2,522 research outputs found

    Lassa Fever Epidemiology, Clinical Features, Diagnosis, Management and Prevention

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    AMBER/VLTI observations of 5 giant stars

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    While the search for exoplanets around main sequence stars more massive than the Sun have found relatively few such objects, surveys performed around giant stars have led to the discovery of more than 30 new exoplanets. The interest in studying planet hosting giant stars resides in the possibility of investigating planet formation around stars more massive than the Sun. Masses of isolated giant stars up to now were only estimated from evolutionary tracks, which led to different results depending on the physics considered. To calibrate the theory, it is therefore important to measure a large number of giant star diameters and masses as much as possible independent of physical models. We aim in the determination of diameters and effective temperatures of 5 giant stars, one of which is known to host a planet. AMBER/VLTI observations with the ATs were executed in low resolution mode on 5 giant stars. In order to measure high accurate calibrated squared visibilities, a calibrator-star-calibrator observational sequence was performed. We measured the uniform disk and limb-darkened angular diameters of 4 giant stars. The effective temperatures were also derived by combining the bolometric luminosities and the interferometric diameters. Lower effective temperatures were found when compared to spectroscopic measurements. The giant star HD12438 was found to have an unknown companion star at an angular separation of ~ 12 mas. Radial velocity measurements present in the literature confirm the presence of a companion with a very long orbital period (P ~ 11.4 years).}Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    Nutritional diagnosis for eucalypt by DRIS, M-DRIS, and CND

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    A avaliação do estado nutricional em florestas de eucalipto (Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Maid.), mediante análises de tecido vegetal, pode ser importante para elevação e manutenção em níveis elevados da produtividade florestal, pois, reflete os fluxos de água e de nutrientes no sistema, sendo ferramenta complementar à análise de solo. O presente trabalho foi realizado aplicando-se o Sistema Integrado de Diagnose e Recomendação (DRIS), DRIS modificado (M-DRIS) e Diagnose da Composição Nutricional (CND), com o objetivo de comparar as diagnoses realizadas entre os métodos DRIS, M-DRIS e CND para o eucalipto, em localidades da região Centro-Leste de Minas Gerais. Foram utilizados dados de produtividade e dos teores de N, P, K, Ca e Mg nas folhas, referentes a 993 talhões de Eucalyptus grandis com idades variando de 72 a 153 meses, plantados no espaçamento 3 ´ 2 m em seis localidades dessa região. A diagnose do estado nutricional foi realizada utilizando-se o DRIS, M-DRIS e CND e validada pelo teste do qui-quadrado (c²), aplicado àqueles nutrientes diagnosticados como limitantes primários por deficiência. Os métodos foram comparados, baseando-se na freqüência de diagnoses concordantes (DCF) do potencial de resposta à adubação (FRP), mediante os seguintes critérios: considerando-se os nutrientes separadamente; desde todos (5) nutrientes até nenhum (0); e apenas o limitante primário por deficiência e por excesso. O nível de concordância entre as diagnoses, fornecidas pelos métodos, variou de acordo com o procedimento adotado em sua avaliação e com o grau de concentração de nutrientes nas árvores.The evaluation of the nutritional status in eucalypt (Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Maid.) forests through vegetal tissue analyses what reflects water and nutrient flows in the system, and represents a complementary tool to soil analysis can be helpful to raise and maintain the forest productivity at high levels. This study compared the use of the Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS), Modified-DRIS (M-DRIS), and Compositional Nutrient Diagnosis (CND) diagnose methods in eucalypt stands in Central-Eastern Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Data of productivity and of N, P, K, Ca, and Mg leaf contents in 993 Eucalyptus grandis stands aging between 72 and 153 months, planted on six sites in 3 ´ 2 m spacing, were used. The nutritional status was diagnosed by the DRIS, M-DRIS, and CND methods, and validated by the chi-square (c²) test applied to the nutrients diagnosed as primary limiting by deficiency. These three methods were compared to each other based on the diagnosis concordance frequency (DCF) derived from the fertilization response potential (FRP) by the criteria considering each nutrient separately; from all (5) to none (0); and only the primary limiting nutrients by either deficiency or excess. The diagnosis concordance level among the methods was procedure-dependent, and varied according to the nutrient concentration in trees


