1,286 research outputs found

    Performance of the distributed central analysis in BaBar

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    The total dataset produced by the BaBar experiment at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) currently comprises roughly3times1093times 10^9data events and an equal amount of simulated events, corresponding to 23 Tbytes of real data and 51 Tbytes simulated events. Since individual analyses typically select a very small fraction of all events, it would be extremely inefficient if each analysis had to process the full dataset. A first, centrally managed analysis step is therefore a common pre-selection (‘skimming’) of all data according to very loose, inclusive criteria to facilitate data access for later analysis. Usually, there are common selection criteria for several analysis. However, they may change over time, e.g., when new analyses are developed. Currently,$cal

    Pattern Onset ERGs and VEPs Produced by Patterns Arising From Light Increment and Decrement

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    PURPOSE: Our aim was to elaborate how on and off signals contribute to pattern ERGs and pattern visual evoked potentials (VEPs) by using pedestal patterns arising from incremental and decremental onset stimulation. METHODS: Pattern onset/offset ERGs and VEPs were produced by black and white checks of 60' side length and 88% spatial contrast appearing in a 16° field for 200 ms from white (110 cd/m2), black (7 cd/m2), and gray (48 cd/m2) backgrounds and disappeared for 1000 ms. Twenty healthy subjects participated in the study (median age 19.5, range, 5-31 years), 10 of whom also underwent pattern onset/offset ERG recordings to the same stimuli (median age 25.7, range, 22-31 years). VEPs were recorded from an occipital array referred to Fz. Pattern electroretinograms (PERGs) were recorded from "Dawson-Trick-Litzkow" (DTL) plus corneal electrodes referred to ipsilateral outer canthi. RESULTS: There was high correlation within subjects of the VEP waveform produced by patterns arising from light increment and decrement (group mean correlation coefficient of PVEPs to check appearance from black versus white: 87%). An average of increment and decrement PERGs simulated the onset PERG from a gray background. This waveform is akin to standard International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision (ISCEV) clinical PERGs to reversing checks. CONCLUSIONS: In healthy individuals, the early components of the pattern onset/offset VEP waveforms are comparable to light increment and decrement pedestal stimulation. Pattern onset/offset ERGs to pedestal stimulation may be used to probe simultaneous recording of ERGs with VEPs in order to obtain an assessment of retinal ganglion cell and optic pathway function in patients with less stable fixation


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    Este artigo tem como tema a evasão na graduação de uma instituição de educação superior tendo como objetivos avaliar e identificar variáveis que estariam interferindo na evasão para agir de forma proativa e preventiva junto a esse público; validar variáveis identificadas e perfil de aluno evadido em estudo de mesma natureza realizado em 2008; e conhecer as possíveis interações existentes entre duas ou mais variáveis e como elas aumentam ou diminuem a chance de um aluno se evadir. A pesquisa desenvolvida é de natureza quantitativa, em que se utilizou um coorte longitudinal, realizando-se uma análise multivariada e regressão logística. Como resultado, pôde-se identificar variáveis que impactam na evasão, delinear um perfil de aluno com propensão a evasão e construir um modelo estatístico que pudesse predizer, com a máxima exatidão possível, a probabilidade de um aluno se evadir. As variáveis mais significativas estão relacionadas a fatores sociais, econômicos, de desempenho acadêmico e de escola profissional

    Enhancing the Reproducibility of Group Analysis with Randomized Brain Parcellations

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    International audienceNeuroimaging group analyses are used to compare the inter-subject variability observed in brain organization with behavioural or genetic variables and to assess risks factors of brain diseases. The lack of stability and of sensitivity of current voxel-based analysis schemes may however lead to non-reproducible results. A new approach is introduced to overcome the limitations of standard methods, in which active voxels are detected according to a consensus on several random parcellations of the brain images, while a permutation test controls the false positive risk. Both on syntetic and real data, this approach shows higher sensitivity, better recovery and higher reproducibility than standard methods and succeeds in detecting a significant association in an imaging-genetic study between a genetic variant next to the COMT gene and a region in the left thalamus on a functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging contrast

    Robust Group-Level Inference in Neuroimaging Genetic Studies

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    International audienceGene-neuroimaging studies involve high-dimensional data that have a complex statistical structure and that are likely to be contaminated with outliers. Robust, outlier-resistant methods are an alternative to prior outliers removal, which is a difficult task under high-dimensional unsupervised settings. In this work, we consider robust regression and its application to neuroimaging through an example gene-neuroimaging study on a large cohort of 300 subjects. We use randomized brain parcellation to sample a set of adapted low-dimensional spatial models to analyse the data. We combine this approach with robust regression in an analysis method that we show is outperforming state-of-the-art neuroimaging analysis methods

    Electron correlation in the Si(100) surface

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    Motivated by the controversy between quantum chemists and solid-state physicists, and by recent experimental results, spin-polarized density-functional (DFT) calculations are used to probe electron correlation in the Si(100) reconstructed surface. The ground state displays antiferromagnetic spin polarization for low dimer inclinations indicating, not magnetic order, but the importance of Mott-like correlations among dangling bonds. The lowest energy corresponds to a higher dimer inclination with no spin. DFT energies, however, should be taken with caution here. Our results together with quantum-chemical findings suggest dimers with highly correlated electrons that tend to buckle due to interactions with other dimers.Comment: 5 pages, 1 eps figure, 1 table; RevTeX v3.1. To appear in Surface Science (proceedings of the European Conference On Surface Science, ECOSS-19, Madrid, Sept. 5-8, 2000


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    Este artigo se constitui em um diagnóstico da educação brasileira na década (2004-2014), a partir de informações disponíveis em bancos de dados do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, levantadas pela Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios, especificamente a partir da análise de dados da área educacional. Apresenta políticase programas educacionais promovidos durante os períodos de gestão presidencial de Lula (2003-2010) e Dilma (2011-2016). A metodologia se baseou em uma pesquisa em fontes secundárias com tratamento estatístico dos dados, bem como suas análises foram desenvolvidas à luz de referenciais teóricos inspirados no Pensamento Social Contemporâneo. Os principais resultados do estudo apontam para um crescimento no acesso à educação para estudantes declarados como pretos ou pardos, assim como na redução das diferenças no acesso à educação entre famílias menos favorecidas economicamente. Contudo, ainda revelama persistência das desigualdades brasileiras, conservando e reproduzindo processos socialmente excludentes para grande parte da população.THE BRAZILIAN INEQUALITY REVEALED BY THE RESULT OF EDUCATIONAL INDICATORSAbstract: This article is a diagnosis of Brazilian education in decade (2004-2014), from information available in databases of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, raised by the National survey by sample of households, specifically from the data analysis from educational area. Present educational policies and programs promoted during the periods of presidential management Lula (2003-2010) and Dilma (2011-2016). The methodology was based on a research in secondary sources with data statistical treatment, as well as their analyses were developed in light of theoretical references inspired by contemporary social thought. The main results of the study point to a growth in access to education for students declared as black or brown, as well as reducing differences in access to education among economically disadvantaged families. However, they still reveal the persistence of Brazilian inequalities, preserving and reproducing socially excluding processes for a large part of population.Keywords: Education. Educational inequalities. Access. Permanence. LA DESIGUALDADE BRASILEÑA REVELADA POR EL RESULTADO DE INDICADORES EDUCACIONALESResumen: Este artículo se constituye en un diagnóstico de la educación brasileña en la década (2004-2014), a partir de informaciones disponibles en bancos de datos del Instituto Brasileño de Geografía y Estadística, levantadas por la Encuesta Nacional por Muestra de Domicilios, específicamente a partir del análisis de datos del área educativa. Presenta políticas y programas educativos promovidos durante los períodos de gestión presidencial de Lula (2003-2010) y Dilma (2011-2016). La metodología se basó en una investigación en fuentes secundarias con tratamiento estadístico de los datos, así como sus análisis fueron desarrolladas a la luz de referenciales teóricos inspirados en el Pensamiento Social Contemporáneo. Los principales resultados del estudio apuntan a para un crecimiento en el acceso a la educación para estudiantes declarados como negros o pardos, así como en la reducción de las diferencias en el acceso a la educación entre familias menos favorecidas económicamente. Sin embargo, todavía revelan la persistencia de las desigualdades brasileñas, conservando y reproduciendo procesos socialmente excluyentes para gran parte de la población.Palabras-clave: Educación. Desigualdades Educacionales. Acceso. Permanencia


