1,020 research outputs found

    Origin and thermal evolution of Mars

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    The thermal evolution of Mars is governed by subsolidus mantle convection beneath a thick lithosphere. Models of the interior evolution are developed by parameterizing mantle convective heat transport in terms of mantle viscosity, the superadiabatic temperature rise across the mantle, and mantle heat production. Geological, geophysical, and geochemical observations of the compositon and structure of the interior and of the timing of major events in Martian evolution are used to constrain the model computations. Such evolutionary events include global differentiation, atmospheric outgassing, and the formation of the hemispherical dichotomy and Tharsis. Numerical calculations of fully three-dimensional, spherical convection in a shell the size of the Martian mantle are performed to explore plausible patterns of Martian mantel convection and to relate convective features, such as plumes, to surface features, such as Tharsis. The results from the model calculations are presented

    Best Practices in Second Stage Labor Care: Maternal Bearing Down and Positioning

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    Despite evidence of adverse fetal and maternal outcomes from the use of sustained Valsalva bearing down efforts, current second-stage care practices are still characterized by uniform directions to “push” forcefully upon complete dilatation of the cervix while the woman is in a supine position. Directed pushing might slightly shorten the duration of second stage labor, but can also contribute to deoxygenation of the fetus; cause damage to urinary, pelvic, and perineal structures; and challenge a woman’s confidence in her body. Research on the second stage of labor care is reviewed, with a focus on recent literature on maternal bearing down efforts, the “laboring down” approach to care, second-stage duration, and maternal position. Clinicians can apply the scientific evidence regarding the detrimental effects of sustained Valsalva bearing down efforts and supine positioning by individualizing second stage labor care and supporting women’s involuntary bearing down sensations that can serve to guide her behaviors

    Coupled Simulation of DNAPL Infiltration and Dissolution in Three-Dimensional Heterogeneous Domains: Process Model Validation

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    A three-dimensional multiphase numerical model was used to simulate the infiltration and dissolution of a dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) release in two experimental flow cells containing different heterogeneous and well-characterized permeability fields. DNAPL infiltration was modeled using Brooks-Corey-Burdine hysteretic constitutive relationships. DNAPL dissolution was simulated using a rate-limited mass transfer expression with a velocity-dependent mass transfer coefficient and a thermodynamically based calculation of DNAPL-water interfacial area. The model did not require calibration of any parameters. The model predictions were compared to experimental measurements of high-resolution DNAPL saturations and effluent concentrations. The predicted concentrations were in close agreement with measurements for both domains, indicating that important processes were effectively captured by the model. DNAPL saturations greatly influenced mass transfer rates through their effect on relative permeability and velocity. Areas with low DNAPL saturation were associated with low interfacial areas, which resulted in reduced mass transfer rates and nonequilibrium dissolution. This was captured by the thermodynamic interfacial area model, while a geometric model overestimated the interfacial areas and the overall mass transfer. This study presents the first validation of the thermodynamic dissolution model in three dimensions and for high aqueous phase velocities; such conditions are typical for remediation operations, especially in heterogeneous aquifers. The demonstrated ability to predict DNAPL dissolution, only requiring prior characterization of soil properties and DNAPL release conditions, represents a significant improvement compared to empirical dissolution models and provides an opportunity to delineate the relationship between source zone architecture and the remediation potential for complex DNAPL source zones

    Origin and thermal evolution of Mars

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    The thermal evolution of Mars is governed by subsolidus mantle convection beneath a thick lithosphere. Models of the interior evolution are developed by parameterizing mantle convective heat transport in terms of mantle viscosity, the superadiabatic temperature rise across the mantle and mantle heat production. Geological, geophysical, and geochemical observations of the composition and structure of the interior and of the timing of major events in Martian evolution, such as global differentiation, atmospheric outgassing and the formation of the hemispherical dichotomy and Tharsis, are used to constrain the model computations. Isotope systematics of SNC meteorites suggest core formation essentially contemporaneously with the completion of accretion. Other aspects of this investigation are discussed

    Can Life develop in the expanded habitable zones around Red Giant Stars?

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    We present some new ideas about the possibility of life developing around sub-giant and red giant stars. Our study concerns the temporal evolution of the habitable zone. The distance between the star and the habitable zone, as well as its width, increases with time as a consequence of stellar evolution. The habitable zone moves outward after the star leaves the main sequence, sweeping a wider range of distances from the star until the star reaches the tip of the asymptotic giant branch. If life could form and evolve over time intervals from 5×1085 \times 10^8 to 10910^9 years, then there could be habitable planets with life around red giant stars. For a 1 M⊙_{\odot} star at the first stages of its post main-sequence evolution, the temporal transit of the habitable zone is estimated to be of several 109^9 years at 2 AU and around 108^8 years at 9 AU. Under these circumstances life could develop at distances in the range 2-9 AU in the environment of sub-giant or giant stars and in the far distant future in the environment of our own Solar System. After a star completes its first ascent along the Red Giant Branch and the He flash takes place, there is an additional stable period of quiescent He core burning during which there is another opportunity for life to develop. For a 1 M⊙_{\odot} star there is an additional 10910^9 years with a stable habitable zone in the region from 7 to 22 AU. Space astronomy missions, such as proposed for the Terrestrial Planet Finder (TPF) and Darwin should also consider the environments of sub-giants and red giant stars as potentially interesting sites for understanding the development of life

    A dynamic study of earthworm feeding ecology using stable isotopes.