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    This study aimed to quantify the artificial pruning of forest species sabia (Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia Benth.), acacia (Acacia mangium Willd.) and neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss), at 12 months of age, in response to the cultivation method. The experimental design was in randomized block design in a factorial scheme (2x3), corresponding tosix treatments distributed in plots in tracks with four blocks. Being the main factor two methods of cultivation (less intensive - CA and more intensive - CB) and the secondary factor the forest species, totaling six treatments with four replicates each. The growth of each tree was obtained with the measurement of the total height and diameter at breast height. For the quantification of biomass pruned selected is a tree in the surrounds of each parcel with average height and diameter. The pruning was performed until the height equivalent to 40% of the crown height of the tree. The three variables studied (leaf, branch and total) showed significant differences between the types of cultivation and between the species. Only the parameter leaf for the sabia treatment didn’t show differences in relation to the cultivation types. We concluded that the cultivation method and the species types have influency in the total biomass production and consequently in the pruned plant amount

    Stability of complex hyperbolic space under curvature-normalized Ricci flow

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    Using the maximal regularity theory for quasilinear parabolic systems, we prove two stability results of complex hyperbolic space under the curvature-normalized Ricci flow in complex dimensions two and higher. The first result is on a closed manifold. The second result is on a complete noncompact manifold. To prove both results, we fully analyze the structure of the Lichnerowicz Laplacian on complex hyperbolic space. To prove the second result, we also define suitably weighted little H\"{o}lder spaces on a complete noncompact manifold and establish their interpolation properties.Comment: Some typos in version 2 are correcte

    Planetary companions around the K giant stars 11 UMi and HD 32518

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    11 UMi and HD 32518 belong to a sample of 62 K giant stars that has been observed since February 2004 using the 2m Alfred Jensch telescope of the Th\"uringer Landessternwarte (TLS) to measure precise radial velocities (RVs). The aim of this survey is to investigate the dependence of planet formation on the mass of the host star by searching for planetary companions around intermediate-mass giants. An iodine absorption cell was used to obtain accurate RVs for this study. Our measurements reveal that the RVs of 11 UMi show a periodic variation of 516.22 days. The RV curve of HD 32518 shows sinusoidal variations with a period of 157.54 days. The HIPPARCOS photometry as well as our H\alpha core flux measurements reveal no variability with the RV period. Thus, Keplerian motion is the most likely explanation for the observed RV variations for both giant stars. An exoplanet with a minimum mass of 10.5 Jupiter masses orbits the K giant 11 UMi. The K1 III giant HD 32518 hosts a planetary companion with a minimum mass of 3.0 Jupiter masses in a nearly circular orbit. These are the 4th and 5th planets published from this TLS survey.Comment: 11 pages, 16 figure

    No Conclusive Evidence for Transits of Proxima b in MOST photometry

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    The analysis of Proxima Centauri's radial velocities recently led Anglada-Escud\'e et al. (2016) to claim the presence of a low mass planet orbiting the Sun's nearest star once every 11.2 days. Although the a-priori probability that Proxima b transits its parent star is just 1.5%, the potential impact of such a discovery would be considerable. Independent of recent radial velocity efforts, we observed Proxima Centauri for 12.5 days in 2014 and 31 days in 2015 with the MOST space telescope. We report here that we cannot make a compelling case that Proxima b transits in our precise photometric time series. Imposing an informative prior on the period and phase, we do detect a candidate signal with the expected depth. However, perturbing the phase prior across 100 evenly spaced intervals reveals one strong false-positive and one weaker instance. We estimate a false-positive rate of at least a few percent and a much higher false-negative rate of 20-40%, likely caused by the very high flare rate of Proxima Centauri. Comparing our candidate signal to HATSouth ground-based photometry reveals that the signal is somewhat, but not conclusively, disfavored (1-2 sigmas) leading us to argue that the signal is most likely spurious. We expect that infrared photometric follow-up could more conclusively test the existence of this candidate signal, owing to the suppression of flare activity and the impressive infrared brightness of the parent star.Comment: Accepted to ApJ. Posterior samples, MOST photometry and HATSouth photometry are all available at https://github.com/CoolWorlds/Proxim

    The Mass of the Planet-hosting Giant Star Beta Geminorum Determined from its p-mode Oscillation Spectrum

