40 research outputs found

    Studi Kasus Mengenai Decision Making untuk Keluar dari Abusive Relationship pada Remaja Akhir

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    Proses decision making merupakan proses pengambilan keputusan dengan melibatkan berbagai pertimbangan dan pertentangan yang terjadi sehingga terlihat dilematis dalam diri individu untuk mengambil keputusan. Decision making dalam penelitian ini digunakan untuk melihat proses informan keluar dari abusive relationship karena secara teoritis proses decision making sangat berat pada abusive relationship. Hal ini karena dalam abusive relationship terdapat sebuah fase bulan madu yang membuat informan terbuai mengenai tindakan abusif sehingga terlihat proses dilematis dan sulitnya keluar dari abusive relationship bagi pelaku dan informan. Peneliti juga akan melihat coping yang digunakan untuk mengatasi kendala selama proses decision making. Penelitian ini berfokus pada proses decision making informan untuk keluar dari abusive relationship dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Melalui pendekatan kualitatif interpretif ini, peneliti berusaha untuk mengulas dan menjelaskan proses dilematis informan yang tergolong remaja akhir untuk melakukan decision making dan mempertahankan keputusannya untuk tetap putus hingga saat ini. Hasil dari penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa informan terhenti dalam gambaran permasalahan membuatnya sering gagal untuk putus dan terperangkap dalam abusive relationship. Hal yang terberat dalam decision making untuk putus juga berasal dari faktor internal, seperti kondisi informan yang memiliki basic anak broken home sehingga membuatnya dilema dalam berelasi dengan lawan jenis, bahkan menggunakan coping untuk meminta bantuan orang lain mengurangi tekanan kecemasan dalam dirinya. Pengaruh eksternal seperti significant others justru membuat informan tersadar akan gambaran masalahnya sehingga timbul niat untuk putus. Informan pun mulai mencari informasi mengenai relasi pacaran yang seimbang dan membuat kesimpulan untuk putus dari pasangannya. Pasca putus, informan masih mengalami gangguan dari pelaku abuse berupa ancaman baik untuk diri informan dan pelaku abuse. Akan tetapi, informan berusaha memikirkan strategi coping untuk mengusir pelaku abuse dari kehidupannya dan tetap mempertahankan keputusannya untuk putus

    The Effectiveness of the Application of Scientific Literacy-based Natural Science Teaching Set Toward the Students' Learning Activities and Outcomes on the Topic of the Interaction of Living Organism and Environment

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    This research was aimed to find out effectiveness of the application of scientific literacy-based natural science teaching set toward the students' learning activities and outcomes on the topic of The Interaction of Living Organism and Environment. This study is a quasi-experimental study of non-equivalent type (pretest-posttest). The results showed that the teaching set was effective, as proved by the t-test of the learning outcomes of the experimental group (t4,78> t1,66) which was different to the control group (thitung>t1,66), the results of the experiment group n gain average was 0,55 and the control group was 0,39 which was in the average category. The t-test value of the activities in the experimental group (t3,52>t1,66) was different to the control group (thitung>t1,66). Based on the analysis results, it could be concluded that the application of the scientific literacy-based natural science teaching set was effective toward the students' learning activities and outcomes

    Harmful Reciprocal Relationship Between Human and Nature Portrayed in the Epic Movie

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    Keywords: Ecocriticism, Human and Nature, Environmental, Epic Movie Environmental problems become the trending topic in development of modern technology era nowadays. The environmental problems are studied specifically in ecocriticism. These problems are usually caused by unbalance relationship betweenhuman and nature. In this research, the researcher analyzes harmful reciprocal relationship between human and nature portrayed in the Epic movie. The problem ofthe research is divided into two points; (1) The harmful reciprocal relationship between human and nature, (2) The impacts of the relationship between human andnature described in the Epic movie.This research uses qualitative method to analyze data because the data are in the form of utterances and figures taken from the movie. In addition, the researcher explains the result in the form of description rather than numeral. Hence, qualitativemethod is the most appropriate method to analyze Epic movie. Furthermore, Ecocriticism is used to analyze the movie.The result shows that humans can exploit nature as research object without any concern about the impacts. Nature is also exploited as medium to establish human\u27s power. Humans gain benefit from the relationship because they can improve their quality of life but nature becomes increasingly damaged. Moonhaven which is originally beautiful with balance ecosystem becomes unbalance and dry.The researcher suggests the next researchers to use Ecocriticsm theory in analyzing different movie like “The Lorax Movie” to show the impact of development of technology toward nature. This movie tells that humans create artificial natural object such as trees which are made of plastic. Moreover they must buy fresh oxygen to respire

