1,165 research outputs found

    A insegurança jurídica como processo histórico-social: a guerra fiscal do ICMS

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    A segurança jurídica como princípio informador do estado de direito é atualmente objeto de aprofundados estudos doutrinários por juristas renomados e se inclui como dever e objetivo da prestação jurisdicional, que deve atentar para a preservação da coerência sistêmica do ordenamento jurídico, garantir o tratamento isonômico entre as partes e efetivar a proteção da confiança legítima. É certo que nem todo conflito intersubjetivo judicializado é em si a externalização de uma insegurança jurídica, que é apresentada neste trabalho como um processo histórico- social de conflitos sobre direitos alegados que se perpetua no tempo, afetando diversos campos de interesse do corpo social, capaz de escalar os vários planos hierarquizados das esferas discursivas juridicamente organizadas, até que uma solução jurídica definitiva seja dada. Nessa perspectiva, a efetivação da segurança jurídica demanda a superação da insegurança jurídica. Um dos caminhos que conduz ao ponto da transmudação da insegurança para a segurança se dá quando a solução jurídica mais adequada é estabelecida pelo Judiciário. Este trabalho, além de revisar algumas das lições de ilustres doutrinadores sobre segurança jurídica, se debruça sobre o fenômeno da insegurança jurídica, enquanto processo históricosocial, ao focar as repercussões para a sociedade advindas de inovações legislativas - as concessões de benefícios e incentivos fiscais de ICMS (Imposto sobre Circulação de Mercadoria e Serviços) pelos estados-membros, em desconformidade com a ordem constitucional, conflagrando-se a denominada “guerra fiscal” do ICMS, e seu enfrentamento pela edição da Lei Complementar n. 160/2017, arts. 9º e 10, com a alteração do art. 30 da Lei n. 12.973/2014, que possibilitou a equiparação de todos os benefícios de ICMS a subvenções de investimento, e como foi o desenvolvimento da compreensão do Poder Judiciário, nas suas instâncias superiores, sobre as controvérsias destacadas neste trabalho

    Mordida aberta anterior em crianças associada ao uso de chupeta: uma revisão integrativa

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado para obtenção do grau de Bacharel no Curso de Odontologia da Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense – UNESC.Introdução: A maloclusão se tornou um problema odontológico de saúde pública, em nível mundial, atingindo aspectos bastante significativos. A mordida aberta é uma deficiência no contato vertical normal entre os dentes antagonistas, manifestando-se raramente em todo arco dentário, mas principalmente numa região limitada da dentição. Objetivo: Analisar a incidência de mordida aberta associadas ao uso de chupetas em crianças. Métodos: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa de abordagem qualitativa, descritiva, transversal, documental. Os dados foram tratados a partir da análise de conteúdo, com categorização seguindo os critérios de inclusão: os artigos publicados entre os anos de 2009 a 2019, com textos disponíveis em inglês e/ou português e as palavras-chaves incidência, odontopediatria e mordida aberta anterior. Resultados: Dos artigos analisados na revisão, foram incluídos apenas seis que contemplaram os critérios de inclusão. Observou-se que a maioria dos artigos relacionou o tempo de uso da chupeta com a maloclusão de mordida aberta anterior. Os profissionais que mais publicaram sobre a mordida aberta foram cirurgiões-dentistas com especialização em ortodontia ou odontopediatria. Conclusão: A mordida aberta anterior é uma das mais frequentes maloclusões encontradas nas crianças e o tempo de uso da chupeta está relacionado com a incidência dessa desordem oclusal

    Avaliacao de quatro metodos diferentes de extracao de DNA em isolados clinicos de estafilococos coagulase negativos (SCoN)

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    Currently there are several methods to extract bacterial DNA based on different principles. However, the amount and the quality of the DNA obtained by each one of those methods is highly variable and microorganism dependent, as illustrated by coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) which have a thick cell wall that is difficult to lyse. This study was designed to compare the quality and the amount of CoNS DNA, extracted by four different techniques: two in-house protocols and two commercial kits. DNA amount and quality determination was performed through spectrophotometry. The extracted DNA was also analyzed using agarose gel electrophoresis and by PCR. 267 isolates of CoNS were used in this study. The column method and thermal lyses showed better results with regard to DNA quality (mean ratio of A260/280 = 1.95) and average concentration of DNA (), respectively. All four methods tested provided appropriate DNA for PCR amplification, but with different yields. DNA quality is important since it allows the application of a large number of molecular biology techniques, and also it's storage for a longer period of time. In this sense the extraction method based on an extraction column presented the best results for CoNS.Atualmente, para extrair o DNA bacteriano, existem diversos métodos baseados em diferentes princípios. Entretanto, a quantidade e qualidade do DNA obtido por cada um destes métodos é variável e depende do tipo de micro-organismo em questão; os estafilococos coagulase-negativos (CoNS), por exemplo, possuem parede celular espessa difícil de lisar. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a quantidade e a qualidade do DNA extraído de isolados clínicos de CoNS utilizando quatro metodologias diferentes: dois protocolos caseiros e dois kits comerciais. A determinação da quantidade e da qualidade do DNA foi realizada por espectrofotometria. O DNA extraído também foi analisado em eletroforese em gel de agarose e por PCR. A concentração média de DNA foi mais alta no método de lise térmica (). Entretanto, com relação à qualidade do DNA, o kit comercial que utiliza um método de extração baseado em uma coluna de separação apresentou melhor resultado (média da relação A260/280 = 1,95). As quatro técnicas testadas forneceram DNA passível de amplificação por PCR, porém com diferentes rendimentos. A qualidade do DNA extraído de bactérias é importante, pois possibilita a realização de maior número de técnicas de biologia molecular e também armazenamento do material por maior período de tempo. Neste sentido, a técnica de extração por coluna de separação apresentou melhor desempenho frente aos CoNS

