97 research outputs found

    Loomis--Sikorski Theorem and Stone Duality for Effect Algebras with Internal State

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    Recently Flaminio and Montagna, \cite{FlMo}, extended the language of MV-algebras by adding a unary operation, called a state-operator. This notion is introduced here also for effect algebras. Having it, we generalize the Loomis--Sikorski Theorem for monotone σ\sigma-complete effect algebras with internal state. In addition, we show that the category of divisible state-morphism effect algebras satisfying (RDP) and countable interpolation with an order determining system of states is dual to the category of Bauer simplices Ω\Omega such that eΩ\partial_e \Omega is an F-space

    Sums and products of ultracomplete topological spaces

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    AbstractIn 1987 V.I. Ponomarev and V.V. Tkachuk characterized strongly complete topological spaces as those spaces which have countable character in their Stone–Čech compactification. On the other hand, in 1998 S. Romaguera introduced the notion of cofinally Čech complete spaces and he showed that a metrizable space admits a cofinally complete metric (otherwise, called ultracomplete metric), a term introduced independently by N.R. Howes in 1971 and A. Császár in 1975, if and only if it is cofinally Čech complete. In a recent paper the authors showed that these two notions are equivalent and in this way answered a question raised by Ponomarev and Tkachuk [Vestnik MGU 5 (1987) 16–19] about giving an internal characterization for strongly complete topological spaces (termed ultracomplete by the authors). In this paper, sums and products of ultracomplete spaces are studied

    Design of C-sections Against Deformational Lip Buckling

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    Deformational lip buckling is one of the considerations affecting the choice of cross-section dimensions which were adopted for the C-sectlon chord members of a space frame system. No guidance on lip buckling of channel sections is given in the current British design specification. A method was therefore required for determining the lip buckling resistance of the members when subjected to axial compression or bending. A design procedure was formulated in which the lips are represented as a strut on an elastic foundation, the stiffness of which depends on the deformational stiffness of the section. The critical buckling stress and the wavelength of buckling can then be determined. By assigning imperfections to the nominally straight lips, the critical lip buckling stress can be introduced into the Perry-Roberston formulation for the strength of columns, and the lip buckling strength can be estimated. Comparative resulis from the design formulation, experiments, and non-linear elasto-plasttc finite element analysis are given. It is shown that the proposed design model is satisfactory but conservative

    Increasing the value of offshore wind by integrating on-board energy storage

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    Energy storage technologies are considered a promising solution for overcoming one of the most pertinent hurdles to high renewable energy penetration: the mismatch between energy supply and consumer demand. The intermittent nature of variable renewable energy technologies at high penetration rates leads to a loss of value for each unit of energy produced. Generationside energy storage can allow wind turbines to alter their generation strategies and derive additional value through improved market participation. On-board storage leads to more efficient use of space and a potential for cost reductions. In the present work, a brief review of existing work on these aspects was undertaken, followed by a time-series analysis of an offshore 6 MW wind turbine coupled to an energy storage system. The performance of the wind+storage system was simulated using one year of data from the Egmond aan Zee offshore wind farm site. A statistical analysis was undertaken to estimate the required charge/discharge cycles and establish the required storage capacity under different operating conditions. A lithium-ion battery was then considered as the competing energy storage technology, and a cumulative damage model was applied based on the depth-of-discharge characteristics. Findings indicate that despite their competitive capital costs, battery technologies would have a limited lifetime resulting from high charging/discharging cycles. A more viable approach in the long-term could be to opt for technologies that are less dependent on charge/discharge cycles and which have a lifetime that can match that of the wind turbine itself.peer-reviewe

    Viewpoints : What can agile methods bring to high-integrity software development?

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    Considering the issues and opportunities raised by Agile practices in the development of high-integrity software

    Smearing of Observables and Spectral Measures on Quantum Structures

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    An observable on a quantum structure is any σ\sigma-homomorphism of quantum structures from the Borel σ\sigma-algebra of the real line into the quantum structure which is in our case a monotone σ\sigma-complete effect algebras with the Riesz Decomposition Property. We show that every observable is a smearing of a sharp observable which takes values from a Boolean σ\sigma-subalgebra of the effect algebra, and we prove that for every element of the effect algebra there is its spectral measure

    The Lattice and Simplex Structure of States on Pseudo Effect Algebras

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    We study states, measures, and signed measures on pseudo effect algebras with some kind of the Riesz Decomposition Property, (RDP). We show that the set of all Jordan signed measures is always an Abelian Dedekind complete \ell-group. Therefore, the state space of the pseudo effect algebra with (RDP) is either empty or a nonempty Choquet simplex or even a Bauer simplex. This will allow represent states on pseudo effect algebras by standard integrals

    On the lattice structure of probability spaces in quantum mechanics

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    Let C be the set of all possible quantum states. We study the convex subsets of C with attention focused on the lattice theoretical structure of these convex subsets and, as a result, find a framework capable of unifying several aspects of quantum mechanics, including entanglement and Jaynes' Max-Ent principle. We also encounter links with entanglement witnesses, which leads to a new separability criteria expressed in lattice language. We also provide an extension of a separability criteria based on convex polytopes to the infinite dimensional case and show that it reveals interesting facets concerning the geometrical structure of the convex subsets. It is seen that the above mentioned framework is also capable of generalization to any statistical theory via the so-called convex operational models' approach. In particular, we show how to extend the geometrical structure underlying entanglement to any statistical model, an extension which may be useful for studying correlations in different generalizations of quantum mechanics.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1008.416