106 research outputs found

    Influence of Intensive Animal Breeding to the Appearance of Infectious Diseases (Zoonoses)

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    Intensive animal breeding and production is based on farm breeding of animals which represents a major source of raw material for food production. Preserving health of animals requires a good practice during breeding, appropriate feeding and watering, adequate control of pests and wild animals. Animal breeding and production of food of animal origin requires significant engagement of veterinary services within the frame of epizootiological, epidemiological, veterinary and sanitary surveillance. Farm manner of cattle breeding can represent a danger of air, water and ground contamination. In the farms situated in a small space, overcrowded with animals there are ideal conditions for the appearance and spreading of causative agent of infectious diseases (prions, viruses, rickettsiae, chlamydia, bacteria, parasites and fungi), which can be transmitted also to humans and wild animals. From the aspect of public health, special attention should be given to the farms with large number of animals and farms with intensive breeding conditions. This is especially important in pig and poultry breeding, where moderate or high prevalence of infections such as salmonellosis and campylobacteriosis are often present, regardless of the fact that the level of clinical illness caused by these infections is relatively low. Intensive production in animal husbandry leads to increased animal waste, and the richest source of infectious agents represents animal feces

    In vivo effects of interleukin-17 on haematopoietic cells and cytokine release in normal mice

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    In order to gain more insight into mechanisms operating on the haematopoietic activity of the T-cell-derived cytokine, interleukin-17 (IL-17) and target cells that first respond to its action in vivo, the influence of a single intravenous injection of recombinant mouse IL-17 on bone marrow progenitors, further morphologically recognizable cells and peripheral blood cells was assessed in normal mice up to 72 h after treatment. Simultaneously, the release of IL-6, IL-10, IGF-I, IFN-gamma and NO by bone marrow cells was determined. Results showed that, in bone marrow, IL-17 did not affect granulocyte-macrophage (CFU-GM) progenitors, but induced a persistant increase in the number of morphologically recognizable proliferative granulocytes (PG) up to 48 h after treatment. The number of immature erythroid (BFU-E) progenitors was increased at 48 h, while the number of mature erythroid (CFU-E) progenitors was decreased up to 48 h. In peripheral blood, white blood cells were increased 6 h after treatment, mainly because of the increase in the number of lymphocytes. IL-17 also increased IL-6 release and NO production 6 h after administration. Additional in vitro assessment on bone marrow highly enriched Lin(-) progenitor cells, demonstrated a slightly enhancing effect of IL-17 on CFU-GM and no influence on BFU-E, suggesting the importance of bone marrow accessory cells and secondary induced cytokines for IL-17 mediated effects on progenitor cells. Taken together, these results demonstrate that in vivo IL-17 affects both granulocytic and erythroid lineages, with more mature haematopoietic progenitors responding first to its action. The opposite effects exerted on PG and CFU-E found at the same time indicate that IL-17, as a component of a regulatory network, is able to intervene in mechanisms that shift haematopoiesis from the erythroid to the granulocytic lineage

    Comparative investigations of immune response of calves at different intervals between primary and secondary immunization using inactivated bovine herpes virus 1 vaccine

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    Bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1) is one of the most siginificant causes of infections of the respiratory tract of cattle and immunoprophylaxis has a key role in curbing this infection. The intensity of the immune response against BHV-1 following immunization using inactivated commercial vaccines varies depending on the type of vaccine, but it is generally believed that they provide good protection from the development of the clinical form of the infection, and that they are safe. The paper present the development of the humoral immune response in fattening calves that were immunized against bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1) at different time intervals between the primary and the secondary immunization. Calves were administered a commercial vaccine, and then they were divided into two groups which were revaccinated on days 14 or 21. Over a course of the 120 days of the duration of the experiment, blood and nasal mucus were sampled 11 times. The blood serum samples were examined for antibodies to BHV-1 using the virus neutralization (VN) test, and the nasal mucus samples were analyzed using the VN test and the ELISA method. Following revaccination, it was established that there was an increase in the antibody titer in blood of all experimental animals, and it was maintained at a high level up until the very end of the experiment (day 120). In the blood serums, maximum mean values for the antibody titer were determined on day 30 in the group that was revaccinated on day 14, and on day 45 in the group of calves revaccinated on day 21. In nasal mucus, antibodies were established at the earliest, using the virus neutralization test, on day 14 following vaccination, and using the ELISA method only after revaccination. The highest antibody titer in nasal mucus was established on day 45 in the group revaccinated on day 21, and on day 120 in the group revaccinated on day 14. Based on the established antibody titer values, calves can be revaccinated using the inactivated BHV-1 vaccine already on day 14. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 31084


