733 research outputs found

    Collider phenomenology of vector resonances in WZ scattering processes

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    We study the production of vector resonances at the LHC via WZWZ scattering processes and explore the sensitivities to these resonances for the expected future LHC luminosities. The electroweak chiral Lagrangian and the Inverse Amplitude Method (IAM) are used for analyzing a dynamically generated vector resonance, whose origin would be the (hypothetically strong) self interactions of the longitudinal gauge bosons, WLW_L and ZLZ_L. We implement the unitarized scattering amplitudes into a single model, the IAM-MC, that has been adapted to MadGraph~5. It is written in terms of the electroweak chiral Lagrangian and an additional effective Proca Lagrangian for the vector resonances, so that it reproduces the resonant behavior of the IAM and allows us to perform a realistic study of signal versus background at the LHC. We focus on the ppWZjjpp\to WZjj channel, discussing first on the potential of the hadronic and semileptonic channels of the final WZWZ, and next exploring in more detail the clearest signals. These are provided by the leptonic decays of the gauge bosons, leading to a final state with l1+l1l2+νjjl^+_1l^-_1l^+_2\nu jj, l=e,μl=e,\mu, having a very distinctive signature, and showing clearly the emergence of the resonances with masses in the range of 1.51.5-2.5TeV2.5\,{\rm TeV}, which we have explored.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, contributed to the XIII Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum - Confinement2018, 31 July - 6 August 2018, Maynooth University, Irelan

    Production of vector resonances at the LHC via WZ-scattering: a unitarized EChL analysis

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    In the present work we study the production of vector resonances at the LHC by means of the vector boson scattering WZWZWZ \to WZ and explore the sensitivities to these resonances for the expected future LHC luminosities. We are assuming that these vector resonances are generated dynamically from the self interactions of the longitudinal gauge bosons, WLW_L and ZLZ_L, and work under the framework of the electroweak chiral Lagrangian to describe in a model independent way the supposedly strong dynamics of these modes. The properties of the vector resonances, mass, width and couplings to the WW and ZZ gauge bosons are derived from the inverse amplitude method approach. We implement all these features into a single model, the IAM-MC, adapted for MonteCarlo, built in a Lagrangian language in terms of the electroweak chiral Lagrangian and a chiral Lagrangian for the vector resonances, which mimics the resonant behavior of the IAM and provides unitary amplitudes. The model has been implemented in MadGraph, allowing us to perform a realistic study of the signal versus background events at the LHC. In particular, we have focused our study on the ppWZjjpp\to WZjj type of events, discussing first on the potential of the hadronic and semileptonic channels of the final WZWZ, and next exploring in more detail the clearest signals. These are provided by the leptonic decays of the gauge bosons, leading to a final state with 1+12+νjj\ell_1^+\ell_1^-\ell_2^+\nu jj, =e,μ\ell=e,\mu, having a very distinctive signature, and showing clearly the emergence of the resonances with masses in the range of 1.5-2.5 TeV, which we have explored.Comment: Revised version accepted for publication in JHEP. Enlarged analysis. References added. 44 pages, 23 figures, 3 table

    A method for approximating optimal statistical significances with machine-learned likelihoods

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    Machine-learning techniques have become fundamental in high-energy physics and, for new physics searches, it is crucial to know their performance in terms of experimental sensitivity, understood as the statistical significance of the signal-plus-background hypothesis over the background-only one. We present here a simple method that combines the power of current machine-learning techniques to face high-dimensional data with the likelihood-based inference tests used in traditional analyses, which allows us to estimate the sensitivity for both discovery and exclusion limits through a single parameter of interest, the signal strength. Based on supervised learning techniques, it can perform well also with high-dimensional data, when traditional techniques cannot. We apply the method to a toy model first, so we can explore its potential, and then to a LHC study of new physics particles in dijet final states. Considering as the optimal statistical significance the one we would obtain if the true generative functions were known, we show that our method provides a better approximation than the usual naive counting experimental results.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures; matches version published in Eur. Phys. J.

    Diagenetic incorporation of Sr into aragonitic bivalve shells: implications for chronostratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental interpretations

