5,109 research outputs found

    Exploring the value of Scotland's environment

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    Protection of the environment can be regarded as representing a substantial cost to business. However, it is typically considered from the point of view of effect on company profitability, rather than its relative importance to human kind. This paper estimates the value of Scotland's natural environment by applying the methodology developed by Costanza et al (1997a and b) for estimation of the value of the earth's ecosystem services. Ecosystem services provide the vital functions to support life on Earth, such as flows of materials and energy. Since the study's publication, further research has sought to apply this global methodology to a regional and national level (for example Loomis et al, 2000, Farber and Griner, 2000 and Stevens et al, 2000). The value derived for Scotland provides a useful context for understanding the scale and importance of Scotland's natural habitats and it helps to reinforce the message that the environment is central to human welfare (Williams et al, 2003). The valuation of ecosystem services in monetary terms provokes theoretical, practical and philosophical arguments. This paper does not seek to revisit in depth these debates; rather the valuation should be taken as a starting point for setting the importance of Scotland's ecosystems in an interesting perspective. A recent edition of the journal Ecological Economics (Costanza and Farber, 2002) was devoted to considering some of these issues and providing many avenues for further exploration

    CL 552 The Wesleyan Church Polity and Discipline

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    Barnwell, Ray E., Sr., ed., Connecting to Christ: Belonging (Indianapolis, IN: Wesleyan Publishing House, 2002) [8.99 paperback, Item #BKB910] The Discipline of The Wesleyan Church⎯2004 edition (Indianapolis, IN: Wesleyan Publishing House, 2005) [5.99 paperback, Item #BKB482; 8.99 hardcover, Item #BKB283] Haines, Lee M. and Thomas, Paul William, eds., An Outline History of The Wesleyan Church, sixth rev. ed. (Indianapolis, IN: Wesleyan Publishing House, 2001) [12.99 paperback, Item #BKB448]https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/3632/thumbnail.jp

    A novel laser ranging system for measurement of ground-to-satellite distances

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    A technique was developed for improving the precision of laser ranging measurements of ground-to-satellite distances. The method employs a mode-locked laser transmitter and utilizes an image converter tube equipped with deflection plates in measuring the time of flight of the laser pulse to a distant retroreflector and back. Samples of the outgoing and returning light pulses are focussed on the photocathode of the image converter tube, whose deflection plates are driven by a high-voltage 120 MHz sine wave derived from a very stable oscillator. From the relative positions of the images produced at the output phosphor by the two light pulses, it is possible to make a precise determination of the fractional amount by which the time of flight exceeds some large integral multiple of the period of the deflection sinusoid

    From efficacy to equity: Literature review of decision criteria for resource allocation and healthcare decisionmaking

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    Objectives Resource allocation is a challenging issue faced by health policy decisionmakers requiring careful consideration of many factors. Objectives of this study were to identify decision criteria and their frequency reported in the literature on healthcare decisionmaking. Method An extensive literature search was performed in Medline and EMBASE to identify articles reporting healthcare decision criteria. Studies conducted with decisionmakers (e.g., focus groups, surveys, interviews), conceptual and review articles and articles describing multicriteria tools were included. Criteria were extracted, organized using a classification system derived from the EVIDEM framework and applying multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) principles, and the frequency of their occurrence was measured. Results Out of 3146 records identified, 2790 were excluded. Out of 356 articles assessed for eligibility, 40 studies included. Criteria were identified from studies performed in several regions of the world involving decisionmakers at micro, meso and macro levels of decision and from studies reporting on multicriteria tools. Large variations in terminology used to define criteria were observed and 360 different terms were identified. These were assigned to 58 criteria which were classified in 9 different categories including: health outcomes; types of benefit; disease impact; therapeutic context; economic impact; quality of evidence; implementation complexity; priority, fairness and ethics; and overall context. The most frequently mentioned criteria were: equity/fairness (32 times), efficacy/effectiveness (29), stakeholder interests and pressures (28), cost-effectiveness (23), strength of evidence (20), safety (19), mission and mandate of health system (19), organizational requirements and capacity (17), patient-reported outcomes (17) and need (16). Conclusion This study highlights the importance of considering both normative and feasibility criteria for fair allocation of resources and optimized decisionmaking for coverage and use of healthcare interventions. This analysis provides a foundation to develop a questionnaire for an international survey of decisionmakers on criteria and their relative importance. The ultimate objective is to develop sound multicriteria approaches to enlighten healthcare decisionmaking and priority-settin

    The development of chemical language usage by “non-traditional” students: the interlanguage analogy

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    Students commonly find specialist scientific language problematic. This study investigated developments in chemical language usage by six non-traditional students over the course of 1 to 4 years. The students participated in semi-structured interviews and were asked to explain specific chemical scenarios. Interviews were transcribed and analysed for the correct use of macroscopic and sub-microscopic scientific language and occurrences of interlanguage. Results indicate that students experienced difficulties incorporating sub-microscopic language into their explanations. Students also demonstrated potential chemical interlanguage, which we characterise as transitioning from vague to defined use, combining everyday and scientific language, interchanging terms and omission of terms and formulaic phrases. Implications of these findings are discussed in relation to science pedagogy

