32 research outputs found

    Phenological and molecular studies on the introduced seaweed Dictyota cyanoloma (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) along the Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula

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    Dictyota cyanoloma, a distinctive brown algal species characterized by a blue-iridescent margin, was recently reported as an introduced species in the Mediterranean Sea but little is known about its distribution dynamics, morphological plasticity and genetic structure. In this integrative study, we evaluate its past and present occurrence along the Mediterranean Iberian coast, assess the species' phenology in Palamos (Girona, Spain) and analyze the haplotype diversity by sequencing 49 individuals from nine sampling sites for different chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA regions. Although D. cyanoloma currently occurs along all the Mediterranean Iberian coasts (in 19 of 36 localities sampled, mostly in marinas and harbour environments), we were not able to find any herbarium material of this species (at BCN-Phyc and MA) predating the year 1987. In Palamos, D. cyanoloma is present all through the year, with a maximum development in winter and a minimum in summer. Fertile specimens are absent during summer (July and August). Sporophytes are dominant from January to June and gametophytes were found only in February, March and June. Information about the antheridia, which has never been described before, is provided. Two chloroplast and three mitochondrial haplotypes were observed, indicating that multiple introductions of D. cyanoloma occurred in the study area. Additionally, the genetic structure suggests that spread did not occur through simple advancing wave fronts but by several longdistance dispersal events. Further studies employing microsatellite markers could potentially offer a better resolution to unravel expansion and colonisation dynamics of D. cyanoloma in the Mediterranean Sea

    Phenological and molecular studies on the introduced seaweed <i>Dictyota cyanoloma</i> (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) along the Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula

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    Dictyota cyanoloma, a distinctive brown algal species characterized by a blue-iridescent margin, was recently reported as an introduced species in the Mediterranean Sea (Steen et al., 2016) but little is known about its distribution dynamics, morphological plasticity and genetic structure. In the present integrative study, we evaluate its past and present occurrence along the Mediterranean Iberian coast, assess the species’ phenology in Palamós (Girona, Spain) and analyze the haplotype diversity by sequencing 49 individuals from nine sampling sites for different chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA regions. Although D. cyanoloma currently occurs along the Mediterranean Iberian coast (in 19 of 36 localities sampled between Algeciras and Llançà, mostly in marinas and harbour environments), we were not able to find any herbarium material of this species (at BCN-Phyc and MA) predating the year 1987. In Palamós, D. cyanoloma is present all through the year, with a maximum development in winter and a minimum in summer. Fertile specimens are absent during summer (July and August). Sporophytes are dominant from January to June and dioecious gametophytes were found only in February, March and June. Information about the antheridia, which has never been described before, is provided. Two chloroplast and three mitochondrial haplotypes were observed, indicating that multiple introductions of D. cyanoloma occurred in the study area. Additionally, the genetic structure suggests that spread did not occur through simple advancing wave fronts but by several long-distance dispersal events. Further studies employing microsatellite markers could potentially offer a better resolution to unravel expansion and colonisation dynamics of D. cyanoloma in the Mediterranean Sea

    Recent updates and developments to plant genome size databases

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    Two plant genome size databases have been recently updated and/or extended: the Plant DNA C-values database (http://data.kew.org/cvalues), and GSAD, the Genome Size in Asteraceae database (http://www.asteraceaegenomesize.com). While the first provides information on nuclear DNA contents across land plants and some algal groups, the second is focused on one of the largest and most economically important angiosperm families, Asteraceae. Genome size data have numerous applications: they can be used in comparative studies on genome evolution, or as a tool to appraise the cost of whole-genome sequencing programs. The growing interest in genome size and increasing rate of data accumulation has necessitated the continued update of these databases. Currently, the Plant DNA C-values database (Release 6.0, Dec. 2012) contains data for 8510 species, while GSAD has 1219 species (Release 2.0, June 2013), representing increases of 17 and 51%, respectively, in the number of species with genome size data, compared with previous releases. Here we provide overviews of the most recent releases of each database, and outline new features of GSAD. The latter include (i) a tool to visually compare genome size data between species, (ii) the option to export data and (iii) a webpage containing information about flow cytometry protocols

    Women's Education Level, Maternal Health Facilities, Abortion Legislation and Maternal Deaths: A Natural Experiment in Chile from 1957 to 2007

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    The aim of this study was to assess the main factors related to maternal mortality reduction in large time series available in Chile in context of the United Nations' Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).Time series of maternal mortality ratio (MMR) from official data (National Institute of Statistics, 1957-2007) along with parallel time series of education years, income per capita, fertility rate (TFR), birth order, clean water, sanitary sewer, and delivery by skilled attendants were analysed using autoregressive models (ARIMA). Historical changes on the mortality trend including the effect of different educational and maternal health policies implemented in 1965, and legislation that prohibited abortion in 1989 were assessed utilizing segmented regression techniques.During the 50-year study period, the MMR decreased from 293.7 to 18.2/100,000 live births, a decrease of 93.8%. Women's education level modulated the effects of TFR, birth order, delivery by skilled attendants, clean water, and sanitary sewer access. In the fully adjusted model, for every additional year of maternal education there was a corresponding decrease in the MMR of 29.3/100,000 live births. A rapid phase of decline between 1965 and 1981 (-13.29/100,000 live births each year) and a slow phase between 1981 and 2007 (-1.59/100,000 live births each year) were identified. After abortion was prohibited, the MMR decreased from 41.3 to 12.7 per 100,000 live births (-69.2%). The slope of the MMR did not appear to be altered by the change in abortion law.Increasing education level appears to favourably impact the downward trend in the MMR, modulating other key factors such as access and utilization of maternal health facilities, changes in women's reproductive behaviour and improvements of the sanitary system. Consequently, different MDGs can act synergistically to improve maternal health. The reduction in the MMR is not related to the legal status of abortion

