15,515 research outputs found

    Morphology and divisional morphogenesis of brackish water ciliate Novistrombidium rufinoi sp. nov. (Ciliophora: Oligotrichia) from Brazil

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    The strombidiid ciliate Novistrombidium rufinoi sp. nov. is described from observations on live and protargol-impregnated specimens. The organisms were isolated from samples of slightly brackish water from Cabiúnas Lagoon, located in Parque Nacional da Restinga de Jurubatiba, an environment conservation area in the northern region of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The new species measures ~40 x 35 μm in vivo and differs from congeners by having a 7?11 μm long, adherent, non-retractile tail that lacks cilia and a conspicuously spring-shaped adoral zone which has two thigmotactic membranelles. Stomatogenesis in the opisthe is hypoapokinetal and parental oral apparatus is retained in the proter.Fil: Da Silva Paiva, Thiago. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Kuppers, Gabriela Cristina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales ; ArgentinaFil: Domingos da Silva Neto, Inácio. Universidade de Sao Paulo; Brasi

    Finite Rotations

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    We present an elementary discussion of two basic properties of angular displacements, namely, the anticommutation of finite rotations and the commutation of infinitesimal rotations, and show how commutation is achieved as the angular displacements get smaller and smaller

    Flag-Dipole Spinor Fields in ESK Gravities

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    We consider the Riemann-Cartan geometry as a basis for the Einstein-Sciama-Kibble theory coupled to spinor fields: we focus on f(R)f(R) and conformal gravities, regarding the flag-dipole spinor fields, type-(4) spinor fields under the Lounesto classification. We study such theories in specific cases given for instance by cosmological scenarios: we find that in such background the Dirac equation admits solutions that are not Dirac spinor fields, but in fact the aforementioned flag-dipoles ones. These solutions are important from a theoretical perspective, as they evince that spinor fields are not necessarily determined by their dynamics, but also a discussion on their structural (algebraic) properties must be carried off. Furthermore, the phenomenological point of view is shown to be also relevant, since for isotropic Universes they circumvent the question whether spinor fields do undergo the Cosmological Principle.Comment: 18 pages, improved versio

    Bon Pastor - Dos situaciones: Especulación propositiva de creación de situaciones en la conexión entre la estación de metro con el barrio Bon Pastor

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es especular de manera propositiva sobre la relación de la llegada de una infraestructura urbana en un tejido urbano existe. Se entiende especulación propositiva como un acto de proyección de una nueva realidad tras la aplicación de ideas de proyecto para una adaptación o construcción de esta nueva realidad. Los argumentos propositivos son presentados a partir de las ideas, textos, películas, criticas, pinturas, grafismos y proyectos de la vanguardia Situacionista. La presentación o especulación de estas ideas y propuestas es realizada a través del análisis de dos momentos en un mismo espacio, un análisis y aproximación de una realidad y la especulación posterior la construcción de las situaciones. El caso de la expansión del metro de la ciudad o zona metropolitana de Barcelona con la construcción de la Línea 09 representa un caso real que puede ser considerado parte de la agenda actual del urbanismo contemporáneo, la expansión y muchas veces llegada de una nueva infraestructura en una realidad o situación existente. Esta idea está de acuerdo con las propuestas llevadas a cabo para discusión dentro de la línea de Proyecto y Sociedad de Masa. El amplio pensamiento Situacionista sobre la ciudad, donde estimula la experiencia en barrios periféricos y no turísticos de las ciudades buscando la descubierta y posibilidad de construcción de situaciones y de cambios de ambientes y consecuentemente de vida, y sobre la sociedad, luchando contra la alienación y el control de la población buscando una reforma de la vida a través de justicia social y de las relaciones de trabajo. Entre las estaciones de la nueva línea de metro. La llegada del metro al barrio Bon Pastor situado en la periferia de la ciudad de Barcelona y que estuvo, hasta el final de la década de 50 mucho más relacionado con la ciudad de Santa Coloma de Gramanet y fuera de las dinámicas urbanas de la ciudad de Barcelona. Un barrio que se origina de un polígono industrial y de la construcción de casas baratas para los trabajadores y los recientes cambios de orden urbana y social hacen con que la relación de la estación de metro Bon Pastor con la estructura urbana existente sea un ejemplar de acuerdo con la idea de especular la ciudad desde el punto de vista de la llegada de una nueva infraestructura y la aplicación del pensamiento urbano Situacionista

