390 research outputs found

    Effects of spirodiclofen on the reproductive potential of two-spotted spider mite (Acari: Tetranychidae) ovipositing females

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    A laboratory bioassay was conducted to evaluate the effects of spirodiclofen on the survival and reproduction of young and mated females of two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch). The females were sprayed with a series of acaricide concentrations (96, 48, 24, 12, and 6 mg/l) 24-30 h after adult emergence, i.e., at the age most likely to exhibit dispersal behavior and close to their reproductive maximum. The proportions of T. urticae females that survived treatment without symptoms of poisoning were concentration-dependent, ranging between 0.41 and 0.88 (0.96 in the control). With the exception of females that survived 6 mg/l, fecundity of the treated female mites was strongly affected during the exposure, compared to the control. The mean daily fecundity (EL) and mean daily fertility (EH) of surviving females, transferred daily to new leaf disks over the following five days, significantly decreased as spirodiclofen concentrations increased. In treatments with 6 mg/l and 12 mg/l, only the latter concentration significantly reduced both EL and EH, compared to the control. In females that survived 24 mg/l and 48 mg/l, these life history parameters were reduced by over 90%, while treatment with 96 mg/l completely terminated egg-laying. The treated females lived for a significantly shorter time than untreated ones, with the exception of females that survived 6 mg/l. Compared to the control females, gross fecundity (GL) and gross fertility (GH) of the treated females were strongly reduced on the first and second day; from the third day onward, females treated with the lowest concentrations achieved marked recovery, their GL and GH going even above the values in the control. However, net fecundity (NL) and net fertility (NH) of all treated females decreased considerably throughout the trial, indicating that survival rates of these females were lower, compared to the control. Calculated as total sums of gross and net daily schedules within five days, fecundity and fertility significantly decreased as spirodiclofen concentration increased. The two lowest concentrations failed to achieve a significant reduction of GL, while GH, NL, and NH were significantly lower than control values starting with the females treated with 6 mg/L. A high percentage of unhatched eggs, especially during the initial two days after treatment (35-100%), further contributed to the significant reduction in fertility of the females treated with spirodiclofen. All concentrations of spirodiclofen significantly reduced the instantaneous rate of increase. Regression analysis showed a linear population decline with increased acaricide concentrations (y = 1.13 - 0.24x; R2 = 0.91, p < 0.05)

    Ispitivanje nekih funkcionalnih svojstava mesa tolstolobika (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Val.) i šarana Cyprinus carpio Lin

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    Water binding ability (WBA), held water (HW) and gel-forming properties of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Val) and carp (Cyprinus carpio Lin) meat were examined in this paper. Two variants of fish meat gels: A with 50% of meat and B with 60% of meat were examined at temperatures: 70 75, 80, 85 and 90°C. The variant A of silver carp meat gels has shown the maximum of WBA and HW at 80 oC, and the variant B at 75°C. In both variants of carp meat gels slow increase of WBA and HW with rise of temperature to 80°C was established. Silver carp meat gels have had better WBA than control gels (beef and poultry meat), and carp meat gels have better HW, but somewhat worse WBA than control gels. In gels of variant A of silver carp meat the highest module of elasticity (6.862 N/cm2) was found at thermal treatment at 85°C, but statistically significant differences in relation to other temperatures were not established. In variant B, with the rise of temperature, the module of elasticity increases; statistically significant differences were established among gels treated at 70 oC and others. Differences between variants A and B were statistically significant at all examined temperatures. Meat gels of silver carp have significantly lower module of elasticity compared to control gels. Under conditions of our experiment the module of elasticity of carp meat was below measuring limit.Nekonvencionalni tehnološki procesi, u preradi ribe, postaju sve zastupljeniji zahvaljujući mogućnostima koje pružaju u pogledu asortimana i racionalnom (ekonomičnom) iskorišćenju sirovine, i baziraju se na usitnjenom ribljem mesu ili surimiju kao sirovini. Kvalitet finalnog proizvoda uslovljen je funkcionalnim karakteristikama sirovine, kao što su sposobnost vezivanja vode i sposobnost geliranja i/ili uslovima toplotnog procesa. U ovom radu ispitivane su sposobnost vezivanja vode (SVV) i zadržavanja vode (HW) i sposobnost geliranja mesa belog tolstolobika (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Val) i šarana (Cyprinus carpio Lin). SVV, HW i sposobnost geliranja varijanti gelova sa 50 i 60% mesa (A i B) ispitivane su na temperaturama: 70, 75, 80, 85 i 90°C. Varijanta A gelova od mesa tolstolobika pokazuje maksimalnu SVV i HW na 80°C, a varijanta B na 75°C. Obe varijante gelova od mesa šarana pokazuju blago povećanje SVV i HW sa porastom temperature do 80oC. Gelovi od mesa tolstolobika pokazuju znatno bolju SVV od kontrolnih gelova (goveđe i pileće meso), a gelovi od mesa šarana bolju HW, ali nešto lošiju SVV od kontrolnih gelova. Kod varijante gelova A od mesa tolstolobika najveći modul elastičnosti 6.862 N/cm2 utvrđen je pri toplotnoj obradi na 85oC, međutim, nisu utvrđene i statistički značajne razlike u odnosu na ostale temperature. Kod varijante B, sa povećanjem temperature povećava se i modul elastičnosti, statistički značajne razlike utvrđene su između gelova tretiranih na 70°C, i ostalih. Razlike između varijanti A i B su statistički značajne na svim ispitivanim temperaturama. Gelovi od mesa tolstolobika imaju statisički značajno manji modul elastičnosti, u odnosu na kontrolne gelove