    Genetic structure and seed germination in Portuguese populations of <em>Cheirolophus uliginosus</em> (Asteraceae): Implications for conservation strategies

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    <em>Cheirolophus uliginosus</em> is a threatened species, endemic to the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula, where it occupies a few restricted localities. In our study we analysed the patterns of cpDNA haplotypes variation and reproductive success—germinability—among seven Portuguese populations of varying size. The aim was to examine the reproductive performance of <em>Ch. uliginosus</em> related to genetic structure and population size. The results showed very low within-population variability of cpDNA markers. Our study indicates that the germination rate is significantly reduced in small populations (< 50 plants) whereas medium (50–250 individuals) and large-sized (> 250 individuals) do not show any constraint. In the search for plausible causes explaining the lower germination success in the smallest populations, ecological concerns and genetic isolation must be taken into account. Besides, in large-sized populations of <em>Ch. uliginosus</em> (> 250 plants) a higher incidence of predispersal seed predation was observed, maybe affecting their sexual reproductive response. Finally, smaller populations—presenting a reduced reproductive success—contain also the most evolutionary distant haplotypes, so their conservation should be a priority.<br><br><em>Cheirolophus uliginosus</em> es una especie amenazada endémica de la costa atlántica de la península ibérica, donde ocupa unas pocas y reducidas localidades. En nuestro estudio, analizamos los patrones de variación de los haplotipos de ADN cloroplástico y el éxito reproductivo —capacidad germinativa— en siete poblaciones portuguesas de diferente tamaño. El éxito reproductivo de <em>Ch. uliginosus</em> se ha examinado en relación con la estructura genética y el tamaño de sus poblaciones. Los resultados indican una variabilidad intrapoblacional muy baja para los marcadores cloroplásticos utilizados. Nuestro estudio muestra una tasa de germinación significativamente reducida en las poblaciones pequeñas (< 50 individuos) respecto a aquellas de tamaño mediano (50-250 individuos) o grande (> 250 individuos). Para explicar este fenómeno, se deben tomar en consideración las limitaciones ecológicas y el aislamiento genético. Por otro lado, en las poblaciones de <em>Ch. uliginosus</em> de mayor tamaño (> 250 individuos) se ha observado una incidencia más acusada de la depredación de semillas antes de su dispersión, lo cual podría estar afectando a su respuesta reproductiva. Finalmente, las poblaciones más pequeñas —que presentan un reducido éxito reproductivo— contienen los haplotipos más distantes evolutivamente y su conservación debería ser, por tanto, prioritaria

    First genome size estimations for some eudicot families and genera

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    First genome size estimations for some eudicot families and genera.- Genome size diversity in angiosperms varies roughly 2400-fold, although approximately 45% of angiosperm families lack a single genome size estimation, and therefore, this range could be enlarged. To contribute completing family and genera representation, DNA C-Values are here provided for 19 species from 16 eudicot families, including first values for 6 families, 14 genera and 17 species. The sample of species studied is very diverse, including herbs, weeds, vines, shrubs and trees. Data are discussed regarding previous genome size estimates of closely related species or genera, if any, their chromosome number, growth form or invasive behaviour. The present research contributes approximately 1.5% new values for previously unreported angiosperm families, being the current coverage around 55% of angiosperm families, according to the Plant DNA C-Values Database

    Pellaea calomelanos (Pteridaceae) en Cataluña: es realmente una disyunción ancestral?

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    Pellaea calomelanos is a species discovered in Africa and whose distribution area has been expanding more recently to Asia and to a single European locality, including three populations, in Catalonia. Both, the fact of belonging to ferns and presenting this disjoint distribution fostered the idea of a relict species resulting from an extensive distribution in remote times. The 2C-values range from 16.45 pg for the individual of the Reunion Island to 17.40 pg for the population of Boadella (Catalonia). Although a certain variability exists, no statistically significant differences among them have been found. The phylogenetic analysis reveals a well-supported clade grouping all the individuals of the different populations of P. calomelanos but without any kind of internal resolution. The results of this work, based on measures of nuclear DNA amount and also on two regions of chloroplast DNA sequencing, together with the characteristics of its habitat, allow the authors to hypothesize about a recent colonisation of the European continent by this species.Pellaea calomelanos es una especie que fue descubierta en África y cuya área de distribución se ha ido ampliando más recientemente a Asia y a una única localidad europea, que comprende tres poblaciones, en Cataluña. El hecho de pertenecer a los helechos y de presentar esta distribución disyunta alimentaron la idea de una especie relicta resultante de distribución amplia en tiempos remotos. Los valores 2C van desde 16,45 pg para el individuo de la Isla de la Reunión hasta 17,40 pg para la población de Boadella (Cataluña). Aunque existe una cierta variabilidad, no se han encontrado diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre ellos. El análisis filogenético revela un clado bien soportado que agrupa a todos los individuos de las diferentes poblaciones de P. calomelanos pero sin ningún tipo de resolución interna. Los resultados del presente trabajo, basado en medidas de cantidad de ADN nuclear y en secuencias de dos regiones del ADN cloroplástico, junto con las características de su hábitat, permiten a los autores hipotetizar sobre una colonización reciente del continente europeo por esta especie