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    Changes in the specific diet of earthworms with time in relation to landuse changes and two different climates were studied by analysing 13 C and 15 N natural abundance in soils and animals. Soil samples from three depths (0-10, 10-20 and 20-30 cm) and earthworms were collected from two sites: Santiago (Northwest Spain) and North Wyke (Southwest England) both consisting of replicated long-term grasslands and recently converted to maize plots. Earthworms were hand-sorted in the field at the peak of the maize growth and after harvesting at both sites. In the Spanish plots, nine and eight earthworm species, all belonging to the three ecological categories (epigeic, anecic and endogeic), were found under maize and permanent pasture, whereas at the English site five and seven different species were, respectively, identified. At both sites 13 C isotopic values of the earthworm tissues reflected changes in diet from C 3 to C 4 with epigeic and epi/anecic worms in the maize plots showing one delta unit difference in relation to the ones found in the grassland plots. Anecic worms seemed to be less responsive to landuse changes. The higher 13 C values of the Spanish soils were also reflected in the earthworm tissues when compared with the English samples. 15 N values showed no clear relationship with the cropping treatments but were clearly related to the ecological grouping, with endogeic worms reaching the highest values whereas for the epigeic and epi/ anecic species the lowest values were obtained. This finding was also previously recorded by other authors 1 and suggests that, in the future, stable isotope techniques could also be a useful tool in taxonomic studies

    Abiotic formation of O2 and O3 in high-CO2 terrestrial atmospheres

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    Previous research has indicated that high amounts of ozone (O3) and oxygen (O2) may be produced abiotically in atmospheres with high concentrations of CO2. The abiotic production of these two gases, which are also characteristic of photosynthetic life processes, could pose a potential "false-positive" for remote-sensing detection of life on planets around other stars.We show here that such false positives are unlikely on any planet that possesses abundant liquid water, as rainout of oxidized species onto a reduced planetary surface should ensure that atmospheric H2 concentrations remain relatively high, and that O2 and O3 remain low. Our aim is to determine the amount of O3 and O2 formed in a high CO2 atmosphere for a habitable planet without life. We use a photochemical model that considers hydrogen (H2) escape and a detailed hydrogen balance to calculate the O2 and O3 formed on planets with 0.2 of CO2 around the Sun, and 0.02, 0.2 and 2 bars of CO2 around a young Sun-like star with higher UV radiation. The concentrations obtained by the photochemical model were used as input in a radiative transfer model that calculated the spectra of the modeled planets. The O3 and O2 concentrations in the simulated planets are extremely small, and unlikely to produce a detectable signature in the spectra of those planets. We conclude that with a balanced hydrogen budget, and for planets with an active hydrological cycle, abiotic formation of O2 and O3 is unlikely to create a possible false positive for life detection in either the visible/near-infrared or mid-infrared wavelength regimes.Comment: 27 pages, 15 figures, Astronomy & Astrophysics accepte

    Differentiating flow, melt, or fossil seismic anisotropy beneath Ethiopia

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    Ethiopia is a region where continental rifting gives way to oceanic spreading. Yet the role that pre-existing lithospheric structure, melt, mantle flow, or active upwellings may play in this process is debated. Measurements of seismic anisotropy are often used to attempt to understand the contribution that these mechanisms may play. In this study, we use new data in Afar, Ethiopia along with legacy data across Ethiopia, Djibouti, and Yemen to obtain estimates of mantle anisotropy using SKS-wave splitting. We show that two layers of anisotropy exist, and we directly invert for these. We show that fossil anisotropy with fast directions oriented northeast-southwest may be preserved in the lithosphere away from the rift. Beneath the Main Ethiopian Rift and parts of Afar, anisotropy due to shear segregated melt along sharp changes in lithospheric thickness dominates the shear-wave splitting signal in the mantle. Beneath Afar, away from regions with significant lithospheric topography, melt pockets associated with the crustal and uppermost mantle magma storage dominate the signal in localized regions. In general, little anisotropy is seen in the uppermost mantle beneath Afar suggesting melt retains no preferential alignment. These results show the important role melt plays in weakening the lithosphere and imply that as rifting evolves passive upwelling sustains extension. A dominant northeast-southwest anisotropic fast direction is observed in a deeper layer across all of Ethiopia. This suggests that a conduit like plume is lacking beneath Afar today, rather a broad flow from the southwest dominates flow in the upper mantle

    Second generation anticoagulant rodenticide residues in barn owls 2016

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    CEH contract report to the Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use (CRRU) UK
