93 research outputs found


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    Effective use of methods, techniques and tools for innovation (MTT-I) has been considered an important factor for successful innovation management. However, studies related to the topic are still scarce, especially those using the quantitative empirical approach for research. Thereby, with the analysis of quantitative empirical papers related to diffusion and adoption of methods, techniques and tools for innovation, we intend to present a portrait of the empirical research on the topic. The analyzed papers were obtained through a systematic survey on two databases: Scopus and Web of Science. It resulted on a corpus of 18 publications, from which main papers, authors, countries and journals that most published about the theme and the most common keywords were identified. Later, the analysis of papers generated an overview of quantitative empirical research related to the topic and indicated areas for further study, contributing to the development of the subject. The study identified the scarcity of research related to the theme of diffusion and adoption of MTT-I and the concentration of quantitative empirical researches in product development, rather than in other results of innovation, such as services and processes. Methodological variations between studies were also identified, making it impossible to compare different contexts. This paper concludes displaying important points for further development of the field


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    Na educação superior, a gestão do conhecimento ainda é um conceito que carece de um esclarecimento singular para que as práticas emergentes possam se diluir nos modelos institucionais existentes. Nesse sentido, as comunidades de prática (CoPs) surgem como instrumento de relevância substancial à construção de uma cultura de avaliação. Desse modo, o objetivo deste artigo é o de identificar em que medida as CoPs podem colaborar com o processo de auto avaliação em uma instituição de educação superior. Para a consolidação da pesquisa, buscou-se ainda a caracterização da comunidade de prática que é objeto do estudo, a identificação das lacunas do processo de auto avaliação da instituição estudada, a discussão do processo que ocorre por meio das CoPs e a apresentação das propostas e ações de gestão do conhecimento que surgiram a partir da atividade da comunidade de prática que se constituiu na instituição em análise. No que tange à metodologia, trata-se de um estudo predominantemente qualitativo, descritivo, bibliográfico, documental, por meio da análise de conteúdo e estudo de caso. Os resultados oriundos da pesquisa, por sua vez, demonstraram que as comunidades de práticas colaboram e permitem uma difusão do conhecimento de forma sistemática e inovadora

    Viability of Primary Human Pigment Epithelium Cells and Muller-Glia Cells after Intravitreal Ziv-Aflibercept and Aflibercept

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to access the safety profiles of 2 fusion proteins with anti-vascular endothelial growth factor action (ziv-aflibercept and aflibercept) on retinal pigment epithelium cells and Muller-Glia cells in culture by assessing cell viability post drug exposure. Methods: Primary human retinal pigment epithelium cells (pRPE) and Muller-Glia cells (Mio-M1) were exposed to the clinical standardized concentrations of ziv-aflibercept (25 mg/mL) and aflibercept (40 mg/mL). Progressively higher concentrations of NaCI (300, 500, 1,000, 1,500, 2,000, 5,000, and 10,000 mosm/kg) were also applied to cells to assess the possibility of potentiating hyperosmotic cytotoxity effect. The study was applied to measure pRPE and Mio-M1 viability by a tetrazolium dye-reduction assay (XTT). Results: Cell viability of both pRPE and Mio-M1 presented no significant changes after exposure of ziv-aflibercept and aflibercept. Progressive NaCI concentrations did not significantly alter cell viability. The exposure to the negative control of 75 mu L/mL of dimethyl sulfoxide showed significant reduction in cell viability. Conclusions: At clinical doses, neither ziv-aflibercept nor aflibercept caused any significant reduction in cell viability in vitro. Furthermore, injection solutions of NaCI with higher osmolality caused no significant reduction in cell viability. (C) 2017 S. Karger AG, Base


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    Nos últimos 30 anos significativas modificações ocorreram na sociedade e na administração pública do Brasil. Ao mesmo tempo novas leis são aprovadas de forma que as instituições públicas deem uma resposta à sociedade no que diz respeito a eficiência, competitividade e eficácia..No final de 2008 é criada a rede federal de ensino composta pelos Institutos Federais. Nesse sentido o objetivo deste artigo é demonstrar como estão dispostos os recursos nos Institutos Federais no Rio Grande do Sul. Trata-se ainda de uma pesquisa descritiva que se utiliza de dados quantitativos em sua maioria. Através da análise de gráficos gerados a partir das leis orçamentárias federais de 2010, 2011, 2012 e 2013 concluímos que há diferenças de gestão nas três instituições. O Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul optou por paralelamente expandir seu quadro de servidores e ampliar suas instalações. O Instituto Federal Sul-rio-grandense optou por organizar seu quadro de servidores e realizar a sua expansão nos anos seguintes. Por fim o Instituto Federal Farroupilha trabalhou com quadro reduzido de servidores e sem grandes expansões físicas em ambos os quesitos

