74 research outputs found

    Face amplitude of spinfoam quantum gravity

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    The structure of the boundary Hilbert-space and the condition that amplitudes behave appropriately under compositions determine the face amplitude of a spinfoam theory. In quantum gravity the face amplitude turns out to be simpler than originally thought.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    A Curie-Weiss model with dissipation

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    We consider stochastic dynamics for a spin system with mean field interaction, in which the interaction potential is subject to noisy and dissipative stochastic evolution. We show that, in the thermodynamic limit and at sufficiently low temperature, the magnetization of the system has a time periodic behavior, despite of the fact that no periodic force is applied

    Cashtag piggybacking: uncovering spam and bot activity in stock microblogs on Twitter

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    Microblogs are increasingly exploited for predicting prices and traded volumes of stocks in financial markets. However, it has been demonstrated that much of the content shared in microblogging platforms is created and publicized by bots and spammers. Yet, the presence (or lack thereof) and the impact of fake stock microblogs has never systematically been investigated before. Here, we study 9M tweets related to stocks of the 5 main financial markets in the US. By comparing tweets with financial data from Google Finance, we highlight important characteristics of Twitter stock microblogs. More importantly, we uncover a malicious practice - referred to as cashtag piggybacking - perpetrated by coordinated groups of bots and likely aimed at promoting low-value stocks by exploiting the popularity of high-value ones. Among the findings of our study is that as much as 71% of the authors of suspicious financial tweets are classified as bots by a state-of-the-art spambot detection algorithm. Furthermore, 37% of them were suspended by Twitter a few months after our investigation. Our results call for the adoption of spam and bot detection techniques in all studies and applications that exploit user-generated content for predicting the stock market

    Fair Enough? A map of the current limitations of the requirements to have "fair" algorithms

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    In the recent years, the raise in the usage and efficiency of Artificial Intelligence and, more in general, of Automated Decision-Making systems has brought with it an increasing and welcome awareness of the risks associated with such systems. One of such risks is that of perpetuating or even amplifying bias and unjust disparities present in the data from which many of these systems learn to adjust and optimise their decisions. This awareness has on one side encouraged several scientific communities to come up with more and more appropriate ways and methods to assess, quantify, and possibly mitigate such biases and disparities. On the other hand, it has prompted more and more layers of society, including policy makers, to call for "fair" algorithms. We believe that while a lot of excellent and multidisciplinary research is currently being conducted, what is still fundamentally missing is the awareness that having "fair" algorithms is per se a nearly meaningless requirement, that needs to be complemented with a lot of additional societal choices to become actionable. Namely, there is a hiatus between what the society is demanding from Automated Decision-Making systems, and what this demand actually means in real-world scenarios. In this work, we outline the key features of such a hiatus, and pinpoint a list of fundamental ambiguities and attention points that we as a society must address in order to give a concrete meaning to the increasing demand of fairness in Automated Decision-Making systems.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables. V2: added reference, update info on AI Ac

    Oxidative responsiveness to multiple stressors in the key Antarctic species, Adamussium colbecki: interactions between temperature, acidification and cadmium exposure.

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    Abstract: High-latitude marine ecosystems are ranked to be among the most sensitive regions to climate change since highly stenothermal and specially adapted organisms might be seriously affected by global warming and ocean acidification. The present investigation was aimed to provide new insights on the sensitivity to such environmental stressors in the key Antarctic species, Adamussium colbecki, focussing also on their synergistic effects with cadmium exposure, naturally abundant in this area for upwelling phenomena. Scallops were exposed for 2 weeks to various combinations of Cd (0 and 40 μgL-1), pH (8.05 and 7.60) and temperature (-1 and +1°C). Beside Cd bioaccumulation, a wide panel of early warning biomarkers were analysed in digestive glands and gills including levels of metallothioneins, individual antioxidants and total oxyradical scavenging capacity, onset of oxidative cell damage like lipid peroxidation, lysosomal stability, DNA integrity and peroxisomal proliferation. Results indicated reciprocal interactions between multiple stressors and their elaboration by a quantitative hazard model based on the relevance and magnitude of effects, highlighted a different sensitivity of analysed tissues. Due to cellular adaptations to high basal Cd content, digestive gland appeared more tolerant toward other prooxidant stressors, but sensitive to variations of the metal. On the other hand, gills were more affected by various combinations of stressors occurring at higher temperatur