    Media Baru dalam Konstruksi Jurnalis Media Cetak

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    Hadirnya media baru sebagai salah satu manifestasi dari kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi telah mengubah model komunikasi massa yang umumnya dilakukan media massa dari one to many menjadi many to many, di mana siapa pun kini bisa menjadi pembuat informasi dan melalui media baru menyebarluaskannya. Kondisi ini kemudian mengaburkan fungsi institusi pers sekaligus menimbulkan pertanyaan, apakah media massa telah terpinggirkan. Namun juga, kehadiran media baru ini secara bersamaan membantu institusi media dalam memperluas jangkauannya. Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk mencari tahu bagaimana para jurnalis media cetak sebagai media konvensional memaknai dan mengalami media baru dalam keseharian mereka sebagai jurnalis dihadapkan dengan kehadiran media baru. Melalui metode studi fenomenologi dan teori fenomenologi Alfred Schutz, hasil dari penelitian ini adalah para jurnalis memaknai media baru sebagai sumber informasi awal, tantangan yang memacu kerja, mitra yang saling melengkapi dan media informasi dan hiburan. Sementara pengalaman para jurnalis di antaranya adalah dituntut bekerja cepat serta menghasilkan laporan yang mendalam, mencari informasi melalui media sosial tanpa meninggalkan agenda liputan dan menggunakan media sosial untuk menyebarluaskan berita, mengedukasi dan partisipasi kolektif

    Synthesis and Characterization of Collagen-Chitosan-Sodium Hyaluronates as Artificial Cornea

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    As reported by Riset Kesehatan Dasar, Indonesia facing a serious problem of blindness with 966.326 cases of 2 million population in 2013. Gold standard such as keratoplasty couldn’t completely heal corneal injury due to the recipient’s rejection and limited donor. In order to overcome those concerns, artificial corneal tissue needs to be developed to produce an artificial cornea which is biocompatible, supports corneal function, and applicable. This research was conducted to provide an initial description of Collagen – Chitosan - Natrium Hyaluronate (Col-Chi-NaHA) as an artificial cornea through FTIR analysis, hydrophilicity and water absorption measurement. The artificial cornea was synthesized by forming ratio of collagen 20% w/v and chitosan 10% w/v, both solutions were dissolved in 0,1 M and 0,6 M acetic acid separately. Into the mixed solution, NaHA was dripped slowly with variation of 0%,0,3%, and 0,6%. The homogenous solution was cast and heated for 24 hours at 35°C. The dry membranes were neutralized to obtain a pH around 7. From the analysis known that all of the characteristic bands of Col-Chi-NaHA could be observed in obtained membranes. Water absorption measurement demonstrated percentages over 90% on all membranes. The contact angle of obtained membranes was decreased by the addition of NaHA. The results showed that artificial cornea made from Col-Chi-NaHA successfully fabricated has hydrophilic properties to support cellular interaction and provide hydration to keep eye's clarity and permeability. Therefore, Col-Chi-NaHA could may be a suitable material for the tissue-engineered corne

    Poly (1,8 Octanediol-co-Citrate) Hydroxyapatite Composite as Antibacterial Biodegradable Bone Screw

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    The high bone fracture rates reaching up to 300-400 cases per month have been treated with surgical procedure of internal fixation. Nevertheless, the commonly used metal screw has shown several weaknesses. Therefore, it is required bone screw of which primary characteristics include being biocompatible, bio-functional, biodegradable, and anticorrosive. The study aimed to synthesize Antibacterial Poly 1,8-Octanediol-co-Citrate (POC) and investigated the effect of chitosan on the antibacterial and compatibility characteristics of POC-HA composite as antibacterial biodegradable bone screw. The characterization were conducted on POC-HA composite to assess its functional cluster, antibacterial activity, cytotoxicity, degradation capacity, and morphology. Pre-polymer POC was composited with 62% nano-HA, followed by post-polymerization treatment. The sample then coated by chitosan with composition variations of 1%, 3%, and 5%. The nano-HA marked with the appearance of phosphate cluster on the wavenumber of 872.17 cm-1 and 559.51 cm-1, while the chitosan marked with C=O stretch cluster of esther at 1729 cm-1 from Fourier Transform InfraRed (FTIR) measurement. The best result was obtained with 3% chitosan coating. The POCHA composites showed bacterial inhibiting ability of 16.92 mm with non-toxic characteristics. These results indicated that chitosan coating Poly 1,8-Octanediol-co-Citrate (POC)-Nano Hydroxyapatite composite is a potential candidate for an antibacterial biodegradable bone screw