374 research outputs found

    No preferential spatial distribution for massive stars expected from their formation

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    We analyse N-body and Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamic (SPH) simulations of young star-forming regions to search for differences in the spatial distributions of massive stars compared to lower-mass stars. The competitive accretion theory of massive star formation posits that the most massive stars should sit in deeper potential wells than lower-mass stars. This may be observable in the relative surface density or spatial concentration of the most massive stars compared to other, lower-mass stars. Massive stars in cool–collapse N-body models do end up in significantly deeper potentials, and are mass segregated. However, in models of warm (expanding) star-forming regions, whilst the massive stars do come to be in deeper potentials than average stars, they are not mass segregated. In the purely hydrodynamical SPH simulations, the massive stars do come to reside in deeper potentials, which is due to their runaway growth. However, when photoionisation and stellar winds are implemented in the simulations, these feedback mechanisms regulate the mass of the stars and disrupt the inflow of gas into the clouds’ potential wells. This generally makes the potential wells shallower than in the control runs, and prevents the massive stars from occupying deeper potentials. This in turn results in the most massive stars having a very similar spatial concentration and surface density distribution to lower-mass stars. Whilst massive stars do form via competitive accretion in our simulations, this rarely translates to a different spatial distribution and so any lack of primordial mass segregation in an observed star-forming region does not preclude competitive accretion as a viable formation mechanism for massive stars

    Chapter 19: Vulnerability of coastal and estuarine habitats in the Great Barrier Reef to climate change

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    This chapter attempts to address the vulnerability of the CEM in the Great Barrier Reef region to global climate change. It does not consider individual habitats (eg reefs or seagrasses) but goes beyond the individual species and habitat assessments, to consider impacts on the whole coastal marine community complex, and the ecological processes that support its functioning.This is Chapter 19 of Climate change and the Great Barrier Reef: a vulnerability assessment. The entire book can be found at http://hdl.handle.net/11017/13

    The Role of the Pediatric Nurse Practitioner in the Comprehensive Management of Pediatric Oncology Patients in the Inpatient Setting

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    The role of the pediatric nurse practitioner (PNP) in the comprehensive management of pediatric oncology patients in the inpatient setting was examined at a large tertiary teaching hospital. This article shows role responsibilities including new diagnosis teaching, procedures, routine chemotherapy, patients' comprehensive medical management, coordination of nursing care across settings, phone triage, and professional development. A PNP's typical day is highlighted to illustrate the innovative merging of traditional ambulatory care roles with that of the PNP as a comprehensive manager of pediatric oncology patients in the inpatient setting. This role provides a more seamless care experience and provides critical links in the delivery of health care to pediatric oncology patients.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/68349/2/10.1177_104345429901600202.pd

    Radiation Hydrodynamical Instabilities in Cosmological and Galactic Ionization Fronts

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    Ionization fronts, the sharp radiation fronts behind which H/He ionizing photons from massive stars and galaxies propagate through space, were ubiquitous in the universe from its earliest times. The cosmic dark ages ended with the formation of the first primeval stars and galaxies a few hundred Myr after the Big Bang. Numerical simulations suggest that stars in this era were very massive, 25 - 500 solar masses, with H II regions of up to 30,000 light-years in diameter. We present three-dimensional radiation hydrodynamical calculations that reveal that the I-fronts of the first stars and galaxies were prone to violent instabilities, enhancing the escape of UV photons into the early intergalactic medium (IGM) and forming clumpy media in which supernovae later exploded. The enrichment of such clumps with metals by the first supernovae may have led to the prompt formation of a second generation of low-mass stars, profoundly transforming the nature of the first protogalaxies. Cosmological radiation hydrodynamics is unique because ionizing photons coupled strongly to both gas flows and primordial chemistry at early epochs, introducing a hierarchy of disparate characteristic timescales whose relative magnitudes can vary greatly throughout a given calculation. We describe the adaptive multistep integration scheme we have developed for the self-consistent transport of both cosmological and galactic ionization fronts.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for proceedings of HEDLA2010, Caltech, March 15 - 18, 201

    Causes and clinical features of childhood encephalitis: a multicenter, prospective cohort study