    Filosofia, poesia e resistência: sobre a unidade entre epistemologia e militância política em tempos de crise

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    The recent social crisis in Brazil has given political players of a certain leaning the excuse they needed to make political maneuvers of a suspicious nature. Backed by corporations, the mainstream media and agribusiness, such measures, which have also been called “reforms,” have been hastened by members of the legislature in collusion with the highest-ranking government leaders. Their scheme was hatched at the height of the crisis of President Dilma’s government and culminated with her impeachment. Shortly after the usurpation of the executive branch, much of the Brazilian public began to perceive it as a farce created by the privileged classes with the ideological support of the mass media. In light of this context, the goal of this paper is to reflect critically on the Brazilian scenario, endorsing alternative interpretations to those espoused by the mainstream media. The paper begins with the problematization of the concept of crisis in Bobbio (2004) and Santos (2007) in order to gain insight into the reasons behind of the offensive waged by the privileged classes in command of Brazil. Next the paper examines the concept of conscientization found in Gramsci (2011) and Freire (2006), which interprets knowledge as a means to resist oppression via political engagement. The paper concludes by recovering the concept of politics from the outworn view of it as an art to the understanding of politics, per Arendt (2002), as an instrument of humanization and social inclusion

    Technological evolution in machining processes with CNC machines in the context of the concept of Industry 4.0

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Industrial EngineeringThe work related to the project of this dissertation will consist of an analysis of the technological evolution of the machining processes with CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machines regarding the new concept of Industry 4.0. The concept fits into the current transformation process for the fourth industrial revolution, such as integrated Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) within the manufacturing processes using the Internet of Things (IoT) in industrial processes. Faced with technological advances, the processes of Industrial Engineering in machining using CNC machines must undergo adaptations, aiming at substantial increases in the operational effectiveness. Thus, an approach will be made to understand how current processes can adapt to the concept under study when analyzing the evolution of the machining tools for CNC machines in the face of new processes. A thorough study will be done to adapt the methodology of Industry 4.0 applying it to the machining processes in CNC Machines. Thereby, a proposal for future applications will be given on the topics studied. The methodology will be based entirely on a documental analysis research strategy. The virtual technology in machining tools is still a subject in development, being one of the main factors to be understood in this dissertation. In this study, it will be possible to analyze the main factors that can influence directly or indirectly the production processes of a factory with CNC machines. It will be explored and studied the types of machining processes for CNC machines and the types of machining tools developed with virtual technology. When we are talking about virtual technology, we are usually addressing the need for software. In CNC machining operations, there is a CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) software that performs machining simulations for CNC machines. Thus, a study and analysis of a production system involving a CAM software, a tool with virtual technology and CNC machines will be done to verify how this set can work encompassed and what changes this production model introduces. In the sequence of this study, an idea of a new production system will be proposed, allowing for a better understanding of the possibilities for application of new approaches in the future.O trabalho relacionado ao projeto desta dissertação de mestrado consistirá de uma análise da evolução tecnológica dos processos de usinagem com as máquinas CNC (Comando Numérico Computacional) em relação ao novo conceito da Indústria 4.0. O conceito se enquadra no atual processo de transformação da quarta revolução industrial, com os Sistemas Ciber-Físicos integrados (CPS) dentro dos processos de fabricação que utilizam a Internet das Coisas (IoT) em processos industriais. Diante dos avanços tecnológicos, os processos de Engenharia Industrial em usinagem utilizando máquinas CNC devem sofrer adaptações, visando um aumento substancial na eficácia operacional. Assim, uma abordagem será feita para entender como os processos atuais podem se adaptar ao conceito em estudo, visando também uma análise da evolução das ferramentas de usinagem para máquinas CNC em face de novos processos. Um estudo minucioso será feito para adaptar a metodologia da Indústria 4.0, aplicando-a aos processos de usinagem em máquinas CNC. Com isso, algumas proposta para aplicações futuras serão apresentadas para os tópicos estudados. A metodologia será totalmente baseada em uma estratégia de investigação documental. A tecnologia virtual em ferramentas de usinagem ainda é um assunto em desenvolvimento, sendo um dos principais fatores a serem compreendidos na realização deste trabalho. Neste estudo, será possível analisar os principais fatores que podem influenciar direta ou indiretamente nos processos de produção de uma fábrica com máquinas CNC. Serão explorados e estudados os tipos de processos de usinagem para máquinas CNC e os tipos de ferramentas de usinagem desenvolvidas com tecnologia virtual. Quando abordamos o assunto sobre tecnologia virtual, geralmente estamos a lidar com a necessidade de um software. Nas operações de usinagem CNC, existe um software CAM (Manufatura Assistida por Computador) que realiza simulações de usinagem para máquinas CNC. Assim, um estudo e análise do sistema de produção envolvendo um software CAM, uma ferramenta com tecnologia virtual e máquinas CNC será feito para verificar como este conjunto pode trabalhar englobado e quais as mudanças para esse modelo de produção. Na sequência dessa análise, será proposta uma ideia de um novo sistema de produção, que permite uma melhor compreensão das possibilidades de aplicação no futuro das novas abordagens

    Hydration and interactions between C3S and C3A polymorphs in the presence of different calcium sulfates

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    Calcium sulfate is an important constituent in Portland cement nowadays. It is used to control the setting time of Portland cement. However, many questions about the role of calcium sulfate on the cement phases (C3A and C3S) hydration and its mechanisms persist. A critical overview of the effect of sulfates on Portland cement hydration and properties is presented here in a review manuscript form. In this sense, several knowledge gaps, such as the influence of C3S and C3A polymorphs and the calcium sulfate composition on the sulfate balance in Portland cement, were identified. To address some of the questions identified in the review three different experimental studies were executed. The first one was focused to understand how gypsum accelerates the C3S hydration and whether aluminum incorporated in its structure plays an essential role or not. The effects of gypsum on the hydration of C3S and aluminum-doped C3S (Al-C3S) hydration were assessed. Calorimetry, XRD, TGA, and 27Al and 29Si MAS-NMR were performed to analyze gypsum’s influence on the hydration of C3S and Al-C3S. The results showed that the inclusion of gypsum retarded the initial hydration (first 3 h) for both C3S and Al-C3S, due to the interaction between the sulfate ions and C3S. In contrast, gypsum enhanced the hydration of both C3S and Al-C3S afterward. This acceleration effect occurred earlier for the Al-C3S due to the removal of aluminum from the solution. However, this is not the main mechanism behind the acceleration of C3S by gypsum, which mainly results from changes in C-S-H morphology and increases in the ionic strength. Secondly, the mechanism responsible for the higher reactivity of orthorhombic C3A (ort-C3A) in sulfate-containing solutions, compared with cubic C3A (cb-C3A), which was previously related to either the difference in crystal structure or the sodium in ort-C3A pore solution were investigated. The hydration of cbC3A (in water and NaOH solution) and Na-doped ort-C3A in the presence of gypsum and hemihydrate were analyzed using isothermal calorimetry, in-situ XRD, TGA, SEM, and rheological tests. The results showed that NaOH accelerated the hydration of cb-C3A, but ortC3A still presented a higher hydration rate. Ort-C3A pastes revealed more and larger ettringite crystals at 30-120 minutes, resulting in higher viscosities and yield stresses than cb-C3A pastes. The replacement of gypsum with hemihydrate accelerated ort-C3A hydration but retarded cbC3A hydration. Overall, the higher reactivity of ort-C3A is related to differences in crystal structure rather than the sodium in pore solution. Finally, the hydration of three-phase systems (C3S-C3A-calcium sulfate) was analyzed. Two C3S (T1 pure C3S and M1 aluminum-doped C3S), two C3A polymorphs (cubic and orthorhombic), and two calcium sulfates (gypsum and hemihydrate) were evaluated. For each system, the hydration of four different SO3 contents was evaluated by calorimetry. From the calorimetry results, a 1.5 wt.% SO3 content was fixed, and the mixtures were evaluated by in-situ XRD and TGA. The C3S type was the factor that most affected the sulfate balance of the systems. The mixes with Al-C3S presented higher ettringite formation in the first hours, resulting in much earlier sulfate depletions when compared to the mixes with C3S. The mixes with ort-C3A also presented faster sulfate depletions, due to its higher reactivity compared with cb-C3A. Finally, the replacement of gypsum by hemihydrate, also resulted in faster sulfate depletions, which is the consequence of the higher solubility of hemihydrate

    Essays on the European Banks Financial Stability, Profitability, and Efficiency

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    As a result of the financial crisis of 2007-2008, all banking systems in Europe experienced a complete overhaul. These major changes justify the motives for this research, which has been based on three essays on the European banking sector. The first essay analyses the effects of bank competition on a banks financial stability. Using a sample of 117 listed banks from 16 Western European countries from the period 2011 - 2018, the main findings indicate that an excessive increase in competition tends to generate financial instability, especially in countries where banking systems have low financial stability. In the second essay, the effect of the implementation of negative interest rate policies on the profitability and risk of banks is evaluated. Considering a sample of 2,596 banks from 29 European countries in the period 2011- 2019, the results obtained have led us to conclude that the implementation of a negative interest rate policy reduces the net interest margin and the profitability of most banks, but it does not lead to the adoption of investment strategies with high risk exposure. However, these conclusions are not applicable to all banks, which differ according to the business models adopted by each bank. In the third essay, the impact of adopting socially responsible policies on banking efficiency is analysed. Based on a sample of 108 listed banks from 21 European countries during the period 2011 - 2019, it is concluded from the evidence of a U-shaped relationship between corporate social performance and banking efficiency that banks with good performance in the social area and with high quality governance models are the most efficient

    Biological characterization of de-ubiquitylating enzymes (UBPs/UCHs) in Plasmodium spp as potential drug targets

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    A malária ainda constitui um grande problema de saúde pública e a resistência aos antimaláricos ameaça todos os esforços efectuados com vista ao combate e controle desta doença. Existe uma grande necessidade de se identificar novos compostos de preferência que actuem em novos alvos terapêuticos. A via da ubiquitinação/proteosoma já foi identificada como um alvo terapêutico interessante. Mutações nas enzimas de des-ubiquitilação (DUBs) que catalizam a remoção da ubiquitina estão associadas ao desenvolvimento de doenças infecciosas e não infecciosas. Neste projecto quatro DUBs foram identificadas no genoma do parasita Plasmodium falciparum e foram caracterizadas. A expressão dos genes que codificam estas enzimas ao longo do ciclo de vida do parasita na presença e ausência de fármaco foi efectuada por RT-PCR.Anticorpos policlonais obtidos a partir de ratinhos foram utilizados para a deteção da abundancia das proteínas ao longo do ciclo de vida do parasita. Utilizou-se ainda a tecnica de transfeção com o objectivo de criar uma linha knockout para determinar se estas proteínas são essências para o parasita. Proteínas recombinantes foram expressas em células de E.coli e actividade enzimática das mesmas foi testada usando um substrato específico para as DUBs. O inibidor das DUBs com actividade antimalarica, curcumina foi usado quer in vitro para testar a sua actividade sobre as proteínas recombinantes, mas também in vivo no modelo de malaria roedora de Plasmodium chabaudi em associação com cloroquina e artemisinina.Um ensiao de proteomica foi também usado para ver que proteínas estão alteradas em resposta ao tratamento com curcumina. Os resultados demonstram que em P. falciparum os genes pfuch-l1, pfuch-l3, pfuch-l54 e pfubp-8 são diferencialmente expressos ao longo do ciclo de vida do parasita e as respectivas proteínas são mais abundantes no estadio de trofozoito e esquizonte. O tratamento dos parasitas com artemisinina, cloroquina, curcumina induziu um aumento temporário na expressão dos genes seguido de um declínio. Não foi possível obter uma linha parasitária knockout pfuch-l1 e pfuch-l3 viável. As proteínas recombinantes foram expressas com sucesso em células de E. coli excepto a Pfuch-l54. As Pfuch-l1, Pfuch-l3, Pfubp-8 demonstraram actividade enzimática e interagiram com o susbstrato Ub-AMC. Os IC50 da curcumina nas proteínas recombinantes foram: Pfuch-l1 15μM, Pfuch-l3 25.4μM, Pfubp-8 10μM e para a proteina recombinante humana USP2, 5μM. A Curcumina quando testada nas células HepG2 apresenta alguma toxicidade in vitro, mas não apresenta uma alta toxicicidade em ratinhos e quando utilizada em associação com a cloroquina apresenta um efeito de sinergismo.Enquanto a associação da curcumina com artemisinina o resultado é antagónico.Os ensaios de proteomica em culturas de P. falciparum tratadas com curcumina revelaram 10 proteinas que se encontraram alteradas em resposta ao tratamento. Estas proteínas estão envolvidas no metabolismo do sulfato, tradução e degradação de proteínas, ciclo celular e organização celular. Em conclusão, este trabalho demonstra que estas enzimas são potenciais alvos terapeuticos, mas será necessário mais estudos moleculares, bioquímicos e farmacológicos para aumentar a selectividade dos inibidores das DUBs para as enzimas do parasita e minimizar os danos nas proteínas do hospedeiro humano.Malaria continues to be a major public healthconcern. Drug resistance continues to threaten all efforts made to control the disease. Hence there is a race to identify new antimalarial drugs that act on newer targets, in order to minimize the spread of drug resistance. The ubiquitin/proteasome pathway has been idientified as a potential drug target. Mutations in de-ubiquitylating enzymes (DUBs),which catalyze the removal of ubiquitin,havebeen associated with the developmentof infectiousand non infectious diseases. In this project four DUBs namely pfuch-l1, pfuch-l3, pfuch-l54and pfubp-8were identified in the Plasmodiumfalciparumgenome and were characterized. Theexpression profile of genes encoding DUBsthroughout the parasite ́s life cycle with and without drug treatment wascarried out by RT-PCR.Polyclonal antibodies raised in mice were used to detect protein abundance in different stages of the parasite ́s life cycle. An attempt was made to produce a DUB knockoutlineand determine whether they are essential for the parasite. Recombinant proteins were expressed in E.colicells and their de-ubiquitylating activity was tested usinga specific substrate for DUBs.The activity of curcumin (a Dub inhibitor)was evalutedinvitroon the recombinant proteinsand its antimalarialactivity was testedin association with chloroquine and artemisininin anin vivorodent malaria model,Plasmodium chabaudi. A proteomics approach was also used to determine what proteins were deregulated in response to curcumin treatment.The results show that P.falciparumgenes pfuch-l1, pfuch-l3, pfuch-l54and pfubp-8are differentially expressed throughout the parasite ́s life cycle and those proteins are more abundant at the trophozoite and schizont stages of the parasite.Treatment of parasites with artemisinin, chloroquine, and curcumin induced a transientincrease in the expression of those genes,followed by a steadydecrease in the gene expressionpattern.No viable pfuch-l1and pfuch-l3gene knockout lines were obtained.Recombinant proteins were successfully expressed in E.colicellswith the exception of Pfuch-l54.Pfuch-l1, Pfuch-l3, Pfubp-8demonstrated de-ubiquitylating activity by cleaving the substrate Ub-AMC. In vitroIC50 of curcumin towards recombinant Pfuch-l1was 15μM, for recombinant Pfuch-l3was 25.4μM and forPfubp-8was 10μM and for human USP2 was 5μM. Curcumin displayed some toxicity to the HepG2 cell lines, but the in vivoantimalarial activityassays in the rodent model of malaria Plasmodium chabaudishowedthat curcumin is non toxic to miceand the association of curcumin with chloroquine displayedsynergism whereas theassociation of curcumin with artemisinin showed antagonism. The proteomics assay performed in P.falciparumcultures treated with curcuminrevealed10deregulatedproteins.The proteins identified were involved in sulfur metabolism, protein translation and degradation, cell cycleand cellular organization. In conclusion, the presentstudyshowed that P.falciparumDUBs are indeed potential drug targets. However further molecular, biochemicaland phamacological studies will be required in ordertoturn the inhibitors more specific towards the parasite ́s enzymes andminimise damage to the host ́s proteins