newly described and the descriptions of P. clematidina and D. vitalbina are amended

    Proposed Principles for Promoting Pre-service Teacher Transfer of Group-based Learning to the Classroom: A Discussion Paper

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    The effective ‘transfer’ of knowledge and skills from university to the workplace is of global interest, yet this area of inquiry lacks research. Teacher educators, for example, require information on how to advance pre-service teachers’ transfer of group-based learning to the primary school classroom (Scott & Baker, 2003). Group-based learning (GBL) is a valued means of developing learners’ group work, personal attributes and interpersonal skills, and in the case pre-service teachers their professional skills.. Graduate teachers do not necessarily generalise GBL pedagogy to the classroom. This discussion paper draws from a qualitative case study that examined this pedagogy in a pre-service teacher education program at a University. The case study revealed three core GBL issues: ‘consistency and coherence’; ‘equity and fairness’; ‘pragmatism and adding value’. This paper proposes four principles of effective transfer and examines how, in relation to these three issues, these principles can promote effective transfer

    Secundaire preventie na een residentiële ontwenningsbehandeling voor jongeren

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    Verslaving is een complexe ziekte met een chronisch verloop en opeenvolgende crisissituaties die een acute aanpak vereisen. Het residentieel programma is een eerste stap in de behandeling. Hier wordt de basis gelegd voor een nieuw, clean leven. In de laatste fase van het residentieel programma ligt de nadruk op resocialisatie: de uitbouw van een nieuwe vriendenkring, zinvolle daginvulling, werk, hobby’s en huisvesting. Eens deze basis er is, wordt de patiënt ‘losgelaten’ en moet hij het waarmaken in het ‘echte’ leven. Hij moet de veiligheid en geborgenheid van de kliniek missen en hij is de eerste maanden na zijn ontslag uiterst kwetsbaar. Het is dan ook belangrijk dat de patiënt in die kwetsbare periode intensief kan opgevolgd worden. Tot nog toe werd de patiënt verwezen naar een ambulante setting met ongekende therapeuten, met wie hij geen binding heeft. De patiënt ziet dit meestal niet zitten en haakt vroegtijdig af, met vaak een herval als gevolg. Om deze ‘missing link’ tussen residentiële behandeling en een stabiel leven op te vullen, werd ons intensief nazorgprogramma ontwikkeld. Het nazorgproject legt de nadruk op een actieve participatie van hulpverlener, patiënt en zijn omgeving en een intensieve wisselwerking tussen de verschillende actoren. Er is een continuïteit van hulpverlening die de zaken verder kan opvolgen en direct kan interveniëren bij crisissituaties. Op deze manier kan vaak een herval vermeden worden of de schade beperkt gehouden

    Spatial Cognition: Goal-Vector Cells in the Bat Hippocampus

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    Enabling Group-Based Learning in Teacher Education: A Case Study of Student Experience

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    “Teacher education ill prepares pre-service teachers for the classroom.” Research conducted in a teacher education program at Edith Cowan University (ECU) responded to this criticism. This longitudinal case study selected group work (i.e., group-based learning) to investigate the quality of its teacher education program. Phase one explored teacher educators\u27 perceptions of group-based learning. Phase two explored preservice teachers\u27 perceptions and experience of group-based learning. This phase used student ‘voice’ (i.e., through focus groups, confirmed field notes, summary sheets) to convey their ideas and experiences when studying in a group and/or implementing group-based learning in the classroom. This paper discusses phase two findings which show the importance of consistency and coherence in understanding group-based learning principles and practices, and the broad ‘conditions’ and ‘actions’ that enable meaningful learning. The research has enabled ECU teacher educators to enhance the quality of the teacher education program

    Enabling Group-Based Learning in Teacher Education: A Case Study of Student Experience

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    “Teacher education ill prepares pre-service teachers for the classroom.” Research conducted in a teacher education program at Edith Cowan University (ECU) responded to this criticism. This longitudinal case study selected group work (i.e., group-based learning) to investigate the quality of its teacher education program. Phase one explored teacher educators\u27 perceptions of group-based learning. Phase two explored pre-service teachers\u27 perceptions and experience of group-based learning. This phase used student ‘voice’ (i.e., through focus groups, confirmed field notes, summary sheets) to convey their ideas and experiences when studying in a group and/or implementing group-based learning in the classroom. This paper discusses phase two findings which show the importance of consistency and coherence in understanding group-based learning principles and practices, and the broad ‘conditions’ and ‘actions’ that enable meaningful learning. The research has enabled ECU teacher educators to enhance the quality of the teacher education program

    Activation of the <i>gluteus maximus</i> during performance of the back squat, split squat and barbell hip thrust and the relationship with maximal sprinting

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    The purpose of this research was to compare muscle activation of the gluteus maximus and ground reaction force between the barbell hip thrust, back squat, and split squat and to determine the relationship between these outcomes and vertical and horizontal forces during maximal sprinting. Twelve male team sport athletes (age 25.0 ± 4.0 years, stature 184.1 ± 6.0 cm, body mass 82.2 ± 7.9 kg) performed separate movements of the three strength exercises at a load equivalent to their individual three repetition maximum. The ground reaction force was measured using force plates and the electromyography (EMG) activity of the upper and lower gluteus maximus was recorded in each leg and expressed as percentage of the maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC). Participants then completed a single sprint on a non-motorized treadmill for the assessment of maximal velocity, horizontal and vertical forces. Although ground reaction force was lower, peak EMG activity in the gluteus maximus was higher in the hip thrust than the back squat (p = 0.024; 95%CI = 4 – 56%MVIC) and split squat (p = 0.016; 95%CI = 6 – 58%MVIC). Peak sprint velocity was correlated with both anterior-posterior horizontal force (r = 0.72) and peak ground reaction force during the barbell hip thrust (r = 0.69) but no other variables. The increased activation of gluteus maximus during the barbell hip thrust and the relationship with maximal running speed suggests that this movement may be optimal for training this muscle group in comparison to the back squat and split squat

    Manipulating Hippocampus-Dependent Memories: To Enhance, Delete or Incept?

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    Memory manipulation has advanced substantially in recent years to a range of new methods available to researchers. These methods include optogenetics, transcranial stimulation, deep brain stimulation, pharmacological agents and cued reactivation of memories during sleep. Here we review and evaluate findings from these methods in relation to manipulations of hippocampus- dependent memories. In doing so we shed light on the different ways in which memories can be erased, enhanced or implanted