9,063 research outputs found

    The limits and merits of participation

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    The goal of economic development is to increase growth and eliminate poverty. Recently, the goal has been broadened to include promoting participatory governance. Arguably, participation, for example, in community water committees, produces two desirable outcomes: democratic processes and better-targeted, more efficiently delivered public services. Participation is desirable as an end in itself, as a means of sharing resources, control, and responsibility within the social group. Yet participation is not always related to democracy. Fascism was a participatory, grassroots political movement. Participation is as much a problem as it is a solution, as much a goal as a tool. It is a problem when it is disorderly and if it is assumed to be a substitute for democratic representation. It is a solution when it changes conflict into negotiated losses. Participation can make development assistance more effective, but it works best for groups that are already participatory; for groups that can already help themselves. The recent literature on the effectiveness of foreign aid to developing countries presents an interesting analogy. Most foreign aid is useless. The only part that really helps development is that which follows rather than precedes policy change. Similarly, participation seems to work well only when the institutions of participation are in place before the need they address arises and when the institutions are compatible with the need s objectives. These conditions are not easily met. Discussions of participation cannot ignore issues of political power, local power, populism, and representation. They cannot ignore issues of moral pluralism (the verity of ways in which people value their lives) or cultural diversity. They cannot dismiss the ways in which people can be blocked from better lives by the beliefs of their cultures. They cannot avoid the pressure that a dominant group may exert to forgesolutions that are morally unacceptable. These problems are not irrelevant or unimportant. Efforts to promote participation would seem strikingly banal were the history of development efforts not replete with failures to achieve participation where it would have made a difference. It has typically been assumed that people, especially poor people, lack the competence to decide for themselves. Similarly, the failures of participation would seem strikingly banal if people, especfially those we are interested in, behaved the way we expected them to. But people do not behave as expected. Their interests may not be in the collective interest, and thier goals may not coincide with broader social goals.Economic Theory&Research,Health Economics&Finance,Environmental Economics&Policies,Labor Policies,Decentralization,Health Economics&Finance,Governance Indicators,Environmental Economics&Policies,ICT Policy and Strategies,Economic Theory&Research

    De cor a sostre. El teginat de la sala del tresor de la catedral de Tarragona

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    A la sala del tresor de la catedral de Tarragona es conserva un sostre pintat gòtic que originalment havia format part d'una tribuna. Aquest article tracta del seu procés constructiu, de les seves característiques arquitectòniques i de l'espai que ocupa, així com de la seva decoració i dels canvis que ha sofert

    L'antic hospital de Santa Magdalena de Montblanc

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    L'antic hospital de Santa Magdalena de Montblanc és un dels exemples més interessants de l'arquitectura civil catalana baixmedieval. Situat als afores de la vila, és el resultat de la fusió de dues institucions més antigues: els hospitals de Sant Bartomeu i Santa Magdalena, fundats tots dos al s. xiii. La seva construcció es va portar a terme a la fi del s. xv i el principi del s. xvi, fet que es tradueix visualment en la presència d'elements arquitectònics de tradició gòtica i «renaixentista». A desgrat de la poca documentació conservada, en aquest article s'ofereix una visió global de l'evolució de l'edifici, mitjançant l'anàlisi de la seva arquitectura i la comparació amb altres conjunts monumentals, insistint, alhora, en el rol desenvolupat dins del context assistencial i hospitalari de la Catalunya de l'època.The ancient hospital of Santa Magdalena of Montblanc is one of the most interesing examples of the late Gothic Catalan civil architecture. Placed on the city outskirts, it came out as the result of the union of two older institucions: the hospitals of Sant Bartomeu and Santa Magdalena, both founded in the xiiith century. Its construction was carried out at the end of the xvth and beginning of the xvith century, as it can be visually verified by the presence of architectural elements of Gothic and «Renaissance» tradition. Despite of the little documentation which is yet preserved, the article offers a general vision of the building, through its analysis and comparison with other monumental sets, emphasizing, at the same time, its importance in the welfare context of that period

    Derechos fundamentales

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    Traballo fin de grao (UDC.DER). Dereito. Curso 2012/201

    Estudo piloto para avaliar a influência do biofeedback visual no equilíbrio sentado em pacientes após AVE

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    Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em FisioterapiaObjetivo: avaliar a eficácia da reabilitação do equilíbrio sentado de pacientes após AVE através do biofeedback visual, assim como tentar perceber em que fase da reabilitação o mesmo deveria ser introduzido. Metodologia: amostra composta por 8 idosos após AVE (74,13 ± 3,63 anos; 55,75 ± 2,61 kg; 1,62 ± 0.03 m). Divididos em dois grupos de 4 elementos, um grupo de Terapia Conservadora e um grupo de Terapia Combinada 5 vezes por semanas, durante 4 semanas. Duas semanas depois os pacientes trocaram de grupo, tendo todos realizado tratamento com o biofeedback visual através do aparelho Physiosensing mas em diferentes alturas. Todos os pacientes foram avaliados com recurso a dois exercícios selecionados do Physiosensing e às Escalas de Equilíbrio de Berg, Escala de Medida de Independência Funcional e Escala de Queda de Morse no início do estudo, quando mudaram de grupo e no final do estudo. Resultados: verificaram-se ligeiras melhorias no equilíbrio dos pacientes, no entanto nenhuma das variáveis analisadas mostraram diferenças significativas entre os grupos nem entre os momentos de avaliação. Conclusão: não foi possível afirmar a eficácia da utilização do biofeedback visual, através do Physiosensing, na reabilitação do equilíbrio sentado de pacientes pós-AVE.Objective: evaluate the effectiveness of rehabilitation of sitting balance of post-stroke patients through visual biofeedback, such as trying to figure it out in witch phase of the rehabilitation should be introduced. Methodology: sample of 8 elderly after stroke (74.13 ± 3.63 years; 55.75 ± 2.61 kg, 1.62 ± 0:03 m). Divided into two groups of 4 elements, a group of conservative therapy and a group of Combined Therapy 5 times a week for 4 weeks. Two weeks later patients switched groups and all of them performed treatment with visual biofeedback device, through Physiosensing but at different times. All patients were evaluated using two selected exercises from the Physiosensing and the Berg Balance Scale, Independence Measurement Scale Functional and Morse Fall Scale in the beginning of the study, when the groups changed and at the end of the study. Results: There were slightly improvements in the balance of patients, however none of the variables showed significant differences between groups or between the evaluations. Conclusion: It wans´t possible to claim effectiveness using visual biofeedback through Physiosensing in sitting balance rehabilitation of post-stroke patients.N/

    Superprodução, purificação e caracterização parcial de complexos proteína-polissacáridos inovadores a partir de estirpes de basidiomicetos

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    O presente trabalho teve como objectivo o estudo de meios de cultura, tendo em vista a superprodução de complexos proteína-polissacáridos, intracelulares e extracelulares, a partir dos basidiomicetos Pleurotus ostreatus e Lentinula edodes. O meio de cultura suplementado com soro de leite apresentou diversas vantagens para a obtenção dessas macromoléculas biológicas, face aos restantes meios analisados, pelo que foi seleccionado para a produção em fermentador de laboratório em regime descontínuo. O crescimento da cultura foi efectuado a 28°C, 200 rpm e durante 10 dias, e as produtividades de complexos proteína-polissacáridos obtidas para o Pleurotus ostreatus foram de 0,008 ± 8,12 x 10-5 g/(L.dia) e de 0,324 ± 0,005 g/(L.dia), para os complexos precipitados a partir da biomassa e do caldo de fermentação, respectivamente. Posteriormente, os complexos intracelulares e extracelulares foram purificados por cromatografia de filtração em gel e parcialmente caracterizados, revelando concentrações de polissacáridos superiores à concentração proteica, pseudo-actividade de superóxido dismutase, e valores de Mr entre 64 e 9 000kDa. As amostras de complexos proteína-polissacáridos foram caracterizadas por HPLC e apresentaram picos de UV e IR com tempos de retenção de aproximadamente 6 e 12 minutos, respectivamente. Após hidrólise ácida, os complexos heteropolissacáridos obtidos apresentaram na sua constituição glucose, ramnose e arabinose. Adicionalmente, a análise dos complexos proteína-polissacáridos por FT-IR revelou bandas de absorção características destas macromoleculas biológicas, designadamente, a 846,5; 1032,3; 1186,4; 1471,0; 1648,8; 2739,6 e 3419,3 cm-1 para o Pleurotus ostreatus e 862,3; 1044,1; 1474,9; 1644,8; 2372,0; 2992,5; e 3415,4 cm-1 para Lentinula edodes


