308 research outputs found

    Non-Destructive Measurement of the Internal Quality of Citrus Fruits Using a Portable NIR Device

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    The citrus industry has grown exponentially as a result of increasing demand on its consumption, giving it high standing among other fruit crops. Therefore, the citrus sector seeks rapid, easy, and non-destructive approaches to evaluate in real time and in situ the external and internal changes in physical and nutritional quality at any stage of fruit development or storage. In particular, vitamin C is among the most important micronutrients for consumers, but its measurement relies on laborious analytical methodologies. In this study, a portable near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) sensor was used in combination with chemometrics to develop robust and accurate models to study the ripeness of several citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, clementines, tangerines, and Tahiti limes) and their vitamin C content. Ascorbic acid, dehydroascorbic acid, and total vitamin C were determined by HILIC-HPLC-UV, while soluble solids and total acidity were evaluated by standard analytical procedures. Partial least squares regression (PLSR) was used to build regression models which revealed suitable performance regarding the prediction of quality and ripeness parameters in all tested fruits. Models for ascorbic acid, dehydroascorbic acid, total vitamin C, soluble solids, total acidity, and juiciness showed R2cv = 0.77–0.87, R2cv = 0.29–0.79, R2cv = 0.77–0.86, R2cv = 0.75–0.97, R2cv = 0.24–0.92, and R2cv = 0.38–0.75, respectively. Prediction models of oranges and Tahiti limes showed good to excellent performance regarding all tested conditions. The resulting models confirmed that NIRS technology is a time- and cost-effective approach for predicting citrus fruit quality, which can easily be used by the various stakeholders from the citrus industry.This work received support from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia under the Partnership Agreement UIDB/50006/2020/PT

    Liposome-based dry powder vaccine immunization targeting the lungs induces broad protection against pneumococcus

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae is an important human pathogen. Currently used conjugate vaccines are effective against invasive disease, but protection is restricted to serotypes included in the formulation, leading to serotype replacement. Furthermore, protection against non-invasive disease is reported to be considerably lower. The development of a serotype-independent vaccine is thus important and Pneumococcal surface protein A (PspA) is a promising vaccine candidate. PspA shows some diversity and can be classified in 6 clades and 3 families, with families 1 and 2 being the most frequent in clinical isolates. The ideal vaccine should thus induce protection against the two most common families of PspA. The aim of this work was to develop a liposome-based vaccine containing PspAs from family 1 and 2 and to characterize its immune response. Liposomes (LP) composed of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and 3β-[N-(N′,N′-dimethylaminoethane)-carbamoyl]cholesterol (DC-Chol) with or without α-galactosylceramide (α-GalCer) were produced by microfluidics, encapsulating PspA from clade 1 (PspA1, family 1) and/or clade 4 (PspA4Pro, family 2) followed by spray-drying with trehalose to form nanocomposite microparticles carriers (NCMP). LP/NCMPs showed good stability and preservation of protein activity. LP/NCMPs containing PspA1 and/or PspA4Pro were used for immunization of mice targeting the lungs. High serum IgG antibody titers against both PspA1 and PspA4Pro were detected in animals immunized with LP/NCMPs containing α-GalCer, with a balance of IgG1 and IgG2a titers. IgG in sera from immunized mice bound to pneumococcal strains from different serotypes and expressing different PspA clades, indicating broad recognition. Mucosal IgG and IgA were also detected. Importantly, immunization with LP/NCMPs induced full protection against strains expressing PspAs from family 1 and 2. Furthermore, CD4+ resident memory T cells were detected in the lungs of the immunized animals that survived the challenge

