4,366 research outputs found

    NASA/MSFC Large Stretch Press Study

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    The purpose of this study was to: A. assess and document the advantages/disadvantages of a government agency investment in a large stretch form press on the order of 5000 tons capacity (per jaw); B. develop a procurement specification for the press; and C. provide trade study data that will permit an optimum site location. Tasks were separated into four major elements: cost study, user survey, site selection, and press design/procurement specification

    Disgust and Mating Strategy

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.An evolutionary task analysis predicts a connection between disgust and human mating, two important but currently disconnected areas of psychology. Because short-term mating strategies involve sex with multiple partners after brief temporal durations, such a strategy should be difficult to pursue in conjunction with high levels of sexual disgust. On this basis, we hypothesized that individuals with a stronger proclivity for short-term mating would exhibit dispositionally lower levels of sexual disgust. Two independent studies provided strong support for this hypothesis: among both men and women, an orientation toward short-term mating was associated with reduced levels of sexual disgust, but not with suppressed moral or pathogen disgust. Our discussion highlights an unexpected finding and suggests important questions for future research. © 2015 Elsevier Inc

    How political parties adjust to fixed voter opinions

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    We propose a new version of the spatial model of voting. Platforms of five parties are evolving in a two-dimensional landscape of political issues so as to get maximal numbers of voters. For a Gaussian landscape the evolution leads to a spatially symmetric state, where the platform centers form a pentagon around the Gaussian peak. For a bimodal landscape the platforms located at different peaks get different numbers of voters.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. Accepted in Int. J. Modern Phys.

    Towards Verifying Nonlinear Integer Arithmetic

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    We eliminate a key roadblock to efficient verification of nonlinear integer arithmetic using CDCL SAT solvers, by showing how to construct short resolution proofs for many properties of the most widely used multiplier circuits. Such short proofs were conjectured not to exist. More precisely, we give n^{O(1)} size regular resolution proofs for arbitrary degree 2 identities on array, diagonal, and Booth multipliers and quasipolynomial- n^{O(\log n)} size proofs for these identities on Wallace tree multipliers.Comment: Expanded and simplified with improved result

    Neonatal White Matter Maturation Is Associated With Infant Language Development

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    Background: While neonates have no sophisticated language skills, the neural basis for acquiring this function is assumed to already be present at birth. Receptive language is measurable by 6 months of age and meaningful speech production by 10-18 months of age. Fiber tracts supporting language processing include the corpus callosum (CC), which plays a key role in the hemispheric lateralization of language; the left arcuate fasciculus (AF), which is associated with syntactic processing; and the right AF, which plays a role in prosody and semantics. We examined if neonatal maturation of these fiber tracts is associated with receptive language development at 12 months of age. Methods: Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) was performed in 86 infants at 26.6 ± 12.2 days post-birth. Receptive language was assessed via the MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventory at 12 months of age. Tract-based fractional anisotropy (FA) was determined using the NA-MIC atlas-based fiber analysis toolkit. Associations between neonatal regional FA, adjusted for gestational age at birth and age at scan, and language development at 12 months of age were tested using ANOVA models. Results: After multiple comparisons correction, higher neonatal FA was positively associated with receptive language at 12 months of age within the genu (p < 0.001), rostrum (p < 0.001), and tapetum (p < 0.001) of the CC and the left fronto-parietal AF (p = 0.008). No significant clusters were found in the right AF. Conclusion: Microstructural development of the CC and the AF in the newborn is associated with receptive language at 12 months of age, demonstrating that interindividual variation in white matter microstructure is relevant for later language development, and indicating that the neural foundation for language processing is laid well ahead of the majority of language acquisition. This suggests that some origins of impaired language development may lie in the intrauterine and potentially neonatal period of life. Understanding how interindividual differences in neonatal brain maturity relate to the acquisition of function, particularly during early development when the brain is in an unparalleled window of plasticity, is key to identifying opportunities for harnessing neuroplasticity in health and disease

    Three-body collisions in Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck theory

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    Aiming at a microscopic description of heavy ion collisions in the beam energy region of about 10 A GeV, we extend the Giessen Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck (GiBUU) transport model by including a relativistic mean field, in-medium baryon-baryon cross sections and three-body collisions. The model is then compared with experimental data for central Au+Au collisions at 2-10 A GeV and central Pb+Pb collisions at 30 and 40 A GeV on the proton rapidity spectra, the midrapidity yields of π+\pi^+, K±K^\pm and (Λ+Σ0)(\Lambda+\Sigma^0), and the transverse mass spectra of π±\pi^\pm and K±K^\pm. The three-body collisions increase the inverse slope parameters of the hadron mm_\perp-spectra to a good agreement with the data.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures, figures added, discussion extended, results not changed, version accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Good Mates Retain Us Right: Investigating the Relationship between Mate Retention Strategies, Mate Value and Relationship Satisfaction