    Upotreba alternativnih stimulatora porasta u tovu brojlerskih pilića

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    Subsequent to banning of use of antibiotics as growth promoter sin poultry nutrition, numerous studies turned to finding of alternative solutions, i.e. other, natural substances, which would have positive effect on chicken growth and feed conversion. Today, several groups of these additives are in use, and most often probiotics, prebiotics, enzymes, acidifiers, antioxidants and phytogene additives. Considering that each of the stated groups has its own specificities, objective of this work was to present main mechanism of their action and to present their effect on production results in fattening of broiler chickens through review of research published in this field.Nakon zabrane upotrebe antibiotika kao promotera porasta u ishrani živine, veliki broj istraživanja okrenut je upravo iznalaženju alternativnih rešenja, odnosno nekih drugih, prirodnih supstanci koje će imati pozitivan efekat na prirast pilića i konverziju hrane. Danas je u upotrebi više grupa ovih aditiva, a najčešće se koriste probiotici, prebiotici, enzimi, zakišeljivači, antioksidanti i fitogeni aditivi. S obzirom na to da svaka od navedenih grupa ima svoje specifičnosti, cilj ovoga rada je da prikaže osnovni mehanizam njihovog delovanja i da kroz pregled novijih istraživanja iz ove oblasti prikaže njihov efekat na proizvodne rezultate u tovu brojlerskih pilića

    Physiological and phytochemical characterization of plant species Rindera umbellata (Waldst. & Kit.) Bunge cultivated in vitro

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    Rindera umbellata је ретка и крајње угрожена биљна врста у Србији. Да би се успоставили протоколи за ex situ заштиту и обезбедио материјал за молекуларне и фитохемијске анализе успостављена је in vitro култура ове слабо испитане врсте. Оптимизација услова гајења заснивала се на варирању врсте и концентрације угљених хидрата (сахароза, глукоза и фруктоза) и фитохормона (гиберелна и јасмонска киселина) у подлози за гајење. Такође је испитиван утицај наведених регулатора растења на продукцију фармацеутски важних секундарних метаболита. In vitro растење и развиће биљака врсте R. umbellata је под утицајем како врсте, тако и концентрације примењеног шећера. Утврђено је да сахароза представља најбољи извор угљеника за in vitro раст, ожиљавање и аклиматизацију биљака, а да су концентрације од 0,3 и 1 М свих примењених шећера инхибиторне. Гиберелна киселина стимулише раст и издуживање стабла ових розетастих биљака, али не утиче значајно на процес ожиљавања. Јасмонска киселина је стимулисала in vitro раст и ожиљавање R. umbellatа, нарочито при нижим концентрацијама и на краткотрајним третманима. Највиша примењена концентрација овог фитохормона (200 μМ) инхибирала је све посматране процесе. Уочена су значајна варирања у квантитативном и квалитативном садржају секундарних метаболита зависно од начина гајења, фенофазе и тестираног биљног органа. Биљке врсте R. umbellata у природним условима синтетишу незасићене и засићене пиролизидинске алкалоиде. Биљке гајене in vitro синтетишу веома ниске концентрације искључиво засићених пиролизидинских алкалоида. Фенолна једињења детектована су у листовима и корену ових биљака. Од фенолних киселина биљке из природе садрже више рузмаринске киселине у надземним деловима, док је садржај литоспермичне киселине Б у кореновима вишеструко већи од количине рузмаринске киселине. Сличан однос садржаја ових једињења запажен је и у биљкама које су гајене у in vitro култури. Иако су највише примењене концентрације сахарозе биле инхибиторне за растење, биљке при овим условима синтетишу највише фенолних једињења, флавоноида и рузмаринске киселине...Rindera umbellata is a rare and critically endangered plant species in Serbia. In order to optimize protocols for ex situ conservation and provide the materials for molecular and phytochemical analysis, a suitable method for in vitro propagation of this plant species was established. Optimization of the growing conditions was based on varying the type and concentration of carbohydrates (sucrose, glucose and fructose) and phytohormones (gibberellic acid and jasmonic acid) in the substrate. Furthermore, the effect of selected growth regulators on the production of pharmaceutically important secondary metabolites was investigated. In vitro growth and development of R. umbellata plants were significantly affected by both the type and the concentration of applied sugars. It was found that sucrose is the best carbon source for in vitro growth, rooting and acclimatization of the plants, and that the concentrations of 0.3 and 1 M of all applied sugars had an inhibitory effect. Gibberellic acid stimulated growth and stem elongation, but did not significantly affect the process of rooting. Jasmonic acid stimulated in vitro growth and rooting of R. umbellata, especially at lower concentrations, and after short-term treatments. Significant variations in quantitative and qualitative contents of secondary metabolites are noticed, which depended on the method of cultivation, growth stages and plant organs tested. Plants of R. umbellata grown under natural conditions synthesized both unsaturated and saturated pyrrolizidine alkaloids. In vitro grown plants synthesized a very low concentration of saturated alkaloids. Phenol compounds were detected in the leaves and roots of the plants. The content of lithospermic acid B in the roots was several times greater than the amount of rosmarinic acid. A similar relation between the contents of rosmarinic acid and lithospermic acid B was observed in plants that were grown in vitro. Gibberellic acid did not affect the production of phenolic compounds in the shoots. However, total phenol content in roots increased, while the concentration of flavonoids, rosmarinic acid and lithospermic acid B decreased in relation to increasing concentrations of gibberellic acid..