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    Aragonite is easily altered during diagenesis, therefore presumed pristine when present. In effect, beyond polymorphic transformation to calcite, alteration paths of aragonite remain poorly understood despite heavy reliance on such material to produce palaeoenvironmental and chronostratigraphic interpretations. Previous work on core material from Southern McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, showed that unlike their calcitic counterparts, seemingly unaltered aragonite shell fragments invariably produced older than expected 87Sr/86Sr ages. In this study, we pursued additional analyses of these aragonite shells and of the porewater of the core to understand this discrepancy. Aragonite mineralogy was reconfirmed and elemental mapping of shell fragments revealed growth lines within the middle layer suggestive of good preservation. The outer layer, however, showed anomalously high Sr concentrations (average 4·5 ± 0·6 mole% SrCO3; ca 25 mmol mol−1 Sr/Ca) and was depleted in 18O and 13C compared to the middle layer, both features inconsistent with pristine material. The δ18O values and Sr concentrations of the porewater were used to model outer layer compositions reasonably well. Coincidentally, porewater Sr isotope composition was in general agreement with the age model of the core only at the aragonite‐bearing interval suggesting that Sr‐isotopic disequilibrium between porewater and the carbonates was the rule rather than the exception in the core. The Sr isotope compositions of the aragonite shells are most likely the result of early diagenesis as suggested by the inconsistent O and C isotope compositions between shell layers and the anomalously high Sr concentrations. We conclude that knowledge of Sr concentration and distribution in shells is critical to determine the viability of Sr stratigraphy and the scale at which it may be applied. Reliance on traditional indicators of lack of alteration, such as cathodoluminescence, Mn‐Fe concentration, and the presence of labile mineralogies to assert chronostratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental questions may produce erroneous conclusions due to obscurely altered material.Compositional map of Sr over BSE image and representative SEM detail overlay from a Miocene aragonitic Retrotape andrillorum bivalve, Southern McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Signs of apparent good preservation, such as the presence of growth bands and the preservation of crystalline structure and mineralogy, appear in contrast to anomalously high Sr concentrations. Results suggest that relying solely on traditional methods to rule out diagenesis may in some cases lead to erroneous conclusions due to obscure alteration patterns.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/113152/1/dep23.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/113152/2/dep23-sup-0003-AppendixS3.pd

    A method for approximating optimal statistical significances with machine-learned likelihoods

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    Machine-learning techniques have become fundamental in high-energy physics and, for new physics searches, it is crucial to know their performance in terms of experimental sensitivity, understood as the statistical significance of the signal-plus-background hypothesis over the background-only one. We present here a simple method that combines the power of current machine-learning techniques to face high-dimensional data with the likelihood-based inference tests used in traditional analyses, which allows us to estimate the sensitivity for both discovery and exclusion limits through a single parameter of interest, the signal strength. Based on supervised learning techniques, it can perform well also with high-dimensional data, when traditional techniques cannot. We apply the method to a toy model first, so we can explore its potential, and then to a LHC study of new physics particles in dijet final states. Considering as the optimal statistical significance the one we would obtain if the true generative functions were known, we show that our method provides a better approximation than the usual naive counting experimental result

    Resonant ppW+Zjjpp\to W^+ Zjj events at the LHC from a unitarized study of the EChL

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    We present a study of the production of vector resonances at the LHC via W+ZW^+Z vector boson scattering and explore the sensitivities to these resonances for expected LHC luminosities. We work in the framework of the electroweak chiral Lagrangian, where these resonances can be generated dynamically by unitarizing the scattering amplitudes. We implement all these features into a model adapted for MonteCarlo, the IAM-MC, that allows us to give predictions for the sensitivity to these resonances and to the relevant parameters involved for ppW+Zjjpp \to W^+Zjj, pp1+12+νjjpp\to \ell_1^+\ell_1^-\ell_2^+\nu jj, and ppJJjjpp \to JJjj.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures (7 plots), Proceedings of the Moriond 2018 EW sessio

    A candidate magnetic helium core white dwarf in the globular cluster NGC 6397

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    We report a peculiar variable blue star in the globular cluster NGC 6397, using Hubble Space Telescope optical imaging. Its position in the colour-magnitude diagrams, and its spectrum, are consistent with this star being a helium core white dwarf (He WD) in a binary system. The optical light curve shows a periodicity at 18.5 hours. We argue that this periodicity is due to the rotation of the WD and possibly due to magnetic spots on the surface of the WD. This would make this object the first candidate magnetic He WD in any globular cluster (GC), and the first candidate magnetic WD in a detached binary system in any GC and one of the few He WDs with a known rotation period and of magnetic nature. Another possibility is that this system is a He WD in a binary system with another WD or another degenerate object, which would make this object one of the few candidate non-accreting double degenerate binaries in any GC.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Substitutional effects of in by Cu in CeIn2

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    We have investigated the evolution of the magnetic properties on the Ce(In1'xCux)2 (0 < x ≤ 0.3) series of alloys. The orthorhombic structure of the CeIn2 alloy (Imma) changes into the hexagonal AlB2-type (P6/mmm) for x = 0.05 and, then, into the hexagonal CaIn2-type (P63/mmm) for higher Cu concentrations, up to x = 0.3. The dc (ac) magnetic susceptibility shows an abrupt decrease of the magnetic transition temperature from 22 K to 5.4 K (x = 0.05). The results indicate the influence of the crystallographic type of structure and disorder effects on the magnetic behavior along the series. © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2014

    Neorealism and the Organization of American States (OAS): an examination of CARICOM rationality toward Venezuela and the United States

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    Since 2017, CARICOM member states have been divided in the positions they take on Organization of American States (OAS) resolutions addressing political instability in Venezuela. This article uses a neorealism framework to determine whether or not the provision of energy investments by Venezuela and the United States to CARICOM member countries is an attempt on their part to skew the OAS voting mechanism in their national interests. The article also examines the extent to which CARICOM member states’ response to Venezuela’s and United States’ interest in the OAS demonstrates a pattern of rationality. The findings suggest that though the OAS provides a medium for states to negotiate mutually beneficial solutions, states are rational actors and even where they do corporate, dominant states may try to manifest their self-interest