362 research outputs found

    Herschel/HIFI observations of molecular emission in protoplanetary nebulae and young planetary nebulae

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    We performed Herschel/HIFI observations of intermediate-excitation molecular lines in the far-infrared/submillimeter range in a sample of ten protoplanetary nebulae and young planetary nebulae. The high spectral resolution provided by HIFI yields accurate measurements of the line profiles. The observation of these high-energy transitions allows an accurate study of the excitation conditions, particularly in the warm gas, which cannot be properly studied from the low-energy lines. We have detected FIR/sub-mm lines of several molecules, in particular of 12CO, 13CO, and H2O. Emission from other species, like NH3, OH, H2^{18}O, HCN, SiO, etc, has been also detected. Wide profiles showing sometimes spectacular line wings have been found. We have mainly studied the excitation properties of the high-velocity emission, which is known to come from fast bipolar outflows. From comparison with general theoretical predictions, we find that CRL 618 shows a particularly warm fast wind, with characteristic kinetic temperature Tk >~ 200 K. In contrast, the fast winds in OH 231.8+4.2 and NGC 6302 are cold, Tk ~ 30 K. Other nebulae, like CRL 2688, show intermediate temperatures, with characteristic values around 100 K. We also discuss how the complex structure of the nebulae can affect our estimates, considering two-component models. We argue that the differences in temperature in the different nebulae can be due to cooling after the gas acceleration (that is probably due to shocks); for instance, CRL 618 is a case of very recent acceleration, less than ~ 100 yr ago, while the fast gas in OH 231.8+4.2 was accelerated ~ 1000 yr ago. We also find indications that the densest gas tends to be cooler, which may be explained by the expected increase of the radiative cooling efficiency with the density.Comment: 24 pages, 31 figure

    A contribution to the quantification of crustal shortening and kinematics of deformation across the Western Andes ( ∼ 20–22° S)

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    The Andes are an emblematic active Cordilleran orogen. Mountain building in the Central Andes (∼20∘ S) started by the Late Cretaceous to early Cenozoic along the subduction margin and propagated eastward. In general, the structures sustaining the uplift of the western flank of the Andes are dismissed, and their contribution to mountain building remains poorly constrained. Here, we focus on two sites along the Western Andes at ∼20–22∘ S in the Atacama desert, where structures are well exposed. We combine mapping from high-resolution satellite images with field observations and numerical trishear forward modeling to provide quantitative constraints on the kinematic evolution of the investigated field sites. When upscaling our local field interpretations to the regional scale, we identify two main structures: (1) the Andean Basement Thrust, a west-vergent thrust system placing Andean Paleozoic basement over Mesozoic strata, and (2) a series of west-vergent thrusts pertaining to the West Andean Thrust System, deforming primarily Mesozoic units. From our interpreted sections, we estimate that both structures together accommodate at least ∼6–9 km of shortening across the sole investigated ∼7–17 km wide field sites. This multi-kilometric shortening represents only a fraction of the total shortening accommodated across the whole Western Andes. The timing of the main deformation recorded in the folded Mesozoic series can be bracketed between ∼68 and ∼29 Ma – and possibly between ∼68 and ∼44 Ma – from dated deformed geological layers, with a subsequent significant slowing-down of shortening rates. Even though the structures forming the Western Andes only absorbed a small fraction of the total shortening across the whole orogen, their contribution was relatively significant at the earliest stages of Andean mountain building before deformation proceeded eastward.</p

    Discriminating sources and preservation of organic matter in surface sediments from five Antarctic lakes in the Fildes Peninsula (King George Island) by lipid biomarkers and compound-specific isotopic analysis

