5,193 research outputs found

    Vivienda y estructura del hogar en la provincia de Sevilla. Un análisis desde la perspectiva de género

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    Las necesidades de vivienda derivadas de los factores demográficos se forman esencialmente en torno a los procesos de creación y disolución de hogares. Los nuevos hogares se constituyen fundamentalmente como resultado de la creación de nuevos núcleos familiares, por emancipación de individuos aislados o por la reforma de los existentes. En este sentido, la ruptura del concepto de familia tradicional y el desarrollo de hogares monoparentales con la mujer como cabeza de familia o mediante la conformación de hogares unipersonales, juega un papel fundamental en la nueva estructura de hogares, cuya importancia cobra diferente protagonismo en función del grado de metropolización de las ciudades y su mayor o menor arraigo a una cultura urbana o rural. En la presente comunicación se pretende llevar a cabo un análisis estadístico-territorial de la dinámica de hogares en los municipios de la provincia de Sevilla, haciendo especial énfasis en el protagonismo de la mujer en el proceso de independencia y desarrollo de esos nuevos hogares. Se analizarán las dinámicas comunes de comportamiento según las comarcas de la provincia de Sevilla y se revisarán las medidas públicas actuales que favorecen el acceso a la vivienda a las mujeres en función a su rango de edad

    Estado atual do branding nas companhias spin-off e start-up acadêmicas: caso universidades públicas na Colômbia

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    The aim of this research is to describe the current state of branding processes that affect academic spin-off and start-up companies in Colombia. The findings are based on the case study of three academic spin-off companies and three academic start-up companies from three public universities in Colombia. The data is compiled from semi-structured interviews with the companies’ founders and is analyzed using the qualitative content analysis methodology. Bresciani & Eppler’s (2010) model of analysis of branding for SMEs was used. The results show the importance of branding activities for the companies studied. New factors were identified as being relevant and specific to the process of branding in academic spin-offs and start-ups: the absence of marketing departments, publicity as the principal means of affecting the brand, the figure of the entrepreneur as “live representation” of the brand, recruitment processes and the importance of backing from the university brand. It was found that the factors that have not driven or allowed branding activities in these companies are the lack of financial resources, the lack of knowledge in this field or the undervaluing of branding. Finally, the cyclical process of branding of this type of companies is described.Esta investigación tiene como fin describir el estado actual de los procesos de branding que efectúan las empresas tipo spin-off y start-upacadémicas en Colombia. Los hallazgos están basados en el estudio de caso de tres empresas tipo spin-off académico y tres start-upacadémico, provenientes de tres universidades públicas colombianas. Los datos son recopilados a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas aplicadas a los fundadores de las compañías, y a su vez analizados mediante la metodología de análisis de contenido cualitativo. Se empleó el modelo de análisis de branding para PYME descrito por Bresciani y Eppler (2010). Los resultados muestran la importancia de las actividades de branding para las empresas estudiadas. Nuevos factores fueron detectados como relevantes y particulares para los procesos de brandingen las spin-off y start-up académicas: la ausencia de departamentos de mercadeo, las actividades publicitarias como medio principal para efectuar presencia de marca, la figura del emprendedor como “representación viva” de la marca, los procesos de selección de personal y la importancia del respaldo de marca de la universidad. Se encontró que los factores que no han impulsado o permitido actividades de brandingen las empresas son la falta de recursos financieros, el desconocimiento del tema y la subvaloración de este. Finalmente se describió el proceso cíclico para el branding de la categoría de empresas analizadas.Esta pesquisa tem como finalidade descrever o estado atual dos processos de branding que efetuam as empresas tipo spin-off e start-up acadêmicas na Colômbia. Os achados estão baseados no estudo de caso de três empresas tipo spin-off acadêmico e três start-up acadêmico, provenientes de três universidades públicas colombianas. Os dados são recopilados através de entrevistas semiestruturadas aplicadas aos fundadores das companhias, e a sua vez analisados mediante a metodologia de análise de conteúdo qualitativo. Utilizou-se o modelo de análise de branding para PYME descrito por Bresciani & Eppler (2010). Os resultados mostram a importância das atividades de branding para as empresas estudadas. Novos fatores foram detectados como relevantes e particulares para os processos de branding nos spin-off e start up acadêmicos: a ausência de departamentos de marketing, as atividades publicitárias como meio principal para efetuar presença de marca, a figura do empreendedor como “representação viva” da marca, os processos de seleção de pessoal e a importância do respaldo de marca da universidade.  Encontrou-se que os fatores que não têm impulsionado ou permitido atividades de branding nas empresas são a falta de recursos financeiros, o desconhecimento do tema e a sub-valoração deste. Finalmente se descreveu o processo cíclico para o branding da categoria de empresas analisadas

