2,330 research outputs found

    Comparative analysis of machine learning algorithms for multi-syndrome classification of neurodegenerative syndromes

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    Importance: The entry of artificial intelligence into medicine is pending. Several methods have been used for the predictions of structured neuroimaging data, yet nobody compared them in this context. Objective: Multi-class prediction is key for building computational aid systems for differential diagnosis. We compared support vector machine, random forest, gradient boosting, and deep feed-forward neural networks for the classification of different neurodegenerative syndromes based on structural magnetic resonance imaging. Design, setting, and participants: Atlas-based volumetry was performed on multi-centric T1-weighted MRI data from 940 subjects, i.e., 124 healthy controls and 816 patients with ten different neurodegenerative diseases, leading to a multi-diagnostic multi-class classification task with eleven different classes. Interventions: N.A. Main outcomes and measures: Cohen's kappa, accuracy, and F1-score to assess model performance. Results: Overall, the neural network produced both the best performance measures and the most robust results. The smaller classes however were better classified by either the ensemble learning methods or the support vector machine, while performance measures for small classes were comparatively low, as expected. Diseases with regionally specific and pronounced atrophy patterns were generally better classified than diseases with widespread and rather weak atrophy. Conclusions and relevance: Our study furthermore underlines the necessity of larger data sets but also calls for a careful consideration of different machine learning methods that can handle the type of data and the classification task best

    The Southern Ocean Freshwater Input from Antarctica (SOFIA) Initiative: scientific objectives and experimental design

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    Abstract. As the climate warms, the grounded ice sheet and floating ice shelves surrounding Antarctica are melting and releasing additional freshwater into the Southern Ocean. Nonetheless, almost all existing coupled climate models have fixed ice sheets and lack the physics required to represent the dominant sources of Antarctic melt. These missing ice dynamics represent a key uncertainty that is typically unaccounted for in current global climate change projections. Previous modelling studies that have imposed additional Antarctic meltwater have demonstrated regional impacts on Southern Ocean stratification, circulation, and sea ice, as well as remote changes in atmospheric circulation, tropical precipitation, and global temperature. However, these previous studies have used widely varying rates of freshwater forcing, have been conducted using different climate models and configurations, and have reached differing conclusions on the magnitude of meltwater–climate feedbacks. The Southern Ocean Freshwater Input from Antarctica (SOFIA) initiative brings together a team of scientists to quantify the climate system response to Antarctic meltwater input along with key aspects of the uncertainty. In this paper, we summarize the state of knowledge on meltwater discharge from the Antarctic ice sheet and ice shelves to the Southern Ocean and explain the scientific objectives of our initiative. We propose a series of coupled and ocean–sea ice model experiments, including idealized meltwater experiments, historical experiments with observationally consistent meltwater input, and future scenarios driven by meltwater inputs derived from stand-alone ice sheet models. Through coordinating a multi-model ensemble of simulations using a common experimental design, open data archiving, and facilitating scientific collaboration, SOFIA aims to move the community toward better constraining our understanding of the climate system response to Antarctic melt. </jats:p

    Data-driven staging of genetic frontotemporal dementia using multi-modal MRI

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    Frontotemporal dementia in genetic forms is highly heterogeneous and begins many years to prior symptom onset, complicating disease understanding and treatment development. Unifying methods to stage the disease during both the presymptomatic and symptomatic phases are needed for the development of clinical trials outcomes. Here we used the contrastive trajectory inference (cTI), an unsupervised machine learning algorithm that analyzes temporal patterns in high-dimensional large-scale population datasets to obtain individual scores of disease stage. We used cross-sectional MRI data (gray matter density, T1/T2 ratio as a proxy for myelin content, resting-state functional amplitude, gray matter fractional anisotropy, and mean diffusivity) from 383 gene carriers (269 presymptomatic and 115 symptomatic) and a control group of 253 noncarriers in the Genetic Frontotemporal Dementia Initiative. We compared the cTI-obtained disease scores to the estimated years to onset (age-mean age of onset in relatives), clinical, and neuropsychological test scores. The cTI based disease scores were correlated with all clinical and neuropsychological tests (measuring behavioral symptoms, attention, memory, language, and executive functions), with the highest contribution coming from mean diffusivity. Mean cTI scores were higher in the presymptomatic carriers than controls, indicating that the method may capture subtle pre-dementia cerebral changes, although this change was not replicated in a subset of subjects with complete data. This study provides a proof of concept that cTI can identify data-driven disease stages in a heterogeneous sample combining different mutations and disease stages of genetic FTD using only MRI metrics.© 2021 The Authors. Human Brain Mapping published by Wiley Periodicals LLC

