3,075 research outputs found

    A orientação escolar e profissional numa dimensão europeia

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    O progresso técnico e científico, a mundialização da economia e a sociedade da informação, são fenómenos que operam rápidas e profundas mudanças na sociedade actual. A pressão crescente em termos de competitividade dentro da União Europeia e a nível internacional requer, por parte dos sistemas económicos Europeus, qualidade, inovação e capacidade de antecipar mudanças. Não estar preparado para enfrentar as permanentes mudanças contextuais da sociedade actual significa pagar um preço muito elevado: o desemprego e a exclusão social. O combate a estes dois flagelos pressupõe adequação entre oferta e procura no mercado de emprego, o que implica que os indivíduos sejam dotados de qualificações e competências que lhes permitam acompanhar o ritmo das transformações do mercado de emprego e da sociedade em geral. À Orientação Escolar e Profissional cabe o papel de garantir uma adaptação equilibrada entre formação e inserção na vida activa, contribuindo para a requalificação da mão de obra desempregada e complementando o trabalho desenvolvido pelos sistemas de ensino no sentido de proporcionar as qualificações adequadas aos jovens que se encontram nesses sistemas. Deste modo, a actuação dos sistemas de Orientação Escolar e Profissional deve ser repensada e adaptada, de forma a que estes sistemas possam de facto contribuir para uma plena integração social dos cidadãos

    Pour une amélioration du français chez les garçons

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    Recherche subventionnée par le ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport du gouvernement du Québec, dans le cadre de son Programme d’aide à la recherche sur l’enseignement et l’apprentissage (PAREA)Contributions iii; Remerciements v; Sommaire vii; Listes des figures et des tableaux xi; Listes des abréviations et des symboles xiii; Introduction 1; Première partie Préalables théoriques et méthodologiques 5; Chapitre 1 Problématique 7; Portrait de Nicolas 8; Définition du problème et état de la question 11; Les garçons et les mesures d’aide en français 20; Objectifs 29; Chapitre 2 Méthodologie 33; Portrait de Juan 34; Devis de recherche 38; Analyse de la situation 39; Ébauche des cahiers de charges et des portraits 40; Conception des objets 48; Préparation technique et construction des prototypes 49; Mise au point des objets 51; Deuxième partie Objets pédagogiques 53; Chapitre 3 Objet pédagogique Au lieu de lire 55; Portrait d’Alessandro 56; Présentation 60; Cahier des charges 63; Mise en oeuvre 74; Évaluation et discussion 88; Chapitre 4 Objet pédagogique Français, futur simple? 109; Portrait de Samuel 110; x; Présentation 113; Cahier des charges 115; Mise en oeuvre 123; Évaluation et discussion 137; Conclusion 145; Portrait de Tristan 158; Bibliographie 163; Annexe 1 Synthèse des résultats du premier temps de la recherche (2000-2003) 173; Annexe 2 Grille de codage préalable 179; Annexe 3 Matrice 189; Annexe 4 Fiches pour les observations de terrain 193; Annexe 5 Tableau de régression extrait de Lapostolle, Massé et Pinho, 2003, p. 91 199; Annexe 6 Tableau de régression extrait de Lapostolle, Massé et Pinho, 2003, p. 87 201; Annexe 7 Corpus français 203; Annexe 8 Ouvrages de référence . 227; Annexe 9 Feuillet parcours + contenu 229; Annexe 10 Feuillet parcours + mesures 233

    Non-equilibrium estimates of gene flow inferred from nuclear genealogies suggest that Iberian and North African wall lizards (Podarcis spp.) are an assemblage of incipient species

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The study of recently-diverged species offers significant challenges both in the definition of evolutionary entities and in the estimation of gene flow among them. Iberian and North African wall lizards (<it>Podarcis</it>) constitute a cryptic species complex for which previous assessments of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and allozyme variation are concordant in describing the existence of several highly differentiated evolutionary units. However, these studies report important differences suggesting the occurrence of gene flow among forms. Here we study sequence variation in two nuclear introns, <it>β-fibint7 and 6-Pgdint7</it>, to further investigate overall evolutionary dynamics and test hypotheses related to species delimitation within this complex.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Both nuclear gene genealogies fail to define species as monophyletic. To discriminate between the effects of incomplete lineage sorting and gene flow in setting this pattern, we estimated migration rates among species using both <it>F</it><sub><it>ST</it></sub>-based estimators of gene flow, which assume migration-drift equilibrium, and a coalescent approach based on a model of divergence with gene flow. Equilibrium estimates of gene flow suggest widespread introgression between species, but coalescent estimates describe virtually zero admixture between most (but not all) species pairs. This suggests that although gene flow among forms may have occurred the main cause for species polyphyly is incomplete lineage sorting, implying that most forms have been isolated since their divergence. This observation is therefore in accordance with previous reports of strong differentiation based on mtDNA and allozyme data.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results corroborate most forms of Iberian and North African <it>Podarcis </it>as differentiated, although incipient, species, supporting a gradual view of speciation, according to which species may persist as distinct despite some permeability to genetic exchange and without having clearly definable genetic boundaries. Additionally, this study constitutes a warning against the misuse of equilibrium estimates of migration among recently-diverged groups.</p

    Aperiodic quantum XXZ chains: Renormalization-group results

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    We report a comprehensive investigation of the low-energy properties of antiferromagnetic quantum XXZ spin chains with aperiodic couplings. We use an adaptation of the Ma-Dasgupta-Hu renormalization-group method to obtain analytical and numerical results for the low-temperature thermodynamics and the ground-state correlations of chains with couplings following several two-letter aperiodic sequences, including the quasiperiodic Fibonacci and other precious-mean sequences, as well as sequences inducing strong geometrical fluctuations. For a given aperiodic sequence, we argue that in the easy-plane anisotropy regime, intermediate between the XX and Heisenberg limits, the general scaling form of the thermodynamic properties is essentially given by the exactly-known XX behavior, providing a classification of the effects of aperiodicity on XXZ chains. We also discuss the nature of the ground-state structures, and their comparison with the random-singlet phase, characteristic of random-bond chains.Comment: Minor corrections; published versio