    Irradiation study of a fully monolithic HV-CMOS pixel sensor design in AMS 180 nm

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    High-Voltage Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (HV-MAPS) based on the 180 nm HV-CMOS process have been proposed to realize thin, fast and highly integrated pixel sensors. The MuPix7 prototype, fabricated in the commercial AMS H18 process, features a fully integrated on-chip readout, i.e. hit-digitization, zero suppression and data serialization. It is the first fully monolithic HV-CMOS pixel sensor that has been tested for the use in high irradiation environments like HL-LHC. We present results from laboratory and test beam measurements of MuPix7 prototypes irradiated with neutrons (up to 5.01015neq/cm25.0\cdot10^{15}{\,\rm{n}_{\rm{eq}}/cm^2}) and protons (up to 7.81015protons/cm27.8\cdot 10^{15} \,\rm{protons}/cm^2) and compare the performance with non-irradiated sensors. Efficiencies well above 90 % at noise rates below 200 Hz per pixel are measured. A time resolution better than 22 ns is measured for all tested settings and sensors, even at the highest irradiation fluences. The data transmission at 1.25 Gbit/s and the on-chip PLL remain fully functional

    Contextualist responses to the sceptic: conversational mechanisms for changing of the epistemic standards

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    Ovaj rad bavi se jednom od najaktuelnijih i najznačajnijih tema savremene epistemologije – kontekstualističkim rešenjem problema skepticizma. Konverzacioni kontekstualizam je epistemološko stanovište konstruisano radi objašnjenja mogućnosti ispravnog pripisivanja znanja saznajnim subjektima, uprkos radikalnim skeptičkim argumentima i hipotezama o sistematskoj obmani. Pored toga, konverzacioni kontekstualizam je istovremeno i pokušaj da se analizira i objasni veoma širok spektar različitih upotreba termina „znanje“ u svakodnevnom jeziku, s obzirom na različitost konverzacionih konteksta u kojima se taj termin koristi. Glavni predmet ovog rada jeste detaljna analiza problema koji se tiče mehanizama promene standarda za pripisivanje znanja, kao osnove za razjašnjenje kontekstualističkog odgovora skepticizmu. Posebna pažnja je usmerena na asimetriju koja se javlja između mehanizama za povišavanje i snižavanje standarda za pripisivanje znanja. Jedna od glavnih teza koju kontekstualisti zastupaju je da su mehanizmi povišavanja epistemičkih standarda ključni za objašnjenje načina na koji skeptički argumenti dobijaju na ubedljivosti i odakle crpe svoju snagu. Međutim, u objavljenim radovima na temu kontekstualizma, vrlo je malo reči o mehanizmima za snižavanje epistemičkih standarda u okviru konverzacionih konteksta. Jedna od glavnih tema kojima se rad bavi jeste upravo analiza mehanizama za snižavanje epistemičkih standarda kao ključnog koraka u pokušaju da se (svakodnevno) znanje sačuva od skeptičkih prigovora. U uvodnom poglavlju izlažu se osnovne postavke konverzacionog kontekstualizma. Razmatraju se najznačajnije razlike između kontekstualizma i nekih drugih tzv. varijantističkih pozicija, sa jedne strane, kao i klasičnih invarijantističkih teorija, sa druge strane. Takođe, izlaže se podela kontekstualističkih teorija s obzirom na nekoliko najznačajnijih kriterijuma. Najpre se analizira podela kontekstualističkih teorija s obzirom na kontekst u odnosu na koji se vrši procena istinitosnih vrednosti saznajnih tvrdnji, a zatim i u odnosu na mehanizam kojim se vrši promena standarda za pripisivanje znanja. U poslednjem odeljku autor eksplicira osnovnu ideju skepticizma, razmatrajući jedan od glavnih tipova skeptičkih argumenata. Drugo poglavlje bavi se problemom deduktivne zatvorenosti znanja. Princip prenošenja znanja putem implikacije predstavlja jedan od ključnih koraka u skeptičkoj argumentaciji, kojom se dovodi u pitanje naše svakodnevno znanje. Autor izlaže različita rešenja skeptičkog paradoksa, a zatim detaljno analizira podelu kontekstualističkih teorija s obzirom na odnos prema pomenutom principu. U zavisnosti od toga da li za osnovu uzimaju teoriju relevantnih alternativa ili teoriju protivčinjeničkih kondicionalnih iskaza, neke kontekstualističke teorije odbacuju princip deduktivne zatvorenosti znanja, dok ga druge prihvataju uz fiksiranost konverzacionog konteksta. Treće poglavlje je najznačajniji deo rada. U njemu se definišu epistemički standardi za pripisivanje znanja, a zatim se detaljno analiziraju mehanizmi za njihovo variranje. Autor razmatra nekoliko najznačajnijih kontekstualističkih pravila za povišavanje standarda za pripisivanje znanja, poput pravila pažnje, pravila osetljivosti i upadljivosti greške. Takođe, analizira se razlika između jednostavnog konverzacionog kontekstualizma i inferencijalnog kontekstualizma, s obzirom na različit pristup u objašnjenju mehanizama za variranje epistemičkih standarda. Poslednji odeljak ovog poglavlja bavi se detaljnom analizom mehanizama za snižavanje epistemičkih standarda i resetovanje konverzacionih konteksta, kao