    Early symptoms in symptomatic and preclinical genetic frontotemporal lobar degeneration

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    OBJECTIVES: The clinical heterogeneity of frontotemporal dementia (FTD) complicates identification of biomarkers for clinical trials that may be sensitive during the prediagnostic stage. It is not known whether cognitive or behavioural changes during the preclinical period are predictive of genetic status or conversion to clinical FTD. The first objective was to evaluate the most frequent initial symptoms in patients with genetic FTD. The second objective was to evaluate whether preclinical mutation carriers demonstrate unique FTD-related symptoms relative to familial mutation non-carriers. METHODS: The current study used data from the Genetic Frontotemporal Dementia Initiative multicentre cohort study collected between 2012 and 2018. Participants included symptomatic carriers (n=185) of a pathogenic mutation in chromosome 9 open reading frame 72 (C9orf72), progranulin (GRN) or microtubule-associated protein tau (MAPT) and their first-degree biological family members (n=588). Symptom endorsement was documented using informant and clinician-rated scales. RESULTS: The most frequently endorsed initial symptoms among symptomatic patients were apathy (23%), disinhibition (18%), memory impairments (12%), decreased fluency (8%) and impaired articulation (5%). Predominant first symptoms were usually discordant between family members. Relative to biologically related non-carriers, preclinical MAPT carriers endorsed worse mood and sleep symptoms, and C9orf72 carriers endorsed marginally greater abnormal behaviours. Preclinical GRN carriers endorsed less mood symptoms compared with non-carriers, and worse everyday skills. CONCLUSION: Preclinical mutation carriers exhibited neuropsychiatric symptoms compared with non-carriers that may be considered as future clinical trial outcomes. Given the heterogeneity in symptoms, the detection of clinical transition to symptomatic FTD may be best captured by composite indices integrating the most common initial symptoms for each genetic group

    Brain functional network integrity sustains cognitive function despite atrophy in presymptomatic genetic frontotemporal dementia

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    INTRODUCTION: The presymptomatic phase of neurodegenerative disease can last many years, with sustained cognitive function despite progressive atrophy. We investigate this phenomenon in familial frontotemporal dementia (FTD). METHODS: We studied 121 presymptomatic FTD mutation carriers and 134 family members without mutations, using multivariate data-driven approach to link cognitive performance with both structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging. Atrophy and brain network connectivity were compared between groups, in relation to the time from expected symptom onset. RESULTS: There were group differences in brain structure and function, in the absence of differences in cognitive performance. Specifically, we identified behaviorally relevant structural and functional network differences. Structure-function relationships were similar in both groups, but coupling between functional connectivity and cognition was stronger for carriers than for non-carriers, and increased with proximity to the expected onset of disease. DISCUSSION: Our findings suggest that the maintenance of functional network connectivity enables carriers to maintain cognitive performance

    Neuronal pentraxin 2 : a synapse-derived CSF biomarker in genetic frontotemporal dementia

