163 research outputs found

    Estimating subseasonal variability and trends in global atmosphere using reanalysis data

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    A new measure of subseasonal variability is introduced that provides a scale-dependent estimation of vertically and meridionally integrated atmospheric variability in terms of the normal modes of linearized primitive equations. Applied to the ERA-Interim data, the new measure shows that subseasonal variability decreases for larger zonal wave numbers. Most of variability is due to balanced (Rossby mode) dynamics but the portion associated with the inertio-gravity (IG) modes increases as the scale reduces. Time series of globally integrated variability anomalies in ERA-Interim show an increase in variability after year 2000. In recent years the anomalies have been about 2% above the 1981–2010 average. The relative increase in variability projecting on the IG modes is larger and more persistent than for the Rossby modes. Although the IG part is a small component of the subseasonal variability, it is an important effect likely reflecting the observed increase in the tropical precipitation variability. ©2018. The Authors

    Influence of Fertilization System on Wheat Yields in Terms of Global Climate Change

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    Over the last few decades, wheat production, both in Serbia and worldwide, has been practiced under characteristic agrometeorological conditions. It has generally been affected by specific strongly marked agrometeorological and climate extremes, most notably extreme temperature and drought events during critical periods in the growing season, which mostly had a negative impact on the growth, development and yield of wheat in Central Serbia.This paper presents results and discussion on both the potential effect of climate change on winter wheat yield and the possibility to alleviate it through an appropriately adjusted fertilization system.The present study on the effect of different rates and ratios of NPK fertilizers on grain yield in seven winter wheat cultivars under different (dry and “normal“) conditions during the year was conducted in a long-term field experiment at the Small Grains Research Centre in Kragujevac over a period of seven years (2000/01-2006/07).Depending on the fertilization treatment, the average yield reduction in dry years showed 50% variation relative to “normal” years. The highest reduction in grain yield and other productive traits of wheat in dry years was observed in the treatment involving nitrogen nutrition, particularly lower application rates. As compared to the non-treated control, the use of complete NPK fertilization having an increased amount of phosphorus resulted in the lowest yield reduction during the dry years that were unfavorable for winter wheat production. The average grain yield reduction in dry years was lowest in wheat cultivar Matica and highest in Kg-100, respectively

    Galactic interstellar filaments as probed by LOFAR and Planck

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    Recent Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) observations at 115-175 MHz of a field at medium Galactic latitudes (centered at the bright quasar 3C196) have shown striking filamentary structures in polarization that extend over more than 4 degrees across the sky. In addition, the Planck satellite has released full sky maps of the dust emission in polarization at 353GHz. The LOFAR data resolve Faraday structures along the line of sight, whereas the Planck dust polarization maps probe the orientation of the sky projected magnetic field component. Hence, no apparent correlation between the two is expected. Here we report a surprising, yet clear, correlation between the filamentary structures, detected with LOFAR, and the magnetic field orientation, probed by the Planck satellite. This finding points to a common, yet unclear, physical origin of the two measurements in this specific area in the sky. A number of follow-up multi- frequency studies are proposed to shed light on this unexpected finding.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    Simple and Low-cost Fiber-optic Sensors for Detection of UV Radiation

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    In this paper two simple and low-cost fiberoptic sensors for detection of UV radiation are presented. A U-shaped sensor covered with an UV marker for UV radiation detection and a fiber-optic sensor with one end covered with powder from a mercury lamp are produced and described in details. Both sensors are made of large-core PMMA plastic optical fibers. As UV sources, a solar simulator and four different UV lamps are used. The light spectrum on the fiber output is measured by using an USB spectrometer. Dependence of output light intensity on the distance of end-type sensor with powder from a mercury lamp from UV lamp is investigated as well. On the output of the sensor covered with powder from a mercury lamp are obtained peaks of fluorescent emission at approximately 616 nm and 620 nm wavelengths

    Održivo upravljanje otpadom u lokalnim samoupravama i zaštićenim područjima u Republici Srbiji

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    Moderni način života i težnja ka što bržem tehnološkom razvoju stvaraju sve veće probleme vezane za količine i menadžment generisanim otpadom. Upravljanje otpadom predstavlja složeni proces usled konstantne opasnosti po životnu sredinu kroz zagađenje vazduha, vode i zemljišta, kao i zdravlje ljudi. Nedostatak informacija o količinama, sastavu i mestu nastajanja otpada otežava proces deponovanja i kategorizacije, kao i njegovu reciklažu ili ponovnu upotrebu. Industrijalizacijom i razvojem modernog društva i neracionalnim korišćenjem prirodnih resursa povećava se količina otpada, te se javlja i potreba za organizovanim pristupom ovom problemu. Za rešavanje ovih pitanja, između ostalog, neophodni su konstantan monitoring, sprovođenje zakonske regulative i povećanje javne svesti. Ovo se posebno odnosi na prikupljanje pouzdanih podataka o količinama generisanog otpada, te njegovom zbrinjavanju u okviru lokalnih samouprava i zaštićenih područja. U Republici Srbiji za sada ne postoji sistemski organizovano upravljanje otpadom. Međutim, postoji dugoročna strategija u oblasti zaštite životne sredine koja podrazumeva poboljšanje kvaliteta života stanovništva i očuvanje prirode, gde važno mesto zauzima i pravilno postupanje sa otpadom