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    BACKGROUND:We aimed to determine the contemporary causes, clinical features, and short-term outcome of encephalitis in Australian children. METHODS:We prospectively identified children (≤14 years of age) admitted with suspected encephalitis at 5 major pediatric hospitals nationally between May 2013 and December 2016 using the Paediatric Active Enhanced Disease Surveillance (PAEDS) Network. A multidisciplinary expert panel reviewed cases and categorized them using published definitions. Confirmed encephalitis cases were categorized into etiologic subgroups. RESULTS:From 526 cases of suspected encephalitis, 287 children met criteria for confirmed encephalitis: 57% (95% confidence interval [CI], 52%-63%) had infectious causes, 10% enterovirus, 10% parechovirus, 8% bacterial meningoencephalitis, 6% influenza, 6% herpes simplex virus (HSV), and 6% Mycoplasma pneumoniae; 25% (95% CI, 20%-30%) had immune-mediated encephalitis, 18% acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, and 6% anti-N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor encephalitis; and 17% (95% CI, 13%-21%) had an unknown cause. Infectious encephalitis occurred in younger children (median age, 1.7 years [interquartile range {IQR}, 0.1-6.9]) compared with immune-mediated encephalitis (median age, 7.6 years [IQR, 4.6-12.4]). Varicella zoster virus encephalitis was infrequent following high vaccination coverage since 2007. Thirteen children (5%) died: 11 with infectious causes (2 influenza; 2 human herpesvirus 6; 2 group B Streptococcus; 2 Streptococcus pneumoniae; 1 HSV; 1 parechovirus; 1 enterovirus) and 2 with no cause identified. Twenty-seven percent (95% CI, 21%-31%) of children showed moderate to severe neurological sequelae at discharge. CONCLUSIONS:Epidemic viral infections predominated as causes of childhood encephalitis in Australia. The leading causes include vaccine-preventable diseases. There were significant differences in age, clinical features, and outcome among leading causes. Mortality or short-term neurological morbidity occurred in one-third of cases.Philip N Britton, Russell C Dale, Christopher C Blyth, Julia E Clark, Nigel Crawford, Helen Marshall ... et al

    ‘The Brick’ is not a brick: a comprehensive study of the structure and dynamics of the central molecular zone cloud G0.253+0.016

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    This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society © 2019 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.In this paper we provide a comprehensive description of the internal dynamics of G0.253+0.016 (a.k.a. ‘the Brick’); one of the most massive and dense molecular clouds in the Galaxy to lack signatures of widespread star formation. As a potential host to a future generation of high-mass stars, understanding largely quiescent molecular clouds like G0.253+0.016 is of critical importance. In this paper, we reanalyse Atacama Large Millimeter Array cycle 0 HNCO J = 4(0, 4) − 3(0, 3) data at 3 mm, using two new pieces of software that we make available to the community. First, SCOUSEPY, a Python implementation of the spectral line fitting algorithm SCOUSE. Secondly, ACORNS (Agglomerative Clustering for ORganising Nested Structures), a hierarchical n-dimensional clustering algorithm designed for use with discrete spectroscopic data. Together, these tools provide an unbiased measurement of the line-of-sight velocity dispersion in this cloud, σvlos,1D=4.4±2.1 km s−1, which is somewhat larger than predicted by velocity dispersion-size relations for the central molecular zone (CMZ). The dispersion of centroid velocities in the plane of the sky are comparable, yielding σvlos,1D/σvpos,1D∼1.2±0.3⁠. This isotropy may indicate that the line-of-sight extent of the cloud is approximately equivalent to that in the plane of the sky. Combining our kinematic decomposition with radiative transfer modelling, we conclude that G0.253+0.016 is not a single, coherent, and centrally condensed molecular cloud; ‘the Brick’ is not a brick. Instead, G0.253+0.016 is a dynamically complex and hierarchically structured molecular cloud whose morphology is consistent with the influence of the orbital dynamics and shear in the CMZ

    The Spatial Distribution of the Young Stellar Clusters in the Star-forming Galaxy NGC 628