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    Objective: to build and validate educational technology on insulin therapy for educational practices of health professionals.Method: methodological study conducted in three stages: construction, between May and September 2019; and content validation and appearance validation, August 2020 to August 2021, in a Public University of Amapá, Brazil. Content validation and appearance validation were performed in single steps with 16 health professionals and with five professionals from other areas respectively.Results: The educational technology was named Serial Album on Insulin Therapy and was available in printed format. It presented a Content Validity Index of 0.91 and an Appearance Validity Index of 1.00.Conclusion: the technology was validated and can be used by primary care health professionals in health educational practices, with a view to promoting teaching-learning about the use of insulin, benefiting the process of care and communication in health care

    Generalised verification of the observer property in discrete event systems

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    The observer property is an important condition to be satisfied by abstractions of Discrete Event Systems (DES) models. This paper presents a generalised version of a previous algorithm which tests if an abstraction of a DES obtained through natural projection has the observer property. The procedure called OP-verifier II overcomes the limitations of the previously proposed verifier while keeping its computational complexity. Results are illustrated by a case study of a transfer line system

    Generalised verification of the observer property in discrete event systems

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    The observer property is an important condition to be satisfied by abstractions of Discrete Event Systems (DES) models. This paper presents a generalised version of a previous algorithm which tests if an abstraction of a DES obtained through natural projection has the observer property. The procedure called OP-verifier II overcomes the limitations of the previously proposed verifier while keeping its computational complexity. Results are illustrated by a case study of a transfer line system

    Valor da calprotectina fecal na determinação da actividade da doença inflamatória intestinal : ênfase particular na recidiva pós-cirúrgica nos doentes com doença de Crohn