    The development of a new measure of quality of life for children with congenital cardiac disease

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    The purpose of the study was to develop a questionnaire measuring health-related R1 quality of life for children and adolescents with congenital heart disease, the ConQol, that would have both clinical and research applications. We describe here the process of construction of a questionnaire, the piloting and the development of a weighted scoring system, and data on the psychometric performance of the measure in a sample of 640 children and young people recruited via 6 regional centres for paediatric cardiology from across the United Kingdom. The ConQol has two versions, one designed for children aged from 8 to 11 years, and the other for young people aged from 12 to 16 years. Initial findings suggest that it is a valid and reliable instrument, is acceptable to respondents, and is simple to administer in both a research and clinical context

    Unsupervised machine learning of integrated health and social care data from the Macmillan Improving the Cancer Journey service in Glasgow

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    Background: Improving the Cancer Journey (ICJ) was launched in 2014 by Glasgow City Council and Macmillan Cancer Support. As part of routine service, data is collected on ICJ users including demographic and health information, results from holistic needs assessments and quality of life scores as measured by EQ-5D health status. There is also data on the number and type of referrals made and feedback from users on the overall service. By applying artificial intelligence and interactive visualization technologies to this data, we seek to improve service provision and optimize resource allocation.Method: An unsupervised machine-learning algorithm was deployed to cluster the data. The classical k-means algorithm was extended with the k-modes technique for categorical data, and the gap heuristic automatically identified the number of clusters. The resulting clusters are used to summarize complex data sets and produce three-dimensional visualizations of the data landscape. Furthermore, the traits of new ICJ clients are predicted by approximately matching their details to the nearest existing cluster center.Results: Cross-validation showed the model’s effectiveness over a wide range of traits. For example, the model can predict marital status, employment status and housing type with an accuracy between 2.4 to 4.8 times greater than random selection. One of the most interesting preliminary findings is that area deprivation (measured through Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation-SIMD) is a better predictor of an ICJ client’s needs than primary diagnosis (cancer type).Conclusion: A key strength of this system is its ability to rapidly ingest new data on its own and derive new predictions from those data. This means the model can guide service provision by forecasting demand based on actual or hypothesized data. The aim is to provide intelligent person-centered recommendations. The machine-learning model described here is part of a prototype software tool currently under development for use by the cancer support community.Disclosure: Funded by Macmillan Cancer Support</p

    Transforming discrete choice experiment latent scale values for EQ-5D-3L using the visual analogue scale

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    Background Discrete choice experiments (DCEs) are widely used to elicit health state preferences. However, additional information is required to transform values to a scale with dead valued at 0 and full health valued at 1. This paper presents DCE-VAS, an understandable and easy anchoring method with low participant burden based on the visual analogue scale (VAS). Methods Responses from 1450 members of the UK general public to a discrete choice experiment (DCE) were analysed using mixed logit models. Latent scale valuations were anchored to a full health = 1, dead = 0 scale using participants’ VAS ratings of three states including the dead. The robustness of results was examined. This included a filtering procedure with the influence each individual respondent had on valuation being calculated, and those whose influence was more than two standard deviations away from the mean excluded. Results Coefficients in all models were in the expected direction and statistically significant. Excluding respondents who self-reported not understanding the VAS task did not significantly influence valuation, but excluding a small number who valued 33333 extremely low did. However, after eight respondents were removed via the filtering procedure, valuations were robust to removing other participants. Conclusion DCE-VAS is a feasible way of anchoring DCE results to a 0–1 anchored scale with low additional respondent burden

    The quantum paraelectric behavior of SrTiO_{3} revisited: relevance of the structural phase transition temperature

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    It has been known for a long time that the low temperature behavior shown by the dielectric constant of quantum paraelectric SrTiO3SrTiO_{3} can not be fitted properly by Barrett's formula using a single zero point energy or saturation temperature (T1T_{1}). As it was originally shown [K. A. M\"{u}ller and H. Burkard, Phys. Rev. B {\bf 19}, 3593 (1979)] a crossover between two different saturation temperatures (T1lT_{1l}=77.8K and T1hT_{1h}=80K) at T10KT\sim10K is needed to explain the low and high temperature behavior of the dielectric constant. However, the physical reason for the crossover between these two particular values of the saturation temperature at T10KT\sim10K is unknown. In this work we show that the crossover between these two values of the saturation temperature at T10KT\sim10K can be taken as a direct consequence of (i) the quantum distribution of frequencies g(Ω)Ω2g(\Omega)\propto\Omega^{2} associated with the complete set of low-lying modes and (ii) the existence of a definite maximum phonon frequency given by the structural transition critical temperature TtrT_{tr}.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure