2,575 research outputs found

    How alternative food networks work in a metropolitan area? An analysis of Solidarity Purchase Groups in Northern Italy

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    Our paper focuses on Solidarity Purchase Group (SPG) participants located in a highly urbanized area, with the aim to investigate the main motivations underlining their participation in a SPG and provide a characterization of them. To this end, we carried out a survey of 795 participants involved in 125 SPGs in the metropolitan area of Milan (Italy). Taking advantage of a questionnaire with 39 questions, we run a factor analysis and a two-step cluster analysis to identify different profiles of SPG participants. Our results show that the system of values animating metropolitan SPG practitioners does not fully conform to that traditionally attributed to an alternative food network (AFN). In fact, considerations linked to food safety and healthiness prevail on altruistic motives such as environmental sustainability and solidarity toward small producers. Furthermore, metropolitan SPGs do not consider particularly desirable periurban and local food products. Observing the SPGs from this perspective, it emerges as such initiatives can flourish also in those places where the lack of connection with the surrounding territory is counterbalanced by the high motivation to buy products from trusted suppliers who are able to guarantee genuine and safe products, not necessarily located nearby

    Effect of parameter selection on different topological structures for Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm

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    Abstract Particle Swarm Optimization is an evolutionary optimization algorithm, largely studied during the years: analysis of convergence, determination of the optimal coefficients, hybridization of the original algorithm and also the determination of the best relationship structure between the swarm elements (topology) have been investigated largely. Unfortunately, all these studies have been produced separately, and the same coefficients, derived for the original topology of the algorithm, have been always applied. The intent of this paper is to identify the best set of coefficients for different topological structures. A large suite of objective functions are considered and the best compromise coefficients are identified for each topology. Results are finally compared on the base of a practical ship design application

    Stock markets’ bubbles burst and volatility spillovers in agricultural commodity markets

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    Our paper focuses on commodity financialization and the gradual integration between commodity and financial markets, investigating to what extent shocks in stock markets impact commodity price volatility, and the persistency of the phenomenon. To this end, we estimate Volatility Impulse Response Function from stock markets to agricultural commodity markets over a symmetric window before and after two of the most important bubble bursts since the new millennium, the 2000 dot.com bubble and the 2008 financial crises. Results highlight that volatility spillover increased significantly after the 2008 financial crises, signalling a rising interconnection between financial and agricultural commodity markets

    Modelling of browning kinetics of bread crust during baking

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    Abstract A mathematical model was set up to predict browning kinetics of bread crust during baking. A bread dough was placed into a cylindrical steel mould and baked in a pilot forced-convection oven at 200 and 250°C. The sample surface temperature was measured using both a type J thermocouple and an infrared thermometer. Surface browning (ΔE) of bread crust during baking was measured by a tristimulus colorimeter. The kinetic model for bread crust browning was obtained by instant heating of dried crumb on contact with a refractory plate at 140, 150, 165, 185, 210, 235 and 250°C. At all temperatures ΔE tended asymptotically to ΔE∞ = 52, which corresponded to the burnt sample. The colour difference varies as a function of first-order kinetics. The rate constant k depends on temperature according to the Arrhenius equation (ko = 42,000 s−1; Ea = 64,151 J/mol). Kinetics was validated under dynamic temperature conditions: the experimental results were compared with those obtained from a mathematical model for heat and mass transfer during baking connected to the kinetic model for browning

    Prediction of Canopy Photosynthesis for Cocksfoot Pastures Grown Under Different Light Regimes

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    Plants in field environments can experience frequent fluctuations in irradiance from full sun to shade caused by cloud cover, overstory shading (e.g. silvopastoral systems) and within canopy shading. Research with widely spaced radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) has suggested that due to its shade tolerance cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) is a suitable grass for silvopastoral systems. However, there is limited explanation of the physiological basis for the responses, and consequently no predictive capacity. This limits the application of results to environments, sites and seasons outside of those in which they were measured. The objectives of this study were to simulate net daily canopy photosynthesis rates incorporating the leaf photosynthesis models into a canopy photosynthesis model when only shade was limiting, and to determine the optimum net canopy photosynthesis and LAI for each light regime

    A mobile application for assessment of air pollution exposure

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    In this paper the architecture of a mobile air quality monitoring system is introduced. A mobile application will act as a personal assistant, monitoring and giving advices about gas pollutants daily exposure. Currently in development stage as part of a larger air quality monitoring system project, the application will enable users to monitor their daily exposure to gas pollutants by combining user location data and urban air quality information provided by the network of fixed monitoring stations of the city of Palermo

    Initial Particles Position for PSO, in Bound Constrained Optimization

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    We consider the solution of bound constrained optimization problems, where we assume that the evaluation of the objective function is costly, its derivatives are unavailable and the use of exact derivative free algorithms may imply a too large computational burden. There is plenty of real applications, e.g. several design optimization problems [1,2], belonging to the latter class, where the objective function must be treated as a ‘black-box’ and automatic differentiation turns to be unsuitable. Since the objective function is often obtained as the result of a simulation, it might be affected also by noise, so that the use of finite differences may be definitely harmful. In this paper we consider the use of the evolutionary Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm, where the choice of the parameters is inspired by [4], in order to avoid diverging trajectories of the particles, and help the exploration of the feasible set. Moreover, we extend the ideas in [4] and propose a specific set of initial particles position for the bound constrained problem

    Home Literacy and Numeracy Interact and Mediate the Relationship Between Socio-Economic Status and Early Linguistic and Numeracy Skills in Preschoolers

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    This longitudinal study aimed at evaluating the relationships between socio-economic status (SES) and early literacy and numeracy skills, testing home literacy and home numeracy as mediators. It also investigated the interaction of home literacy and numeracy on early literacy and numeracy skills. The study involved 310 preschool children attending the second and the third year. Parents completed questionnaires on SES and home literacy and numeracy. In the first session, children were administered language measures and non-symbolic numeracy skills and, in the second wave, tasks of early literacy and symbolic numeracy skills. Structural equation models (SEMs) showed that SES was predictive of early language and literacy skills and non-symbolic numeracy skills. In addition, home literacy and home numeracy significantly mediated the relationships between SES and children’s skills. Finally, home literacy and home numeracy showed a significant negative interaction on symbolic numeracy skills. Implications for research and educational settings are discussed
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