3,716 research outputs found

    Structural Stability of Intelectin-1

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    We study the structural stability of helical and non-helical regions in chain A of human intelectin-1. Using a geometrical model introduced previously, a computational analysis based on the recently reported crystal structure of this protein by Kiessling et al. [Nature Struct. Mole. Bio. 22 (2015), 603] is carried out to quantify the resiliency of the native state to steric perturbations. Response to these perturbations is characterized by calculating, relative to the native state, the lateral, radial and angular displacements of n-residue segments of the polypeptide chain centered on each residue. By quantifying the stability of the protein through six stages of unfolding, we are able to identify regions in chain A of intelectin-1 which are markedly affected by structural perturbations versus those which are relatively unaffected, the latter suggesting that the native-state geometry of these regions is essentially conserved. Importantly, residues in the vicinity of calcium ions comprise a conserved region, suggesting that Ca ions play a role not only in the coordination of carbohydrate hydroxyl groups, but in preserving the integrity of the structure

    Interactions between magnetic nanoparticles and model lipid bilayers—Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) studies of the molecular basis of nanotoxicity

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    The toxicity of nanoparticles (nanotoxicity) is often associated with their interruption of biological membranes. The effect of polymer-coated magnetic nanoparticles (with different Fe3O4 core sizes and different polymeric coatings) on a model biological membrane system of vesicles formed by dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) was studied. Selected magnetic nanoparticles with core sizes ranging from 3 to 13 nm (in diameter) were characterised by transmission electron microscopy. Samples with 10% DMPC and different nanoparticle concentrations were studied by attenuated total reflectance—Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy to establish the influence of nanoparticles on the phase behaviour of model phospholipid systems


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    Purpose: theoretically justify ways of level increase of adaptable opportunities of organism, abilities to protect from negative impact or to take the positive influence of external factor on health (prevention negative and formation of positive effects).Materials and methods. During performance the method of structural and logical analysis has been used.Results. Daily physical activity – the pledge of good health while teaching students in the direction of preparation "Human Health". The incidence of students for recent years have been analyzed. The expediency of use physical training with the purpose of improvement of students health and disease prevention has been argued.Conclusions. Analysis of impact on health of student of sitting position proves necessity of physical activity during training students. Their choice is dictated not only  physical structure of training but also, first of all, functional condition of students and their physical readiness.Мета: теоретично обґрунтувати шляхи підвищення рівня адаптаційних можливостей організму, здатності захищатися від негативного впливу чи максимально використовувати позитивний вплив зовнішнього чинника на здоров’я (запобігання негативним та формування позитивних ефектів).Матеріали і методи. У ході виконання роботи був використаний метод структурно-логічного аналізу.Результати. Щоденна рухова активність – запорука міцного здоров’я під час навчання студентів за напрямком підготовки «Здоров’я людини». Проаналізовано захворюваність студентів за останні роки, аргументовано доцільність використання занять з фізичного виховання з метою оздоровлення студентів та профілактики захворювань.Висновки. Аналіз впливу на здоров’я студента сидячого положення доводить необхідність фізичного навантаження під час навчання студентів, вибір якого диктується не тільки фізичною структурою навчання, але й, насамперед, функціональним станом організму студентів та їх фізичною підготовленістю


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    The achievements of modern internal medicine, the introduction of a broad clinical practice the principles of evidence-based medicine, a significant expansion of the arsenal of drugs and drug-free treatment from a doctor need not only theoretical knowledge of typical clinical disease, but also be able to carry out the organization of the rehabilitation process.Достижения современной внутренней медицины, внедрение в широкую клиническую практику принципов доказательной медицины, существенное расширение арсенала лекарственных средств и немедикаментозного лечения требуют от врача не только теоретических знаний типичной клинической картины заболевания, но и уметь осуществить организацию реабилитационного процесса.Досягнення сучасної внутрішньої медицини, впровадження в широку клінічну практику принципів доказової медицини, суттєве розширення арсеналу лікарських засобів і немедикаментозного лікування потребують від лікаря не тільки теоретичних знань типової клінічної картини захворювання, але і вміти здійснити організацію реабілітаційного процесу


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    Вступ. Здоров’я, за визначенням ВООЗ, це «стан цілковитого фізичного, психічного та соціального благополуччя». Академік Амосов вказує, що науковий підхід до поняття здоров’я повинен бути кількісним. Ймовірність виникнення ітяжкість перебігу хвороб обернено пропорційні «кількості здоров’я», або сумі «резервних потужностей» найважливіших органів і систем

    Tracking and coordinating an international curation effort for the CCDS Project

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    The Consensus Coding Sequence (CCDS) collaboration involves curators at multiple centers with a goal of producing a conservative set of high quality, protein-coding region annotations for the human and mouse reference genome assemblies. The CCDS data set reflects a ‘gold standard’ definition of best supported protein annotations, and corresponding genes, which pass a standard series of quality assurance checks and are supported by manual curation. This data set supports use of genome annotation information by human and mouse researchers for effective experimental design, analysis and interpretation. The CCDS project consists of analysis of automated whole-genome annotation builds to identify identical CDS annotations, quality assurance testing and manual curation support. Identical CDS annotations are tracked with a CCDS identifier (ID) and any future change to the annotated CDS structure must be agreed upon by the collaborating members. CCDS curation guidelines were developed to address some aspects of curation in order to improve initial annotation consistency and to reduce time spent in discussing proposed annotation updates. Here, we present the current status of the CCDS database and details on our procedures to track and coordinate our efforts. We also present the relevant background and reasoning behind the curation standards that we have developed for CCDS database treatment of transcripts that are nonsense-mediated decay (NMD) candidates, for transcripts containing upstream open reading frames, for identifying the most likely translation start codons and for the annotation of readthrough transcripts. Examples are provided to illustrate the application of these guidelines

    Design of an electrochemical micromachining machine

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    Electrochemical micromachining (μECM) is a non-conventional machining process based on the phenomenon of electrolysis. μECM became an attractive area of research due to the fact that this process does not create any defective layer after machining and that there is a growing demand for better surface integrity on different micro applications including microfluidics systems, stress-free drilled holes in automotive and aerospace manufacturing with complex shapes, etc. This work presents the design of a next generation μECM machine for the automotive, aerospace, medical and metrology sectors. It has three axes of motion (X, Y, Z) and a spindle allowing the tool-electrode to rotate during machining. The linear slides for each axis use air bearings with linear DC brushless motors and 2-nm resolution encoders for ultra precise motion. The control system is based on the Power PMAC motion controller from Delta Tau. The electrolyte tank is located at the rear of the machine and allows the electrolyte to be changed quickly. This machine features two process control algorithms: fuzzy logic control and adaptive feed rate. A self-developed pulse generator has been mounted and interfaced with the machine and a wire ECM grinding device has been added. The pulse generator has the possibility to reverse the pulse polarity for on-line tool fabrication.The research reported in this paper is supported by the European Commission within the project “Minimizing Defects in Micro-Manufacturing Applications (MIDEMMA)” (FP7-2011-NMPICT- FoF-285614)

    Data visualization in yield component analysis: an expert study

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    Even though data visualization is a common analytical tool in numerous disciplines, it has rarely been used in agricultural sciences, particularly in agronomy. In this paper, we discuss a study on employing data visualization to analyze a multiplicative model. This model is often used by agronomists, for example in the so-called yield component analysis. The multiplicative model in agronomy is normally analyzed by statistical or related methods. In practice, unfortunately, usefulness of these methods is limited since they help to answer only a few questions, not allowing for a complex view of the phenomena studied. We believe that data visualization could be used for such complex analysis and presentation of the multiplicative model. To that end, we conducted an expert survey. It showed that visualization methods could indeed be useful for analysis and presentation of the multiplicative model