    Dejstvo tigeciklina na vezivanje fluorohinolona za humani serumski albumin

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    The co-administration of several drugs in multidrug therapy may alter the binding of each drug to human serum albumin (HSA) and, thus, their pharmacology effect. Therefore, in this study, the interaction mechanism between HSA and two fluoroquinolones (FQs), sparfloxacin (SPF) and levofloxacin (LVF), was investigated using fluorescence and absorption methods in the absence and presence of the competing drugtigecycline (TGC). The UV-Vis and fluorescence spectroscopy results showed that the fluorescence quenching of HSA was a result of the formation of the HSA-SPF and HSA-LVF complexes. The fluorescence quenching of HSA-TGC revealed that tigecycline can regulate the binding sites, binding mode and binding affinity of fl uoroquinolones. The binding constants (KA) and binding sites (n) of the interaction systems were calculated. The results confirmed that the KA values of the HSA-FQ system decreased in the presence of TGC, indicating that TGC can affect the binding ability of FQ for HSA. This interaction may increase the free plasma concentration of unbound FQ and enhance their pharmacology effect.Istovremena primena nekoliko lekova, u multilek terapiji, može izmeniti njihovo vezivanje za humani serumski albumin (HSA) i njihov farmakološki efekat. Zbog toga, u ovom radu je proučavan mehanizam interakcije između HSA i dva fluorohinolona (FQs): sparfloksacina (SPF) i levofloksacina (LVF) fluorescentnim i apsorpcionim metodama u odsustvu i prisustvu konkurentskog leka - tigeciklina (TGC). Rezultati UV-Vis i fluorescentne spektroskopije su pokazali da je gašenje fluorescencije u HSA rezultat formiranja HSA-SPF i HSA-LVF kompleksa. Gašenje fluoroscencije u HSA-TGC je pokazalo da tigeciklin može regulisati mesta vezivanja, način vezivanja i afinitet vezivanja fluorohinolona. Konstante vezivanja (KA) i broj vezujućih mesta (n) za interakcije u sistemu su izračunate. Rezultati su potvrdili da su vrednosti KA u HSA-FQ sistemu, smanjene u prisustvu TGC, a to ukazuje da TGC može da utiče na sposobnost vezivanja FQ za HSA. Ova interakcija može povećati slobodnu koncentraciju u plazmi nevezanog FQ i poboljšati njegov farmakološki efekat

    Distribucija i forme mangana u vertisolima Srbije

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    Soil samples taken from the Ap horizont of arable land and meadows at ten different localities were analyzed for different forms of manganese, including total (HF), pseudo-total (HNO3), 0.1 M HCl-extractable and diethylentriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA)-extractable. A sequential fractional procedure was used for Mn portioning into fractions: water soluble and exchangeable Mn (I), specifically adsorbed Mn with carbonates (II), reductant releasable Mn in oxides (III), Mn bonded with organic matter (IV) and Mn structurally bonded in silicates (residual fraction) (V). Serbian vertisols have a normal Mn content, comparable with similar soils. The total (HF) and pseudototal (HNO3) Mn contents were not correlated with soil properties, whereas the humus content positively influenced the 0.1 M HCl-extractable Mn in soil (r = 0.49). Soil pH and CaCO3 (r = 0.57 and 0.43) showed significant negative correlations with the DTPA-extractable Mn, respectively. The different extraction methods showed similar patterns of Mn content in arable and meadow soils. The sequential fractional procedure showed that reductant releasable Mn occluded in oxides of Fe and Mn was the prevailing Mn fraction in soil, however, water soluble and exchangeable Mn and Mn bonded with organic matter had significant correlations with most of the examined soil characteristics. Potential Mn toxicity in vertisols could be observed under lower pH and saturated conditions.U cilju određivanja različitih oblika mangana u vertisolima sa područja Srbije (oranice i livade) poreklom sa deset različitih lokaliteta analiziran je ukupan sadržaj mangana (HF), pseudo-ukupan sadržaj (HNO3), 0,1 M HCl rastvorljiv i DTPA rastvorljiv mangan. Sekvencijalnom ekstrakcijom izvršeno je razdvajanje frakcija mangana na rastvorljiv u vodi i razmenljiv mangan (I), specifično adsorbovan sa karbonatima (II), okludovan u oksidima (III), mangan vezan za organsku materiju (IV) i mangan strukturno vezan u silikatima (rezidualni deo) (V). Sadržaj mangana u analiziranom zemljištu (vertisol) poređen je sa dobijenim rezultatima na sličnim zemljištima. Ukupan sadržaj mangana (HF) i pseudo-ukupan sadržaj (HNO3) nisu bili u korelaciji sa ispitivanim svojstvima zemljišta, dok je sadržaj humusa pozitivno uticao na 0,1 M HCl rastvorljiv mangan(r = 0,49). Zemljišni pH i CaCO3 (r = 0,57 i 0,43) su pokazali visoko značajnu negativnu korelaciju sa DTPA rastvorljivim manganom. Različita ekstrakciona sredstva su ispoljila sličan efekat na sadržaj Mn u obradivom zemljištu i livadama. Sekvenciona ekstrakciona analiza je pokazala da mangan okludovan u oksidima čini procentualno najveću frakciju u zemljištu, istovremeno postoje statistički značajne korelacije između mangana rastvorljivog u vodi i mangana vezanog za organsku materiju i većine svojstava zemljišta. Potencijal ekotoksičnosti mangana se može ispoljiti samo u slučajavima niske pH vrednosti zemljišta i pojave zasićanja zemljišta sa vodom