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    We present a study of the spatial distribution of the stellar cluster populations in the star-forming galaxy NGC 628. Using Hubble Space Telescope broadband WFC3/UVIS UV and optical images from the Treasury Program LEGUS (Legacy ExtraGalactic UV Survey), we have identified 1392 potential young (100\lesssim 100 Myr) stellar clusters within the galaxy using a combination of visual inspection and automatic selection. We investigate the clustering of these young stellar clusters and quantify the strength and change of clustering strength with scale using the two-point correlation function. We also investigate how image boundary conditions and dust lanes affect the observed clustering. The distribution of the clusters is well fit by a broken power law with negative exponent α. We recover a weighted mean index of α0.8\alpha \sim -0.8 for all spatial scales below the break at 3farcs3 (158 pc at a distance of 9.9 Mpc) and an index of α0.18\alpha \sim -0.18 above 158 pc for the accumulation of all cluster types. The strength of the clustering increases with decreasing age and clusters older than 40 Myr lose their clustered structure very rapidly and tend to be randomly distributed in this galaxy, whereas the mass of the star cluster has little effect on the clustering strength. This is consistent with results from other studies that the morphological hierarchy in stellar clustering resembles the same hierarchy as the turbulent interstellar medium

    Interstellar MHD Turbulence and Star Formation

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    This chapter reviews the nature of turbulence in the Galactic interstellar medium (ISM) and its connections to the star formation (SF) process. The ISM is turbulent, magnetized, self-gravitating, and is subject to heating and cooling processes that control its thermodynamic behavior. The turbulence in the warm and hot ionized components of the ISM appears to be trans- or subsonic, and thus to behave nearly incompressibly. However, the neutral warm and cold components are highly compressible, as a consequence of both thermal instability in the atomic gas and of moderately-to-strongly supersonic motions in the roughly isothermal cold atomic and molecular components. Within this context, we discuss: i) the production and statistical distribution of turbulent density fluctuations in both isothermal and polytropic media; ii) the nature of the clumps produced by thermal instability, noting that, contrary to classical ideas, they in general accrete mass from their environment; iii) the density-magnetic field correlation (or lack thereof) in turbulent density fluctuations, as a consequence of the superposition of the different wave modes in the turbulent flow; iv) the evolution of the mass-to-magnetic flux ratio (MFR) in density fluctuations as they are built up by dynamic compressions; v) the formation of cold, dense clouds aided by thermal instability; vi) the expectation that star-forming molecular clouds are likely to be undergoing global gravitational contraction, rather than being near equilibrium, and vii) the regulation of the star formation rate (SFR) in such gravitationally contracting clouds by stellar feedback which, rather than keeping the clouds from collapsing, evaporates and diperses them while they collapse.Comment: 43 pages. Invited chapter for the book "Magnetic Fields in Diffuse Media", edited by Elisabete de Gouveia dal Pino and Alex Lazarian. Revised as per referee's recommendation

    Fitting the integrated Spectral Energy Distributions of Galaxies

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    Fitting the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of galaxies is an almost universally used technique that has matured significantly in the last decade. Model predictions and fitting procedures have improved significantly over this time, attempting to keep up with the vastly increased volume and quality of available data. We review here the field of SED fitting, describing the modelling of ultraviolet to infrared galaxy SEDs, the creation of multiwavelength data sets, and the methods used to fit model SEDs to observed galaxy data sets. We touch upon the achievements and challenges in the major ingredients of SED fitting, with a special emphasis on describing the interplay between the quality of the available data, the quality of the available models, and the best fitting technique to use in order to obtain a realistic measurement as well as realistic uncertainties. We conclude that SED fitting can be used effectively to derive a range of physical properties of galaxies, such as redshift, stellar masses, star formation rates, dust masses, and metallicities, with care taken not to over-interpret the available data. Yet there still exist many issues such as estimating the age of the oldest stars in a galaxy, finer details ofdust properties and dust-star geometry, and the influences of poorly understood, luminous stellar types and phases. The challenge for the coming years will be to improve both the models and the observational data sets to resolve these uncertainties. The present review will be made available on an interactive, moderated web page (sedfitting.org), where the community can access and change the text. The intention is to expand the text and keep it up to date over the coming years.Comment: 54 pages, 26 figures, Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc