1,443 research outputs found

    The solar flares of August 28 and 30, 1966

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    Observatory data correlation and evaluation on solar flares of Aug. 28 and 30, 196

    RMP ELM suppression analysis by means of a low-dimensional model system for quasi-periodic plasma perturbations

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    Edge localized modes (ELM) are a significant concern in magnetically confined toroidal fusion plasmas because they can rapidly erode plasma facing material surfaces, cause edge melting and surface cracking. They also reduce the coupling efficiency of rf antennas and trigger other MHD instabilities. The importance of ELM control was realized many years ago and different means of their control were developed. ELM suppression/control is required for a steady state operation of ITER. The natural ELM frequency should be decreased by a factor ~ 30. Two main control strategies are foreseen for ITER: 1) injection of small deuterium pellets, 2) resonant magnetic perturbations (RMP). We investigate possible mechanisms of RMP ELM suppression in a low-dimensional model system for quasi-periodic plasma perturbations

    Apoptosis of the fibrocytes type 1 in the spiral ligament and blood labyrinth barrier disturbance cause hearing impairment in murine cerebral malaria

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Experimental murine malaria has been shown to result in significant hearing impairment. Microscopic evaluation of the temporal bones of these animals has revealed regular morphology of the cochlea duct. Furthermore, the known vascular pathologic changes being associated with malaria could not be found. Immunohistochemistry for ICAM1 showed a strong marking in the <it>stria vascularis</it>, indicating a disturbance of the endocochlear potential. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of apoptosis and the disturbance of the blood labyrinth barrier in the murine malaria associated hearing impairment.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The temporal bones of seven mice with cerebral malaria-four with hearing impairment, three without hearing impairment-were evaluated with immunohistochemistry for cleaved caspase 3 to detect apoptosis and connexin 26, a gap junction protein being a cornerstone in the endocochlear potassium recirculation. Furthermore five animals with cerebral malaria were treated with Evans blue prior to sacrification to detect disturbances of the blood labyrinth barrier.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Cleaved caspase 3 could clearly be detected by immunohistochemistry in the fibrocytes of the spiral ligament, more intensively in animals with hearing impairment, less intensively in those without. Apoptosis signal was equally distributed in the spiral ligament as was the connexin 26 gap junction protein. The Evans blue testing revealed a strong signal in the malaria animals and no signal in the healthy control animals.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Malfunction of the fibrocytes type 1 in the spiral ligament and disruption of the blood labyrinth barrier, resulting in a breakdown of the endocochlear potential, are major causes for hearing impairment in murine cerebral malaria.</p

    Coherent pion production in neutrino nucleus collision in the 1 GeV region

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    We calculate cross sections for coherent pion production in nuclei induced by neutrinos and antineutrinos of the electron and muon type. The analogies and differences between this process and the related ones of coherent pion production induced by photons, or the (p,n) and (3He,t)(^3 He, t) reactions are discussed. The process is one of the several ones occurring for intermediate energy neutrinos, to be considered when detecting atmospheric neutrinos. For this purpose the results shown here can be easily extrapolated to other energies and other nuclei.Comment: 13 pages, LaTex, 8 post-script figures available at [email protected]

    Study of the Stabilization to the Nanometer Level of Mechanical Vibrations of the CLIC Main Beam

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    Original publication available at http://www.jacow.org/International audienceTo reach the design luminosity of CLIC, the movements of the quadrupoles should be limited to the nanometre level in order to limit the beam size and emittance growth. Below 1 Hz, the movements of the main beam quadrupoles will be corrected by a beambased feedback. But above 1 Hz, the quadrupoles should be mechanically stabilized. A collaboration effort is ongoing between several institutes to study the feasibility of the "nanostabilization" of the CLIC quadrupoles. The study described in this paper covers the characterization of independent measuring techniques including optical methods to detect nanometre sized displacements and analyze the vibrations. Actuators and feedback algorithms for sub-nanometre movements of magnets with a mass of more than 400 kg are being developed and tested. Input is given to the design of the quadrupole magnets, the supports and alignment system in order to limit the amplification of the vibration sources at resonant frequencies. A full scale mock-up integrating all these features is presently under design. Finally, a series of experiments in accelerator environments should demonstrate the feasibility of the nanometre stabilization