    Vision in high-level football officials

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    YesOfficiating in football depends, at least to some extent, upon adequate visual function. However, there is no vision standard for football officiating and the nature of the relationship between officiating performance and level of vision is unknown. As a first step in characterising this relationship, we report on the clinically-measured vision and on the perceived level of vision in elite-level, Portuguese football officials. Seventy-one referees (R) and assistant referees (AR) participated in the study, representing 92% of the total population of elite level football officials in Portugal in the 2013/2014 season. Nine of the 22 Rs (40.9%) and ten of the 49 ARs (20.4%) were international-level. Information about visual history was also gathered. Perceived vision was assessed using the preference-values-assigned-to-global-visual-status (PVVS) and the Quality-of-Vision (QoV) questionnaire. Standard clinical vision measures (including visual acuity, contrast sensitivity and stereopsis) were gathered in a subset (n = 44, 62%) of the participants. Data were analysed according to the type (R/AR) and level (international/national) of official, and Bonferroni corrections were applied to reduce the risk of type I errors. Adopting criterion for statistical significance of p<0.01, PVVS scores did not differ between R and AR (p = 0.88), or between national- and international-level officials (p = 0.66). Similarly, QoV scores did not differ between R and AR in frequency (p = 0.50), severity (p = 0.71) or bothersomeness (p = 0.81) of symptoms, or between international-level vs national-level officials for frequency (p = 0.03) or bothersomeness (p = 0.07) of symptoms. However, international-level officials reported less severe symptoms than their national-level counterparts (p<0.01). Overall, 18.3% of officials had either never had an eye examination or if they had, it was more than 3 years previously. Regarding refractive correction, 4.2% had undergone refractive surgery and 23.9% wear contact lenses when officiating. Clinical vision measures in the football officials were similar to published normative values for young, adult populations and similar between R and AR. Clinically-measured vision did not differ according to officiating level. Visual acuity measured with and without a pinhole disc indicated that around one quarter of participants may be capable of better vision when officiating, as evidenced by better acuity (≥1 line of letters) using the pinhole. Amongst the clinical visual tests we used, we did not find evidence for above-average performance in elite-level football officials. Although the impact of uncorrected mild to moderate refractive error upon officiating performance is unknown, with a greater uptake of eye examinations, visual acuity may be improved in around a quarter of officials.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) in the framework of the Strategic Funding UID/FIS/04650/2013

    Practices in primary health care oriented toward the harmful consumption of drugs

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    Objective To analyze the practices of primary care focused on the harmful consumption of drugs. Method This is a qualitative study, developed with a dialectical-critical approach. Data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews with 10 employees of a basic health unit (UBS). Results The demands are not accepted, and if they go beyond the barriers shaped by the historical absence of health care practices for drug users and moralistic and preconceived ideologies, they are not reinterpreted as health needs; practices that meet these demands and go beyond the barriers are poor; the functionalist approach, which explains drug use as a disease and considers drug users as deviants, supports the few existing practices. Conclusion primary health care is mistakenly focused on addiction; it lacks structural elements of the production process in health and internal dynamics of the working processes that would foster the development of collective practices

    Evapotranspiração e coeficientes de cultivo da beterraba orgânica sob cobertura morta de leguminosa e gramínea.

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    As práticas agrícolas que maximizam a produtividade e o uso da água são de vital importância para a agricultura. Assim, foram testados três tipos de manejo do solo com objetivo de determinar a evapotranspiração (ETc) e os coeficientes de cultivo (kc) da beterraba. Os tipos de manejo foram a utilização de coberturas mortas vegetais, denominadas capim cameroon (Pennisetum purpureum), gliricídia (Gliricidia sepium) e solo sem cobertura morta em área experimental do SIPA (Sistema Integrado de Produção Orgânica) localizado em Seropédica, Brasil. A lâmina de irrigação foi estimada com base no balanço de água no solo, cujo monitoramento foi realizado com a técnica da TDR. As ETc acumuladas para a cultura da beterraba foram 59,41; 55,31 e 119,62 mm, respectivamente, para capim cameroon, gliricídia e solo sem cobertura morta. A evapotranspiração de referência (ETo) foi obtida por meio do modelo de Penamn-Monteith. Os valores médios de kc obtidos para as fases inicial, média e final de desenvolvimento foram de 0,39; 0,42 e 1,02; 0,79; 0,76 e 1,18; e 0,56; 0,61 e 0,84, respectivamente, para capim cameroon, gliricídia e solo sem cobertura morta. O uso da cobertura do solo com gramínea ou leguminosa minimizou de forma expressiva a demanda hídrica da cultura da beterraba (Beta vulgaris)

    Characterization of monoolein-based lipoplexes using fluorescence spectroscopy

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    Lipoplexes are commonly used as delivery systems in vitro and in vivo, the role of a neutral lipid as helper being of extreme importance in these systems. Cationic liposomes composed of dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODAB) with monoolein (MO) as a helper, at different molar ratios (1:2; 1:1 and 1:0.5) were prepared, and subsequently titrated to DNA. The structural and physicochemical properties of the lipid/DNA complexes were assessed by Ethidium Bromide (EtBr) exclusion, 90º Static Light Scattering (90º SLS) assays and Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET). In EtBr exclusion assays, the steady-state fluorescence spectra of EtBr were decomposed into the sum of two lognormal emissions, emanating from two different environments – H2O and DNA, and the effect of charge ratio (+/-) was observed. 90º SLS assays gave an important contribution, detecting size variations in systems with different MO fractions on the lipoplexes. In FRET assays, 2-(3-(diphenylhexatrienyl)propanoyl)-1-hexadecanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPH-HPC) was used as donor and EtBr as acceptor. The DNA component previously calculated by EtBr exclusion, was used to determine the energy transfer efficiency, as an indirect measurement of the lipoplexes structural and physicochemical properties. Our results demonstrate that the inclusion of monoolein in the cationic liposomes formulation significantly modifies the rate of DNA complexation, being DODAB:MO (1:1) the system with higher DNA condensation efficiency.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Leprosy control: perspectives & epidemiological and operational aspects