    Bias on demand : a modelling framework that generates synthetic data with bias

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    Nowadays, Machine Learning (ML) systems are widely used in various businesses and are increasingly being adopted to make decisions that can significantly impact people’s lives. However, these decision-making systems rely on data-driven learning, which poses a risk of propagating the bias embedded in the data. Despite various attempts by the algorithmic fairness community to outline different types of bias in data and algorithms, there is still a limited understanding of how these biases relate to the fairness of ML-based decision-making systems. In addition, efforts to mitigate bias and unfairness are often agnostic to the specific type(s) of bias present in the data. This paper explores the nature of fundamental types of bias, discussing their relationship to moral and technical frameworks. To prevent harmful consequences, it is essential to comprehend how and where bias is introduced throughout the entire modelling pipeline and possibly how to mitigate it. Our primary contribution is a framework for generating synthetic datasets with different forms of biases. We use our proposed synthetic data generator to perform experiments on different scenarios to showcase the interconnection between biases and their effect on performance and fairness evaluations. Furthermore, we provide initial insights into mitigating specific types of bias through post-processing techniques. The implementation of the synthetic data generator and experiments can be found at https://github.com/rcrupiISP/BiasOnDemand

    Phantom without phantom or how the PT symmetry saves us from the Big Rip

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    We consider the PT symmetric flat Friedmann model of two scalar fields with positive kinetic terms. While the potential of one ("normal") field is taken real, that of the other field is complex. We study a complex classical solution of the system of the two Klein-Gordon equations together with the Friedmann equation. The solution for the normal field is real while the solution for the second field is purely imaginary, realizing classically the "phantom" behavior. The energy density and pressure are real and the corresponding geometry is well-defined. The Lagrangian for the linear perturbations has the correct potential signs for both the fields, so that the problem of stability does not arise. The background dynamics is determined by an effective action including two real fields one normal and one "phantom". Remarkably, the phantom phase in the cosmological evolution is transient and the Big Rip never occurs. Our model is contrasted to well-known quintom models, which also include one normal and one phantom fields.Comment: revised and enlarged version, to be published in Int. J. Mod. Phys. D, the title is change

    Application of a Weight of Evidence Approach for Monitoring Complex Environmental Scenarios: the Case-Study of Off-Shore Platforms

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    Multidisciplinary investigations based on integration of chemical and biological measurements, represent an added value to monitoring and management protocols, and their use is recommended by European Directives to evaluate the environmental status of aquatic ecosystems. However, assessing the overall significance of results obtained in different typologies of studies is often a difficult challenge. The aim of this work was to present a quantitative Weight Of Evidence (WOE) model (Sediqualsoft) to integrate huge amounts of heterogeneous data and to validate this approach in complex monitoring scenarios. Using the case-study of an off-shore platform field in the Adriatic Sea, procedures are presented to elaborate different typologies of data (lines of evidence, LOEs), including chemical characterization of sediments, bioavailability, biomarkers, ecotoxicological bioassays and benthic communities around three platforms. These data are initially evaluated by logical flowcharts and mathematical algorithms, which provide specific hazard indices for each considered LOE, before their different weighting and overall integration in an environmental risk index. The monitoring study selected for the WOE elaboration consisted on chemical analyses of trace metals, aliphatic hydrocarbons, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons carried out on 60 sediment samples; the same samples were also characterized for the status of benthic communities; bioavailability of metals from sediments was assessed in laboratory conditions on the polychaete Hediste diversicolor, while bioaccumulation of inorganic and organic chemicals and biomarker responses were measured in native and transplanted mussels; ecotoxicological properties of sediments were evaluated through a battery of bioassays determining algal growth of the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum, bioluminescence of the marine bacterium Vibrio fischeri, survival of the copepod Acartia tonsa and embryotoxicity of sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus. Overall, almost 7000 analytical results were elaborated and summarized in specific hazard indices. The WOE integration of multiple typologies of data allowed more robust and weighted conclusions compared to the use of individual LOEs, highlighting the feasibility of this procedure for multidisciplinary monitoring and risk assessment approaches. On a practical side, the WOE evidences also suggested a revision of actual monitoring procedures. Overall, the proposed WOE model appeared as a useful tool to summarize large datasets of complex data in integrative indices, and to simplify the interpretation for stakeholders and decision makers, thus supporting a more comprehensive process of "site-oriented" management decisions
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