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    Lakes are important paleoenvironmental archives retaining abundant information due to their typical high sedimentation rates and susceptibility to environmental changes. Here, we scrutinize the organic matter (OM) composition, origin and preservation state in surface sediments from five lakes in a remote, warming-sensitive, and poorly explored region partially covered by the retreating Collins Glacier in King George Island (Antarctica), the Fildes Peninsula. Lipid biomarkers of terrestrial origin (i.e. high-molecularweight n-alkanes, n-alkanoic acids, and n-alkanols; β-sitosterol, campesterol, and stigmasterol) were detected in the five Fildes Lakes, with the smallest basin (i.e.,Meltwater) showing a particularly strongmoss imprint. Aquatic source indicators such as lowC/N and terrestrial over aquatic ratios (TAR), or less negative δ13C valueswere preferentially found in themid-sized lakes (i.e., Drake and Ionospheric). Sedimentary carbon in the larger lakes (i.e., Uruguay and Kitezh) displayed a largely biogenic origin (i.e., values of carbon preference index, CPI, ≫1), whereas the three lakes close to Collins Glacier (i.e., Drake, Meltwater, and Ionospheric) showed certain contribution from petrogenic sources (CPI ~ 1). The results suggest that the geochemical signature of the surface sediments in the five Fildes lakes is determined by factors such as the distance to the retreating Collins Glacier, the proximity to the coast, or the lake depth. This study illustrates the forensic interest of combining lipid biomarkers, compound-specific isotopic analysis, and bulk geochemistry to reconstruct paleoenvironments and study climate-sensitive regions

    Optimal Control of Molecular Spin Qudits

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    We demonstrate, numerically, the possibility of manipulating the spin states of molecular nanomagnets with shaped microwave pulses designed with quantum optimal control theory techniques. The state-to-state or full gate transformations can be performed in this way in shorter times than using simple monochromatic resonant pulses. This enhancement in the operation rates can therefore mitigate the effect of decoherence. The optimization protocols and their potential for practical implementations are illustrated by simulations performed for a simple molecular cluster hosting a single Gd3+ ion. Its eight accessible levels (corresponding to a total spin S=7/2) allow encoding an eight-level qudit or a system of three coupled qubits. All necessary gates required for universal operation can be obtained with optimal pulses using the intrinsic couplings present in this system. The application of optimal control techniques can facilitate the implementation of quantum technologies based on molecular spin qudits

    New observations and models of circumstellar CO line emission of AGB stars in the Herschel SUCCESS programme

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    CONTEXT: Asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars are in one of the latest evolutionary stages of low to intermediate-mass stars. Their vigorous mass loss has a significant effect on the stellar evolution, and is a significant source of heavy elements and dust grains for the interstellar medium. The mass-loss rate can be well traced by carbon monoxide (CO) line emission. AIMS: We present new Herschel HIFI and IRAM 30m telescope CO line data for a sample of 53 galactic AGB stars. The lines cover a fairly large range of excitation energy from the J=10J=1\to0 line to the J=98J=9\to8 line, and even the J=1413J=14\to13 line in a few cases. We perform radiative transfer modelling for 38 of these sources to estimate their mass-loss rates. METHODS: We used a radiative transfer code based on the Monte Carlo method to model the CO line emission. We assume spherically symmetric circumstellar envelopes that are formed by a constant mass-loss rate through a smoothly accelerating wind. RESULTS: We find models that are consistent across a broad range of CO lines for most of the stars in our sample, i.e., a large number of the circumstellar envelopes can be described with a constant mass-loss rate. We also find that an accelerating wind is required to fit, in particular, the higher-J lines and that a velocity law will have a significant effect on the model line intensities. The results cover a wide range of mass-loss rates (108\sim 10^{-8} to 2×105 M yr12\times 10^{-5}~\mathrm{M}_\odot~\mathrm{ yr}^{-1}) and gas expansion velocities (2 to 21.521.5 km s1^{-1}), and include M-, S-, and C-type AGB stars. Our results generally agree with those of earlier studies, although we tend to find slightly lower mass-loss rates by about 40%, on average. We also present "bonus" lines detected during our CO observations.Comment: 36 page

    Methanogenesis at high temperature, high ionic strength and low pH in the volcanic area of Dallol, Ethiopia

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    The Dallol geothermal area originated as a result of seismic activity and the presence of a shallow underground volcano, both due to the divergence of two tectonic plates. In its ascent, hot water dissolves and drags away the subsurface salts. The temperature of the water that comes out of the chimneys is higher than 100C, with a pH close to zero and high mineral concentration. These factors make Dallol a polyextreme environment. So far, nanohaloarchaeas, present in the salts that form the walls of the chimneys, have been the only living beings reported in this extreme environment. Through the use of complementary techniques: culture in microcosms, methane stable isotope signature and hybridization with specific probes, the methanogenic activity in the Dallol area has been assessed. Methane production in microcosms, positive hybridization with the Methanosarcinales probe and the δC-values measured, show the existence of extensive methanogenic activity in the hydrogeothermic Dallol system. A methylotrophic pathway, carried out by Methanohalobium and Methanosarcina-like genera, could be the dominant pathway for methane production in this environment.Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI), grant MDM-2017-0737 (Unidad de Excelencia “María de Maeztu”-Centro de Astrobiología INTA-CSIC) and the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN

    Massive expanding torus and fast outflow in planetary nebula NGC 6302

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    We present interferometric observations of 12^{12}CO and 13^{13}CO JJ=2-1 emission from the butterfly-shaped, young planetary nebula NGC 6302. The high angular resolution and high sensitivity achieved in our observations allow us to resolve the nebula into two distinct kinematic components: (1) a massive expanding torus seen almost edge-on and oriented in the North-South direction, roughly perpendicular to the optical nebula axis. The torus exhibits very complex and fragmentated structure; (2) high velocity molecular knots moving at high velocity, higher than 20 \kms, and located in the optical bipolar lobes. These knots show a linear position-velocity gradient (Hubble-like flow), which is characteristic of fast molecular outflow in young planetary nebulae. From the low but variable 12^{12}CO/13^{13}CO JJ=2-1 line intensity ratio we conclude that the 12^{12}CO JJ=2-1 emission is optically thick over much of the nebula. Using the optically thinner line 13^{13}CO JJ=2-1 we estimate a total molecular gas mass of \sim 0.1 M_\odot, comparable to the ionized gas mass; the total gas mass of the NGC 6302 nebula, including the massive ionized gas from photon dominated region, is found to be \sim 0.5 M_\odot. From radiative transfer modelling we infer that the torus is seen at inclination angle of 75^\circ with respect to the plane of the sky and expanding at velocity of 15 \kms. Comparison with recent observations of molecular gas in NGC 6302 is also discussed.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa

    Zooming on the emerging ionized regions of pPNe with ALMA

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    We report on recent results from our successful and pioneering observational program with ALMA to study emerging ultracom pact HII regions of pre-Planetary Nebulae (pPNe) using mm-wavelength recombination lines (mRRLs) as new optimal tracers. We focus on our study of two poster-child pPNe, namely, M2-9 and CRL618. We reveal the structure and kinematics of the en igmatic inner nebular regions of these objects with an unprecedented angular resolution down to 20-30mas (~15-30AU). For both targets, the ionized central regions are elongated along the main symmetry axis of the large-scale nebulae, consiste nt with bipolar winds, and show notable axial velocity gradients with expansion velocities of up to ~100km/s. The H30a pr ofiles exhibit time variability, reflecting changes in the physical properties and kinematics on scales of a few years. O ur ongoing analysis employs 3D, non-LTE radiative transfer modeling, providing a detailed description of the innermost la yers of these well known pPNe with exceptional clarity.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. Proceedings IAU Symposium no. 38

    Low-excitation atomic gas around evolved stars: II. ISO observations of O-rich nebulae

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    We have observed atomic fine-structure lines in the far-infrared (FIR) from 12 oxygen-rich evolved stars. The sample is composed of mostly proto-planetary nebulae (PPNe) and some planetary nebulae (PNe) and asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars. ISO LWS and SWS observations of [O I], [C II], [N II], [Si I], [Si II], [S I], [Fe I], and [Fe II] lines were obtained. Taking into account also the sample presented by Fong et al. (Paper I) of carbon-rich evolved stars, we find that PPNe emit in these low-excitation atomic transitions only when the central star is hotter than ∼10 000 K. This result suggests that such lines predominantly arise from photodissociation regions (PDRs), and not from shocked regions. The line widths determined from our Fabry-Perot data also suggest that the FIR lines arise from relatively quiescent PDR gas, as opposed to shocked gas. Our results are in reasonable agreement with predictions from PDR emission models, allowing the estimation of the density of the emitting layers by comparison with the model results. On the other hand, the comparison with predictions of the emission from J-type and C-type shocked regions suggests that detected lines do not come from shocks. The [C II] line flux has been used to measure the mass of the low-excitation atomic component in PPNe, since this transition has been found to be a useful model-independent probe to estimate the total mass of these PDRs. The derivation of the mass formula and assumptions made are also discussed

    Meconio y exposición prenatal a neurotóxicos

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    6 pages, 1 figures, 2 tables.[ESP] Introducción. La ubicuidad con la que se encuentran la mayoría de las substancias neurotóxicas en el medio ambiente implica a los pediatras en la necesidad de desarrollar métodos para medir la magnitud de la exposición durante los periodos vulnerables del desarrollo. Una forma útil de abordar este problema consiste en analizar muestras biológicas que acumulen las substancias neurotóxicas o sus metabolitos durante el periodo fetal.Método. Revisión bibliográfica sistemática de los últimos 20 años obtenida principalmente de Medline; Science Citation Index y Embase sobre los estudios con meconio como matriz de exposición prenatal a substancias neurotóxicas. El perfil de búsqueda utilizado fue: meconium, prenatal exposure, biological markers, matrices, environmental pollutants, nervous system poisonings, neurotoxicity sindromes. Hemos seleccionado los trabajos más importantes y de sus referencias se han obtenido los más relevantes de los años previos a la búsqueda.Resultados. Tradicionalmente, los esfuerzos para determinar la exposición fetal se han centrado en el análisis de sangre de cordón u orina de la madre o el neonato. El meconio es fácilmente disponible, es inerte, acumula los neurotóxicos y/o sus metabolitos desde la semana 12 de gestación donde quedan “fosilizados” hasta el nacimiento. Puede constituir un instrumento muy importante para investigar la exposición fetal a los distintos contaminantes ambientales y en particular a neurotóxicos.Conclusiones. Las exposiciones fetales a los distintos neurotóxicos estudiados a través de sangre materna, de cordón, pelo, uña, placenta y orina parecen ser menos predictivas sobre los efectos neurológicos que las mediciones de los mismos realizadas en meconio. Son necesarios más estudios en este campo.Implementar y desarrollar la medida en meconio de una amplia gama de sustancias neurotóxicas ayudará en la práctica pediátrica a una intervención e identificación temprana mostrando las exposiciones que puedan provocar daño y facilitando el desarrollo de medidas preventivas y rehabilitadoras.[ENG] Brackground. The environmental ubiquity of most neurotoxicants implies the pediatricians in the development of methods for exposure measurement during the vulnerable periods of development. The analysis of biological samples able to accumulate the neurotoxicant substances or its metabolites during the fetal period is a useful approach to fulfil this objective.Material and methods. A systematic literature review of the last 20 years in Medline, Science Citation Index and Embase on the studies with meconium like womb of prenatal exposure to neurotoxicants has been undertaken. The search profile was: “meconium”, “prenatal exposure”, “biological markers”, “matrices”, “environmental pollutants”, “nervous system poisonings”, “neurotoxicity sindromes”. We selected the most relevant articles and retrieved more from their references.Results. Traditionally, the efforts to determine the fetal exposure have been centered in the analysis of cord blood, urinates of the mother or of the neonato. Meconium is easily available, inert, accumulates the neurotoxicants and/or its metabolitos from week 12 of gestation where they are "fossilized" until the birth. It can constitute a very important instrument for the investigation of the fetal exposure to the different environmental pollutants and in particular to neurotoxicants.Conclusions. Foetal exposure to different neurotoxicants monitored from maternal blood, cord blood, hair, fingernail, placenta and urinates seem to be less predictive for neurological effects than meconium. However, more studies are needed to confirm this hypothesis.Implementation and measurement in meconium of a wide range of neurotoxic substances will be of help in the pediatric practice for intervention and early identification as it will reveal harmful exposures and facilitate the implementation of preventive measures.Los autores quieren expresar su agradecimiento a los miembros de la red de Investigación Colaborativa INMA, y en especial a Amparo Quiles Latorre, Elena Romero Aliaga y Sandra Pérez Aliaga, por su apoyo y colaboración en la realización del trabajo de campo; al equipo de enfermería de la 7ª, 8ª y 9ª de la maternidad del Hospital Materno-Infantil Universitario La Fe y a los recién nacidos y sus felices padres que con su colaboración y entusiasmo hacen posible llevar a término estos estudios.Peer reviewe