3,374 research outputs found

    Development of a stereofluoroscopy system

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    A technique of 3-D video imaging, was developed for use on manned missions for observation and control of remote manipulators. An improved medical diagnostic fluoroscope with a stereo, real-time output was also developed. An explanation of how this system works, and recommendations for future work in this area are presented

    Statistical mechanics of strings with Y-junctions

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    We investigate the Hagedorn transitions of string networks with Y-junctions as may occur, for example, with (p,q) cosmic superstrings. In a simplified model with three different types of string, the partition function reduces to three generalised coupled XY models. We calculate the phase diagram and show that, as the system is heated, the lightest strings first undergo the Hagedorn transition despite the junctions. There is then a second, higher, critical temperature above which infinite strings of all tensions, and junctions, exist. Conversely, on cooling to low temperatures, only the lightest strings remain, but they collapse into small loops

    String mediated phase transitions

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    It is demonstrated from first principles how the existence of string-like structures can cause a system to undergo a phase transition. In particular, the role of topologically stable cosmic string in the restoration of spontaneously broken symmetries is emphasized. How the thermodynamic properties of strings alter when stiffness and nearest neighbor string-string interactions are included is discussed

    General Electric/Honeywell Merger: European Commission Antitrust Decision Strikes A Sour Note

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    Although antitrust regulation is justified on neutral grounds of economic efficiency and consumer protection, it appears from the international perspective that nations instead may make decisions concerning the application of their antitrust laws based on what is good for the nation at the expense of the global community

    Fusion De General Electric/Honeywell: Decision Antimonopolio De La Comision Europea Golpea Una Nota Agria

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    Aunque la regulaci6n antimonopolio sea justificada sobre las razones neutras de eficacia econ6mica y la protecci6n al consumidor, parece que desde la perspectiva intemacional que las naciones en cambio pueden tomar decisiones acerca del uso de sus leyes antimonopolio basadas en lo que es bueno para la naci6n, al costo de la comunidad global

    Observations and analysis of geomagnetic field variations near the magnetic equator

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    In 1961 a magnetic observatory was established at Freetown, Sierra Leone (13º 13'W, 8º 28'N) just north of the dip equator. Records for H, D and Z for the period July 1961 to June 1965, covering the recent minimum in sunspot activity, have been analysed by the method due to Chapman and Miller to give the first four solar and luni-solar harmonics of the daily variation. The data was divided into three seasonal sets and two groups, firstly the International Quiet Days and secondly all days having magnetic activity index Ci ≤ 1.2. Probable errors for all harmonics have been determined and plotted on the harmonic dials. The seasonal changes of the solar terms show a movement of the equatorial current system in opposition to the sun with a larger shift during the northern summer months than during the northern winter months. The seasonal variations of the lunar terms show similar changes indicating that the lunar ionospheric current system behaves in a similar way to the solar current system. The occurrence of pulsations in the horizontal intensity of period approximately two minutes has been analysed for the year from March 1962 to February 1963. Two maxima were found, one at dawn and the second at noon. The dawn maxima was absent during northern winter months. A short field survey was undertaken to enable the plotting of magnetic charts for Sierra Leone. Measurements were also made of the daily variations at three field stations in Sierra Leone which confirmed the day-to-day variability of the daily variations of the equatorial ionospheric current system