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    Introduction: Synapse dysfunction is emerging as an early pathological event in frontotemporal dementia (FTD), however biomarkers are lacking. We aimed to investigate the value of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) neuronal pentraxins (NPTXs), a family of proteins involved in homeostatic synapse plasticity, as novel biomarkers in genetic FTD. Methods: We included 106 presymptomatic and 54 symptomatic carriers of a pathogenic mutation in GRN, C9orf72 or MAPT, and 70 healthy non-carriers participating in the Genetic Frontotemporal dementia Initiative (GENFI), all of whom had at least one CSF sample. We measured CSF concentrations of NPTX2 using an in-house ELISA, and NPTX1 and NPTX receptor (NPTXR) by Western blot. We correlated NPTX2 with corresponding clinical and neuroimaging datasets as well as with CSF neurofilament light chain (NfL) using linear regression analyses. Results: Symptomatic mutation carriers had lower NPTX2 concentrations (median 643 pg/mL, IQR (301-872)) than presymptomatic carriers (1003 pg/mL (624-1358), p&lt;0.001) and non-carriers (990 pg/mL (597-1373), p&lt;0.001) (corrected for age). Similar results were found for NPTX1 and NPTXR. Among mutation carriers, NPTX2 concentration correlated with several clinical disease severity measures, NfL and grey matter volume of the frontal, temporal and parietal lobes, insula and whole brain. NPTX2 predicted subsequent decline in phonemic verbal fluency and Clinical Dementia Rating scale plus FTD modules. In longitudinal CSF samples, available in 13 subjects, NPTX2 decreased around symptom onset and in the symptomatic stage. Discussion: We conclude that NPTX2 is a promising synapse-derived disease progression biomarker in genetic FTD

    Stratifying the Presymptomatic Phase of Genetic Frontotemporal Dementia by Serum NfL and pNfH: A Longitudinal Multicentre Study

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    OBJECTIVE: Although the presymptomatic stages of frontotemporal dementia (FTD) provide a unique chance to delay or even prevent neurodegeneration by early intervention, they remain poorly defined. Leveraging a large multicenter cohort of genetic FTD mutation carriers, we provide a biomarker-based stratification and biomarker cascade of the likely most treatment-relevant stage within the presymptomatic phase: the conversion stage. METHODS: We longitudinally assessed serum levels of neurofilament light (NfL) and phosphorylated neurofilament heavy (pNfH) in the Genetic FTD Initiative (GENFI) cohort (n = 444), using single-molecule array technique. Subjects comprised 91 symptomatic and 179 presymptomatic subjects with mutations in the FTD genes C9orf72, GRN, or MAPT, and 174 mutation-negative within-family controls. RESULTS: In a biomarker cascade, NfL increase preceded the hypothetical clinical onset by 15 years and concurred with brain atrophy onset, whereas pNfH increase started close to clinical onset. The conversion stage was marked by increased NfL, but still normal pNfH levels, while both were increased at the symptomatic stage. Intra-individual change rates were increased for NfL at the conversion stage and for pNfH at the symptomatic stage, highlighting their respective potential as stage-dependent dynamic biomarkers within the biomarker cascade. Increased NfL levels and NfL change rates allowed identification of presymptomatic subjects converting to symptomatic disease and capture of proximity-to-onset. We estimate stage-dependent sample sizes for trials aiming to decrease neurofilament levels or change rates. INTERPRETATION: Blood NfL and pNfH provide dynamic stage-dependent stratification and, potentially, treatment response biomarkers in presymptomatic FTD, allowing demarcation of the conversion stage. The proposed biomarker cascade might pave the way towards a biomarker-based precision medicine approach to genetic FTD. ANN NEUROL 2021

    MRI data-driven algorithm for the diagnosis of behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia

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    INTRODUCTION: Structural brain imaging is paramount for the diagnosis of behavioural variant of frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD), but it has low sensitivity leading to erroneous or late diagnosis. METHODS: A total of 515 subjects from two different bvFTD cohorts (training and independent validation cohorts) were used to perform voxel-wise morphometric analysis to identify regions with significant differences between bvFTD and controls. A random forest classifier was used to individually predict bvFTD from deformation-based morphometry differences in isolation and together with semantic fluency. Tenfold cross validation was used to assess the performance of the classifier within the training cohort. A second held-out cohort of genetically confirmed bvFTD cases was used for additional validation. RESULTS: Average 10-fold cross-validation accuracy was 89% (82% sensitivity, 93% specificity) using only MRI and 94% (89% sensitivity, 98% specificity) with the addition of semantic fluency. In the separate validation cohort of definite bvFTD, accuracy was 88% (81% sensitivity, 92% specificity) with MRI and 91% (79% sensitivity, 96% specificity) with added semantic fluency scores. CONCLUSION: Our results show that structural MRI and semantic fluency can accurately predict bvFTD at the individual subject level within a completely independent validation cohort coming from a different and independent database

