827 research outputs found

    Focus feature percolation: Evidence from Tundra Nenets and Tundra Yukaghir

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    Two Siberian languages, Tundra Nenets and Tundra Yukaghir, do not obey strong island constraints in questioning: any sub-constituent of a relative or adverbial clause can be questioned. We argue that this has to do with how focusing works in these languages. The focused sub-constituent remains in situ, but there is abundant morphosyntactic evidence that the focus feature is passed up to the head of the clause. The result is the formation of a complex focus structure in which both the head and non head daughter are overtly marked as focus, and they are interpreted as a pairwise list such that the focus background is applicable to this list, but not to other alternative list

    An evolutionary approach to passive learning in optimal control problems

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    Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu CEX2019-000940-MWe consider the optimal control problem of a small nonlinear econometric model under parameter uncertainty and passive learning (open-loop feedback). Traditionally, this type of problems has been approached by applying linear-quadratic optimization algorithms. However, the literature demonstrated that those methods are very sensitive to the choice of random seeds frequently producing very large objective function values (outliers). Furthermore, to apply those established methods, the original nonlinear problem must be linearized first, which runs the risk of solving already a different problem. Following Savin and Blueschke (Comput Econ 48(2):317-338, 2016) in explicitly addressing parameter uncertainty with a large Monte Carlo experiment of possible parameter realizations and optimizing it with the Differential Evolution algorithm, we extend this approach to the case of passive learning. Our approach provides more robust results demonstrating greater benefit from learning, while at the same time does not require to modify the original nonlinear problem at hand. This result opens new avenues for application of heuristic optimization methods to learning strategies in optimal control research

    Poisoning from stings by marine animals in the Black Sea

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    The sea represents one separate world, individual ecosystem, a habitat of a great variety of organisms. It brings health and satisfaction. Everyone who takes advantage of the natural wealth must also be aware of its risks and dangers. Part of them are related to the incidents by marine animals. The poisonous marine creatures are a huge diversity. They cause injuries mostly in the warm seas.The fauna of the Black Sea consists of 1966 species. Among them there are some who are claimed to be dangerous for the people because of the toxic substances they excrete while stinging.The aim of the present work is to analyse the risks of stinging by marine organisms in the Black Sea.Results: The most striking examples, representative of the hazardous species in the Black Sea are the following: The greater weever (Trachinus draco), The black scorpionfish, Scorpaenidae (Scorpaena porcus), The common stingray (Dasyatis pastinaca), Atlantic stargazer (Uranoscopus scaber), The Eurasian ruffe, ruffe, pope (Gymnocephalus cernuus), Jellyfish (Aurelia aurita, Rizozoma pulmo и Мnemiopsis leydi), The Hydrophiinae - also known as coral reef snakes or sea snakes, are one of the most toxic, but in our sea are absolutely harmless. Their toxic effects can be local - severe pain, local erythema and oedema; general - weakness, headache, malaise and neurological symptoms. Different allergic reactions, from urticaria and angioedema to anaphylactic shock (rarely), are possible.Conclusion: The Black Sea is one of the most friendly and safest seas. However, in order to stay healthy and secure people should be well aware of its great powers, possibilities and dangers together with its priceless benefits. In this way they would be able to make the most of it and enjoy it

    Synthesis and Adsorption Properties of 4-Vinylpyridine and Styrene Copolymer In Situ Immobilized on Silica Surface

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    Copolymer of 4-vinylpyridine with styrene was in situ immobilized on silica gel surface via the heterogeneous radical polymerization. Anchorage of the copolymer on the surface layer was confirmed by IR spectroscopy. The quantity of copolymer on the silica gel surface was evaluated as 25.73 wt.% by TG and DSC-MS analysis. “Islet” location of polymer layer on the silica surface was confirmed by the scanning electron microscopy. A high adsorption activity of silica gel with immobilized copolymer towards microquantitatives of Cu(II), Cd(II), Pb(II), Fe(III), and Ni(II) ions in steady state conditions as well as of Ni(II) ions in dynamic regime was found

    Russian-Polish Relations at the Turn of the “Long XII Century”: from the “Pereyaslavl Crisis” to the Death of Roman Galitsky

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    This article is a continuation of the work “The Polish Vector in the Politics of Vladimir Monomakh and His  Successors: from the Lyubech Congress to the “Pereyaslavl Crisis”, published in the previous issue. The question of the system of Russian-Polish relations during the period of the onset of political fragmentation of Russia (since 1132) and a radical change in the balance of power relative to the Kiev principality is considered in the article. It is proved that the thesis of the religious factor as decisive in Russian-Polish relations does not correspond to the realities of the 30—90s of the 12th century. It is shown that the internal and external political circumstances of the 30—40s of the XII century forced Kiev and Krakow to come closer. It is emphasized that the trend towards rapprochement continues throughout the second half of the 12th century. Particular attention is paid to the nature  of Russian-Polish relations at the turn of the XII-XIII centuries. The authors note that the situation in Russian-Polish relations begins to change dramatically in the first decade of the 13th century. Evidence is given that the reasons for the cardinal changes were associated with the political course of the Galician-Volyn prince Roman Mstislavich and the results of the IV Crusade, which marked the beginning of the civilizational split in Europe

    Polish Vector in Politics of Vladimir Monomakh and His Heirs: from the Lyubech Congress to the “Pereyaslavl Crisis”

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    The question of the system of Russian-Polish interaction during the period of temporary stabilization of political relations in Russia - from the Lyubech Congress (1097) to the end of the Kiev reign of Mstislav the Great (1125-1132) is considered in the article. The authors show that the 12th century is presented in historiography as a time of gradual growth of contradictions between two Christian civilizations, as a transitional period between the Great Schism of 1054 and the IV Crusade (1202- 1204). An attempt is made to consider the relationship between Russia and Poland of the indicated period outside the teleological approach. The authors provide evidence that the thesis of the religious factor as decisive in Russian-Polish relations does not correspond to the political realities of the 10- 30s of the XII century. It is shown that it was the ideological orientation of Vladimir Monomakh towards the crusading movement and the Holy Roman Empire that made it impossible for allied relations between Kiev and Krakow in the first quarter of the 12th century. It has been proved that there was no single policy of Rus towards Poland; the actions of the two sides were situational. The authors come to the conclusion that in Russia and Poland, competing political groups sought to implement their own strategies in relation to the neighboring state


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    The article is devoted to the issues of conflict interaction in the “pupil – teacher” system in an educational institution. The purpose of the article is to consider the voiced problem through the prism of a socio-pedagogical approach, taking into account not only the state of society, but also the educational potential of the family, as well as the structure of the class team and the personal age characteristics of schoolchildren. Special attention has been paid to the negative side of the conflict, which affects the weak psyche of the pupil, as well as the mental health of the teacher, which ultimately worsens the psychological comfort at school and interferes the educational process. It has been shown that in conflict situation teacher`s behavior in most cases relates to such types of response as “repressive measures” and “ignoring the conflict”. In conflict situations in the “pupil – teacher” system, teachers use external suppression, as well as apply sanctions. Conflicts in the “pupil – teacher” system from the point of view of age characteristics of schoolchildren have been considered. The article is intended for employees of educational organizations and those interested in conflict issues