438 research outputs found

    Will the Real Party in Interest Please Stand Up? Florida Statutes Section 627.7262 as Amended

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    In 1978 Florida Statutes section 627.7262 was declared unconstitutional in Markert v. Johnstonas an invasion of the Florida Supreme Court\u27s rulemaking authority

    A new rank metric for convolutional codes

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    Let F[D] be the polynomial ring with entries in a finite field F. Convolutional codes are submodules of F[D]n that can be described by left prime polynomial matrices. In the last decade there has been a great interest in convolutional codes equipped with a rank metric, called sum rank metric, due to their wide range of applications in reliable linear network coding. However, this metric suits only for delay free networks. In this work we continue this thread of research and introduce a new metric that overcomes this restriction and therefore is suitable to handle more general networks. We study this metric and provide characterizations of the distance properties in terms of the polynomial matrix representations of the convolutional code. Convolutional codes that are optimal with respect to this new metric are investigated and concrete constructions are presented. These codes are the analogs of Maximum Distance Profile convolutional codes in the context of network coding. Moreover, we show that they can be built upon a class of superregular matrices, with entries in an extension field, that preserve their superregularity properties even after multiplication with some matrices with entries in the ground field.publishe

    Regular implementability of nD systems:Results and open problems

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    Regular implementability of nD systems:Results and open problems

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    Regular implementability of nD systems:Results and open problems

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    Generalized Column Distances

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    The notion of Generalized Hamming weights of block codes has been investigated since the nineties due to its significant role in coding theory and cryptography. In this paper we extend this concept to the context of convolutional codes. In particular, we focus on column distances and introduce the novel notion of generalized column distances (GCD). We first show that the hierarchy of GCD is strictly increasing. We then provide characterizations of such distances in terms of the truncated parity-check matrix of the code, that will allow us to determine their values. Finally, the case in which the parity-check matrix is in systematic form is treated.This work was supported in part by the Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) under Grant 2013/25977-7. The work of Sara D. Cardell was supported in part by the FAPESP, under Grant 2015/07246-0 and in part by the CAPES. The work of Marcelo Firer was supported in part by the CNPq. The work of Diego Napp was supported in part by the Spanish, Generalitat Valenciana, Univesitat d’Alacant, under Grant AICO/2017/128 and Grant VIGROB-287

    Maximum distance separable 2D convolutional codes

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    Maximum distance separable (MDS) block codes and MDS 1D convolutional codes are the most robust codes for error correction within the class of block codes of a fixed rate and 1D convolutional codes of a certain rate and degree, respectively. In this paper, we generalize this concept to the class of 2D convolutional codes. For that, we introduce a natural bound on the distance of a 2D convolutional code of rate k/nk/n and degree deltadelta , which generalizes the Singleton bound for block codes and the generalized Singleton bound for 1D convolutional codes. Then, we prove the existence of 2D convolutional codes of rate k/nk/n and degree deltadelta that reach such bound when ngeqk(((lfloor(delta/k)rfloor+2)(lfloor(delta/k)rfloor+3))/2)n geq k (({(lfloor ({delta }/{k}) rfloor + 2)(lfloor ({delta }/{k}) rfloor + 3)})/{2}) if knmiddeltak {nmid } delta , or ngeqk((((delta/k)+1)((delta/k)+2))/2)n geq k (({(({delta }/{k}) + 1)(({delta }/{k}) + 2)})/{2}) if kmiddeltak mid delta , by presenting a concrete constructive procedure

    Superregular matrices and applications to convolutional codes

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    The main results of this paper are twofold: the first one is a matrix theoretical result. We say that a matrix is superregular if all of its minors that are not trivially zero are nonzero. Given a a×b, a ≥ b, superregular matrix over a field, we show that if all of its rows are nonzero then any linear combination of its columns, with nonzero coefficients, has at least a−b + 1 nonzero entries. Secondly, we make use of this result to construct convolutional codes that attain the maximum possible distance for some fixed parameters of the code, namely, the rate and the Forney indices. These results answer some open questions on distances and constructions of convolutional codes posted in the literature