61 research outputs found


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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências da Saúde. Fonoaudiologia.A educação vem passando por mudanças importantes e atreladas ao progresso das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação, compõem novos métodos e ferramentas de ensino-aprendizagem. Juntas, educação e saúde se configuram como uma área de elaboração e disseminação de saberes destinados a todos os aspectos da sociedade. O presente estudo examinou a utilização da plataforma Wikipédia como ferramenta de promoção de saúde auditiva por meio de Metodologia Ativa de ensino. Consistiu em uma pesquisa descritivo-analítico, transversal, do tipo intervenção com abordagem quantitativa que utilizou a estratégia de estudo de caso único. Foi realizada por uma estudante de graduação do curso de Fonoaudiologia da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, que analisou o impacto das contribuições (edições) realizadas por meio de ferramentas estatísticas da própria Wikipédia. As edições englobam traduções de verbetes para a língua portuguesa, que não existiam na Wikipédia lusófona, edição de verbetes no acervo da Wikipédia em língua portuguesa e a elaboração de um novo verbete. Esse processo resultou na edição de 10 verbetes, contabilizando cerca de 20 mil palavras acrescentadas, demonstrando a ampliação dos conteúdos referenciados com bases científicas e o alcance de mais de 17 mil visualizações, representando o acréscimo significativo nos acessos. Assim, considera-se que a disseminação de informações com bases científicas pela Wikipédia, se configura como uma ferramenta válida para Metodologia ativa de ensino, promovendo reflexões acerca de conceitos, informações e habilidades, incentivando mudanças na promoção de saúde, aproximando ciência e sociedade, proporcionando a autonomia ao estudante, e contribuindo para o trabalho pedagógico de ensino-aprendizagem

    A Therapeutic Approach Using the Combined Application of Virtual Reality with Robotics for the Treatment of Patients with Spinal Cord Injury: A Systematic Review

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    Spinal cord injury (SCI) has been associated with high mortality rates. Thanks to the multidisciplinary vision and approach of SCI, including the application of new technologies in the field of neurorehabilitation, people with SCI can survive and prosper after injury. The main aim of this systematic review was to analyze the effectiveness of the combined use of VR and robotics in the treatment of patients with SCI. The literature search was performed between May and July 2021 in the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro), PubMed, and Web of Science. The methodological quality of each study was assessed using the SCIRE system and the PEDro scale, whereas the risk of bias was analyzed using the Cochrane Collaboration’s tool. A total of six studies, involving 63 participants, were included in this systematic review. Relevant changes were found in the upper limbs, with improvements of shoulder and upper arm mobility, as well as the strengthening of weaker muscles. Combined rehabilitation may be a valuable approach to improve motor function in SCI patients. Nonetheless, further research is necessary, with a larger patient sample and a longer duration

    Environmental Exposure, Obesity, and Parkinson’s Disease: Lessons from Fat and Old Worms

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    BACKGROUND: A common link has been exposed, namely, that metal exposure plays a role in obesity and in Parkinson's disease (PD). This link may help to elucidate mechanisms of neurotoxicity. OBJECTIVE: We reviewed the utility of the nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans, as a model organism to study neurodegeneration in obesity and Parkinson's disease (PD), with an emphasis on the neurotransmitter, dopamine (DA). DATA SOURCES: A PubMed literature search was performed using the terms "obesity" and any of the following: "C. elegans," "central nervous system," "neurodegeneration," "heavy metals," "dopamine" or "Parkinson's disease." We reviewed the identified studies, including others cited therein, to summarize the current evidence of neurodegeneration in obesity and PD, with an emphasis on studies carried out in C. elegans and environmental toxins in the etiology of both diseases. DATA EXTRACTION AND DATA SYNTHESIS: Heavy metals and DA have both been linked to diet-induced obesity, which has led to the notion that the mechanism of environmentally induced neurodegeneration in PD may also apply to obesity. C. elegans has been instrumental in expanding our mechanism-based knowledge of PD, and this species is emerging as a good model of obesity. With well-established toxicity and neurogenetic assays, it is now feasible to explore the putative link between metal- and chemical-induced neurodegeneration. CONCLUSIONS: One side effect of an aging population is an increase in the prevalence of obesity, metabolic disorders, and neurodegenerative orders, diseases that are likely to co-occur. Environmental toxins, especially heavy metals, may prove to be a previously neglected part of the puzzle

    Análisis y aplicación de los derechos humanos en el contexto de la Corte Interamericana

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    138 p.Hoy en día, los derechos humanos no tienen las mismas características ni los mecanismos de protección que tenían años atrás. Por ello, este libro presenta la evolución histórica que estos han tenido desde diversos ámbitos, tanto en el escenario internacional como en el Derecho interno de los Estados. En la práctica de los derechos humanos en el Derecho interno de los países, se evidencian hechos fácticos diferentes a los que se pretenden en contenidos sustanciales, ya que no son aplicados de forma homogénea. Esto implica modificaciones a la economía de las Naciones del mundo, razón por la cual se analiza tal problemática. La relación entre el Derecho interno, la Fuerza Pública y el Derecho Internacional que se emplea mediante el control de convencionalidad en Colombia. Esto se sustenta en que el Estado colombiano forma parte de la Convención Americana de Derechos Humanos (CADH) y en la importancia de que una parte fundamental del Estado, que es la Fuerza Pública, guarde estrecha relación con las decisiones que toma la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (Corte IDH) y de que el Poder Judicial ejerza el control de convencionalidad. En general, los derechos humanos se basan sobre todo en el derecho a la vida, por lo que se plantea la posición que asume la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) acerca del proyecto de vida de las personas, los principios del Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos frente a esta temática y cómo se deben resarcir e indemnizar cuando dicho proyecto se vulnera.Prólogo Introducción Capítulo 1. Las hipocresías en torno a los derechos humanos Capítulo 2. La memoria histórica y su protección: una mirada comparada Capítulo 3. El daño al proyecto de vida: una categoría autónoma y necesaria en la jurisprudencia de la CIDH Capítulo 4. El control de convencionalidad (CCV) y sus relaciones con la Fuerza Pública en Colombia Conclusiones Bibliografí

    Caenorhabditis elegans as an alternative in vivo model to determine oral uptake, nanotoxicity, and efficacy of melatonin-loaded lipid-core nanocapsules on paraquat damage

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    Caenorhabditis elegans is an alternative in vivo model that is being successfully used to assess the pharmacological and toxic effects of drugs. The exponential growth of nanotechnology requires the use of alternative in vivo models to assess the toxic effects of theses nanomaterials. The use of polymeric nanocapsules has shown promising results for drug delivery. Moreover, these formulations have not been used in cases of intoxication, such as in treatment of paraquat (PQ) poisoning. Thus, the use of drugs with properties improved by nanotechnology is a promising approach to overcome the toxic effects of PQ. This research aimed to evaluate the absorption of rhodamine B-labeled melatonin (Mel)-loaded lipid-core nanocapsules (LNC) by C. elegans, the application of this model in nanotoxicology, and the protection of Mel-LNC against PQ damage. The formulations were prepared by self-assembly and characterized by particle sizing, zeta potential, drug content, and encapsulation efficiency. The results demonstrated that the formulations had narrow size distributions. Rhodamine B-labeled Mel-LNC were orally absorbed and distributed in the worms. The toxicity assessment of LNC showed a lethal dose 50% near the highest dose tested, indicating low toxicity of the nanocapsules. Moreover, pretreatment with Mel-LNC significantly increased the survival rate, reduced the reactive oxygen species, and maintained the development in C. elegans exposed to PQ compared to those worms that were either untreated or pretreated with free Mel. These results demonstrated for the first time the uptake and distribution of Mel-LNC by a nematode, and indicate that while LNC is not toxic, Mel-LNC prevents the effects of PQ poisoning. Thus, C. elegans may be an interesting alternative model to test the nanocapsules toxicity and efficacy

    Protective effect of Melissa officinalis aqueous extract against Mn-induced oxidative stress in chronically exposed mice