    Research and the teaching in Design and Music

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    Um livro com diversas perspetivas sobre projetos e processos de investigação nas áreas do design e da música. São 50 escritos por autores de diferentes países, que contribuem para uma perspectiva ampla nestes domínios.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sustainable Production of Reclaimed Water by Constructed Wetlands for Combined Irrigation and Microalgae Cultivation Applications

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    Considering the increasing pressure on freshwater resources due to the constant increase in water consumption and insufficient wastewater control and treatment, recovering waste water is a path to overcoming water scarcity. The present work describes the potential of reusing treated wastewater (reclaimed water) for irrigation and production of microalgae biomass in an integrated way, through experimental evaluation of plant and microalgae growth, and creation of an application model. First, two parallel experiments were conducted to evaluate the use of reclaimed water produced by a constructed wetland filled with a mix of solid waste: the irrigation of a set of small pots filled with soil and planted with Tagetes patula L., and the cultivation of microalgae Chlorella sp.and a mixed microalgae population with predominant species of the genus Scenedesmus sp. in shaken flasks and tubular bubble column photobioreactors. Results indicated no negative effects of using the reclaimed water on the irrigated plants and in the cultivated microalgae. The growth indicators of plants irrigated with reclaimed water were not significantly different from plants irrigated with fertilized water. The growth indicators of the microalgae cultivated with reclaimed water are within the range of published data. Second, to apply the results to a case study, the seasonal variability of irrigation needs in an academic campus was used to propose a conceptual model for wastewater recovery. The simulation results of the model point to a positive combination of using reclaimed water for the irrigation of green spaces and microalgae production, supported by a water storage strategy. Water abstraction for irrigation purposes can be reduced by 89%, and 2074 kg dry weight microalgae biomass can be produced annually. Besides the need for future work to optimize the model and to add economical evaluation criteria, the model shows the potential to be applied to non-academic communities in the perspective of smarter and greener cities.The authors acknowledge the support from the Smart Cities Research Center(Ci2), from the Laboratory of Bioenergy and Applied Biotechnology (Biotec.IPT), and from the staff of the Lab.IPT. The work of Carolina Masseno, an exchange student from Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brasil, and the help of Orlando Fonseca is also acknowledged.N/Ainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Bioenergy routes for valorizing constructed wetland vegetation: An overview

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    Valorizing constructed wetlands vegetation into biofuels can be a way to contribute to mitigating the increasing energy demand, avoiding the use of arable land, freshwater, and fertilizers consumption, while simultaneously treating wastewater with eco-friendly technology. This work shortly overviews the main genera of wetland plants and the main routes of vegetal biomass conversion into biofuels including biochemical and thermochemical processes, and through a cross-search, in the Scopus database, the research intensity in bioenergy application for each genus was assessed. A total of 283 genera of wetland plants were identified and classified into five groups, from very common to very rare genera. The very common group includes 10 genera and contributes to 62% of the literature hits, while the 147 genera classified as very rare contribute to only 3% of the hits. Concerning the bioenergy applications, four genera stand out from the remaining. The plants of the genus Sorghum are the most referred to in bioenergy applications, followed by the genera Brassica, Miscanthus, and Saccharum. Miscanthus is a less common wetland plant, while the other genera are rarely applied in constructed wetlands. The relevance of bioenergy routes depends on the plants' group. For common wetland plants, the most relevant applications are biogas production, followed by bio-ethanol production, and pyrolysis processing. As a recommendation for future research works the genera with high energy potential should be evaluated as wetland vegetation, and it is recommended that the goal to recover wetland vegetation for bioenergy applications be viewed as an integral step of the design and implementation of constructed wetlands facilities.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Screening of Solid Waste as Filler Material for Constructed Wetlands

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    The reuse of solid waste can contribute to reducing Earth’s resource depletion, directly through use in the original production processes or by valorisation in alternative applications. In the present work, ten solid wastes were evaluated as candidates for filling material in constructed wetlands (CWs). For that purpose, physical characterization, leaching and adsorptiontests were conducted. Limestone fragments and brick fragments resulting from construction activities, coal slags resulting from power plants, snail shells resulting from the food and catering industry, and cork granulates resulting from the cork industry have potential for use as CW fillers. These five materials have adequate physical properties and some capacity to adsorb phosphorous and organic compounds from wastewater. On the other hand, crushed eggshells resulting from egg farms, dealcoholized grape pomaces resulting from alcohol distilleries, olive seeds waste from olive-oil mills, and pine bark fragments and wood pellets resulting from forestry cleaning activities, wood mills and pulp mills did not demonstrate sufficient potential to be used as CW fillers, either because they have very low adsorption capacities or leach compounds in contact with water, or because they have less adequate physical properties. None of the tested solid wastes showed the ability to adsorb nitrogen compounds. Although the five selected materials do not present a special capability for adsorption of nitrogen, phosphorous and organic compounds, they can all be valued as CW fillers, representing a way to reduce the amount of solid waste sent to landfills.This work was supported by Program FEDER, ref. POCI-01-0145-FEDER-023314, project VALORBIO. The authors acknowledge the collaboration of the Lab.IPT staff and the assistance of students of chemical and environmental technology courses held at Instituto Politécnico de Tomar. Special thanks to Alcino Serras, Ana Alves, Isabel Silva, Joel Nunes and Nuno Graça.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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