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    Abstract. Development of simple classroom demonstration device and software for visualization of structural normal modes is presented. Device is made of parts of old speaker, controlled with personal computer, where the harmonic motion of solenoid is used as an excitation for beam and plate models. Simple code for finite element free vibration analysis of plates is written in Wolfram Mathematica. Good agreement of results and attractive visual patterns of normal modes attracted attention of students. Results are confirmed using modern modal testing methods. Presented approach is complementary to standard teaching of structural dynamics. Key words: engineering education, normal modes, Chladni plate, modal testing, finite element metho

    Optimizacija elektrostatičkog generisanja čestica u cilju kontrolisanja njihovih mikronskih veličina - sistem sa jednom mlaznicom

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    The aim of this study was to optimize the electrostatic extrusion process for producing small, spherical and uniform microbeads with different fluid viscosities by varying the operating parameters in very wide ranges. Alginate was used as a model polymer. Since the rheological behavior of the solution is one of the parameters that affects the flow dynamics during extrusion, viscosity measurements of solutions with different alginate content were performed. The results obtained in this study show that an electrostatic droplet generator can be used for the production of spherical microbeads of narrow size distribution from low- and medium- viscous fluids (0.5, 1, and 2% of alginate). The average microbead diameter for low-viscous solutions was less than 100 micrometers. It was possible to obtain beads smaller than 500 micrometers that were very uniform (standard deviations less than 2.5%) and of spherical (the shape distortion was less than 1%) from medium-viscous alginate solution (2%). By reducing the polymer flowrate to less than 1 ml/h, even smaller microbeads were produced with diameters of about 300 micrometers. The particular contribution of this paper is in exceeding limitations regarding the use of high-viscous polymer solutions. Optimization of the operating conditions that included the use of a very small needle (0.15 mm), enlargement of the electrode distance to more than 20 cm and a severe reduction in the polymer flow rate to lower than 5 ml/h (for 3% alginate) or 1 ml/h (for 4% alginate) enabled the production of small, entirely spherical and uniform microbeads with an average microbead diameter lower than 500 and 700 micrometers in the case of 3 and 4% of alginate, respectively.Elektrostatička ekstruzija je novija ekstruziona metoda koja se zasniva na primeni električne sile koja deluje na povrÅ”ini meniskusa tečnosti na vrhu igle, usled čega dolazi do generisanja velikog broja kapljica. U prethodnim istraživanjima je utvrđeno da je veličina čestica funkcija viÅ”e parametara kao Å”to su električni potencijal, prečnik kapilare, rastojanje između elektroda, protok i fizičko-hemijske osobine polimera (povrÅ”inski napon viskoznost, koncentracija). Takođe, utvrđeno je i da postoje određena ograničenja koja se odnose na ekstruziju veoma viskoznih rastvora. Ovaj rad je posvećen optimizaciji metode radi dobijanja Å”to sitnijih i uniformnijih čestica. S obzirom da je viskoznost rastvora jedan od parametara koji utiče na dinamiku isticanja polimera kroz kapilaru, najpre su izvrÅ”ena merenja viskoznosti rastvora alginata različitih koncentracija. Utvrđeno je da povećanje koncentracije rastvora sa 2 do 4% dovodi do povećanja viskoznosti sa oko 2000 na 17000 mPas na 21 Ā°C. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da je elektrostička ekstruzija vrlo povoljna za dobijanje sferičnih čestica uskog opsega raspodele veličina koristeći nisko- i srednje-viskozne rastvore polimera (0,5, 1 i 2% alginata). Sa nisko-viskoznim rastvorom alginata, pod određenim uslovima, dobijene su čestice čiji je srednji prečnik čak manji i od 100 Ī¼n. Sa srednje viskoznim alginatnim rastvorom dobijene su čestice prečnika ispod 500 Ī¼m, koje su bile vrlo uniformne (srednje kvadratno odstupanje manje od 2,5%) i sferične (deformacija oblika manja od 1%), a smanjenjem protoka rastvora, moguće je dobiti čestice i manje od 300 Ī¼m. Poseban doprinos rada je u prevazilaženju ograničenja koja se odnose na ekstruziju veoma viskoznih rastvora. Optimizacija procesnih parametara koja je podrazumevala primenu vrlo tanke igle (0,15 mm), povećanje rastojanja između elektroda iznad 20 cm i smanjenje protoka ispod 5 ml/h (za 3% alginat), odn. 1 ml/h (za 4% alginat), omogućila je dobijanje malih, potpuno sferičnih i uniformnih mikročestica čiji je srednji prečnik bio ispod 500 i 700 Ī¼m za 3 i 4% alginatni rastvor, respektivno

    Electrostatic extrusion as a dispersion technique for encapsulation of cells and bioactive compounds

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    Significant development of cells and bioactive compound encapsulation technologies is taking place due to an exceptional possibility of their application in various scientific disciplines, including biomedicine, pharmacy, cosmetology, food and agricultural sciences, beverage production, industrial waste treatment. Despite the broad application of microencapsulation, the literature reviews on dispersion techniques for microcapsule/microbead production, their advantages, restrictions and drawbacks are scarce. The purpose of this paper is to assess the possibilities of electrostatic extrusion for encapsulation of biological material, including living cells in hydrogel microbeads. The paper presents an overview of the mechanisms of droplet formation and controlling experimental parameters for producing microbeads by means of electrostatic extrusion. Electrostatic droplet formation utilizes a special type of physical process taking advantage of electrostatic effects occurring in flowing conductive liquids after introduction of an electric field. When an electrostatic field is applied to the metal needle and an electric charge is induced in the liquid flowing out of the needle, the size of droplet detaching from the needle tip decreases as a function of applied electrostatic field. It has been shown that few parameters affect microbead size: applied voltage, electrode geometry, needle size, polarity arrangement and polymer concentration. The electrostatic droplet formation is one of the most precise methods, which enables one to produce spherical and uniform particles ranging from 100 up to 1000 mu m. Most of the authors report that the encapsulated compounds (drugs, enzymes and living cells) remain unaltered after electrostatic extrusion. This technique seems to be particularly promising in biotechnology, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries, where a low-temperature process, preserving heat-sensitive material is a prerequisite. Future efforts in developing of electrostatic extrusion should be directed towards adequately scaling-up for commercial purpose

    Report on ISCTM consensus meeting on clinical assessment of response to treatment of cognitive impairment in schizophrenia

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    Funding for this manuscript was provided by the International Society for CNS Clinical Trials and Methodology.Dr Keefe currently or in the past 3 years has received investigator-initiated research funding support from the Department of Veteran's Affair, Feinstein Institute for Medical Research, GlaxoSmithKline, National Institute of Mental Health, Novartis, Psychogenics, Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene, Inc., and the Singapore National Medical Research Council. He currently or in the past 3 years has received honoraria, served as a consultant, or advisory board member for Abbvie, Akebia, Amgen, Asubio, AviNeuro/ChemRar, BiolineRx, Biogen Idec, Biomarin, Boehringer-Ingelheim, Eli Lilly, EnVivo/FORUM, GW Pharmaceuticals, Janssen, Lundbeck, Merck, Minerva Neurosciences, Inc., Mitsubishi, Novartis, NY State Office of Mental Health, Otsuka, Pfizer, Reviva, Roche, Sanofi/Aventis, Shire, Sunovion, Takeda, Targacept, and the University of Texas South West Medical Center. Dr Keefe receives royalties from the BACS testing battery, the MATRICS battery (BACS Symbol Coding), and the Virtual Reality Functional Capacity Assessment Tool. He is also a shareholder in NeuroCog Trials, Inc. and Sengenix. Dr Haig is a full-time employee of Abbvie. Dr Marder has received consulting fees from Abbvie, Genentech, Roche, Lundbeck, Pfizer, Otsuka, Takeda, and Boeringer Ingelheim. He has received research support from Amgen, Sunovion, and Synchroneuron. Dr Harvey has received consulting fees from Abbvie, Boehringer Ingelheim, Forest Labs, Forum Pharma, Genentech, Otsuka America, Roche Pharma, Sunovion Pharma, and Takeda Pharma during the past year. He also received contract research support from Genentech. Dr Dunayevich for the past 3 years has been a full-time employee and stockholder of Amgen. Dr Medalia in the past 3 years has received research funding support from Sunovion. Dr Medalia has also currently or in the past 3 years received honoraria or served as consultant for Dainippon Sumitomo Pharma Co., Ltd., Otsuka, and Takeda Pharmaceuticals U.S.A., Inc. Dr Davidson has received research grant support and/or travel support and/or speaker fees and/or consultancy fees from Lundbeck, Eli Lilly, Servier, Abbott, Minerva and holds stocks in CTR and BiolineRx. Dr Lombardo is a full-time employee of FORUM Pharmaceuticals. Dr Bowie reports receiving grant support from Pfizer. He has also been a consultant for Lundbeck, Otsuka, Abbvie, and Takeda. Dr Buchanan reports: Advisory Board: Abbvie, Amgen, EnVivo, Roche; Consultant: Abbvie, Amgen, Bristol Myers Squibb, EnVivo, Omeros; DSMB member: Pfizer. Dr Bugarski -Kirola is a full-time employee of Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. Dr Carpenter in the past 2 years has been a consultant to Roche/Genetech. Dr Dago in the last 3 years has received honoraria from Lundbeck, Forest Pharmaceuticals, Otsuka, Pam Labs, and Astra Zeneca for lectures given in promotion of their psychotropic medications. Dr Durand in the past year has been a consultant and received honoraria from Teva Pharmaceuticals. Dr Gold receives royalty payments from the BACS. He also has served as a consultant for Amgen, Hoffman LaRoche, and Lundbeck. Dr Hooker has served as a consultant and is currently a Co-Investigator on an NIH SBIR grant with PositScience Corporation. Dr Loebel is an employee of Sunovion Pharmaceuticals. Dr McGurk reports receiving consulting fees from Abbvie and EnVivo Pharmaceuticals. Dr Pinkham in the past year has received consulting fees from Otsuka America Pharmaceutical, Inc.The following authors have declared that there are no conflicts of interest in relation to the subject of this study: Drs Csernansky, Frese, Goff, Kopelowic, Opler, and Stern. (International Society for CNS Clinical Trials and Methodology; Department of Veteran's Affair; Feinstein Institute for Medical Research; GlaxoSmithKline; National Institute of Mental Health; Novartis; Psychogenics; Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene, Inc.; Singapore National Medical Research Council; Abbvie; Genentech; Roche; Lundbeck; Pfizer; Otsuka; Takeda; Boeringer Ingelheim; Amgen; Sunovion; Synchroneuron; Boehringer Ingelheim; Forest Labs; Forum Pharma; Otsuka America; Roche Pharma; Sunovion Pharma; Takeda Pharma; Eli Lilly; Servier; Abbott; Minerva; BACS; EnVivo Pharmaceuticals; Otsuka America Pharmaceutical, Inc.)Published versio


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    Početak XXI veka nesumnjivo je obeležen interdisciplinarnim i multidisciplinarnim naporima istraživača u različitim oblastima nauke. Jedna od najizrazitijih tendencija ovog tipa uočava se u biomedicinskim istraživanjima, gde se združuju napori lekara, biologa, genetičara i biohemičara, s jedne strane, i biofizičara i inženjera, s druge strane ā€“ sa ciljem dubljeg razumevanja zdravlja i bolesti, i primene ovih saznanja u biomedicinskoj praksi, tako važnoj u svakodnevnom životu ljudi.Kao rezultat ovih svetskih trendova, u Srbiji već viÅ”e godina na nekoliko fakulteta postoji nastava iz oblasti biomedicinskog inženjerstva, sa ciljem da osposobi inženjere ovih usmerenja za multidisciplinarno povezivanje znanja iz oblasti tehnike sa biomedicinskim znanjima. Jedan od bazičnih predmeta ovih usmerenja jesu Biomaterijali, kojima je i posvećen naÅ” udžbenik, čiji je cilj da predstavi pregled teorije i prakse biomaterijala u biomedicinskoj nauci.Nauka o biomaterijalima je nesumnjivo najmultidisciplinarnija od svih nauka, jer zahteva ovladavanje znanjima iz mnogih oblasti nauke i tehnologije, inženjerstva i medicine, kako bi naučnici iz oblasti biomaterijala mogli da se uhvate u koÅ”tac sa ovom profesijom. Zato posle uvodnog dela, udžbenik iz Biomaterijala sadrži četiri celine: (I) Osnovni biomedicinski koncepti i reakcije organizma na biomaterijale, (II) Struktura, fizičko-mehanička karakterizacija i modeliranje biomaterijala i tkiva, (III) Savremeni biomaterijali i tehnologije, (IV) Perspektive biomaterijala i tehnologija, iza kojih slede Zadaci sa reÅ”enjima, Ispitna test pitanja i Ispitna teorijska pitanja, koji pomažu studentima da lakÅ”e savladaju veoma obimno i kompleksno gradivo. Na kraju svakog poglavlja data su pitanja za rekapitulaciju, kao i spisak dopunske literature za opcionu detaljniju obradu pojedinih oblasti.Grupa od dvadeset četiri profesionalca sa univerziteta i naučnih instituta, pod okriljem Instituta tehničkih nauka Srpske akademije nauka i umetnosti, Beograd, i DruÅ”tva za istraživanje materijala Srbije (MRS Srbija) doprinela je pisanju ovog kapitalnog udžbenika o biomaterijalima, prvog do sada na srpskom jeziku. Mada uključivanje veće grupe autora nužno dovodi do stilske neujednačenosti, ipak je oblast biomaterijala toliko multidisciplinarna da je ovakav pristup bio neophodan, kako uostalom pokazuju slična svetska iskustva sa uključivanjem i preko pedeset autora. Ipak urednici su se potrudili da koliko je to moguće stilski i pedagoÅ”ki ujednače udžbenik, kako bi bio korisna literatura za sve studente diplomskih, master i doktorskih studija iz biomedicinskog inženjerstva u Srbiji i okruženju


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    Početak XXI veka nesumnjivo je obeležen interdisciplinarnim i multidisciplinarnim naporima istraživača u različitim oblastima nauke. Jedna od najizrazitijih tendencija ovog tipa uočava se u biomedicinskim istraživanjima, gde se združuju napori lekara, biologa, genetičara i biohemičara, s jedne strane, i biofizičara i inženjera, s druge strane ā€“ sa ciljem dubljeg razumevanja zdravlja i bolesti, i primene ovih saznanja u biomedicinskoj praksi, tako važnoj u svakodnevnom životu ljudi.Kao rezultat ovih svetskih trendova, u Srbiji već viÅ”e godina na nekoliko fakulteta postoji nastava iz oblasti biomedicinskog inženjerstva, sa ciljem da osposobi inženjere ovih usmerenja za multidisciplinarno povezivanje znanja iz oblasti tehnike sa biomedicinskim znanjima. Jedan od bazičnih predmeta ovih usmerenja jesu Biomaterijali, kojima je i posvećen naÅ” udžbenik, čiji je cilj da predstavi pregled teorije i prakse biomaterijala u biomedicinskoj nauci.Nauka o biomaterijalima je nesumnjivo najmultidisciplinarnija od svih nauka, jer zahteva ovladavanje znanjima iz mnogih oblasti nauke i tehnologije, inženjerstva i medicine, kako bi naučnici iz oblasti biomaterijala mogli da se uhvate u koÅ”tac sa ovom profesijom. Zato posle uvodnog dela, udžbenik iz Biomaterijala sadrži četiri celine: (I) Osnovni biomedicinski koncepti i reakcije organizma na biomaterijale, (II) Struktura, fizičko-mehanička karakterizacija i modeliranje biomaterijala i tkiva, (III) Savremeni biomaterijali i tehnologije, (IV) Perspektive biomaterijala i tehnologija, iza kojih slede Zadaci sa reÅ”enjima, Ispitna test pitanja i Ispitna teorijska pitanja, koji pomažu studentima da lakÅ”e savladaju veoma obimno i kompleksno gradivo. Na kraju svakog poglavlja data su pitanja za rekapitulaciju, kao i spisak dopunske literature za opcionu detaljniju obradu pojedinih oblasti.Grupa od dvadeset četiri profesionalca sa univerziteta i naučnih instituta, pod okriljem Instituta tehničkih nauka Srpske akademije nauka i umetnosti, Beograd, i DruÅ”tva za istraživanje materijala Srbije (MRS Srbija) doprinela je pisanju ovog kapitalnog udžbenika o biomaterijalima, prvog do sada na srpskom jeziku. Mada uključivanje veće grupe autora nužno dovodi do stilske neujednačenosti, ipak je oblast biomaterijala toliko multidisciplinarna da je ovakav pristup bio neophodan, kako uostalom pokazuju slična svetska iskustva sa uključivanjem i preko pedeset autora. Ipak urednici su se potrudili da koliko je to moguće stilski i pedagoÅ”ki ujednače udžbenik, kako bi bio korisna literatura za sve studente diplomskih, master i doktorskih studija iz biomedicinskog inženjerstva u Srbiji i okruženju
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