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    Mate retention strategies are an important tool in keeping a partner, and their use is determined by the mate value (MV) of the partner one is trying to keep. The type of strategy used is also dependent on one’s own MV: mates of lower MV are more prone to exhibiting strategies that are cost-inflicting for their partners, whereas partner-benefiting strategies are used by mates of higher value. The type of strategies used affects relationship satisfaction (RS), and is also affected by the perceived difference in MVs. However, it is unclear how someone’s perception of their partner’s MV is related to that partner’s behavior and their own RS. To this aim, we investigated the relationship between these variables on a sample of 178 couples. Our results showed that benefit-inducing strategies were used more by—and towards—partners of higher MV, and were positively connected with RS. Cost-inflicting strategies were more used by—and towards—partners of lower MV, and were negatively connected with RS. Less MV difference was positively correlated with RS and benefiting strategies, and negatively correlated with cost-inflicting strategies. It seems that good mates use strategies that benefit their partners, which, in turn, make them more valuable and, consequently, their partner more satisfied

    Spatial and temporal distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates in a Southeastern Brazilian river.

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    A fauna de macroinvertebrados bentônicos é estruturada por fatores físicos e químicos que determinam os microhábitats, incluindo a disponibilidade de alimento, a existência de refúgios contra predadores e tempestades, o sucesso reprodutivo e outros parâmetros biológicos. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a distribuição espaço-temporal da comunidade de macroinvertebrados bentônicos na bacia do Rio Macaé, estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. De acordo com o Habitat Assessment Field Data Sheet High Gradient Streams (Barbour et al., 1999), os cinco locais coletados são considerados como referência para propósito de biomonitoramento. Apesar das diferenças em parâmetros hidrográficos (largura, profundidade e vazão médias), os parâmetros físico-químicos e a composição dos grupos de alimentação funcional foram similares entre os locais, com exceção da área mais preservada, onde a porcentagem de organismos cortadores foi maior. De acordo com a análise de correspondência, há uma clara distinção entre áreas de remanso e de correnteza. De fato, o substrato folhiço de correnteza apresentou a fauna mais rica e abundante, enquanto o substrato folhiço de fundo apresentou o maior número de táxons exclusivos. A análise de agrupamento considerando os dados dos locais de coleta indicou que a variação temporal foi o fator mais importante na estruturação das comunidades nos hábitats estudados

    Human Nonindependent Mate Choice: Is Model Female Attractiveness Everything?

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    Following two decades of research on non-human animals, there has recently been increased interest in human nonindependent mate choice, namely the ways in which choosing women incorporate information about a man's past or present romantic partners ('model females') into their own assessment of the male. Experimental studies using static facial images have generally found that men receive higher desirability ratings from female raters when presented with attractive (compared to unattractive) model females. This phenomenon has a straightforward evolutionary explanation: the fact that female mate value is more dependent on physical attractiveness compared to male mate value. Furthermore, due to assortative mating for attractiveness, men who are paired with attractive women are more likely to be of high mate value themselves. Here, we also examine the possible relevance of model female cues other than attractiveness (personality and behavioral traits) by presenting video recordings of model females to a set of female raters. The results confirm that the model female's attractiveness is the primary cue. Contrary to some earlier findings in the human and nonhuman literature, we found no evidence that female raters prefer partners of slightly older model females. We conclude by suggesting some promising variations on the present experimental design

    Revisiting the Red Effect on attractiveness and sexual receptivity: No effect of the color red on human mate preferences

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    Color-in-Context theory is the first theoretical framework for understanding color effects in human mate preferences, arguing that red clothing enhances attractiveness ratings. Here we present three empirical studies failing to support this prediction. We aimed to extend the current literature by differentiating color effects by temporal context (short-term versus long-term mating). Experiment 1 involved Dutch participants rating a woman in red, white, and black on (sexual) attractiveness. Experiment 2 replicated the first experiment with an American sample. In the final experiment we aimed to replicate a study that did find evidence of a red effect, using a substantially larger sample size. The results from each of the three studies (totaling N= 830 men) fail to support the red effect. We discuss the implications of our results and avenues for future research on red effects and attractiveness