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    We use precise radial velocity measurements and photometric data to derive the frequency spacing of the p-mode oscillation spectrum of the planet-hosting star Beta Gem. This spacing along with the interferometric radius for this star is used to derive an accurate stellar mass. A long time series of over 60 hours of precise stellar radial velocity measurements of Beta Gem were taken with an iodine absorption cell and the echelle spectrograph mounted on the 2m Alfred Jensch Telescope. Complementary photometric data for this star were also taken with the MOST microsatellite spanning 3.6 d. A Fourier analysis of the radial velocity data reveals the presence of up to 17 significant pulsation modes in the frequency interval 10-250 micro-Hz. Most of these fall on a grid of equally-spaced frequencies having a separation of 7.14 +/- 0.12 micro-Hz. An analysis of 3.6 days of high precision photometry taken with the MOST space telescope shows the presence of up to 16 modes, six of which are consistent with modes found in the spectral (radial velocity) data. This frequency spacing is consistent with high overtone radial pulsations; however, until the pulsation modes are identified we cannot be sure if some of these are nonradial modes or even mixed modes. The radial velocity frequency spacing along with angular diameter measurements of Beta Gem via interferometry results in a stellar mass of M = 1.91 +/- 0.09 solar masses. This value confirms the intermediate mass of the star determined using stellar evolutionary tracks. Beta Gem is confirmed to be an intermediate mass star. Stellar pulsations in giant stars along with interferometric radius measurements can provide accurate determinations of the stellar mass of planet hosting giant stars. These can also be used to calibrate stellar evolutionary tracks.Comment: Accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Exoplanets around G-K Giants

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    G and K giants are a class of radial velocity (RV) variables. One reason for this variability are planetary companions which are indicated in time series of stellar spectra. Since 2004 these spectra in the visual range were obtained with the high resolution coud\'e \'echelle spectrograph mounted on the 2m telescope of the Th\"uringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg (TLS) for a northern sample of 62 very bright K giants. In the South around 300 G and K giants were observed with HARPS mounted on the 3.6m telescope on La Silla. The TLS sample contains at least 11 stars (18 %) which show low-amplitude, long-period RV variations most likely due to planets. This percentage of planet frequency is confirmed by preliminary results of the HARPS study. Moreover the TLS survey seems to indicate that giant planets do not favour metal-rich stars, are more massive, and have longer periods than those found around solar-type host stars.Comment: Part of PlanetsbeyondMS/2010 proceedings http://arxiv.org/html/1011.660

    Time-Series Photometry of Stars in and around the Lagoon Nebula. I. Rotation Periods of 290 Low-Mass Pre-Main-Sequence Stars in NGC 6530

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    We have conducted a long-term, wide-field, high-cadence photometric monitoring survey of ~50,000 stars in the Lagoon Nebula \ion{H}{2} region. This first paper presents rotation periods for 290 low-mass stars in NGC 6530, the young cluster illuminating the nebula, and for which we assemble a catalog of infrared and spectroscopic disk indicators, estimated masses and ages, and X-ray luminosities. The distribution of rotation periods we measure is broadly uniform for 0.5 < P < 10 d; the short-period cutoff corresponds to breakup. We observe no obvious bimodality in the period distribution, but we do find that stars with disk signatures rotate more slowly on average. The stars' X-ray luminosities are roughly flat with rotation period, at the saturation level (logLX/Lbol3.3\log L_X / L_{\rm bol} \approx -3.3). However, we find a significant positive correlation between LX/LbolL_X / L_{\rm bol} and co-rotation radius, suggesting that the observed X-ray luminosities are regulated by centrifugal stripping of the stellar coronae. The period-mass relationship in NGC 6530 is broadly similar to that of the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC), but the slope of the relationship among the slowest rotators differs from that in the ONC and other young clusters. We show that the slope of the period-mass relationship for the slowest rotators can be used as a proxy for the age of a young cluster, and we argue that NGC 6530 may be slightly younger than the ONC, making it a particularly important touchstone for models of angular momentum evolution in young, low-mass stars.Comment: 28 pages, 18 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ. For a brief video explaining the key results of this paper, see http://www.youtube.com/user/OSUAstronomy#p/u/1/WarGh6GiWu