    Antiplatelet activity of Croton celditifolius

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    Croton celtidifolius Baill é uma árvore encontrada na Mata Atlântica, no sul do Brasil, principalmente no estado de Santa Catarina. A infusão da casca e folhas dessa planta medicinal é utilizada na medicina popular para o tratamento de doenças inflamatórias. A atividade antiagregante do extrato bruto de C. celtidifolius (CE) e de seus flavonóides isolados por coluna cromatográfica (CC), catequina e galocatequina, foi avaliada em plaquetas humanas. O plasma rico em plaquetas (PRP) foi incubado com diferentes concentrações dos flavonóides testados (50 - 200 µg/mL) e posteriormente a agregação foi induzida pelos agonistas adenosina 5'difosfato (ADP) e colágeno. Na concentração de 200 µg/mL o CE, a catequina e a galocatequina inibiram a agregação plaquetária induzida pelos agonistas. A produção de ATP foi utilizada como um índice de capacidade de secreção plaquetária e observamos uma diminuição na produção de ATP nas plaquetas tratadas com os flavonóides e estimuladas com o colágeno. Por outro lado, os flavonóides não promoveram um efeito inibitório no tempo de protrombina (PT), tempo de tromboplastina parcial ativada (APTT) e tempo de trombina (TT). Essas observações sugerem que o C. celtidifolius exerce, in vitro, uma ação inibitória nas plaquetas através da inibição da secreção e agregação plaquetária.Croton celtidifolius Baill is a tree found in the Atlantic Forest South of Brazil, mainly in Santa Catarina. The bark and leaf infusions of this medicinal plant have been popularly used for the treatment of inflammatory diseases. The anti-aggregant activity of C. celtidifolius crude extract (CE) and the column chromatography (CC) isolated compounds flavonoids, catechin and gallocatechin were evaluated in human blood platelets. The platelet-rich plasma (PRP) was incubated with different concentrations of flavonóides (50 - 200 µg/mL) to be tested before platelet aggregation was induced by the agonists adenosine 5'diphosphate (ADP) and collagen. At 200 µg/mL the CE, catechin and gallocatechin markedly inhibited platelet aggregation with the aggregant agents. Using ATP production as an index of platelet secretory capacity, we observed a decreased production of ATP in platelets treated with flavonoids when stimulated by collagen. On the other hand, the flavonoids did not promote inhibitory effect on prothrombin time (PT), thromboplastin time (APTT) and thrombin time (TT). In conclusion, these observations suggest that C. celtidifolius is likely to exert an inhibitory action on platelets in vitro by suppressing secretion and platelet aggregation

    Microcirculatory alterations: potential mechanisms and implications for therapy

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    Multiple experimental and human trials have shown that microcirculatory alterations are frequent in sepsis. In this review, we discuss the characteristics of these alterations, the various mechanisms potentially involved, and the implications for therapy. Sepsis-induced microvascular alterations are characterized by a decrease in capillary density with an increased number of stopped-flow and intermittent-flow capillaries, in close vicinity to well-perfused capillaries. Accordingly, the surface available for exchange is decreased but also is highly heterogeneous. Multiple mechanisms may contribute to these alterations, including endothelial dysfunction, impaired inter-cell communication, altered glycocalyx, adhesion and rolling of white blood cells and platelets, and altered red blood cell deformability. Given the heterogeneous nature of these alterations and the mechanisms potentially involved, classical hemodynamic interventions, such as fluids, red blood cell transfusions, vasopressors, and inotropic agents, have only a limited impact, and the microcirculatory changes often persist after resuscitation. Nevertheless, fluids seem to improve the microcirculation in the early phase of sepsis and dobutamine also can improve the microcirculation, although the magnitude of this effect varies considerably among patients. Finally, maintaining a sufficient perfusion pressure seems to positively influence the microcirculation; however, which mean arterial pressure levels should be targeted remains controversial. Some trials using vasodilating agents, especially nitroglycerin, showed promising initial results but they were challenged in other trials, so it is difficult to recommend the use of these agents in current practice. Other agents can markedly improve the microcirculation, including activated protein C and antithrombin, vitamin C, or steroids. In conclusion, microcirculatory alterations may play an important role in the development of sepsis-related organ dysfunction. At this stage, therapies to target microcirculation specifically are still being investigated

    Genetic Interactions between Chromosomes 11 and 18 Contribute to Airway Hyperresponsiveness in Mice

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    We used two-dimensional quantitative trait locus analysis to identify interacting genetic loci that contribute to the native airway constrictor hyperresponsiveness to methacholine that characterizes A/J mice, relative to C57BL/6J mice. We quantified airway responsiveness to intravenous methacholine boluses in eighty-eight (C57BL/6J X A/J) F2 and twenty-seven (A/J X C57BL/6J) F2 mice as well as ten A/J mice and six C57BL/6J mice; all studies were performed in male mice. Mice were genotyped at 384 SNP markers, and from these data two-QTL analyses disclosed one pair of interacting loci on chromosomes 11 and 18; the homozygous A/J genotype at each locus constituted the genetic interaction linked to the hyperresponsive A/J phenotype. Bioinformatic network analysis of potential interactions among proteins encoded by genes in the linked regions disclosed two high priority subnetworks - Myl7, Rock1, Limk2; and Npc1, Npc1l1. Evidence in the literature supports the possibility that either or both networks could contribute to the regulation of airway constrictor responsiveness. Together, these results should stimulate evaluation of the genetic contribution of these networks in the regulation of airway responsiveness in humans