31 research outputs found

    Orbital and stochastic far-UV variability in the nova-like system V3885 Sgr

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    Highly time-resolved time-tagged FUSE satellite spectroscopic data are analysed to establish the far-ultraviolet (FUV) absorption line characteristics of the nova-like cataclysmic variable binary, V3885 Sgr. We determine the temporal behaviour of low (Ly_beta, CIII, NIII) and high (SIV, PV, OVI) ion species, and highlight corresponding orbital phase modulated changes in these lines. On average the absorption troughs are blueshifted due to a low velocity disc wind outflow. Very rapid (~ 5 min) fluctuations in the absorption lines are isolated, which are indicative of stochastic density changes. Doppler tomograms of the FUV lines are calculated which provide evidence for structures where a gas stream interacts with the accretion disc. We conclude that the line depth and velocity changes as a function of orbital phase are consistent with an asymmetry that has its origin in a line-emitting, localised disc-stream interaction region.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Multi-periodic photospheric pulsations and connected wind structures in HD64760

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    We report on the results of an extended optical spectroscopic monitoring campaign on the early-type B supergiant HD64760 (B0.5Ib) designed to probe the deep-seated origin of spatial wind structure. This new study is based on high-resolution echelle spectra obtained with the FEROS instrument at ESO La Silla. 279 spectra were collected over 10 consecutive nights in 2003. From the period analysis of the line-profile variability of the photospheric lines we identify three closely spaced periods around 4.810 hrs and a splitting of +/-3%. The velocity - phase diagrams of the line-profile variations for the distinct periods reveal characteristic prograde non-radial pulsation patterns of high order corresponding to pulsation modes with l and m in the range 6-10. The three pulsation modes have periods clearly shorter than the characteristic pulsation time scale and show small horizontal velocity fields and hence are identified as p-modes. The beating of the three pulsation modes leads to a retrograde beat pattern with two regions of constructive interference diametrically opposite on the stellar surface and a beat period of 162.8hrs (6.8days). This beat pattern is directly observed in the spectroscopic time series of the photospheric lines. The wind-sensitive lines display features of enhanced emission, which appear to follow the maxima of the photospheric beat pattern.Comment: 18 pages, 21 figures (reduced resolution

    Image analysis for cosmology: results from the GREAT10 Galaxy Challenge

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    In this paper, we present results from the weak-lensing shape measurement GRavitational lEnsing Accuracy Testing 2010 (GREAT10) Galaxy Challenge. This marks an order of magnitude step change in the level of scrutiny employed in weak-lensing shape measurement analysis. We provide descriptions of each method tested and include 10 evaluation metrics over 24 simulation branches. GREAT10 was the first shape measurement challenge to include variable fields; both the shear field and the point spread function (PSF) vary across the images in a realistic manner. The variable fields enable a variety of metrics that are inaccessible to constant shear simulations, including a direct measure of the impact of shape measurement inaccuracies, and the impact of PSF size and ellipticity, on the shear power spectrum. To assess the impact of shape measurement bias for cosmic shear, we present a general pseudo-Câ„“ formalism that propagates spatially varying systematics in cosmic shear through to power spectrum estimates. We also show how one-point estimators of bias can be extracted from variable shear simulations. The GREAT10 Galaxy Challenge received 95 submissions and saw a factor of 3 improvement in the accuracy achieved by other shape measurement methods. The best methods achieve sub-per cent average biases. We find a strong dependence on accuracy as a function of signal-to-noise ratio, and indications of a weak dependence on galaxy type and size. Some requirements for the most ambitious cosmic shear experiments are met above a signal-to-noise ratio of 20. These results have the caveat that the simulated PSF was a ground-based PSF. Our results are a snapshot of the accuracy of current shape measurement methods and are a benchmark upon which improvement can be brought. This provides a foundation for a better understanding of the strengths and limitations of shape measurement method

    Spectroscopic observations of the candidate sgB[e]/X-ray binary CI Cam

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    We present a compilation of spectroscopic observations of the sgB[e] star CI Cam. This includes data from before, during, and after its 1998 outburst. The object shows a rich emission line spectrum originating from circumstellar material, rendering it difficult to determine the nature of either star involved or the cause of the outburst. We collate pre-outburst data to determine the state of the system before this occurred and provide a baseline for comparison with later data. During the outburst all lines become stronger, and hydrogen and helium lines become significantly broader and asymmetric. After the outburst, spectral changes persist for at least three years, with FeII and [NII] lines still a factor of ~2 above the pre-outburst level and HeI, HeII, and NII lines suppressed by a factor of 2-10. We find that the spectral properties of CI Cam are similar to other sgB[e] stars and therefore suggest that the geometry of the circumstellar material is similar to that proposed for the other objects: a two component outflow, with a fast, hot, rarefied polar wind indistinguishable from that of a normal supergiant and a dense, cooler equatorial outflow with a much lower velocity. We suggest that CI Cam is among the hotter members of the class and is viewed nearly pole-on. The nature of the compact object and the mechanism for the outburst remain uncertain, although it is likely that the compact object is a black hole or neutron star, and that the outburst was precipitated by its passage through the equatorial material. We suggest that this prompted a burst of supercritical accretion resulting in ejection of much of the material, which was later seen as an expanding radio remnant. [Abbreviated]Comment: 25 pages including figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Image analysis for cosmology: results from the GREAT10 star challenge

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    We present the results from the first public blind point-spread function (PSF) reconstruction challenge, the GRavitational lEnsing Accuracy Testing 2010 (GREAT10) Star Challenge. Reconstruction of a spatially varying PSF, sparsely sampled by stars, at non-star positions is a critical part in the image analysis for weak lensing where inaccuracies in the modeled ellipticity e and size R 2 can impact the ability to measure the shapes of galaxies. This is of importance because weak lensing is a particularly sensitive probe of dark energy and can be used to map the mass distribution of large scale structure. Participants in the challenge were presented with 27,500 stars over 1300 images subdivided into 26 sets, where in each set a category change was made in the type or spatial variation of the PSF. Thirty submissions were made by nine teams. The best methods reconstructed the PSF with an accuracy of σ(e) ≈ 2.5 × 10–4 and σ(R 2)/R 2 ≈ 7.4 × 10–4. For a fixed pixel scale, narrower PSFs were found to be more difficult to model than larger PSFs, and the PSF reconstruction was severely degraded with the inclusion of an atmospheric turbulence model (although this result is likely to be a strong function of the amplitude of the turbulence power spectrum)