123 research outputs found

    Slow light in degenerate Fermi gases

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    We investigate the effect of slow light propagating in a degenerate atomic Fermi gas. In particular we use slow light with an orbital angular momentum. We present a microscopic theory for the interplay between light and matter and show how the slow light can provide an effective magnetic field acting on the electrically neutral fermions, a direct analogy of the free electron gas in an uniform magnetic field. As an example we illustrate how the corresponding de Haas-van Alphen effect can be seen in a neutral gas of fermions.Comment: Slightly updated. Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 033602 (2004

    Enhancing capacity of coherent optical information storage and transfer in a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    Coherent optical information storage capacity of an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate is examined. Theory of slow light propagation in atomic clouds is generalized to short pulse regime by taking into account group velocity dispersion. It is shown that the number of stored pulses in the condensate can be optimized for a particular coupling laser power, temperature and interatomic interaction strength. Analytical results are derived for semi-ideal model of the condensate using effective uniform density zone approximation. Detailed numerical simulations are also performed. It is found that axial density profile of the condensate protects the pulse against the group velocity dispersion. Furthermore, taking into account finite radial size of the condensate, multi-mode light propagation in atomic Bose-Einstein condensate is investigated. The number of modes that can be supported by a condensate is found. Single mode condition is determined as a function of experimentally accessible parameters including trap size, temperature, condensate number density and scattering length. Quantum coherent atom-light interaction schemes are proposed for enhancing multi-mode light propagation effects.Comment: 12pages. Laser Physics, in pres

    Electromagnetically-induced transparency and light storing of a pair of pulses

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    Electromagnetically-induced transparency and light storing are studied in the case of a medium of atoms in a double Lambda configuration, both in terms of dark- and bright-state polatitons and atomic susceptibility. It is proven that the medium can be made transparent simultaneously for two pulses following their self-adjusting so that a condition for an adiabatic evolution has become fulfilled. Analytic formulas are given for the shapes and phases of the transmitted/stored pulses. The level of transparency can be regulated by adjusting the heights and phases of the control fields.Comment: text +6 figure

    Observation of light dragging in rubidium vapor cell

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    We report on the experimental demonstration of light dragging effect due to atomic motion in a rubidium vapor cell. We found that the minimum group velocity is achieved for light red-shifted from the center of the atomic resonance, and that the value of this shift increases with decreasing group velocity, in agreement with the theoretical predictions by Kocharovskaya, Rostovtsev, and Scully [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 86}, 628 (2001)].Comment: 4 pages 4 figures, submitted to PR

    Polarization phase gate with a tripod atomic system

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    We analyze the nonlinear optical response of a four-level atomic system driven into a tripod configuration. The large cross-Kerr nonlinearities that occurr in such a system are shown to produce nonlinear phase shift of order π\pi. Such a substantial shift may be observed in a cold atomic gas in a magneto-optical trap where it coupl be fasibly exploited towards the realization of a polarization quantum phase gate. The experimental feasibility of such a gate is here examined in detail.Comment: Corrected versio

    Effective magnetic fields in degenerate atomic gases induced by light beams with orbital angular momenta

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    We investigate the influence of two resonant laser beams on the mechanical properties of degenerate atomic gases. The control and probe beams of light are considered to have Orbital Angular Momenta (OAM) and act on the three-level atoms in the Electromagnetically Induced Transparency (EIT) configuration. The theory is based on the explicit analysis of the quantum dynamics of cold atoms coupled with two laser beams. Using the adiabatic approximation, we obtain an effective equation of motion for the atoms driven to the dark state. The equation contains a vector potential type interaction as well as an effective trapping potential. The effective magnetic field is shown to be oriented along the propagation direction of the control and probe beams containing OAM. Its spatial profile can be controlled by choosing proper laser beams. We demonstrate how to generate a constant effective magnetic field, as well as a field exhibiting a radial distance dependence. The resulting effective magnetic field can be concentrated within a region where the effective trapping potential holds the atoms. The estimated magnetic length can be considerably smaller than the size of the atomic cloud.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures Corrected some mistakes in equation

    Selective addressing of high-rank atomic polarization moments

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    We describe a method of selective generation and study of polarization moments of up to the highest rank κ=2F\kappa=2F possible for a quantum state with total angular momentum FF. The technique is based on nonlinear magneto-optical rotation with frequency-modulated light. Various polarization moments are distinguished by the periodicity of light-polarization rotation induced by the atoms during Larmor precession and exhibit distinct light-intensity and frequency dependences. We apply the method to study polarization moments of 87^{87}Rb atoms contained in a vapor cell with antirelaxation coating. Distinct ultra-narrow (1-Hz wide) resonances, corresponding to different multipoles, appear in the magnetic-field dependence of the optical rotation. The use of the highest-multipole resonances has important applications in quantum and nonlinear optics and in magnetometry.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Trace formula for dielectric cavities II: Regular, pseudo-integrable, and chaotic examples

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    Dielectric resonators are open systems particularly interesting due to their wide range of applications in optics and photonics. In a recent paper [PRE, vol. 78, 056202 (2008)] the trace formula for both the smooth and the oscillating parts of the resonance density was proposed and checked for the circular cavity. The present paper deals with numerous shapes which would be integrable (square, rectangle, and ellipse), pseudo-integrable (pentagon) and chaotic (stadium), if the cavities were closed (billiard case). A good agreement is found between the theoretical predictions, the numerical simulations, and experiments based on organic micro-lasers.Comment: 18 pages, 32 figure

    Slow Light Propagation in a Thin Optical Fiber via Electromagnetically Induced Transparency

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    We propose a novel configuration that utilizes electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) to tailor a fiber mode propagating inside a thin optical fiber and coherently control its dispersion properties to drastically reduce the group velocity of the fiber mode. The key to this proposal is: the evanescent-like field of the thin fiber strongly couples with the surrounding active medium, so that the EIT condition is met by the medium. We show how the properties of the fiber mode is modified due to the EIT medium, both numerically and analytically. We demonstrate that the group velocity of the new modified fiber mode can be drastically reduced (approximately 44 m/sec) using the coherently prepared orthohydrogen doped in a matrix of parahydrogen crystal as the EIT medium.Comment: 10 pages in two column RevTex4, 6 Figure