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    AbstractManganese (Mn) is an essential element for biological systems; however occupational exposure to high levels of this metal may lead to neurodegenerative disorders, resembling Parkinson's disease (PD). While its mechanisms of neurotoxicity have yet to be fully understood, oxidative stress plays a critical role. Thus, the main goal of this study was to investigate the efficacy of aqueous extract of Melissa officinalis in attenuating Mn-induced brain oxidative stress in mice. Sixteen male mice were randomly divided into two groups and treated for 3 months: the first group consumed tap water (control group) and the second group was treated with Mn (50mg/kg/day for habituation during the first 15 days followed by 100mg/kg/day for additional 75 days) in the drinking water. After 3 months both groups were sub divided (n=4 per group) and treated for additional 3 months with Mn and/or M. officinalis in the drinking water. The first group (control) was treated with water and served as control; the second group (M. officinalis) was treated with M. officinalis (100mg/kg/day); the third group was treated with Mn (100mg/kg/day); the fourth group (Mn+M. officinalis) was treated with both Mn and M. officinalis (100mg/kg/day each). Mn-treated mice showed a significant increase in thiobarbituric acid reactive species (TBARS) levels (a marker of oxidative stress) in both the hippocampus and striatum. These changes were accompanied by a decrease in total thiol content in the hippocampus and a significant increase in antioxidant enzyme activity (superoxide dismutase and catalase) in the hippocampus, striatum, cortex and cerebellum. Co-treatment with M. officinalis aqueous extract in Mn-treated mice significantly inhibited the antioxidant enzyme activities and attenuated the oxidative damage (TBARS and decreased total thiol levels). These results establish that M. officinalis aqueous extract possesses potent antioxidative properties, validating its efficacy in attenuating Mn-induced oxidative stress in the mouse brain

    Association between self-assessment and the analysis of informants about psychopathological symptoms in an adult sample

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    As escalas de autorrelato se caracterizam pela validade ecológica,viabilidade e facilidade de aplicação. Entretanto, as informações podem estarenviesadas devido aos pacientes terem a tendência a minimizar as respostas sendo,portanto, importante considerar a avaliação de informantes. O objetivo deste estudofoi investigar a associação entre a autoavaliação de adultos e a avaliação realizadapor informantes quanto a sintomas psicopatológicos. A amostra deste estudo foicomposta por 330 adultos com idades entre 18 e 59 anos que responderam a AdultSelf-Report e 330 informantes preencheram a Adult Behavior Checklist. Foramutilizadas análises descritivas e inferenciais. Foi conduzido um Teste t para gruposindependentes para comparar os resultados das escalas preenchidas pelorespondente e pelo informante. A magnitude das diferenças foi calculada a partir dotamanho do efeito (effect size) pelo d de Cohen. Também foi realizada uma análisede Coeficiente de Correlação de Pearson para investigar as associações entre asrespostas das escalas. Os resultados deste estudo corroboram com as evidências deque a avaliação de sintomas psicopatológicos entre respondentes e informantes apresentam diferenças, podendo ser uma vantagem em um processo de avaliação eposterior subsídio para planejamento de tratamento. Conclui-se que, embora asinformações oriundas de questionários de autorrelato sejam relevantes, é necessárioconsiderar outras fontes de dados do quadro do sujeito, a fim de tornar o diagnósticomais acurado.Palavras-chave: autorrelato; avaliação de sintomas; escalas; psicopatologia.Self-report scales are characterized by ecological validity, feasibility andease of application. However, the information might be skewed due to the risks,therefore informants assessment can help. The aim of this study was investigate therelationship between self-report evaluation and the informants assessment topsychopathological symptoms. The sample was composed by 330 adults aged from18 years to 59 years who responded to an adult self-report and 330 informants filledout an Adult Behavior Checklist. Descriptive and inferential analysis wereperformed. T-test was conducted for independent groups to compare the resultsobtained by the respondent and the informant. The size effect was calculated byCohen's d. Pearson correlation coefficient analysis was performed to investigate theassociations between the responses of the scales. The results of this study arecorroborated as indicators of psychopathological evaluation between respondentsand informants who present differences, which may be an advantage in anassessment process and later help the treatment planning. Information frominformants questionnaires are good sources to more accurate diagnosis process.Keywords: self-report; evaluation of symptoms; scales; psychopathology