2,501 research outputs found

    The (2+1)-d U(1) Quantum Link Model Masquerading as Deconfined Criticality

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    The (2+1)(2+1)-d U(1) quantum link model is a gauge theory, amenable to quantum simulation, with a spontaneously broken SO(2) symmetry emerging at a quantum phase transition. Its low-energy physics is described by a (2+1)(2+1)-d \RP(1) effective field theory, perturbed by a dangerously irrelevant SO(2) breaking operator, which prevents the interpretation of the emergent pseudo-Goldstone boson as a dual photon. At the quantum phase transition, the model mimics some features of deconfined quantum criticality, but remains linearly confining. Deconfinement only sets in at high temperature.Comment: 4.5 pages, 6 figure

    Crystalline Confinement

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    We show that exotic phases arise in generalized lattice gauge theories known as quantum link models in which classical gauge fields are replaced by quantum operators. While these quantum models with discrete variables have a finite-dimensional Hilbert space per link, the continuous gauge symmetry is still exact. An efficient cluster algorithm is used to study these exotic phases. The (2+1)(2+1)-d system is confining at zero temperature with a spontaneously broken translation symmetry. A crystalline phase exhibits confinement via multi-stranded strings between charge-anti-charge pairs. A phase transition between two distinct confined phases is weakly first order and has an emergent spontaneously broken approximate SO(2)SO(2) global symmetry. The low-energy physics is described by a (2+1)(2+1)-d RP(1)\mathbb{R}P(1) effective field theory, perturbed by a dangerously irrelevant SO(2)SO(2) breaking operator, which prevents the interpretation of the emergent pseudo-Goldstone boson as a dual photon. This model is an ideal candidate to be implemented in quantum simulators to study phenomena that are not accessible using Monte Carlo simulations such as the real-time evolution of the confining string and the real-time dynamics of the pseudo-Goldstone boson.Comment: Proceedings of the 31st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory - LATTICE 201

    Teacher Listening and Reflection as a Way to Broaden Teacher Pedagogical Conceptual Understanding of Mathematics at the Elementary Level

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    The purpose of this study is to examine how teachers can employ listening practices to gain a heightened understanding of not only what their students understand and how they are thinking about mathematics, but also as a way for teachers to build their own conceptual understanding of mathematics by reflecting on the different approaches their students are using. This study seeks to understand to what extent conscious listening, followed by reflective journaling through a systematic professional development process, enhances teacher understanding of both pedagogy and of mathematics. Math anxiety has been identified as a limiting factor in the effectiveness of math instruction and professional development; this study seeks to use individual and small group reflection through lab-based professional development to enhance teacher understanding of both math pedagogy, and mathematical concepts, in a way that minimizes math anxiety. The study will be done qualitatively with teachers using journals to reflect on what they are learning about how their students see and think about mathematics, and how these listening and reflective practices influence the teacher’s own understanding of math. These journal entries will be supplemented by field notes taken during both the professional development process and interviews of some of the teachers who participated in the process

    Atomic structure of Mn wires on Si(001) resolved by scanning tunneling microscopy

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    At submonolayer coverage, Mn forms atomic wires on the Si(001) surface oriented perpendicular to the underlying Si dimer rows. While many other elements form symmetric dimer wires at room temperature, we show that Mn wires have an asymmetric appearance and pin the Si dimers nearby. We find that an atomic configuration with a Mn trimer unit cell can explain these observations due to the interplay between the Si dimer buckling phase near the wire and the orientation of the Mn trimer. We study the resulting four wire configurations in detail using high-resolution scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) imaging and compare our findings with STM images simulated by density functional theory.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The potential negative impact of antibiotic pack on antibiotic stewardship in primary care in Switzerland: a modelling study.

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    BACKGROUND: In Switzerland, oral antibiotics are dispensed in packs rather than by exact pill-count. We investigated whether available packs support compliance with recommended primary care treatment regimens for common infections in children and adults. METHODS: Hospital-based guidelines for oral community -based treatment of acute otitis media, sinusitis, tonsillopharyngitis, community-acquired pneumonia and afebrile urinary tract infection were identified in 2017 in an iterative process by contacting hospital pharmacists and infectious diseases specialists. Furthermore, newly available national guidelines published in 2019 were reviewed. Available pack sizes for recommended solid, dispersible and liquid antibiotic formulations were retrieved from the Swiss pharmaceutical register and compared with recommended regimens to determine optimal (no leftovers) and adequate (optimal +/- one dose) matches. RESULTS: A large variety of recommended regimens were identified. For adults, optimal and adequate packs were available for 25/70 (36%) and 8/70 (11%) regimens, respectively. Pack-regimen matching was better for WHO Watch (optimal: 15/24, 63%) than Access antibiotics (optimal: 7/39, 18%). For the four paediatric weight-examples and 42 regimens involving child-appropriate formulations, optimal and adequate packs were available for only 14/168 (8%) and 27/168 (16%), respectively. Matching was better for older children with higher body and for longer treatment courses > 7 days. CONCLUSIONS: Fixed antibiotic packs often do not match recommended treatment regimens, especially for children, potentially resulting in longer than necessary treatments and leftover doses in the community. As part of national stewardship, a move to an exact pill-count system, including for child-appropriate solid formulations, should be considered

