2,867 research outputs found

    Security in the economic operation of power systems

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    Gravitational perturbations of the Higgs field

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    We study the possible effects of classical gravitational backgrounds on the Higgs field through the modifications induced in the one-loop effective potential and the vacuum expectation value of the energy-momentum tensor. We concentrate our study on the Higgs self-interaction contribution in a perturbed FRW metric. For weak and slowly varying gravitational fields, a complete set of mode solutions for the Klein-Gordon equation is obtained to leading order in the adiabatic approximation. Dimensional regularization has been used in the integral evaluation and a detailed study of the integration of nonrational functions in this formalism has been presented. As expected, the regularized effective potential contains the same divergences as in flat spacetime, which can be renormalized without the need of additional counterterms. We find that, in contrast with other regularization methods, even though metric perturbations affect the mode solutions, they do not contribute to the leading adiabatic order of the potential. We also obtain explicit expressions of the complete energy-momentum tensor for general nonminimal coupling in terms of the perturbed modes. The corresponding leading adiabatic contributions are also obtained.Comment: 15 pages. Version accepted for publication in PRD. Error corrected in the angular integration in Appendix B. Conclusions changed. New section include

    Conflict and Uncertainty: A Dynamic Approach

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    Most of the conflict theory papers have used a one-shot game set-up. This does not correspond to reality and is certainly incapable of modeling real conflict situations. We propose a dynamic model with N-agents in an infinite time frame which allow us to adequately analyze conflicts. The dynamic aspects of the conflict come at least from two sources: first, the preferences on the good in dispute are not static; second, agentsin conflict can influence the future of the conflict by making investment in conflict's technology. We use a simple deterministic rule that defines the evolution of the subjective valuation for the good in dispute according to the results obtained by the agents in the recent past. During each period the realization of stochastic variables of the nature's states induces uncertainty in the game. The model is a theoretical approach that can be applied to evaluate the role of uncertainty and valuations' evolution on the optimal choices of forward-looking economic agents that seek to appropriate a share of a divisible resource.Conflict Theory, Dynamic Economic Model, Uncertainty

    Dust photophoretic transport around a T Tauri star: Implications for comets composition

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    There is a growing body of evidences for the presence of crystalline material in comets. These crystals are believed to have been annealed in the inner part of the proto-solar nebula, while comets should have been formed in the outer regions. Several transport processes have been proposed to reconcile these two facts; among them a migration driven by photophoresis. The primarily goal of this work is to assess whether disk irradiation by a Pre-Main Sequence star would influence the photophoretic transport. To do so, we have implemented an evolving 1+1D model of an accretion disk, including advanced numerical techniques, undergoing a time-dependent irradiation, consistent with the evolution of the proto-Sun along the Pre-Main Sequence. The photophoresis is described using a formalism introduced in several previous works. Adopting the opacity prescription used in these former studies, we find that the disk irradiation enhances the photophoretic transport: the assumption of a disk central hole of several astronomical units in radius is no longer strictly required, whereas the need for an ad hoc introduction of photoevaporation is reduced. However, we show that a residual trail of small particles could annihilate the photophoretic driven transport via their effect on the opacity. We have also confirmed that the thermal conductivity of transported aggregates is a crucial parameter which could limit or even suppress the photophoretic migration and generate several segregation effects

    Identities For Homogeneous Utility Functions

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    Using a homogeneous and continuous utility function that represents a household's preferences, this paper proves explicit identities between most of the different objects that arise from the utility maximization and the expenditure minimization problems. The paper also outlines the homogeneity properties of each object. Finally, we show explicit algebraic ways to go from the indirect utility function to the expenditure function and from the Marshallian demand to the Hicksian demand and vice versa, without the need of any other function, thus simplifying the integrability problem avoiding the use of differential equations.Identities, homogeneous utility functions and household theory.

    Effects of the electrostatic environment on superlattice Majorana nanowires

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    Finding ways of creating, measuring, and manipulating Majorana bound states (MBSs) in superconducting-semiconducting nanowires is a highly pursued goal in condensed matter physics. It was recently proposed that a periodic covering of the semiconducting nanowire with superconductor fingers would allow both gating and tuning the system into a topological phase while leaving room for a local detection of the MBS wave function. We perform a detailed, self-consistent numerical study of a three-dimensional (3D) model for a finite-length nanowire with a superconductor superlattice including the effect of the surrounding electrostatic environment, and taking into account the surface charge created at the semiconductor surface. We consider different experimental scenarios where the superlattice is on top or at the bottom of the nanowire with respect to a back gate. The analysis of the 3D electrostatic profile, the charge density, the low-energy spectrum, and the formation of MBSs reveals a rich phenomenology that depends on the nanowire parameters as well as on the superlattice dimensions and the external back-gate potential. The 3D environment turns out to be essential to correctly capture and understand the phase diagram of the system and the parameter regions where topological superconductivity is establishedWe thank E. J. H. Lee, H. Beidenkopf, E. G. Michel, N. Avraham, H. Shtrikman, and J. Nygård for valuable discussions. Research supported by the Spanish MINECO through Grants No. FIS2016-80434-P, No. BES-2017-080374, and No. FIS2017-84860-R (AEI/FEDER, EU), the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the FETOPEN Grant Agreement No. 828948 and Grant Agreement LEGOTOP No. 788715, the Ramón y Cajal programme RYC-2011-09345, the María de Maeztu Programme for Units of Excellence in R&D (MDM-2014-0377), the DFG (CRC/Transregio 183, EI 519/7- 1), the Israel Science Foundation (ISF), and the Binational Science Foundation (BSF

    Using synchronization to improve earthquake forecasting in a cellular automaton model

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    A new forecasting strategy for stochastic systems is introduced. It is inspired by the concept of anticipated synchronization between pairs of chaotic oscillators, recently developed in the area of Dynamical Systems, and by the earthquake forecasting algorithms in which different pattern recognition functions are used for identifying seismic premonitory phenomena. In the new strategy, copies (clones) of the original system (the master) are defined, and they are driven using rules that tend to synchronize them with the master dynamics. The observation of definite patterns in the state of the clones is the signal for connecting an alarm in the original system that efficiently marks the impending occurrence of a catastrophic event. The power of this method is quantitatively illustrated by forecasting the occurrence of characteristic earthquakes in the so-called Minimalist Model.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Quasi-steady vortical structures in vertically vibrating soap �lms

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    An analysis of the quasi-steady streaming of the liquid in a vertically vibrated horizontal soap film is reported. The air around the soap film is seen to play a variety of roles: it transmits normal and tangential oscillatory stresses to the film, damps out Marangoni waves, and forces non-oscillatory deflection of the film and tangential motion of the liquid. Non-oscillatory volume forcing originating inside the liquid is also analysed. This forcing dominates the quasi-steady streaming when the excitation frequency is close to the eigenfrequency of a Marangoni mode of the soap film, while both volume forcing in the liquid and surface forcing of the gas on the liquid are important when no Marangoni mode resonates. Different manners by which the combined forcings can induce quasi-steady streaming motion are discussed and some numerical simulations of the quasi-steady liquid flow are presented