    Sadržaj i pristupačnost bakra u smonicama Srbije

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    The soils samples of typical simonitza soils were collected from the plough layers at 10 locations in Serbia. The basic physical and chemical properties, as well as, the total and available Cu content in the soil were determined. The availability of Cu was also evaluated through the pot experiment with oat as a test plant. The regular, geochemical levels of the total Cu were found in our smonitza soils (mean 33.35 ppm, range 17-74 ppm). The available Cu content, determined after the extraction with different reagents (0.1 N HCl, DTPA and acid solution of NaOAc), was in correlation with its total content in the soil. The extraction efficiency of Cu from the soil varied (15.8%, 13.2% and 3.5%) in respect to its total content. The concentration of Cu in oat plants was about 11 ppm, with very low variations. This, as well as the statistically insignificant correlation coefficient between absorbed Cu and its content in the soil, indicates that the investigated smonitzas are well supplied with available Cu.Sa 10 lokacija u Srbiji uzeti su tipični uzorci smonica iz orničnih slojeva uporedo sa površina koje se koriste kao njive ili livade. U njima su utvrđene osnovne hemijske i fizičke karakteristike, ukupni bakar (Cu) i njegovi pristupačni oblici. Pristupačnost Cu iz ovih zemljišta je ocenjivana i preko ogleda u sudovima sa biljkama ovsa. U našim smonicama su nađeni normalni, geohemijski nivoi ukupnog Cu (srednja vrednost 33,35 ppm, sa intervalom 17-74 ppm). Sa njim je u korelaciji bio sadržaj pristupačnog Cu određen raznim metodama (0,1N HCl, DTPA i kiseli rastvor NaOAc), pri čemu je efikasnost ekstrakcije Cu iz zemljišta bila različita: 15,8; 13,2 i 3,5 % prema sadržaju ukupnog Cu. Koncentracija Cu u biljkama ovsa iznosila je približno 11 ppm, uz vrlo mala variranja. To i nepostojanje korelacija usvojenog Cu sa njegovim sadržajem u zemljištu govori o dobroj obezbeđenosti ispitivanih smonica u Srbiji sa pristupačnim Cu za ishranu biljaka

    Influence of Fertilization System on Wheat Yields in Terms of Global Climate Change

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    Over the last few decades, wheat production, both in Serbia and worldwide, has been practiced under characteristic agrometeorological conditions. It has generally been affected by specific strongly marked agrometeorological and climate extremes, most notably extreme temperature and drought events during critical periods in the growing season, which mostly had a negative impact on the growth, development and yield of wheat in Central Serbia.This paper presents results and discussion on both the potential effect of climate change on winter wheat yield and the possibility to alleviate it through an appropriately adjusted fertilization system.The present study on the effect of different rates and ratios of NPK fertilizers on grain yield in seven winter wheat cultivars under different (dry and “normal“) conditions during the year was conducted in a long-term field experiment at the Small Grains Research Centre in Kragujevac over a period of seven years (2000/01-2006/07).Depending on the fertilization treatment, the average yield reduction in dry years showed 50% variation relative to “normal” years. The highest reduction in grain yield and other productive traits of wheat in dry years was observed in the treatment involving nitrogen nutrition, particularly lower application rates. As compared to the non-treated control, the use of complete NPK fertilization having an increased amount of phosphorus resulted in the lowest yield reduction during the dry years that were unfavorable for winter wheat production. The average grain yield reduction in dry years was lowest in wheat cultivar Matica and highest in Kg-100, respectively