    Married Women's Employment over the Life Course: Attitudes in Cross-National Perspective

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    We analyze survey data from 23, largely industrialized countries on attitudes toward married women's employment at four stages of the family life course. Despite general consensus between countries, cluster and correspondence analyses show that the nations represent three distinct patterns of attitudes. There is only mixed support for the hypothesis that public opinion conforms to state welfare regime type. Instead, normative beliefs reflect both a general dimension of structural and cultural factors facilitating female labor force participation and a life course dimension specific to maternal employment. Men and women largely agree, but gender differences affect cluster membership for a few countries. Systematic analysis of a large number of countries helps to test the limits of comparative typologies and to identify anomalous cases for closer stud

    Vínculos de formación y transmisión del conocimiento en la botánica del siglo XVIII : un análisis de redes sociales

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    En esta contribución se desarrolla un enfoque de redes sociales sobre la formación de los botánicos europeos en el siglo XVIII. En un período en el que el estudio de las plantas se estaba convirtiendo en un campo autónomo de investigación, la práctica de la botánica y otras ciencias relacionadas movilizó a un grupo muy diverso de actores. Para muchos de ellos, la iniciación en la ciencia de las plantas fue parte de sus estudios de medicina. Otros fueron formados como colaboradores de un erudito destacado en el contexto de un jardín real, a veces también en las facultades de filosofía. Otros fueron autodidactas. Con los datos biográficos disponibles hemos realizado un censo sistemático de los maestros y discípulos de un conjunto de 928 botánicos occidentales activos entre 1700 y 1830. De este modo hemos identificado tres subgrupos, cada uno de ellos con distintas características y lógicas de desarrollo. Las características específicas de estos subgrupos se analizan desde una perspectiva histórica, con especial atención a los diversos contextos institucionales que los produjeron. El análisis de los datos muestra la creciente autonomía de la botánica respecto a la formación médica, así como el carácter cada vez más nacional de las escuelas dominantes, al menos en Francia.This contribution develops a social network approach to the training of European botanists in the 18th century. In a period when the study of plants increasingly became an autonomous field of research, the practice of botany and related sciences mobilized a very diverse group of actors. For many of them, initiation to the science of plants was part of their medical studies. Others were trained as collaborators of an outstanding scholar in the context of a royal garden or elsewhere, sometimes also in philosophical faculties. Still others were self-taught. To the extent that biographical data were available, we made a systematic census of the masters and disciples of a set of 928 Western botanists active between 1700 and 1830. Three subsets were thus identified, each of them showing distinct characteristics and logics of development. The specific features of these subsets are discussed in a historical perspective, with a particular attention to the various institutional contexts which produced them. The data analysis basically shows the growing autonomy of botany with regard to medical training, as well as the increasingly national character of the dominant schools, at least in France