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    Trabalho de projecto de mestrado em Medicina, apresentado à Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de CoimbraA Doença Inflamatória Intestinal (DII) é uma doença crónica, cursando com períodos de remissão e de agudização. Vários métodos podem ser utilizados na avaliação da sua actividade mas aqueles que são utilizados na prática clínica têm baixa especificidade e sensibilidade ou são de carácter invasivo. Assim torna-se facilmente compreensível que se insista na necessidade de encontrar alternativas que idealmente deverão caracterizar-se por serem de fácil utilização, terem um carácter não invasivo e apresentarem custos reduzidos. A terapêutica médica da DII consiste na diminuição da inflamação, quer pela imunomodulação, quer pela imunossupressão, tornando por isso, imprescindível a quantificação da inflamação activa para aferição terapêutica. Os índices clínicos, embora importantes, são facilmente influenciáveis por fenómenos não inflamatórios (estenoses, fístulas e procedimentos cirúrgicos); os marcadores séricos (velocidade de sedimentação e proteína C reactiva) apresentam baixa acuidade decorrente em grande parte da ausência de sensibilidade e especificidade para a inflamação intestinal. A colonoscopia com biopsias (considerado o método gold standard para avaliação da actividade da doença) e a cápsula endoscópica são exames invasivos e dispendiosos. A calprotectina é uma proteína ligada ao cálcio derivada predominantemente dos neutrófilos, constituindo mais de 60% das proteínas do citosol. Desta forma, a sua presença nas fezes é proporcional à migração neutrofílica através do tracto gastrointestinal e consequentemente ao grau de inflamação da parede do tubo digestivo. Para além disso, apresenta estabilidade nas fezes à temperatura ambiente, resistência à actividade de degradação pelas bactérias intestinais e pode ser quantificada por ELISA, características estas que a tornam atractiva para a prática clínica. A concentração da calprotectina fecal (CF) é proporcional à inflamação intestinal: quando aumentada é preditiva de inflamação severa ao exame anatomo-patológico. Admite-se assim a hipótese de, numa condição patológica caracterizada pela oscilação entre períodos de actividade e sendo a recorrência endoscópica mais precoce que a clínica, que a CF terá a capacidade de predizer recidivas clínicas em doentes assintomáticos, reduzindo assim a necessidade de explorações endoscópicas durante tratamento. Particularizando, na Doença de Crohn (DC), a cirurgia não é curativa pelo que o risco de recorrência pós-cirúrgica é grande. Desta forma, a instituição de terapêutica profilática está dependente da avaliação objectiva da actividade da doença, nomeadamente o estudo endoscópico capaz de detectar lesões macroscópicas tradutoras de recidiva clínica. O Score de Rutgeerts é o utilizado na mensuração e uniformização destes achados em doentes com DC já submetidos a uma ressecção íleo-cólica. Pretende-se assim analisar a capacidade do doseamento da CF como meio complementar de diagnóstico não invasivo na predicção de recidiva da DC. A aluna propõe-se estudar prospectivamente 30 doentes com diagnóstico de Doença de Crohn já submetidos a ressecção ileo-cecal, assintomáticos (Crohn´s Disease Activity Índex<150) e com terapêutica estável nas últimas 12 semanas. Os valores de CF serão comparados com os achados endoscópicos, classificados de acordo com índice de Rutgeerts e secundariamente, a CF será comparada também com os valores laboratoriais (hemoglobina, leucócitos, plaquetas e proteína C reactiva). Desta forma, pretende-se determinar a acuidade da CF no diagnóstico de recidiva endoscópica (definida no material e métodos) utilizando o valor de cut-off recomendado. Para alem disso, pretende-se determinar um novo cut-off com maior sensibilidade e especificidade e verificar a existência de correlação entre os valores de CF, índice endoscópico e parâmetros analíticos.Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic condition marked by recurrent episodes of inflammation. Several methods may be used for the assessment of its activity but they have either low specificity or are invasive procedures. Although its easily understandable that all the efforts may be made to identify alternative methods, ideally simple to use, non invasive and affordable. The objective of medical therapy in IBD is to reduce inflammation by its immunomodulation or immunosuppressive actions, hence the need of quantifying inflammation for the assessment of the therapeutic effect. The clinical scores, although relevant, are easily influenced by non-inflammatory issues (such as stenosis, fistulization and surgical procedures), serologic markers (erythrocyte sedimentation rate and reactive C protein) have low diagnostic accuracy because of its low sensitivity and specificity. Colonoscopy with biopsies (considered the gold standard method in the evaluation in the disease activity) and capsule endoscopy are invasive and expensive procedures. Calprotectin is a calcium-binding protein that is derived predominantly from neutrophils, adding up to 60% of the cytosolic proteins from granulocytes. Consequently the presence of calprotectin in feces is directly proportional to neutrophil migration to the intestinal tract and its inflammation degree. Calprotectin has excellent stability in feces at room temperature, is resistant to intestinal bacterial degradation and is quantifyed by ELISA testing, making it an attractive option in daily practice. Fecal calprotectin (FC) is proportional to the inflammation in the intestinal tract, hence, when increased is predictive of severe inflammation at endoscopic and histological study. With that basis we admitted that in a condition that curses with flares and periods without clinical symptoms, and considering that endoscopic relapse occurs previous to clinical symptoms, FC has the capability to predict relapses in asymptomatic patients, reducing the need for endoscopic evaluation during the therapy. Especially in CD, surgery is no curative and the risk of recurrence is high. So, the institution of prophylactic therapy is dependent of the measurement of its activity, namely with endoscopic study by identifying macroscopic lesions compatible with relapse. Rutgeerts score is used in the standardization of these findings in CD patient’s prior submitted to ileocolonic resection. The aim is to analyze FC as a non-invasive procedure in predicting CD relapses. The author proposes to study prospectively 30 patients with de CD diagnosis, previously submitted to ileocolonic resection, asymptomatic (defined with a CDAI<150) on stable therapy by the last 12 weeks. The FC values will be compared with the endoscopic findings (defined with the Rutgeetrs score) and, as secondary analysis, FC values will be compared with serologic values (namely hemoglobin, leucocytes, platelets and reactive C protein). The main goal is to determine CF accuracy in the diagnosis of endoscopic relapse, firstly using the cut-off proposed by the manufacturer and secondly calculating a new one with increased sensibility and specificity. The relation of FC levels with the other evaluated laboratory marker will also de reviewed