82 research outputs found

    Observation of the first gravitational microlensing event in a sparse stellar field : the Tago event

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    We report the observation of the first gravitational microlensing event in a sparse stellar field, involving the brightest (V=11.4 mag) andclosest (~ 1 kpc) source star to date. This event was discovered by an amateurastronomer, A. Tago, on 2006 October 31 as a transient brightening, by ~4.5 mag during a ~15 day period, of a normal A-type star (GSC 3656-1328) in the Cassiopeia constellation. Analysis of both spectroscopic observations and the light curve indicates that this event was caused by gravitational microlensing rather than an intrinsically variable star. Discovery of this single event over a 30 year period is roughly consistent with the expected microlensing rate for the whole sky down to V = 12 mag stars. However, the probability for finding events with such a high magnification (~ 50) is much smaller, by a factor ~1/50, which implies that the true event rate may be higher than expected. This discovery indicates the potential of all sky variability surveys, employing frequent sampling by telescopes with small apertures and wide fields of view, for finding such rare transient events, and using the observations to explore galactic disk structure and search for exo-planets.Comment: 13 pages, 2 tables, 3 figures, accepted by Ap

    Transition-metal interactions in aluminum-rich intermetallics

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    The extension of the first-principles generalized pseudopotential theory (GPT) to transition-metal (TM) aluminides produces pair and many-body interactions that allow efficient calculations of total energies. In aluminum-rich systems treated at the pair-potential level, one practical limitation is a transition-metal over-binding that creates an unrealistic TM-TM attraction at short separations in the absence of balancing many-body contributions. Even with this limitation, the GPT pair potentials have been used effectively in total-energy calculations for Al-TM systems with TM atoms at separations greater than 4 AA. An additional potential term may be added for systems with shorter TM atom separations, formally folding repulsive contributions of the three- and higher-body interactions into the pair potentials, resulting in structure-dependent TM-TM potentials. Towards this end, we have performed numerical ab-initio total-energy calculations using VASP (Vienna Ab Initio Simulation Package) for an Al-Co-Ni compound in a particular quasicrystalline approximant structure. The results allow us to fit a short-ranged, many-body correction of the form a(r_0/r)^{b} to the GPT pair potentials for Co-Co, Co-Ni, and Ni-Ni interactions.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PR

    Polarimetry and the Long Awaited Superoutburst of BZ UMa

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    BZ UMa is a cataclysmic variable star whose specific classification has eluded researchers since its discovery in 1968. It has outburst and spectral properties consistent with both U Gem class dwarf novae and intermediate polars. We present new photometric and polarimetric measurements of recent outbursts, including the first detected superoutburst of the system. Statistical analysis of these and archival data from outbursts over the past 40 years present a case for BZ UMa as a non-magnetic, U Gem class, SU-UMa subclass dwarf novae.Comment: Accepted by PASP for the November, 2009 issu

    The helium-rich cataclysmic variable SBSS 1108+574

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    We present time-resolved spectroscopy and photometry of the dwarf nova SBSS 1108+574, obtained during the 2012 outburst. Its quiescent spectrum is unusually rich in helium, showing broad, double-peaked emission lines from the accretion disc. We measure a line flux ratio He I 5875/Hα = 0.81 ± 0.04, a much higher ratio than typically observed in cataclysmic variable stars (CVs). The outburst spectrum shows hydrogen and helium in absorption, with weak emission of Hα and He I 6678, as well as strong He II emission. From our photometry, we find the superhump period to be 56.34 ± 0.18 min, in agreement with the previously published result. The spectroscopic period, derived from the radial velocities of the emission lines, is found to be 55.3 ± 0.8 min, consistent with a previously identified photometric orbital period, and significantly below the normal CV period minimum. This indicates that the donor in SBSS 1108+574 is highly evolved. The superhump excess derived from our photometry implies a mass ratio of q = 0.086 ± 0.014. Our spectroscopy reveals a grazing eclipse of the large outbursting disc. As the disc is significantly larger during outburst, it is unlikely that an eclipse will be detectable in quiescence. The relatively high accretion rate implied by the detection of outbursts, together with the large mass ratio, suggests that SBSS 1108+574 is still evolving towards its period minimum