    Motility and family dynamics: current issues and research agendas

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    'Das Mobilitätskapital oder die 'Motilität' ist ein essentieller Bestandteil der sozialen Integration in sehr modernen Gesellschaften, in denen die Zahl der Möglichkeiten, sich durch Raum und Zeit zu bewegen, zunimmt. Dadurch wird die simultane Präsenz von Menschen bzw. sozialen Akteuren sichergestellt. Möglichkeiten der strategischen Auswahl und Differenzierungen in der Mobilität sind heute an die Stelle der räumlichen Beschränkungen getreten. Es ist unser Argument, dass die Motilität eine gute Ausgangsbasis ist für die Analyse der Motivationen, der Entscheidungsprozesse und der Beschränkungen, die die Nutzung des Raumes bestimmen. Wir beabsichtigen dadurch aufzuzeigen, dass Motilität sich innerhalb der Familiensphäre konstituiert und keinesfalls ein reines Persönlichkeitsmerkmal ist, das wiederum von angeborenen Fähigkeiten oder individuellen Strategien abhinge. Somit ist die Motilität ein Motivationsfaktor, der das Funktionieren und die Strukturen der familialen Sphäre bestimmt. Nach Vorstellung des Motilitätskonzeptes und Darstellung der Implikationen, die sich daraus ergeben, werfen wir einen Blick auf die Effekte, die die Familienstrukturen und die Funktionsweise der Familie auf dem Erwerb der Motilität sowie auf dem Zeitpunkt haben, zu dem die Kinder das Elternhaus verlassen. Danach untersuchen wir die Zusammenhänge zwischen dem Wohnort und dem Motilitätserwerb und den Spannungen, die diese Zusammenhänge zwischen Wohnkontext und dem Funktionieren der Familie hervorrufen können. In unserer Schlussfolgerung werfen wir im Lichte unserer Forschungsergebnisse nochmals einen Blick auf die Räume, die von der Familie besetzt werden.' (Autorenreferat)'Mobility capital or 'motility' is an essential part of social integration in very modern societies, that, in turn, experience an increase in the number of ways in which people can move through time and space, and thereby ensure the simultaneous presence of human beings or actors. Today, strategic choices and mobility differentiations have taken the place of spatial constraint. We argue that motility is a good basis for the analysis of motivations, decision-making processes, and constraints that dominate the use of space. In doing so, we intend to show that, far from being a purely personal trait that essentially depends on innate skills or individual strategies, motility is construed within the family sphere. As such, it is a factor of the motivations that govern the functioning and the structures of the family sphere. After presenting the concept of motility and illustrating its implications for family life as well as for its spatial manifestations, we take a look at the effects of both family structures and family functioning on the acquisition of motility and on the point in time children leave home. We continue with an exploration of the links between residential location and the tensions that these links can produce between the residential context and the functioning of the family. As a conclusion, we take a renewed look on the spaces that are occupied by the family in light of our research findings.' (author's abstract

    Training links and transmission of knowledge in 18th Century botany : a social network analysis

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    This contribution develops a social network approach to the training of European botanists in the 18th century. In a period when the study of plants increasingly became an autonomous field of research, the practice of botany and related sciences mobilized a very diverse group of actors. For many of them, initiation to the science of plants was part of their medical studies. Others were trained as collaborators with an outstanding scholar in the context of a royal garden or elsewhere, sometimes also in philosophy colleges or faculties. Still others were self-taught. To the extent that biographical data were available, we made a systematic census of the masters and disciples of a set of 928 Western botanists active between 1700 and 1830. Three subsets were thus identified, each of them showing distinct characteristics and developmental patterns. The specific features of these subsets are discussed in a historical perspective, with a particular attention to the various institutional contexts which produced them. The data analysis basically shows the growing autonomy of botany with regard to medical training, as well as the increasingly national character of the dominant schools, at least in France.En esta contribución se desarrolla un enfoque de redes sociales sobre la formación de los botánicos europeos en el siglo XVIII. En un período en el que el estudio de las plantas se estaba convirtiendo en un campo autónomo de investigación, la práctica de la botánica y otras ciencias relacionadas movilizó a un grupo muy diverso de actores. Para muchos de ellos, la iniciación en la ciencia de las plantas fue parte de sus estudios de medicina. Otros fueron formados como colaboradores de un erudito destacado en el contexto de un jardín real, a veces también en las facultades de filosofía. Otros fueron autodidactas. Con los datos biográficos disponibles hemos realizado un censo sistemático de los maestros y discípulos de un conjunto de 928 botánicos occidentales activos entre 1700 y 1830. De este modo hemos identificado tres subgrupos, cada uno de ellos con distintas características y lógicas de desarrollo. Las características específicas de estos subgrupos se analizan desde una perspectiva histórica, con especial atención a los diversos contextos institucionales que los produjeron. El análisis de los datos muestra la creciente autonomía de la botánica respecto a la formación médica, así como el carácter cada vez más nacional de las escuelas dominantes, al menos en Francia

    Chloroplast DNA Inheritance in the Orchid Anacamptis palustris Using Single-Seed Polymerase Chain Reaction

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    The modality of chloroplast inheritance in orchids has been investigated only in a few species due to the difficulties associated with the analysis of large progeny numbers from experimental crosses. To test chloroplast DNA inheritance in the orchid Anacamptis palustris, we took advantage of the presence of a highly variable minisatellite repeat located in the tRNALEU intron in the chloroplast genome. Seed progeny obtained from experimental crosses between parental individuals carrying different chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) minisatellite repeat numbers were analyzed using a single-seed polymerase chain reaction (PCR) protocol. All examined seeds displayed the maternal cpDNA haplotypes, indicating that cpDNA inheritance is strictly maternal in this Mediterranean orchid species. No evidence for paternal leakage was found. This finding concurs with results obtained from PCR amplifications of pollen massulae that exclude the presence of chloroplast DNA in the pollen tetrad
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