    Differential early subcortical involvement in genetic FTD within the GENFI cohort

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    Background: Studies have previously shown evidence for presymptomatic cortical atrophy in genetic FTD. Whilst initial investigations have also identified early deep grey matter volume loss, little is known about the extent of subcortical involvement, particularly within subregions, and how this differs between genetic groups. / Methods: 480 mutation carriers from the Genetic FTD Initiative (GENFI) were included (198 GRN, 202 C9orf72, 80 MAPT), together with 298 non-carrier cognitively normal controls. Cortical and subcortical volumes of interest were generated using automated parcellation methods on volumetric 3T T1-weighted MRI scans. Mutation carriers were divided into three disease stages based on their global CDR® plus NACC FTLD score: asymptomatic (0), possibly or mildly symptomatic (0.5) and fully symptomatic (1 or more). / Results: In all three groups, subcortical involvement was seen at the CDR 0.5 stage prior to phenoconversion, whereas in the C9orf72 and MAPT mutation carriers there was also involvement at the CDR 0 stage. In the C9orf72 expansion carriers the earliest volume changes were in thalamic subnuclei (particularly pulvinar and lateral geniculate, 9-10%) cerebellum (lobules VIIa-Crus II and VIIIb, 2-3%), hippocampus (particularly presubiculum and CA1, 2-3%), amygdala (all subregions, 2-6%) and hypothalamus (superior tuberal region, 1%). In MAPT mutation carriers changes were seen at CDR 0 in the hippocampus (subiculum, presubiculum and tail, 3-4%) and amygdala (accessory basal and superficial nuclei, 2-4%). GRN mutation carriers showed subcortical differences at CDR 0.5 in the presubiculum of the hippocampus (8%). / Conclusions: C9orf72 expansion carriers show the earliest and most widespread changes including the thalamus, basal ganglia and medial temporal lobe. By investigating individual subregions, changes can also be seen at CDR 0 in MAPT mutation carriers within the limbic system. Our results suggest that subcortical brain volumes may be used as markers of neurodegeneration even prior to the onset of prodromal symptoms

    Characterizing the Clinical Features and Atrophy Patterns of MAPT-Related Frontotemporal Dementia With Disease Progression Modeling

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Mutations in the MAPT gene cause frontotemporal dementia (FTD). Most previous studies investigating the neuroanatomical signature of MAPT mutations have grouped all different mutations together and shown an association with focal atrophy of the temporal lobe. However, the variability in atrophy patterns between each particular MAPT mutation is less well characterised. We aimed to investigate whether there were distinct groups of MAPT mutation carriers based on their neuroanatomical signature. METHODS: We applied Subtype and Stage Inference (SuStaIn), an unsupervised machine learning technique that identifies groups of individuals with distinct progression patterns, to characterise patterns of regional atrophy in MAPT-associated FTD within the Genetic FTD Initiative (GENFI) cohort study. RESULTS: 82 MAPT mutation carriers were analysed, the majority of whom had P301L, IVS10+16 or R406W mutations, along with 48 healthy non-carriers. SuStaIn identified two groups of MAPT mutation carriers with distinct atrophy patterns: a 'temporal' subtype in which atrophy was most prominent in the hippocampus, amygdala, temporal cortex and insula, and a 'frontotemporal' subtype in which atrophy was more localised to the lateral temporal lobe and anterior insula, as well as the orbitofrontal and ventromedial prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate. There was a one-to-one mapping between IVS10+16 and R406W mutations and the temporal subtype, and a near one-to-one mapping between P301L mutations and the frontotemporal subtype. There were differences in clinical symptoms and neuropsychological test scores between subtypes: the temporal subtype was associated with amnestic symptoms, whereas the frontotemporal subtype was associated with executive dysfunction. DISCUSSION: Our results demonstrate that different MAPT mutations give rise to distinct atrophy patterns and clinical phenotype, providing insights into the underlying disease biology, and potential utility for patient stratification in therapeutic trials
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