285 research outputs found

    Geometric Lagrangians for massive higher-spin fields

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    Lagrangians for massive, unconstrained, higher-spin bosons and fermions are proposed. The idea is to modify the geometric, gauge invariant Lagrangians describing the corresponding massless theories by the addition of suitable quadratic polynomials. These polynomials provide generalisations of the Fierz-Pauli mass term containing all possible traces of the basic field. No auxiliary fields are needed.Comment: 50 pages, 3 appendices; typos corrected, comments and references added. To appear in Nucl. Phys.

    Asymptotic wave-splitting in anisotropic linear acoustics

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    Linear acoustic wave-splitting is an often used tool in describing sound-wave propagation through earth's subsurface. Earth's subsurface is in general anisotropic due to the presence of water-filled porous rocks. Due to the complexity and the implicitness of the wave-splitting solutions in anisotropic media, wave-splitting in seismic experiments is often modeled as isotropic. With the present paper, we have derived a simple wave-splitting procedure for an instantaneously reacting anisotropic media that includes spatial variation in depth, yielding both a traditional (approximate) and a `true amplitude' wave-field decomposition. One of the main advantages of the method presented here is that it gives an explicit asymptotic representation of the linear acoustic-admittance operator to all orders of smoothness for the smooth, positive definite anisotropic material parameters considered here. Once the admittance operator is known we obtain an explicit asymptotic wave-splitting solution.Comment: 20 page

    Geometry and dynamics of higher-spin frame fields

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    We give a systematic account of unconstrained free bosonic higher-spin fields on D-dimensional Minkowski and (Anti-)de Sitter spaces in the frame formalism. The generalized spin connections are determined by solving a chain of torsion-like constraints. Via a generalization of the vielbein postulate these allow to determine higher-spin Christoffel symbols, whose relation to the de Wit--Freedman connections is discussed. We prove that the generalized Einstein equations, despite being of higher-derivative order, give rise to the AdS Fronsdal equations in the compensator formulation. To this end we derive Damour-Deser identities for arbitrary spin on AdS. Finally we discuss the possibility of a geometrical and local action principle, which is manifestly invariant under unconstrained higher-spin symmetries.Comment: 30 pages, uses youngtab.sty, v2: minor changes, references adde

    The Generalized Dirichlet to Neumann map for the KdV equation on the half-line

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    For the two versions of the KdV equation on the positive half-line an initial-boundary value problem is well posed if one prescribes an initial condition plus either one boundary condition if qtq_{t} and qxxxq_{xxx} have the same sign (KdVI) or two boundary conditions if qtq_{t} and qxxxq_{xxx} have opposite sign (KdVII). Constructing the generalized Dirichlet to Neumann map for the above problems means characterizing the unknown boundary values in terms of the given initial and boundary conditions. For example, if {q(x,0),q(0,t)}\{q(x,0),q(0,t) \} and {q(x,0),q(0,t),qx(0,t)}\{q(x,0),q(0,t),q_{x}(0,t) \} are given for the KdVI and KdVII equations, respectively, then one must construct the unknown boundary values {qx(0,t),qxx(0,t)}\{q_{x}(0,t),q_{xx}(0,t) \} and {qxx(0,t)}\{q_{xx}(0,t) \}, respectively. We show that this can be achieved without solving for q(x,t)q(x,t) by analysing a certain ``global relation'' which couples the given initial and boundary conditions with the unknown boundary values, as well as with the function Φ(t)(t,k)\Phi^{(t)}(t,k), where Φ(t)\Phi^{(t)} satisifies the tt-part of the associated Lax pair evaluated at x=0x=0. Indeed, by employing a Gelfand--Levitan--Marchenko triangular representation for Φ(t)\Phi^{(t)}, the global relation can be solved \emph{explicitly} for the unknown boundary values in terms of the given initial and boundary conditions and the function Φ(t)\Phi^{(t)}. This yields the unknown boundary values in terms of a nonlinear Volterra integral equation.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figure

