256 research outputs found

    A microstructural study of superconductive nanocrystalline diamond

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    A transmission electron microscopy (TEM) study of superconducting nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) continuous layers is reported. The high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HREM) and the diffraction contrast modes of observations are used to reveal the nanograins configuration. Three types of them are observed: first, close to the interface with the Si/SiO2 substrate, 10 to 20 nm-sized diamond 16 seeds resulting from the 5nm size diamond powder deposition before growth that show some regrowth during CVD process, second a diamond overgrown layer, quasi-epitaxially by coalesced columnar NCD grains, and finally, up to the free surface, a thin disordered region composed of nanocrystallites smaller than 6 nm. This last layer was not nominally expected and is attributed to a renucleated-like (RND) diamond layer embedding ultra nanocrystalline grains. Diffraction contrast observations confirm this HREM observed behaviour.6 page

    Cross sectional evaluation of boron doping and defect distribution in homoepitaxial diamond layers

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    In some diamond-based semiconducting devices, large variations of doping level are required over short distances. Tools to determine doping level and defects distribution should therefore be developed. The present contribution shows the capabilities of electron microscopy in this field. Focused ion beam (FIB-dual beam) cross section preparations allowed evaluating doping level in highly boron doped sample with doping transition down to some nm by diffraction contrast mode of transmission electron microscopy (CTEM) and by high angle annular dark field mode of scanning transmission electron microscopy (HAADF-STEM). The sensibility of the latter is around 1019cm-3 and, thus, cathodoluminescence (CL)is required for lower doping levels. Cross sectional analysis on FIB prepared lamella allowed to separate the epilayer behaviour from that of the substrate. Mid-gap centers involving boron, hydrogen and, for some peaks, also nitrogen are revealed. sp2 bonds are also present in the grown epilayer. These transitions make difficult the observation of excitonic recombinations in the cross section configuration.5 page

    TP53 mutation p.R337H in gastric cancer tissues of a 12-year-old male child - evidence for chimerism involving a common mutant founder haplotype: case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Gastric adenocarcinoma is rare in children and adolescents, with about 17 cases under age 21 in the world's literature. We report a case of invasive well-differentiated metastatic gastric cancer in a Brazilian 12-year-old boy without documented familial history of cancer.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>The patient, diagnosed with metastatic disease, died seven months after surgery. DNA from intra-surgical specimens revealed a <it>TP53 </it>mutation at codon 337 (p.R337H) in samples with neoplastic cells (dysplasia, tumor and metastasis) but not in non-transformed cells (incomplete intestinal metaplasia and non-involved celiac lymph node). In all mutation-positive tissues, p.R337H occurred on the same background, a founder allele identified by a specific haplotype previously described in Brazilian Li-Fraumeni syndrome patients. The same mutant haplotype, corresponding to a founder mutation present in 0.3% of the general population in Southern Brazil, was found in the genome of the father. Presence of this inherited haplotype in the tumor as well as in the father's germline, suggests a rare case of microchimerism in this patient, who may have harbored a small number of mutant cells originating in another individual, perhaps a dizygotic twin that died early in gestation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This case represents one of the earliest ages at diagnosis of gastric cancer ever reported. It shows that cancer inheritance can occur in the absence of an obvious germline mutation, calling for caution in assessing early cancers in populations with common founder mutations such as p.R337H in Southern Brazil.</p

    The R337H mutation in TP53 and breast cancer in Brazil

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Germline mutations in p53 are associated with the Li-Fraumeni Syndrome which is characterized by childhood cancers, including pediatric adrenal cortical carcinomas and early onset breast cancer. The high incidence of adrenal cortical carcinomas in southern Brazil is mostly attributed to the <it>R337H </it>mutation in <it>TP53</it>. The relatively high population frequency of this mutation in southern Brazil, along with the clustering of early onset breast cancer in Li-Frameni families, suggests this mutation may also be a low-penetrance breast cancer susceptibility polymorphism.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We undertook this study to evaluate the frequency of the <it>R337H </it>mutation in breast cancer patients from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. <it>R337H </it>mutation status was determined in 390 unselected breast cases and 324 controls identified from clinics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil using a PCR-based assay.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Two of the breast cancer cases (0.5%) and none of the controls carried the mutation. Both cases had an early age at diagnosis (< 40 years old) and a family history of breast and other cancers.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These data suggest genetic screening of young onset breast cancer patients should include testing for the <it>R337H </it>mutation.</p