    Hazards and disasters atlas in Chile occurred in the last 15 years

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    Chile es país de desastres, por sus características geográficas como lo son los altos macizos que emergen de la cordillera de los Andes, las placas Sudamericana y Nazca, la amplia costa que se extiende de Norte a Sur, los climas y microclimas que se compone el territorio nacional, y si éstos se combinan con cuadros de vulnerabilidad, económica, social y medioambiental, estamos en presencia de algún riesgo de desastre en el país. En el país en estudio no existe un Atlas con toda la información de amenazas a la que está expuesto el territorio nacional, es por esto, que la Universidad Bernardo O´Higgins creo el Centro de Investigación en Gestión de Riesgo de Desastre (CIGERD) para la gestión de un Atlas de amenazas y desastres en Chile ocurridos en los últimos 15 años. No se abordarán todas las amenazas existentes, serán descritas las que son un peligro latente cada día y las que ocurren con frecuencia, ocasionando los mayores impactos a la comunidad. Se considerarán las de origen naturales, las que se dividen en geológicas e hidro-meteorológicas, en la primera se encuentran sismos, tsunami y erupciones volcánicas y en la segunda los sistemas frontales; también se estudiará las de origen antrópicas donde se encuentran los incendios foresta-les. No existe una base de datos de eventos para trabajar con los últimos 15 años, sólo se utilizó como un plazo donde fue posible manejar los datos disponibles en la Oficina Nacional de Emergencia del Ministerio del Interior. Se recopiló datos necesarios con Instituciones del Sistema Nacional de Protección Civil; Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería entregó el ranking de los 90 volcanes más peligrosos y las erupciones confirmadas; Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada de Chile facilitó los tsunami producidos desde 1570 hasta Agosto de 2016; Centro Sismológico Nacional entregó los sismos entre 2002 y 2016 con una magnitud 5° en la escala de Richter hacia arriba, se consideró esta magnitud porque son perceptibles por las personas y susceptibles de ocasionar algún impacto; Corporación Nacional Forestal informó sobre incendios forestales, donde se obtuvo superficie afectada por hectáreas y frecuencia de incendios por comuna en Chile Continental e Insular

    Particle flow rate in silos under rotational shear

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    Very recently, To et al. have experimentally explored granular flow in a cylindrical silo, with a bottom wall that rotates horizontally with respect to the lateral wall [Phys. Rev. E 100, 012906 (2019)]. Here we numerically reproduce their experimental findings, in particular, the peculiar behavior of the mass flow rate Q as a function of the frequency of rotation f . Namely, we find that for small outlet diameters D the flow rate increased with f , while for larger D a nonmonotonic behavior is confirmed. Furthermore, using a coarse-graining technique, we compute the macroscopic density, momentum, and the stress tensor fields. These results show conclusively that changes in the discharge process are directly related to changes in the flow pattern from funnel flow to mass flow. Moreover, by decomposing the mass flux (linear momentum field) at the orifice into two main factors, macroscopic velocity and density fields, we obtain that the nonmonotonic behavior of the linear momentum is caused by density changes rather than by changes in the macroscopic velocity. In addition, by analyzing the spatial distribution of the kinetic stress, we find that for small orifices increasing rotational shear enhances the mean kinetic pressure (pk) and the system dilatancy. This reduces the stability of the arches, and, consequently, the volumetric flow rate increases monotonically. For large orifices, however, we detected that (pk) changes nonmonotonically, which might explain the nonmonotonic behavior of Q when varying the rotational shear

