240 research outputs found

    Impact on teaching in times of COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study

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    This article makes an analysis of the pedagogical teaching practices used and developed by Chilean physical education teachers during the coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) pandemic periods. The virus from China spread around the world, changed our daily lives and as such, at the same time impacted the educational system in a matter of weeks. Confinement led educational systems to eliminate face-to-face and use virtual teaching in order to continue with the teaching-learning processes, including the physical education discipline. From the methodological point of view, the study is installed in the interpretive-qualitative perspective, in such a way that 14 semi-structured interviews were carried by physical education teachers from the Maule-Chile region, via team, Zoom, Skype, because of the pandemic, face-to-face contact was impossible. The result of the study shows the impact on the quality of life of teachers and students because of the confinement. The pedagogical reconfiguration that teachers experienced in a matter of days, led them to use different virtual platforms to continue connected with their students, in order to deploy the learning objectives defined by the Chilean Ministry of Education. However, the foregoing shows the scarce possibility of verifying student learning, due to the difficulties of monitoring and feedback

    Incidentaloma adrenal : estudio descriptivo de una serie

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    El incidentaloma adrenal es aquella masa suprarrenal hallada casualmente al realizar una prueba de imagen por otro motivo. El estudio debe determinar su benignidad y funcionalidad. La controversia radica en el seguimiento. Se presenta un estudio de 67 pacientes con indicentaloma adrenal recogido en 5 años, estudio inicial y seguimiento a largo plazo. Se halló un 74,6% adenomas no funcionantes, 7,4% mielolipomas, 4,5% Síndrome de Cushing, 2,9% Hiperaldosteronismo primario, 1,5% feocromocitoma y metástasis. El seguimiento a largo plazo se realizó a los 6 y 18-24 meses, sin cambios. El estuido realizado apoya las guías actuales.El incidentaloma adrenal és aquella massa suprarrenal trobada casualment al realitzar una prova de imatge per un altre motiu. L'estudi ha de determinar la seva benignitat i funcionalitat. La controvèrsia radica en el seu seguiment. Es presenta un estudi de 67 pacients amb incidentaloma adrenal recollit en 5 anys, estudi inicial i seguiment a llarg termini. Va trobar-se un 74,6% adenomes no funcionants, 7,4% mielolipomes, 4,5% Síndrome de Cushing, 2,9% Hiperaldosteronisme primari, 1,5% feocromocitoma i metàstasi. El seguiment a llarg termini es va realitzar als 6 i 18-24 mesos, sense canvis. L'estudi realitzat recolza els actuals protocols

    La "Casa de Papel": antielitismo y heroísmo redentor en la cultura española contemporánea

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    68-80 p

    Una propuesta flexible para acompañar las trayectorias de nuestros estudiantes

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    Objetivos de la propuesta: Ofrecer una opción pedagógica semipresencial a personas mayores de 18 años sin título secundario completo, que por razones de distinta índole no puedan asistir diariamente al CENS, garantizando la democratización de la enseñanza a partir de una oferta flexible. Destinatarios: adultos de la comunidad del Algarrobal sin sus estudios secundarios terminados y con poca disponibilidad para cursar presencialmente, estudiantes de la modalidad presencial del CENS que no pueden continuar cursando por problemas de horarios, egresados de CEBJA que concluyan sus estudios a mediados o final del ciclo académico y que no puedan incorporarse en la modalidad presencial.Fil: Almonacid, María Cecilia.Fil: De la Reta, Noelia.Fil: Frías, Julieta.Fil: Gómez, Diego

    Systemic Corticosteroids in Patients with Bronchial Asthma: A Real-Life Study

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    25 p.Objectives: The objective of the present study was to determine the use of systemic corti-costeroids (SCs) in patients with bronchial asthma using big data analysis. Methods: We performed an observational, retrospective, noninterventional study based on secondary data captured from free text in the electronic health records. This study was per-formed based on data from the regional health service of Castille-La Mancha (SESCAM), Spain. We performed the analysis using big data and artificial intelligence via Savana® Manager version 3.0. Results: During the study period, 103 667 patients were diagnosed with and treated for asthma at different care levels. The search was restricted to patients aged 10 to 90 years (mean age, 43.5 [95%CI, 43.4-43.7] years). Of these, 59.8% were women. SCs were taken for treatment of asthma by 58 745 patients at some point during the study period. These patients were older, with a higher prevalence of hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes, ob-esity, depression, and hiatus hernia. SCs are used frequently in the general population with asthma (31.4% in 2015 and 39.6% in 2019). SCs were prescribed mainly in primary care (59%), allergy (13%) and pulmonology (20%). The frequency of prescription of SCs had a direct impact on the main associated adverse effects. Conclusion: In clinical practice, SCs are frequently prescribed to patients with asthma, especially in primary care. Use of SCs is associated with a greater number of adverse events. It is necessary to implement measures to reduce prescription of SCs to patients with asthma, especially in primary care

    Título: Pragmatica 1692 03 26

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    Arreglamiento y pie de lista en que se declaran las vezindades de las ciudades...del Reyno de Valencia : en 12 ultimas p.Sign. : A-K2Port. con esc. real xi

    Metodología de obtención de los coeficientes de sustentación y arrastre para un rango amplio de números de Reynolds y ángulos de ataque para aplicaciones en turbinas eólicas

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    In research of wind turbine design, often isnecessary to analyze the behavior of different typesof aerodynamic profiles on their blades. Of these,is necessary to know the coefficients of lift anddrag, but this data is not available for all the profileswanted to be used to analyze the turbines.In this paper will be explore an alternative forthe determination of these coefficients and isimplemented the methodology for generatingcurved profile data.En la investigación en diseño de turbinaseólicas, comúnmente es necesario analizar sucomportamiento al usar diferentes tipos de perfilesen sus alabes. De éstos, es necesario conocer suscoeficientes de sustentación y arrastre; sin embargo,estos datos no están disponibles para todos losperfiles con que se desea experimentar.En este artículo se explora una alternativa conla que se cuenta para la determinación de estoscoeficientes y se implementa la metodología para lageneración de los datos de un perfil curvado

    Selective pressure against horizontally acquired prokaryotic genes as a driving force of plastid evolution

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    Altres ajuts: del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas- Argentina (CONICET) i del Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo (IBERCAROT).The plastid organelle comprises a high proportion of nucleus-encoded proteins that were acquired from different prokaryotic donors via independent horizontal gene transfers following its primary endosymbiotic origin. What forces drove the targeting of these alien proteins to the plastid remains an unresolved evolutionary question. To better understand this process we screened for suitable candidate proteins to recapitulate their prokaryote-to-eukaryote transition. Here we identify the ancient horizontal transfer of a bacterial polyphenol oxidase (PPO) gene to the nuclear genome of an early land plant ancestor and infer the possible mechanism behind the plastidial localization of the encoded enzyme. Arabidopsis plants expressing PPO versions either lacking or harbouring a plastid-targeting signal allowed examining fitness consequences associated with its subcellular localization. Markedly, a deleterious effect on plant growth was highly correlated with PPO activity only when producing the non-targeted enzyme, suggesting that selection favoured the fixation of plastid-targeted protein versions. Our results reveal a possible evolutionary mechanism of how selection against heterologous genes encoding cytosolic proteins contributed in incrementing plastid proteome complexity from non-endosymbiotic gene sources, a process that may also impact mitochondrial evolution