    Ancestry of the Brazilian TP53 c.1010G>A (p.Arg337His, R337H) founder mutation : clues from haplotyping of short tandem repeats on Chromosome 17p

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    Rare germline mutations in TP53 (17p13.1) cause a highly penetrant predisposition to a specific spectrum of early cancers, defining the Li-Fraumeni Syndrome (LFS). A germline mutation at codon 337 (p.Arg337His, c1010G>A) is found in about 0.3% of the population of Southern Brazil. This mutation is associated with partially penetrant LFS traits and is found in the germline of patients with early cancers of the LFS spectrum unselected for familial his- tory. To characterize the extended haplotypes carrying the mutation, we have genotyped 9 short tandem repeats on chromosome 17p in 12 trios of Brazilian p.Arg337His carriers. Results confirm that all share a common ancestor haplotype of Caucasian/Portuguese-Ibe- ric origin, distant in about 72–84 generations (2000 years assuming a 25 years intergenera- tional distance) and thus pre-dating European migration to Brazil. So far, the founder p. Arg337His haplotype has not been detected outside Brazil, with the exception of two resi- dents of Portugal, one of them of Brazilian origin. On the other hand, increased meiotic recombination in p.Arg337His carriers may account for higher than expected haplotype diversity. Further studies comparing haplotypes in populations of Brazil and of other areas of Portuguese migration are needed to understand the historical context of this mutation in Brazil.This study was funded by grant # 478430/2012-4 from CNPq (RFA MCT/CNPq - No 14/2012; Universal), Brazil.We would like to thank UFRGS, UFPA, AC Camargo, HC Barretos and University of Minho for their support during this work

    Li-Fraumeni-like syndrome associated with a large BRCA1 intragenic deletion

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    Background: Li-Fraumeni (LFS) and Li-Fraumeni-like (LFL) syndromes are associated to germline TP53 mutations, and are characterized by the development of central nervous system tumors, sarcomas, adrenocortical carcinomas, and other early-onset tumors. Due to the high frequency of breast cancer in LFS/LFL families, these syndromes clinically overlap with hereditary breast cancer (HBC). Germline point mutations in BRCA1, BRCA2, and TP53 genes are associated with high risk of breast cancer. Large rearrangements involving these genes are also implicated in the HBC phenotype. Methods: We have screened DNA copy number changes by MLPA on BRCA1, BRCA2, and TP53 genes in 23 breast cancer patients with a clinical diagnosis consistent with LFS/LFL; most of these families also met the clinical criteria for other HBC syndromes. Results: We found no DNA copy number alterations in the BRCA2 and TP53 genes, but we detected in one patient a 36.4 Kb BRCA1 microdeletion, confirmed and further mapped by array-CGH, encompassing exons 9-19. Breakpoints sequencing analysis suggests that this rearrangement was mediated by flanking Alu sequences. Conclusion: This is the first description of a germline intragenic BRCA1 deletion in a breast cancer patient with a family history consistent with both LFL and HBC syndromes. Our results show that large rearrangements in these known cancer predisposition genes occur, but are not a frequent cause of cancer susceptibility.Brazilian National Institute of Science and Technology in OncogenomicsBrazilian National Institute of Science and Technology in Oncogenomics [FAPESP 2008/57887-9, CNPq 573589/08-9]Fundo de Incentivo a Pesquisa (FIP)Fundo de Incentivo a Pesquisa (FIPE)Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre [04-081, 09-115]Hospital de Clinicas de Porto AlegreFAPERGS (Brazil)FAPERGS, BrazilCAPES [Process: 2317/10-9]CAPE

    Characterization of individuals at high risk of developing melanoma in Latin America: bases for genetic counseling in melanoma

