333 research outputs found

    The adjoint representation of group algebras and enveloping algebras

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    In this paper we study the Hopf adjoint action of group algebras and enveloping algebras. We are particularly concerned with determining when these representations are faithful. Delta methods allow us to reclute the problem to certain better behaved subalgebras. Nevertheless, the problem remains open in the finite group and finite-dimensional Lie algebra cases

    Invariant IdeaIs of Abelian Group AIgebras Under the Action of SimpIe Linear Groups

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    Invariant IdeaIs of Abelian Group AIgebras Under the Action of SimpIe Linear Groups

    Irreducible actions and compressible modules

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    Any finite set of linear operators on an algebra AA yields an operator algebra BB and a module structure on A, whose endomorphism ring is isomorphic to a subring ABA^B of certain invariant elements of AA. We show that if AA is a critically compressible left BB-module, then the dimension of its self-injective hull AA over the ring of fractions of ABA^B is bounded by the uniform dimension of AA and the number of linear operators generating BB. This extends a known result on irreducible Hopf actions and applies in particular to weak Hopf action. Furthermore we prove necessary and sufficient conditions for an algebra A to be critically compressible in the case of group actions, group gradings and Lie actions

    Reversible skew laurent polynomial rings and deformations of poisson automorphisms

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    A skew Laurent polynomial ring S = R[x(+/- 1); alpha] is reversible if it has a reversing automorphism, that is, an automorphism theta of period 2 that transposes x and x(-1) and restricts to an automorphism gamma of R with gamma = gamma(-1). We study invariants for reversing automorphisms and apply our methods to determine the rings of invariants of reversing automorphisms of the two most familiar examples of simple skew Laurent polynomial rings, namely a localization of the enveloping algebra of the two-dimensional non-abelian solvable Lie algebra and the coordinate ring of the quantum torus, both of which are deformations of Poisson algebras over the base field F. Their reversing automorphisms are deformations of Poisson automorphisms of those Poisson algebras. In each case, the ring of invariants of the Poisson automorphism is the coordinate ring B of a surface in F-3 and the ring of invariants S-theta of the reversing automorphism is a deformation of B and is a factor of a deformation of F[x(1), x(2), x(3)] for a Poisson bracket determined by the appropriate surface

    Lie bialgebras of generalized Witt type

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    In a paper by Michaelis a class of infinite-dimensional Lie bialgebras containing the Virasoro algebra was presented. This type of Lie bialgebras was classified by Ng and Taft. In this paper, all Lie bialgebra structures on the Lie algebras of generalized Witt type are classified. It is proved that, for any Lie algebra WW of generalized Witt type, all Lie bialgebras on WW are coboundary triangular Lie bialgebras. As a by-product, it is also proved that the first cohomology group H1(W,W⊗W)H^1(W,W \otimes W) is trivial.Comment: 14 page

    Branch Rings, Thinned Rings, Tree Enveloping Rings

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    We develop the theory of ``branch algebras'', which are infinite-dimensional associative algebras that are isomorphic, up to taking subrings of finite codimension, to a matrix ring over themselves. The main examples come from groups acting on trees. In particular, for every field k we construct a k-algebra K which (1) is finitely generated and infinite-dimensional, but has only finite-dimensional quotients; (2) has a subalgebra of finite codimension, isomorphic to M2(K)M_2(K); (3) is prime; (4) has quadratic growth, and therefore Gelfand-Kirillov dimension 2; (5) is recursively presented; (6) satisfies no identity; (7) contains a transcendental, invertible element; (8) is semiprimitive if k has characteristic ≠2\neq2; (9) is graded if k has characteristic 2; (10) is primitive if k is a non-algebraic extension of GF(2); (11) is graded nil and Jacobson radical if k is an algebraic extension of GF(2).Comment: 35 pages; small changes wrt previous versio

    The Ideal Intersection Property for Groupoid Graded Rings

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    We show that if a groupoid graded ring has a certain nonzero ideal property, then the commutant of the center of the principal component of the ring has the ideal intersection property, that is it intersects nontrivially every nonzero ideal of the ring. Furthermore, we show that for skew groupoid algebras with commutative principal component, the principal component is maximal commutative if and only if it has the ideal intersection property

    High-performance diamond-based single-photon sources for quantum communication

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    Quantum communication places stringent requirements on single-photon sources. Here we report a theoretical study of the cavity Purcell enhancement of two diamond point defects, the nickel-nitrogen (NE8) and silicon-vacancy (SiV) centers, for high-performance, near on-demand single-photon generation. By coupling the centers strongly to high-finesse optical photonic-bandgap cavities with modest quality factor Q = O(10^4) and small mode volume V = O(\lambda^3), these system can deliver picosecond single-photon pulses at their zero-phonon lines with probabilities of 0.954 (NE8) and 0.812 (SiV) under a realistic optical excitation scheme. The undesirable blinking effect due to transitions via metastable states can also be suppressed with O(10^{-4}) blinking probability. We analyze the application of these enhanced centers, including the previously-studied cavity-enhanced nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center, to long-distance BB84 quantum key distribution (QKD) in fiber-based, open-air terrestrial and satellite-ground setups. In this comparative study, we show that they can deliver performance comparable with decoy state implementation with weak coherent sources, and are most suitable for open-air communication.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables, revisions to excitation parameter

    Noncommutative Geometry of Finite Groups

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    A finite set can be supplied with a group structure which can then be used to select (classes of) differential calculi on it via the notions of left-, right- and bicovariance. A corresponding framework has been developed by Woronowicz, more generally for Hopf algebras including quantum groups. A differential calculus is regarded as the most basic structure needed for the introduction of further geometric notions like linear connections and, moreover, for the formulation of field theories and dynamics on finite sets. Associated with each bicovariant first order differential calculus on a finite group is a braid operator which plays an important role for the construction of distinguished geometric structures. For a covariant calculus, there are notions of invariance for linear connections and tensors. All these concepts are explored for finite groups and illustrated with examples. Some results are formulated more generally for arbitrary associative (Hopf) algebras. In particular, the problem of extension of a connection on a bimodule (over an associative algebra) to tensor products is investigated, leading to the class of `extensible connections'. It is shown that invariance properties of an extensible connection on a bimodule over a Hopf algebra are carried over to the extension. Furthermore, an invariance property of a connection is also shared by a `dual connection' which exists on the dual bimodule (as defined in this work).Comment: 34 pages, Late
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