    Avaliacao de quatro metodos diferentes de extracao de DNA em isolados clinicos de estafilococos coagulase negativos (SCoN)

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    Currently there are several methods to extract bacterial DNA based on different principles. However, the amount and the quality of the DNA obtained by each one of those methods is highly variable and microorganism dependent, as illustrated by coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) which have a thick cell wall that is difficult to lyse. This study was designed to compare the quality and the amount of CoNS DNA, extracted by four different techniques: two in-house protocols and two commercial kits. DNA amount and quality determination was performed through spectrophotometry. The extracted DNA was also analyzed using agarose gel electrophoresis and by PCR. 267 isolates of CoNS were used in this study. The column method and thermal lyses showed better results with regard to DNA quality (mean ratio of A260/280 = 1.95) and average concentration of DNA (), respectively. All four methods tested provided appropriate DNA for PCR amplification, but with different yields. DNA quality is important since it allows the application of a large number of molecular biology techniques, and also it's storage for a longer period of time. In this sense the extraction method based on an extraction column presented the best results for CoNS.Atualmente, para extrair o DNA bacteriano, existem diversos métodos baseados em diferentes princípios. Entretanto, a quantidade e qualidade do DNA obtido por cada um destes métodos é variável e depende do tipo de micro-organismo em questão; os estafilococos coagulase-negativos (CoNS), por exemplo, possuem parede celular espessa difícil de lisar. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a quantidade e a qualidade do DNA extraído de isolados clínicos de CoNS utilizando quatro metodologias diferentes: dois protocolos caseiros e dois kits comerciais. A determinação da quantidade e da qualidade do DNA foi realizada por espectrofotometria. O DNA extraído também foi analisado em eletroforese em gel de agarose e por PCR. A concentração média de DNA foi mais alta no método de lise térmica (). Entretanto, com relação à qualidade do DNA, o kit comercial que utiliza um método de extração baseado em uma coluna de separação apresentou melhor resultado (média da relação A260/280 = 1,95). As quatro técnicas testadas forneceram DNA passível de amplificação por PCR, porém com diferentes rendimentos. A qualidade do DNA extraído de bactérias é importante, pois possibilita a realização de maior número de técnicas de biologia molecular e também armazenamento do material por maior período de tempo. Neste sentido, a técnica de extração por coluna de separação apresentou melhor desempenho frente aos CoNS

    Enhancement of antistaphylococcal activities of six antimicrobials against sasG-negative methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus: an in vitro biofilm model

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    AbstractThis study was designed to evaluate antimicrobial activities against methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus in both sessile and planktonic forms and to detect genes associated with this biofilm phenotype. Minimal biofilm inhibition and eradication concentrations (MBIC and MBEC, respectively) were determined by an in vitro biofilm model, and icaA, atlA, and sasG genes were detected by polymerase chain reaction. Vancomycin and tigecycline presented better biofilm inhibitory activity (MBIC range: 4–8 μg/mL) (P ≤ 0.05) and lower MBEC/MIC ratios (P ≤ 0.001) than other antimicrobials. All isolates harbored icaA and atlA, whereas sasG was present only in strong biofilm formers (P ≤ 0.05). Interestingly, antimicrobial activities against sasG− weak biofilm formers were significantly higher than those against sasG+ strong biofilm formers (P ≤ 0.05), demonstrating that number of cells in a biofilm matrix affected the antimicrobial activity, which was also variable, and might be associated with specific genetic determinants. To our knowledge, this was the first study reporting the presence of sasG in clinical isolates of S. aureus in South America

    Optimal Timing of Insecticide Fogging to Minimize Dengue Cases: Modeling Dengue Transmission among Various Seasonalities and Transmission Intensities

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    Dengue virus infection is a serious infectious disease transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes in the tropics and sub-tropics. Disease control often involves the use of insecticide fogging against mosquito vectors. However, the effectiveness of this method for reducing dengue cases, in addition to appropriate application procedures, is still debated. The previous mathematical simulation study reported that insecticide fogging reduces dengue cases most effectively when applied soon after the epidemic peak; however, the model did not take into account seasonality and population immunity, which strongly affect the epidemic pattern of dengue infection. Considering these important factors, we used a mathematical simulation model to explore the most effective time for insecticide fogging and to evaluate its impact on reducing dengue cases. Simulations were conducted with various lengths of the wet season and population immunity levels. We found that insecticide fogging substantially reduces dengue cases if conducted at an appropriate time. In contrast to the previously suggested application time during the peak of disease prevalence, the optimal timing is relatively early: between the beginning of the dengue season and the prevalence peak