    Superhumps in Cataclysmic Binaries. XXV. q_crit, epsilon(q), and Mass-Radius

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    We report on successes and failures in searching for positive superhumps in cataclysmic variables, and show the superhumping fraction as a function of orbital period. Basically, all short-period systems do, all long-period systems don't, and a 50% success rate is found at P_orb=3.1+-0.2 hr. We can use this to measure the critical mass ratio for the creation of superhumps. With a mass-radius relation appropriate for cataclysmic variables, and an assumed mean white-dwarf mass of 0.75 M_sol, we find a mass ratio q_crit=0.35+-0.02. We also report superhump studies of several stars of independently known mass ratio: OU Virginis, XZ Eridani, UU Aquarii, and KV UMa (= XTE J1118+480). The latter two are of special interest, because they represent the most extreme mass ratios for which accurate superhump measurements have been made. We use these to improve the epsilon(q) calibration, by which we can infer the elusive q from the easy-to-measure epsilon (the fractional period excess of P_superhump over P_orb). This relation allows mass and radius estimates for the secondary star in any CV showing superhumps. The consequent mass-radius law shows an apparent discontinuity in radius near 0.2 M_sol, as predicted by the disrupted magnetic braking model for the 2.1-2.7 hour period gap. This is effectively the "empirical main sequence" for CV secondaries.Comment: PDF, 45 pages, 9 tables, 12 figures; accepted, in press, to appear November 2005, PASP; more info at http://cba.phys.columbia.edu

    Late-Type Near-Contact Eclipsing Binary [HH97] FS Aur-79

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    The secondary photometric standard star #79 for the FS Aur field (Henden & Honeycutt 1997) designated as [HH97] FS Aur-79 (GSC 1874 399) is a short period (0.2508 days) eclipsing binary whose light curve is a combination of the β\beta Lyr and BY Dra type variables. High signal-to-noise multi-color photometry were obtained using the USNO 1-m telescope. These light curves show asymmetry at quadrature phases (O'Connell effect), which can be modeled with the presence of star spots. A low resolution spectrum obtained with the 3.5-m WIYN telescope at orbital phase 0.76 is consistent with a spectral type of dK7e and dM3e. A radial velocity curve for the primary star was constructed using twenty-four high resolution spectra from the 9.2 m HET. Spectra show H-alpha and H-beta in emission confirming chromospheric activity and possibly the presence of circumstellar material. Binary star models that simultaneously fit the U, B, V, R and RV curves are those with a primary star of mass 0.59+-0.02 Msun, temperature 4100+-25 K, mean radius of 0.67 Rsun, just filling its Roche lobe and a secondary star of mass 0.31+-0.09 Msun, temperature 3425+-25 K, mean radius of 0.48 Rsun, just within its Roche lobe. An inclination angle of 83+-2 degrees with a center of mass separation of 1.62 Rsun is also derived. Star spots, expected for a rotation period of less than a day, had to be included in the modeling to fit the O'Connell effect

    Survey of Period Variations of Superhumps in SU UMa-Type Dwarf Novae. II: The Second Year (2009-2010)

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    As an extension of the project in Kato et al. (2009, arXiv:0905.1757), we collected times of superhump maxima for 61 SU UMa-type dwarf novae mainly observed during the 2009-2010 season. The newly obtained data confirmed the basic findings reported in Kato et al. (2009): the presence of stages A-C, as well as the predominance of positive period derivatives during stage B in systems with superhump periods shorter than 0.07 d. There was a systematic difference in period derivatives for systems with superhump periods longer than 0.075 d between this study and Kato et al. (2009). We suggest that this difference is possibly caused by the relative lack of frequently outbursting SU UMa-type dwarf novae in this period regime in the present study. We recorded a strong beat phenomenon during the 2009 superoutburst of IY UMa. The close correlation between the beat period and superhump period suggests that the changing angular velocity of the apsidal motion of the elliptical disk is responsible for the variation of superhump periods. We also described three new WZ Sge-type objects with established early superhumps and one with likely early superhumps. We also suggest that two systems, VX For and EL UMa, are WZ Sge-type dwarf novae with multiple rebrightenings. The O-C variation in OT J213806.6+261957 suggests that the frequent absence of rebrightenings in very short-Porb objects can be a result of sustained superoutburst plateau at the epoch when usual SU UMa-type dwarf novae return to quiescence preceding a rebrightening. We also present a formulation for a variety of Bayesian extension to traditional period analyses.Comment: 63 pages, 77 figures, 1 appendix, Accepted for publication in PASJ, data correctio

    SS Ari: a shallow-contact close binary system

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    Two CCD epochs of light minimum and a complete R light curve of SS Ari are presented. The light curve obtained in 2007 was analyzed with the 2003 version of the W-D code. It is shown that SS Ari is a shallow contact binary system with a mass ratio q=3.25q=3.25 and a degree of contact factor f=9.4(\pm0.8%). A period investigation based on all available data shows that there may exist two distinct solutions about the assumed third body. One, assuming eccentric orbit of the third body and constant orbital period of the eclipsing pair results in a massive third body with M3=1.73MM_3=1.73M_{\odot} and P_3=87.0yr.Onthecontrary,assumingcontinuousperiodchangesoftheeclipsingpairtheorbitalperiodoftertiaryis37.75yranditsmassisaboutyr. On the contrary, assuming continuous period changes of the eclipsing pair the orbital period of tertiary is 37.75yr and its mass is about 0.278M_{\odot}$. Both of the cases suggest the presence of an unseen third component in the system.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figures and 5 table