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    The project entitled "Structural Racism, the State, and Land Policy in Brazil" aims toinvestigate evidence of racial selectivity by the State in access to land and land tenureregularization in Brazil. The concept of strategic selectivity of the State (JESSOP,2016) was used to identify how this racial selectivity occurs, proposing that there is apositive or negative selection by the State of actors and agendas in disputes related toaccess to land. The concept of "whiteness" (SCHUHCMAN, 2012) was fundamental tounderstanding how these selectivities operate. Whiteness is understood ashierarchical power relations linked to colonialism, configuring a social position thatguarantees white subjects advantages by being considered normative or universalhuman beings, non-racialized. In order to identify traces of these racial selectivities,through the identification of which actors and agendas are positively or negativelyselected, news from the website "De Olho nos Ruralistas" were analyzed. They weresearched in tabs with titles related to the research theme, such as "agribusiness", "ruralcaucus", "violence", "debts". Eighteen news articles were selected. The patternidentified, in the cases analyzed, was that people linked to agribusiness, to the ruralcaucus and to companies interested in exploiting the territories, are positively selectedby the State in the access to land and its resources, while non-white groups have theirprocesses of guaranteeing rights and access and regularization of their territoriesviolated. This pattern may indicate that the State favors groups linked to whiteness andits own conception of progress.El proyecto titulado "Racismo estructural, Estado y política agraria en Brasil" pretendeinvestigar las pruebas de selectividad racial por parte del Estado en el acceso a latierra y la regularización de la tenencia de la tierra en Brasil. Para identificar cómoocurre esta selectividad racial se utilizó el concepto de selectividad estratégica delEstado (JESSOP, 2016), proponiendo que existe una selección positiva o negativapor parte del Estado de actores y agendas en disputas relacionadas con el acceso ala tierra. El concepto de "blancura" (SCHUHCMAN, 2012) fue fundamental paraentender cómo operan estas selectividades. La blancura se entiende como relacionesjerárquicas de poder vinculadas al colonialismo, configurando una posición social quegarantiza a los sujetos blancos ventajas al ser considerados seres humanosnormativos o universales, no racializados. Con el objetivo de identificar rastros deestas selectividades raciales, a través de la identificación de qué actores y agendasson seleccionados positiva o negativamente, se analizaron noticias del sitio web "DeOlho nos Ruralistas". Se buscaron en pestañas con títulos relacionados con el temade la investigación, como "agronegocio", "caucus rural", "violencia", "deudas". Seseleccionaron dieciocho noticias. El patrón identificado, en los casos analizados, fue que las personas vinculadas al agronegocio, al caucus rural y a las empresasinteresadas en explotar los territorios, son seleccionadas positivamente por el Estadoen el acceso a la tierra y sus recursos, mientras que los grupos no blancos venvulnerados sus procesos de garantía de derechos y acceso y regularización de susterritorios. Este patrón puede indicar que el Estado favorece a los grupos vinculadosa la blancura y a su propia concepción del progreso.O projeto intitulado “Racismo estrutural, Estado e política fundiária no Brasil” objetivainvestigar indícios de seletividade racial por parte do Estado no acesso à terra e naregularização fundiária no Brasil. Operou-se com o conceito de seletividadeestratégica do Estado (JESSOP, 2016) para identificar como se dá essa seletividaderacial, propondo que há uma seleção positiva ou negativa, por parte do Estado, deatores e pautas nas disputas relacionadas ao acesso à terra. O conceito de“branquitude” (SCHUHCMAN, 2012), foi fundamental para compreender comooperam essas seletividades. Entende-se branquitude como relações de poderhierárquicas ligadas ao colonialismo, configurando uma posição social que garanteaos sujeitos brancos vantagens por serem considerados normativos ou sereshumanos universais, não racializados. Visando identificar vestígios dessasseletividades raciais, por meio da identificação de quais atores e pautas sãoselecionados positiva ou negativamente, foram analisadas notícias do website “DeOlho nos Ruralistas”. Buscou-se por elas em abas com títulos relacionados ao temada pesquisa, como “agronegócio”, “bancada ruralista”, “violência”, “dívidas”. Foramselecionadas 18 notícias. O padrão identificado, nos casos analisados, foi quepessoas ligadas ao agronegócio, à bancada ruralista e a empresas interessadas emexplorar os territórios, são selecionadas positivamente pelo Estado no acesso à terra e a seus recursos, enquanto grupos não brancos têm seus processos de garantia dedireitos e de acesso e regularização de seus territórios violados. Esse padrão podeser um indício de favorecimento, do Estado, a grupos ligados à branquitude e à suaprópria concepção de progresso


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    Este artigo analisa o ensino remoto no contexto da pandemia ocasionada pela Covid-19 sob a perspectiva de estudantes de Ensino Médio de escolas públicas estaduais. Os dados foram produzidos por meio da aplicação de um questionário on-line a estudantes e da coleta de relatos de gestores escolares submetidos à análise estatística e textual. Identificamos a persistência de uma educação corrupta, o que requer a luta pela democracia na educação pública, mediante uma urgente distribuição equitativa, controlada e norteada pela justiça escolar das condições e dos recursos a ela destinados

    Order by disorder and spiral spin liquid in frustrated diamond lattice antiferromagnets

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    Frustration refers to competition between different interactions that cannot be simultaneously satisfied, a familiar feature in many magnetic solids. Strong frustration results in highly degenerate ground states, and a large suppression of ordering by fluctuations. Key challenges in frustrated magnetism are characterizing the fluctuating spin-liquid regime and determining the mechanism of eventual order at lower temperature. Here, we study a model of a diamond lattice antiferromagnet appropriate for numerous spinel materials. With sufficiently strong frustration a massive ground state degeneracy develops amongst spirals whose propagation wavevectors reside on a continuous two-dimensional ``spiral surface'' in momentum space. We argue that an important ordering mechanism is entropic splitting of the degenerate ground states, an elusive phenomena called order-by-disorder. A broad ``spiral spin-liquid'' regime emerges at higher temperatures, where the underlying spiral surface can be directly revealed via spin correlations. We discuss the agreement between these predictions and the well characterized spinel MnSc2S4