    Musical Heritage as a Means of Sustainable Development: Perceptions in Students Studying for a Degree in Primary Education

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    Education is an essential vehicle for valuing cultural legacy, and musical heritage is a part of that cultural legacy that we must protect as it is one of the main areas of intangible cultural heritage, a reflection of cultural diversity, and a conveyor of meaning, and social, cultural, and economic values contributing to sustainable development. The purpose of this study, therefore, is to evaluate the perception students studying for the Degree in Primary Education at the University of Zaragoza and the Autonomous University of Madrid have of the value, significance, and importance of the sustainability of musical cultural heritage. This non-experimental and descriptive research is based on the statistical descriptive method, with a sample of n = 202 preservice teachers. A questionnaire consisting of fifteen items was designed and validated as a data collection instrument. The data analysis shows differences in the analyzed categories and points to the need to take action to solve them. It also reveals the importance students attach to musical cultural heritage, to including it in the curricula of the various educational stages, and to the need to protect it as an essential requirement for sustainable development

    New Higgs signals induced by mirror fermion mixing effects

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    We study the conditions under which flavor violation arises in scalar-fermion interactions, as a result of the mixing phenomena between the standard model and exotic fermions. Phenomenological consequences are discussed within the specific context of a left-right model where these additional fermions have mirror properties under the new SU(2)_R gauge group. Bounds on the parameters of the model are obtained from LFV processes; these results are then used to study the LFV Higgs decays (H --> tau l_j, l_j = e, mu), which reach branching ratios that could be detected at future colliders.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, ReVTex4, graphicx, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Approach and management of diaphragmatic paralysis in adults

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    3 years ago, 38-year-old male, with no relevant personal pathological history, began to present exertional dyspnea, gastroesophageal reflux, retrosternal pyrosis, dyspepsia and postprandial abdominal distension after a traffic accident. A study protocol was initiated, where cabinet studies documented elevation of the left hemidiaphragm was documented. A minimally invasive approach was performed with the finding of elevation of the left hemidiaphragm of approximately 8 cm in relation to the contralateral diaphragm without evidence of paraesophageal hernia. Mayo type left diaphragmatic plication was performed with non-absorbable suture (polypropylene 1) without complications. With favorable evolution, he started the oral route 8 hours postoperatively, and was discharged 48 hours after surgery due to clinical improvement and without gastroesophageal reflux. Surgical plication of the affected hemidiaphragm is successful in carefully selected patients with severe symptoms thought to be due to unilateral diaphragmatic paralysis. Studies demonstrate improvement in several parameters, including lung and respiratory muscle function, exercise endurance, blood gas exchange, and possibly dyspnea

    The role of initial speed in projectile impacts into light granular media

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    Projectile impact into a light granular material composed of expanded polypropylene (EPP) particles is investigated systematically with various impact velocities. Experimentally, the trajectory of an intruder moving inside the granular material is monitored with a recently developed non-invasive microwave radar system. Numerically, discrete element simulations together with coarse-graining techniques are employed to address both dynamics of the intruder and response of the granular bed. Our experimental and numerical results of the intruder dynamics agree with each other quantitatively and are in congruent with existing phenomenological model on granular drag. Stepping further, we explore the 'microscopic' origin of granular drag through characterizing the response of granular bed, including density, velocity and kinetic stress fields at the mean-field level. In addition, we find that the dynamics of cavity collapse behind the intruder changes significantly when increasing the initial speed . Moreover, the kinetic pressure ahead of the intruder decays exponentially in the co-moving system of the intruder. Its scaling gives rise to a characteristic length scale, which is in the order of intruder size. This finding is in perfect agreement with the long-scale inertial dissipation type that we find in all cases