ključnog koraka u pokušaju da se svakodnevno znanje sačuva od skeptičkih scenarija. Autor razmatra mnoštvo različitih primera konverzacionih konteksta, stavljajući akcenat na analizu asimetrije koja se javlja između mehanizama za povišavanje i snižavanje epistemičkih standarda. Zaključno poglavlje predstavlja retrospektivu razmatranih problema koja prati osnovnu liniju argumentacije i izlaganja. Autor izlaže najznačajnije rezultate istraživanja, naročito onih koji se tiču mehanizama za promenu epistemičkih standarda. Posebna pažnja posvećuje se značaju objašnjenja mehanizama za snižavanje epistemičkih standarda i promenu konverzacionih konteksta, u nastojanju da se ponudi adekvatno rešenje problema skepticizma.The main focus of this thesis is one of the most topical and important themes of contemporary epistemology – contextualist solution to the problem of skepticism. Conversational contextualism is an epistemological viewpoint constructed towards explaining the possibility of legitimate knowledge ascriptions, despite the radical skeptical arguments and hypotheses of systematic deception. Conversational contextualism is also an attempt to analyze and explain the wide range of different meanings of the term „knows“ in ordinary language, considering many different conversational context in which that term is used. The principal goal of the thesis is a detailed analysis of the mechanisms for changing of the epistemic standards as a basis for the clarification of contextualist answers to the sceptic. Special interest is focused on the asymmetry between conversational mechanisms for increasing and decreasing of the epistemic standards. One of the main contextualist thesis is that the conversational mechanisms for increasing of epistemic standards are the key for explaining the means by which skeptical arguments get their legitimacy and draw their strength. However, in the most prominent papers on contextualism, there is very little attention towards conversational mechanism for the lowering of epistemic standards. One of the most important topics in this thesis is a detailed analysis of the conversational mechanisms for epistemic standards shifts, as a key step towards saving ordinary knowledge from skeptical arguments. In the opening chapter author discusses the main ideas of conversational contextualism. He explains the differences between contextualism and some classical invariantist theories and presents the main division of contextualist theories given couple of the most important criteria. First, he analyzes the distinction between contextualist theories based on the context relative to which the semantic evaluation of knowledge claims is considered, and then the distinction based on the way the epistemic standards are changed. In the last section author considers main ideas of skepticism by analyzing one of the most prominent skeptical arguments. The second chapter deals with the principle of deductive closure of knowledge. The entailment principle of knowledge is one of the most important steps in sceptic’s argumentation which he uses to question all of our ordinary knowledge. The author examines different solutions to the sceptic paradox and gives a detailed analysis of contextualist theories whether they accept or reject the principle of deductive closure of knowledge. By taking the relevant alternatives theory, or the theory of counterfactual conditionals, as their basis, some contextualist positions reject the closure principle, and some accept it with the fixation of conversational context. The third chapter represents the most important part of the thesis. In that chapter the author defines epistemic standards and then analyzes conversational mechanisms for their contextual shifts. He examines some of the most important conversational rules put up by leading contextualist philosophers, like the rule of attention, rule of sensitivity and the rule of salience. The author also indicates the most significant differences between simple conversational contextualism and inferential contextualism, according to the different approaches to the problem of contextual shifts. The last section of this chapter is dedicated to the most important question considering conversational mechanism for lowering of the epistemic standards, as a key step towards saving the ordinary knowledge from skeptical arguments. The author analyzes various different examples of conversational contexts, pinpointing the asymmetry between increasing and lowering of the epistemic standards. The last chapter is a retrospection of the considered problems, which follows the main line of argumentation and exposition. The author underlines the most significant results of the inquiry, especially those regarding conversational mechanisms for the change of epistemic standards. Special accent is put on the importance of an adequate explanation of conversational mechanisms for lowering of the epistemic standards, in an effort to propose successful resolution to the problem of skepticism

    Influence of dietary mannanoligosaccharides on histological parameters of the jejunal mucosa and growth performance of broiler chickens

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    The trial involved 480 Hubbard Classic broiler chicks which were from either mannanoligosaccharide (MOS) fed breeder flock (Bio-Mos, Alltech Inc. USA at level of 1 kg/t) or control fed breeder flock (without MOS). Three groups with four replicates per treatment were formed: control fed breeders/control fed broilers (C/C); MOS fed breeders/control fed broilers (BM/C) and MOS fed breeders/MOS fed broilers (BM/BM). All chicks were fed the same basal diet, except for the inclusion of Bio-Mos (1, 0.75 and 0.5 kg/t in the starter, grower and finisher diet, respectively). The results showed a significant improvement (p<0.05) in the body weight gain with the addition of Bio-Mos in broiler feed. Feed conversion ratio was improved by 0.03 points, but the difference was not significant (P>0.05). The gut morphology examination showed that chick origin (chicks that originated from Bio-Mos fed breeders or control fed breeders) did not influence the morphological parameters of the jejunum in the broiler chickens, but addition of Bio-Mos directly to the broiler feed had a significant influence on the gut morphology and played an important role in processes of digestion and absorption, leading to improved performance.Key words: Broiler, mannanoligosaccharides, growth, jejunum, histology

    Simulacija širenja prsline u titanijumskim mini dentalnim implantima (MDI)

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    Developments in mini dental implants (MDI) manufacturing are aimed at making them more biocompatible and, at the same time, lighter, more durable and simultaneously safer than the existing implants. But, occasionally, during installation the failure of MDI may occur or cracks may appear, which could lead to the later failure of MDI. In order to understand and assess crack growth in titanium MDI, Finite Element (FE) software packages ANSYS v13 and FRANC3D v5 have been used. Using FRANC3D software different crack sizes and shapes have been modeled and simulations of crack propagations in three-dimensional model of MDI have been performed. Based on simulation results, the approximate fatigue life of damaged MDI was calculated.Unapređenja u proizvodnji mini dentalnih implantata (MDI) su uglavnom usmerena ka povećanju njihove biokompatibilnosti i, u isto vreme, izdržljivosti i bezbednosti, ali i ka smanjenju njihovih dimenzija u odnosu na postojeće implantate. Međutim, tokom ugradnje MDI-a može doći do njegovog loma ili nastanka prsline koja kasnije može prouzrokovati lom. Da bi se analiziralo širenje prsline u titanijumskom MDI-u, korišćeni su softveri za primenu metode konačnih elemenata (MKE) ANSYS v13 i FRANC3D v5. Korišćenjem FRANC3D programa izmodelirane su prsline različitih veličina i oblika na 3D geometriji MDI-a i izvršeno je simuliranje njihovog širenja. Na osnovu rezultata simulacije izračunat je približan zamorni vek oštećenog MDI-a