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    PURPOSE: CDKN2A is the main high-risk melanoma-susceptibility gene, but it has been poorly assessed in Latin America. We sought to analyze CDKN2A and MC1R in patients from Latin America with familial and sporadic multiple primary melanoma (SMP) and compare the data with those for patients from Spain to establish bases for melanoma genetic counseling in Latin America. METHODS: CDKN2A and MC1R were sequenced in 186 Latin American patients from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, and Uruguay, and in 904 Spanish patients. Clinical and phenotypic data were obtained. RESULTS: Overall, 24 and 14% of melanoma-prone families in Latin America and Spain, respectively, had mutations in CDKN2A. Latin American families had CDKN2A mutations more frequently (P = 0.014) than Spanish ones. Of patients with SMP, 10% of those from Latin America and 8.5% of those from Spain had mutations in CDKN2A (P = 0.623). The most recurrent CDKN2A mutations were c.-34G>T and p.G101W. Latin American patients had fairer hair (P = 0.016) and skin (P < 0.001) and a higher prevalence of MC1R variants (P = 0.003) compared with Spanish patients. CONCLUSION: The inclusion criteria for genetic counseling of melanoma in Latin America may be the same criteria used in Spain, as suggested in areas with low to medium incidence, SMP with at least two melanomas, or families with at least two cases among first- or second-degree relatives.Genet Med 18 7, 727-736

    Quantification of the influence of NO2, NO and CO gases on the determination of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde using the DNPH method as applied to polluted environments

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    Airborne aldehydes have a significant impact on human health, especially in confined spaces such as tunnels, vehicle depots, industrial and construction sites where combustion devices are in operation. The standard method for the measurement of aldehydes (formaldehyde and acetaldehyde) uses the 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH) derivatisation method. However this method has been reported to be prone to interference from ozone and NO2. The interference from these compounds have been viewed as chromatographic interferences on the quantification of formaldehyde. However, in these polluted environments, elevated levels of NO2 along with NO and CO are normally present. This study quantifies the impact these gases have on the quantification of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde, by evaluating the chromatographic interferences, consumption of the DNPH during sampling, and the effect these gases have on the capture and retention of the aldehydes on the DNPH cartridge during sampling. For the first time, CO was shown to react with DNPH and interfere with the determination of acetone. The reaction product of CO with DNPH was determined to be a compound that could be mistaken for acetone-DNPH. It has been found that the presence of NO, NO2 and CO in the sampled air consumes the DNPH cartridges, which results in the loss of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde during long-term sampling, and therefore extra capacity of DNPH is required for the measurement of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde in polluted environments. These findings reveal a potential risk of underestimation of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde measurements in a polluted workspaces such as a diesel engine operated environment where NOx and CO concentration levels could be high

    The germline mutational landscape of BRCA1 and BRCA2 in Brazil

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    The detection of germline mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 is essential to the formulation of clinical management strategies, and in Brazil, there is limited access to these services, mainly due to the costs/availability of genetic testing. Aiming at the identification of recurrent mutations that could be included in a low-cost mutation panel, used as a first screening approach, we compiled the testing reports of 649 probands with pathogenic/likely pathogenic variants referred to 28 public and private health care centers distributed across 11 Brazilian States. Overall, 126 and 103 distinct mutations were identified in BRCA1 and BRCA2, respectively. Twenty-six novel variants were reported from both genes, and BRCA2 showed higher mutational heterogeneity. Some recurrent mutations were reported exclusively in certain geographic regions, suggesting a founder effect. Our findings confirm that there is significant molecular heterogeneity in these genes among Brazilian carriers, while also suggesting that this heterogeneity precludes the use of screening protocols that include recurrent mutation testing only. This is the first study to show that profiles of recurrent mutations may be unique to different Brazilian regions. These data should be explored in larger regional cohorts to determine if screening with a panel of recurrent mutations would be effective.This work was supported in part by grants from Barretos Cancer Hospital (FINEP - CT-INFRA, 02/2010), Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP, 2013/24633-2 and 2103/23277-8), Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa do Rio Grande do Norte (FAPERN), Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ), Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (FAPERGS), Ministério da Saúde, the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (Avon grant #02-2013-044) and National Institute of Health/National Cancer Institute (grant #RC4 CA153828-01) for the Clinical Cancer Genomics Community Research Network. Support in part was provided by grants from Fundo de Incentivo a Pesquisa e Eventos (FIPE) from Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, by Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES, BioComputacional 3381/2013, Rede de Pesquisa em Genômica Populacional Humana), Secretaria da Saúde do Estado da Bahia (SESAB), Laboratório de Imunologia e Biologia Molecular (UFBA), INCT pra Controle do Câncer and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq). RMR and PAP are recipients of CNPq Productivity Grants, and Bárbara Alemar received a grant from the same agencyinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio