875 research outputs found

    Dishabituation of the BOLD response to speech sounds

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    BACKGROUND: Neural systems show habituation responses at multiple levels, including relatively abstract language categories. Dishabituation – responses to non-habituated stimuli – can provide a window into the structure of these categories, without requiring an overt task. METHODS: We used an event-related fMRI design with short interval habituation trials, in which trains of stimuli were presented passively during 1.5 second intervals of relative silence between clustered scans. Trains of four identical stimuli (standard trials) and trains of three identical stimuli followed by a stimulus from a different phonetic category (deviant trials) were presented. This paradigm allowed us to measure and compare the time course of overall responses to speech, and responses to phonetic change. RESULTS: Comparisons between responses to speech and silence revealed strong responses throughout the extent of superior temporal gyrus (STG) bilaterally. Comparisons between deviant and standard trials revealed dishabituation responses in a restricted region of left posterior STG, near the border with supramarginal gyrus (SMG). Novelty responses to deviant trials were also observed in right frontal regions and hippocampus. CONCLUSION: A passive, dishabituation paradigm provides results similar to studies requiring overt responses. This paradigm can readily be extended for the study of pre-attentive processing of speech in populations such as children and second-language learners whose overt behavior is often difficult to interpret because of ancillary task demands

    Auditory Selective Attention to Speech Modulates Activity in the Visual Word Form Area

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    Selective attention to speech versus nonspeech signals in complex auditory input could produce top-down modulation of cortical regions previously linked to perception of spoken, and even visual, words. To isolate such top-down attentional effects, we contrasted 2 equally challenging active listening tasks, performed on the same complex auditory stimuli (words overlaid with a series of 3 tones). Instructions required selectively attending to either the speech signals (in service of rhyme judgment) or the melodic signals (tone-triplet matching). Selective attention to speech, relative to attention to melody, was associated with blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) increases during functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in left inferior frontal gyrus, temporal regions, and the visual word form area (VWFA). Further investigation of the activity in visual regions revealed overall deactivation relative to baseline rest for both attention conditions. Topographic analysis demonstrated that while attending to melody drove deactivation equivalently across all fusiform regions of interest examined, attending to speech produced a regionally specific modulation: deactivation of all fusiform regions, except the VWFA. Results indicate that selective attention to speech can topographically tune extrastriate cortex, leading to increased activity in VWFA relative to surrounding regions, in line with the well-established connectivity between areas related to spoken and visual word perception in skilled reader

    New Candidate Interstellar Particle in Stardust IS Aerogel Collector: Analysis by STXM and Ptychography

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    The Stardust Interstellar Preliminary Examination (ISPE) reported in 2014 the discovery of 7 probable contemporary interstellar (IS) particles captured in Stardust IS Collector aerogel and foils. The ISPE reports represented work done over 6 years by more than 60 scientists and >30,000 volunteers, which emphasizes the challenge identifying and analyzing Stardust IS samples was far beyond the primary Stardust cometary collection. We present a new potentially interstellar particle resulting from a continuation of analyses of the IS aerogel collection

    Évaluation des compétences en réanimation en séance de simulation et en milieu de travail : analyse descriptive et comparative de trois spécialités

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    Background: Simulation-based assessment can complement workplace-based assessment of rare or difficult to assess Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs). We aimed to compare the use of simulation-based assessment for resuscitation-focused EPAs in three postgraduate medical training programs and describe faculty perceptions of simulation-based assessment. Methods: EPA assessment scores and setting (simulation or workplace) were extracted from 2017-2020 for internal medicine, emergency medicine, and surgical foundations residents at the transition to discipline and foundations of discipline stages. A questionnaire was distributed to clinical competency committee members. Results: Eleven percent of EPA assessments were simulation-based. The proportion of simulation-based assessment did not differ between programs but differed between transition (38%) and foundations (4%) stages within surgical foundations only. Entrustment scores differed between settings in emergency medicine at the transition level only (simulation: 4.82 ± 0.60 workplace: 3.74 ± 0.93). 70% of committee members (n=20) completed the questionnaire. Of those that use simulation-based assessment, 45% interpret them differently than workplace-based assessments. 73% and 100% trust simulation for high-stakes and low-stakes assessment, respectively. Conclusions: The proportion of simulation-based assessment for resuscitation focused EPAs did not differ between three postgraduate medical training programs. Interpretation of simulation-based assessment data between committee members was inconsistent. All respondents trust simulation-based assessment for low-stakes, and the majority for high-stakes assessment. These findings have practical implications for the integration simulation into programs of assessment.Contexte : Pour les activités professionnelles confiables (APC) qui sont rarement observées ou difficiles à évaluer, l’évaluation dans les séances de simulation peut compléter l’évaluation en milieu de travail. Nous avons comparé l’utilisation de l’évaluation lors de simulations pour les APC axées sur la réanimation dans trois programmes de formation médicale postdoctorale et décrit les perceptions de membres du corps professoral concernant cette modalité d’évaluation. Méthodes : Nous avons extrait les scores et le cadre (simulation ou lieu de travail) d’évaluation des APC de 2017 à 2020 pour les résidents en médecine interne, en médecine d’urgence et en fondements chirurgicaux aux étapes de transition vers la discipline et de fondements de la discipline. Un questionnaire a été distribué aux membres du comité des compétences cliniques. Résultats : Onze pour cent des évaluations d’APC étaient faites lors de séances de simulation. Cette proportion était la même pour tous les programmes, mais dans le cadre des fondements chirurgicaux, elle était différente selon qu’il s’agissait de l’étape de transition (38 %) ou de l’étape des fondements (4 %). Les scores de confiance différaient selon le cadre de l’évaluation uniquement pour les résidents en médecine d’urgence à l’étape de la transition (simulation : 4,82 ± 0,60; lieu de travail : 3,74 ± 0,93). Le questionnaire a été rempli par 70 % des membres du comité (n=20). Parmi ceux qui avaient utilisé l’évaluation en séance de simulation, 45 % avaient interprété les données de l’évaluation différemment de la façon dont ils interprètent les données d’évaluation en milieu de travail. Soixante-treize pour cent et 100 % d’entre eux font confiance à la simulation pour les évaluations à enjeux élevés et à faibles enjeux, respectivement. Conclusions : La proportion d’évaluations en séance de simulation pour les APC axées sur la réanimation était la même pour trois programmes de formation médicale postdoctorale. Les membres du comité n’ont pas interprété les données de ce type d’évaluation de manière uniforme. Tous les répondants font confiance à l’évaluation en séance de simulation pour les évaluations à faible enjeu, et la plupart d’entre eux pour les évaluations à enjeu élevé. Ces résultats ont des incidences pratiques sur l’intégration de la simulation dans les programmes d’évaluation

    Elastic Spin Relaxation Processes in Semiconductor Quantum Dots

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    Electron spin decoherence caused by elastic spin-phonon processes is investigated comprehensively in a zero-dimensional environment. Specifically, a theoretical treatment is developed for the processes associated with the fluctuations in the phonon potential as well as in the electron procession frequency through the spin-orbit and hyperfine interactions in the semiconductor quantum dots. The analysis identifies the conditions (magnetic field, temperature, etc.) in which the elastic spin-phonon processes can dominate over the inelastic counterparts with the electron spin-flip transitions. Particularly, the calculation results illustrate the potential significance of an elastic decoherence mechanism originating from the intervalley transitions in semiconductor quantum dots with multiple equivalent energy minima (e.g., the X valleys in SiGe). The role of lattice anharmonicity and phonon decay in spin relaxation is also examined along with that of the local effective field fluctuations caused by the stochastic electronic transitions between the orbital states. Numerical estimations are provided for typical GaAs and Si-based quantum dots.Comment: 57 pages, 14 figure

    Magnetic Impurity in a Metal with Correlated Conduction Electrons: An Infinite Dimensions Approach

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    We consider the Hubbard model with a magnetic Anderson impurity coupled to a lattice site. In the case of infinite dimensions, one-particle correlations of the impurity electron are described by the effective Hamiltonian of the two-impurity system. One of the impurities interacts with a bath of free electrons and represents the Hubbard lattice, and the other is coupled to the first impurity by the bare hybridization interaction. A study of the effective two-impurity Hamiltonian in the frame of the 1/N expansion and for the case of a weak conduction-electron interaction (small U) reveals an enhancement of the usual exponential Kondo scale. However, an intermediate interaction (U/D = 1 - 3), treated by the variational principle, leads to the loss of the exponential scale. The Kondo temperature T_K of the effective two-impurity system is calculated as a function of the hybridization parameter and it is shown that T_K decreases with an increase of U. The non-Fermi-liquid character of the Kondo effect in the intermediate regime at the half filling is discussed.Comment: 12 pages with 8 PS figures, RevTe

    A switchable controlled-NOT gate in a spin-chain NMR quantum computer

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    A method of switching a controlled-NOT gate in a solid-stae NMR quantum computer is presented. Qubits of I=1/2 nuclear spins are placed periodically along a quantum spin chain (1-D antiferromagnet) having a singlet ground state with a finite spin gap to the lowest excited state caused by some quantum effect. Irradiation of a microwave tuned to the spin gap energy excites a packet of triplet magnons at a specific part of the chain where control and target qubits are involved. The packet switches on the Suhl-Nakamura interaction between the qubits, which serves as a controlled NOT gate. The qubit initialization is achieved by a qubit initializer consisting of semiconducting sheets attached to the spin chain, where spin polarizations created by the optical pumping method in the semiconductors are transferred to the spin chain. The scheme allows us to separate the initialization process from the computation, so that one can optimize the computation part without being restricted by the initialization scheme, which provides us with a wide selection of materials for a quantum computer.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Kondo Effect in a Metal with Correlated Conduction Electrons: Diagrammatic Approach

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    We study the low-temperature behavior of a magnetic impurity which is weakly coupled to correlated conduction electrons. To account for conduction electron interactions a diagrammatic approach in the frame of the 1/N expansion is developed. The method allows us to study various consequences of the conduction electron correlations for the ground state and the low-energy excitations. We analyse the characteristic energy scale in the limit of weak conduction electron interactions. Results are reported for static properties (impurity valence, charge susceptibility, magnetic susceptibility, and specific heat) in the low-temperature limit.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figure
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