    An action variable of the sine-Gordon model

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    It was conjectured that the classical bosonic string in AdS times a sphere has a special action variable which corresponds to the length of the operator on the field theory side. We discuss the analogous action variable in the sine-Gordon model. We explain the relation between this action variable and the Backlund transformations and show that the corresponding hidden symmetry acts on breathers by shifting their phase. It can be considered a nonlinear analogue of splitting the solution of the free field equations into the positive- and negative-frequency part.Comment: v3,4: added explanations, discussion of O(N) sigma-model in section 5 v5: correction in the Introduction, small change

    Matching Higher Conserved Charges for Strings and Spins

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    We demonstrate that the recently found agreement between one-loop scaling dimensions of large dimension operators in N=4 gauge theory and energies of spinning strings on AdS_5 x S^5 extends to the eigenvalues of an infinite number of hidden higher commuting charges. This dynamical agreement is of a mathematically highly intricate and non-trivial nature. In particular, on the gauge side the generating function for the commuting charges is obtained by integrable quantum spin chain techniques from the thermodynamic density distribution function of Bethe roots. On the string side the generating function, containing information to arbitrary loop order, is constructed by solving exactly the Backlund equations of the integrable classical string sigma model. Our finding should be an important step towards matching the integrable structures on the string and gauge side of the AdS/CFT correspondence.Comment: Latex, 33 pages, v2: new section added (completing the analytic proof that the entire infinite towers of commuting gauge and string charges match); references adde

    Local non-equilibrium distribution of charge carriers in a phase-coherent conductor

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    We use the scattering matrix approach to derive generalized Bardeen-like formulae for the conductances between the contacts of a phase-coherent multiprobe conductor and a tunneling tip which probes its surface. These conductances are proportional to local partial densities of states, called injectivities and emissivities. The current and the current fluctuations measured at the tip are related to an effective local non-equilibrium distribution function. This distribution function contains the quantum-mechanical phase-coherence of the charge carriers in the conductor and is given as products of injectivities and the Fermi distribution functions in the electron reservoirs. The results are illustrated for measurements on ballistic conductors with barriers and for diffusive conductors.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, submitted to "Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences

    On the Integrability of large N Plane-Wave Matrix Theory

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    We show the three-loop integrability of large N plane-wave matrix theory in a subsector of states comprised of two complex light scalar fields. This is done by diagonalizing the theory's Hamiltonian in perturbation theory and taking the large N limit. At one-loop level the result is known to be equal to the Heisenberg spin-1/2 chain, which is a well-known integrable system. Here, integrability implies the existence of hidden conserved charges and results in a degeneracy of parity pairs in the spectrum. In order to confirm integrability at higher loops, we show that this degeneracy is not lifted and that (corrected) conserved charges exist. Plane-wave matrix theory is intricately connected to N=4 Super Yang-Mills, as it arises as a consistent reduction of the gauge theory on a three-sphere. We find that after appropriately renormalizing the mass parameter of the plane-wave matrix theory the effective Hamiltonian is identical to the dilatation operator of N=4 Super Yang-Mills theory in the considered subsector. Our results therefore represent a strong support for the conjectured three-loop integrability of planar N=4 SYM and are in disagreement with a recent dual string theory finding. Finally, we study the stability of the large N integrability against nonsupersymmetric deformations of the model.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figur

    A dual lagrangian for non-Abelian tensor gauge fields

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    For non-Abelian tensor gauge fields of the lower rank we have found an alternative expression for the field strength tensors, which transform homogeneously with respect to the complementary gauge transformations and allow us to construct the dual Lagrangian.Comment: 13 pages, LaTex fil

    Rotating Strings with Two Unequal Spins in Lunin-Maldacena Background

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    We study a string motion in the Lunin-Maldacena background, that is, the \beta-deformed AdS_5 \times \tilde{S}^5 background dual to a \beta-deformation of \mathcal{N} = 4 super Yang-Mills theory. For real \beta we construct a rotating and wound string solution which has two unequal spins in \tilde{S}^5. The string energy is expressed in terms of the spins, the winding numbers and the deformation parameter. In the expansion of \lambda/J^2 with the total spin J and the string tension \sqrt{\lambda} we present ``one-loop" and ``two-loop" energy corrections. The ``one-loop" one agrees with the one-loop anomalous dimension of the corresponding gauge-theory scalar operators obtained in hep-th/0503192 from the \beta-deformed Bethe equation as well as the anisotropic Landau-Lifshitz equation.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX, no figure