    Stretching the Rules: Monocentric Chromosomes with Multiple Centromere Domains

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    The centromere is a functional chromosome domain that is essential for faithful chromosome segregation during cell division and that can be reliably identified by the presence of the centromere-specific histone H3 variant CenH3. In monocentric chromosomes, the centromere is characterized by a single CenH3-containing region within a morphologically distinct primary constriction. This region usually spans up to a few Mbp composed mainly of centromere-specific satellite DNA common to all chromosomes of a given species. In holocentric chromosomes, there is no primary constriction; the centromere is composed of many CenH3 loci distributed along the entire length of a chromosome. Using correlative fluorescence light microscopy and high-resolution electron microscopy, we show that pea (Pisum sativum) chromosomes exhibit remarkably long primary constrictions that contain 3-5 explicit CenH3-containing regions, a novelty in centromere organization. In addition, we estimate that the size of the chromosome segment delimited by two outermost domains varies between 69 Mbp and 107 Mbp, several factors larger than any known centromere length. These domains are almost entirely composed of repetitive DNA sequences belonging to 13 distinct families of satellite DNA and one family of centromeric retrotransposons, all of which are unevenly distributed among pea chromosomes. We present the centromeres of Pisum as novel ``meta-polycentric'' functional domains. Our results demonstrate that the organization and DNA composition of functional centromere domains can be far more complex than previously thought, do not require single repetitive elements, and do not require single centromere domains in order to segregate properly. Based on these findings, we propose Pisum as a useful model for investigation of centromere architecture and the still poorly understood role of repetitive DNA in centromere evolution, determination, and function

    Collective Excitation of Spatio-Spectrally Distinct Quantum Dots Enabled by Chirped Pulses

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    For a scalable photonic device producing entangled photons, it is desirable to have multiple quantum emitters in an ensemble that can be collectively excited, despite their spectral variability. For quantum dots, Rabi rotation, the most popular method for resonant excitation, cannot assure a universal, highly efficient excited state preparation, because of its sensitivity to the excitation parameters. In contrast, Adiabatic Rapid Passage (ARP), relying on chirped optical pulses, is immune to quantum dot spectral inhomogeneity. Here, we advocate the robustness of ARP for simultaneous excitation of the biexciton states of multiple quantum dots. For positive chirps, we find that there is also regime of phonon advantage that widens the tolerance range of spectral detunings. Using the same laser pulse we demonstrate the simultaneous excitation of energetically and spatially distinct quantum dots. Being able to generate spatially multiplexed entangled photon pairs is a big step towards the scalability of photonic devices

    Holocentric Chromosomes of Luzula elegans Are Characterized by a Longitudinal Centromere Groove, Chromosome Bending, and a Terminal Nucleolus Organizer Region

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    The structure of holocentric chromosomes was analyzed in mitotic cells of Luzula elegans. Light and scanning electron microscopy observations provided evidence for the existence of a longitudinal groove along each sister chromatid. The centromere-specific histone H3 variant, CENH3, colocalized with this groove and with microtubule attachment sites. The terminal chromosomal regions were CENH3-negative. During metaphase to anaphase transition, L. elegans chromosomes typically curved to a sickle-like shape, a process that is likely to be influenced by the pulling forces of microtubules along the holocentric axis towards the corresponding microtubule organizing regions. A single pair of 45S rDNA sites, situated distal to Arabidopsis-telomere repeats, was observed at the terminal region of one chromosome pair. We suggest that the 45S rDNA position in distal centromere-free regions could be required to ensure chromosome stability. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Base

    Compact Chirped Fiber Bragg Gratings for Single-Photon Generation from Quantum Dots

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    A scalable source of single photons is a key constituent of an efficient quantum photonic architecture. To realize this, it is beneficial to have an ensemble of quantum emitters that can be collectively excited with high efficiency. Semiconductor quantum dots hold great potential in this context, due to their excellent photophysical properties. Spectral variability of quantum dots is commonly regarded as a drawback introduced by the fabrication method. However, this is beneficial to realize a frequency-multiplexed single-photon platform. Chirped pulse excitation, relying on the so-called adiabatic rapid passage, is the most efficient scheme to excite a quantum dot ensemble due to its immunity to individual quantum dot parameters. Yet, the existing methods of generating chirped laser pulses to excite a quantum emitter are bulky, lossy, and mechanically unstable, which severely hampers the prospects of a quantum dot photon source. Here, we present a compact, robust, and high-efficiency alternative for chirped pulse excitation of solid-state quantum emitters. Our simple plug-and-play module consists of chirped fiber Bragg gratings (CFBGs), fabricated via femtosecond inscription, to provide high values of dispersion in the near-infrared spectral range, where the quantum dots emit. We characterize and benchmark the performance of our method via chirped excitation of a GaAs quantum dot, establishing high-fidelity single-photon generation. Our highly versatile chirping module coupled to a photon source is a significant milestone toward realizing practical quantum photonic devices