622 research outputs found

    Identification of the het-r vegetative incompatibility gene of Podospora anserina as a member of the fast evolving HNWD gene family

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    In fungi, vegetative incompatibility is a conspecific non-self recognition mechanism that restricts formation of viable heterokaryons when incompatible alleles of specific het loci interact. In Podospora anserina, three non-allelic incompatibility systems have been genetically defined involving interactions between het-c and het-d, het-c and het-e, het-r and het-v. het-d and het-e are paralogues belonging to the HNWD gene family that encode proteins of the STAND class. HET-D and HET-E proteins comprise an N-terminal HET effector domain, a central GTP binding site and a C-terminal WD repeat domain constituted of tandem repeats of highly conserved WD40 repeat units that define the specificity of alleles during incompatibility. The WD40 repeat units of the members of this HNWD family are undergoing concerted evolution. By combining genetic analysis and gain of function experiments, we demonstrate that an additional member of this family, HNWD2, corresponds to the het-r non-allelic incompatibility gene. As for het-d and het-e, allele specificity at the het-r locus is determined by the WD repeat domain. Natural isolates show allelic variation for het-

    Ornstein-Zernike equation and Percus-Yevick theory for molecular crystals

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    We derive the Ornstein-Zernike equation for molecular crystals of axially symmetric particles and apply the Percus-Yevick approximation to this system. The one-particle orientational distribution function has a nontrivial dependence on the orientation and is needed as an input. Despite some differences, the Ornstein-Zernike equation for molecular crystals has a similar structure as for liquids. We solve both equations for hard ellipsoids on a sc lattice. Compared to molecular liquids, the tensorial orientational correlators exhibit less structure. However, depending on the lengths a and b of the rotation axis and the perpendicular axes of the ellipsoids, different behavior is found. For oblate and prolate ellipsoids with b >= 0.35 (units of the lattice constant), damped oscillations in distinct directions of direct space occur for some correlators. They manifest themselves in some correlators in reciprocal space as a maximum at the Brillouin zone edge, accompanied by maxima at the zone center for other correlators. The oscillations indicate alternating orientational fluctuations, while the maxima at the zone center originate from nematic-like orientational fluctuations. For a <= 2.5 and b <= 0.35, the oscillations are weaker. For a >= 3.0 and b <= 0.35, no oscillations occur any longer. For many of the correlators in reciprocal space, an increase of a at fixed b leads to a divergence at the zone center q = 0, consistent with nematic-like long range fluctuations, and for some oblate and prolate systems with b ~< 1.0 a simultaneous tendency to divergence of few other correlators at the zone edge is observed. Comparison with correlators from MC simulations shows satisfactory agreement. We also obtain a phase boundary for order-disorder transitions.Comment: 20 pages, 13 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Experiments on joint source-channel fractal image coding with unequal error protection

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    We propose a joint source-channel coding system for fractal image compression. We allocate the available total bit rate between the source code and a range of error-correcting codes using a Lagrange multiplier optimization technique. The principle of the proposed unequal error protection strategy is to partition the information bits into sensitivity classes and to assign one code from a range of error-correcting codes to each sensitivity class in a nearly optimal way. Experimental results show that joint source-channel coding with fractal image compression is feasible, leads to ef"cient protection strategies, and outperforms previous works in this "eld that only covered channel coding with a "xed source rate

    Phase behavior of the Confined Lebwohl-Lasher Model

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    The phase behavior of confined nematogens is studied using the Lebwohl-Lasher model. For three dimensional systems the model is known to exhibit a discontinuous nematic-isotropic phase transition, whereas the corresponding two dimensional systems apparently show a continuous Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless like transition. In this paper we study the phase transitions of the Lebwohl-Lasher model when confined between planar slits of different widths in order to establish the behavior of intermediate situations between the pure planar model and the three-dimensional system, and compare with previous estimates for the critical thickness, i.e. the slit width at which the transition switches from continuous to discontinuous.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review

    Detection of incomplete enclosures of rectangular shape in remotely sensed images