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    OBJECTIVES: As a starting point, a vast variety of 200 technical papers and documents published during the ten years 1999-2008, from Brazilian and international organizations dedicated to the control of leprosy, was taken. A study was then undertaken to investigate its future evolutive possibilities by employing resources obtained from scenario analyses. DESIGN: The methodological reconstruction in use was of a qualitative nature, based on a bibliographic review and content analysis techniques. The latter were employed in a documental, categorical, contingent, frequency-based format, in compliance with appropriate and pertinent conditions. RESULTS: Nowadays, important elements on epidemiological and operational aspects have been regained, as well as respective perspectives. CONCLUSIONS: A projection is made towards the fact that the maintenance of the disease's present incidence levels constitute economic and sanitary challenges that confront issues ranging from the neoliberal model of global societal organization to specific competences of actions taken by health teams in the field

    Teamwork in a coronary care unit: facilitating and hindering aspects

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    Abstract OBJECTIVE To identify, within a multidisciplinary team, the facilitating and hindering aspects for teamwork in a coronary care unit. METHOD A descriptive study, with qualitative and quantitative data, was carried out in the coronary care unit of a public hospital. The study population consisted of professionals working in the unit for at least one year. Those who were on leave or who were not located were excluded. The critical incident technique was used for data collection, by means of semi-structured interviews. For data analysis, content analysis and the critical incident technique were applied. RESULTS Participants were 45 professionals: 29 nursing professionals; 11 physicians; 4 physical therapists; and 1 psychologist. A total of 49 situations (77.6% with negative references); 385 behaviors (54.2% with positive references); and 182 consequences emerged (71.9% with negative references). Positive references facilitate teamwork, whereas negative references hinder it. A collaborative/communicative interprofessional relationship was evidenced as a facilitator; whereas poor collaboration among agents/inadequate management was a hindering aspect. CONCLUSION Despite the prevalence of negative situations and consequences, the emphasis on positive behaviors reveals the efforts the agents make in order to overcome obstacles and carry out teamwork

    Mucosal immunization with PspA (Pneumococcal surface protein A)-adsorbed nanoparticles targeting the lungs for protection against pneumococcal infection

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    Burden of pneumonia caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae remains high despite the availability of conjugate vaccines. Mucosal immunization targeting the lungs is an attractive alternative for the induction of local immune responses to improve protection against pneumonia. Our group had previously described the development of poly(glycerol adipate-co-ω-pentadecalactone) (PGA-co-PDL) polymeric nanoparticles (NPs) adsorbed with Pneumococcal surface protein A from clade 4 (PspA4Pro) within L-leucine microcarriers (nanocomposite microparticles-NCMPs) for mucosal delivery targeting the lungs (NP/NCMP PspA4Pro). NP/NCMP PspA4Pro was now used for immunization of mice. Inoculation of this formulation induced anti-PspA4Pro IgG antibodies in serum and lungs. Analysis of binding of serum IgG to intact bacteria showed efficient binding to bacteria expressing PspA from clades 3, 4 and 5 (family 2), but no binding to bacteria expressing PspA from clades 1 and 2 (family 1) was observed. Both mucosal immunization with NP/NCMP PspA4Pro and subcutaneous injection of the protein elicited partial protection against intranasal lethal pneumococcal challenge with a serotype 3 strain expressing PspA from clade 5 (PspA5). Although similar survival levels were observed for mucosal immunization with NP/NCMP PspA4Pro and subcutaneous immunization with purified protein, NP/NCMP PspA4Pro induced earlier control of the infection. Conversely, neither immunization with NP/NCMP PspA4Pro nor subcutaneous immunization with purified protein reduced bacterial burden in the lungs after challenge with a serotype 19F strain expressing PspA from clade 1 (PspA1). Mucosal immunization with NP/NCMP PspA4Pro targeting the lungs is thus able to induce local and systemic antibodies, conferring protection only against a strain expressing PspA from the homologous family 2
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