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    We develop an approach for detection of ruins of livestock enclosures in alpine areas captured by high-resolution remotely sensed images. These structures are usually of approximately rectangular shape and appear in images as faint fragmented contours in complex background. We address this problem by introducing a new rectangularity feature that quantifies the degree of alignment of an optimal subset of extracted linear segments with a contour of rectangular shape. The rectangularity feature has high values not only for perfect enclosures, but also for broken ones with distorted angles, fragmented walls, or even a completely missing wall. However, it has zero value for spurious structures with less than three sides of a perceivable rectangle. Performance analysis using large imagery of an alpine environment is provided. We show how the detection performance can be improved by learning from only a few representative examples and a large number of negatives.Computer SciencesEuropean Prehistor

    Detection of fragmented rectangular enclosures in very high resolution remote sensing images

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    We develop an approach for the detection of ruins of livestock enclosures (LEs) in alpine areas captured by high-resolution remotely sensed images. These structures are usually of approximately rectangular shape and appear in images as faint fragmented contours in complex background. We address this problem by introducing a rectangularity feature that quantifies the degree of alignment of an optimal subset of extracted linear segments with a contour of rectangular shape. The rectangularity feature has high values not only for perfectly regular enclosures but also for ruined ones with distorted angles, fragmented walls, or even a completely missing wall. Furthermore, it has a zero value for spurious structures with less than three sides of a perceivable rectangle. We show how the detection performance can be improved by learning a linear combination of the rectangularity and size features from just a few available representative examples and a large number of negatives. Our approach allowed detection of enclosures in the Silvretta Alps that were previously unknown. A comparative performance analysis is provided. Among other features, our comparison includes the state-of-the-art features that were generated by pretrained deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs). The deep CNN features, although learned from a very different type of images, provided the basic ability to capture the visual concept of the LEs. However, our handcrafted rectangularity-size features showed considerably higher performance.European Prehistor

    High‐Frequency Sensor Data Reveal Across‐Scale Nitrate Dynamics in Response to Hydrology and Biogeochemistry in Intensively Managed Agricultural Basins

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    An edited version of this paper was published by AGU. Copyright 2018 American Geophysical Union.Excess nitrate in rivers draining intensively managed agricultural watersheds has caused coastal hypoxic zones, harmful algal blooms, and degraded drinking water. Hydrology and biogeochemical transformations influence nitrate concentrations by changing nitrate supply, removal, and transport. For the Midwest Unites States, where much of the land is used for corn and soybean production, a better understanding of the response of nitrate to hydrology and biogeochemistry is vital in the face of high nitrate concentrations coupled with projected increases of precipitation frequency and magnitude. In this study, we capitalized on the availability of spatially and temporally extensive sensor data in the region to evaluate how nitrate concentration (NO3−) interacts with discharge (Q) and water temperature (T) within eight watersheds in Iowa, United States, by evaluating land use characteristics and multiscale temporal behavior from 5‐year, high‐frequency, time series records. We show that power spectral density of Q, NO3−, and T, all exhibit power law behavior with slopes greater than 2, implying temporal self‐similarity for a range of scales. NO3− was strongly cross correlated with Q for all sites and correlation increased significantly with drainage area across sites. Peak NO3− increased significantly with crop coverage across watersheds. Temporal offsets in peak NO3− and peak Q, seen at all study sites, reduced the impact of extreme events. This study illustrates a relatively new approach to evaluating environmental sensor data and revealed characteristics of watersheds in which extreme discharge events have the greatest consequences

    Signum Function Method for Generation of Correlated Dichotomic Chains

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    We analyze the signum-generation method for creating random dichotomic sequences with prescribed correlation properties. The method is based on a binary mapping of the convolution of continuous random numbers with some function originated from the Fourier transform of a binary correlator. The goal of our study is to reveal conditions under which one can construct binary sequences with a given pair correlator. Our results can be used in the construction of superlattices and waveguides with selective transport properties.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Method for Generating Long-Range Correlations for Large Systems

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    We propose a new method to generate a sequence of random numbers with long-range power-law correlations that overcomes known difficulties associated with large systems. The new method presents an improvement on the commonly-used methods. We apply the algorithm to generate enhanced diffusion, isotropic and anisotropic self-affine surfaces, and isotropic and anisotropic correlated percolation.Comment: 4 pages, REVTEX, figures available upon request from [email protected]