220 research outputs found

    Decoupling of defect and short-range order contributions to resistivity recovery measurements in binary alloys

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    © 2014 American Physical Society. We report a new and improved approach that uses low-temperature resistivity recovery measurements to study the defect kinetics in metallic binary alloys. This method is able to decouple the effect related to the irradiation defect contribution to the resistivity from that of the short-range order, which is enhanced by the free migration of defects. This approach can provide reliable experimental data which are more suitable for comparisons with current computational models. Furthermore, the difference in this method with respect to the classical one is that our method gives information concerning the role of vacancies and interstitials on short-range order. The method is applied to a model alloy Fe-5%Cr, of interest for fusion applications, where short-range order effects have been previously found to play a role.Peer Reviewe

    A flexible luminescent probe to monitor fast ion losses at the edge of the TJ-II stellarator

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    A mobile luminescent probe has been developed to detect fast ion losses and suprathermal ions escaping from the plasma of the TJ-II stellarator device. The priorities for its design have been flexibility for probe positioning, ease of maintenance, and detector sensitivity. It employs a coherent fiber bundle to relay, to the outside of the vacuum chamber, ionoluminescence images produced by the ions that impinge, after entering the detector head through a pinhole aperture, onto a screen of luminescent material. Ionoluminescence light detection is accomplished by a charge-coupled device camera and by a photomultiplier, both of which are optically coupled to the in-vacuum fiber bundle head by means of a standard optical setup. A detailed description of the detector, and the first results obtained when operated close to the plasma edge, are reported.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia FTN 2003-0905, ENE2007-6500

    Evidence of Hydronium Formation in Water-Chabazite Zeolite Using Inelastic Neutron Scattering Experiments and ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations

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    [EN] A combined study of inelastic neutron scattering and ab initio molecular dynamics simulations has been performed in order to study the water-acid site interaction in zeolite chabazite with a ratio Si/Al = 16 that corresponds to 2 protons/uc with two different water coverages with the number of water molecules being lower and higher than that of proton sites. These results have provided a clear picture of the water-acid site interaction, and it has been demonstrated that there are two regimens of water adsorption, which depend on the water loading. (i) At low water coverage (water/acid site similar to 0.5), the main interactions between water and the zeolitic acid sites are established through hydrogen bond and there is no proton transference to water. (ii) At relatively high water loading (water/acid site similar to 3), the clustering of water molecules and hydronioum cations formed by the complete transference of the zeolitic proton to the water molecules has been observed. The formation of water-hydronium clusters interacting with oxygen atoms of the zeolite framework provides the stabilization energy needed for the protonation of water molecules confined in the cavities of chabazite. These results are the experimental evidence obtained from INS of proton transfer from the zeolitic acid site and the hydronium formation and are in agreement with a previous computational study (Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2009, 11, 1702-1712) and very recent solid state NMR spectroscopy studies (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 3444-3455). The inspection of the low energy bands (translational and optic modes) and librational bands of the experimental results allows obtaining information about the Hbond network of the hydronium-water clusterWe thank MICINN of Spain for funding through Projects RTI2018-101784-B-I00 and SEV-2016-0683. The authors thank the ILL for neutron beam-time allocation (experiment 7-05-456) and the ILL C-Lab for support. A. Moraleda is acknowledged for the synthesis of CHA-16. G.S. and T.L. thank the ILL for the provision of Contract SRH/GRI/AS-15/222 and a Ph.D. contract.Jiménez-Ruiz, M.; Gahle, DS.; Lemishko, T.; Valencia Valencia, S.; Sastre Navarro, GI.; Rey Garcia, F. (2020). Evidence of Hydronium Formation in Water-Chabazite Zeolite Using Inelastic Neutron Scattering Experiments and ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 124(9):5436-5443. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b11081S54365443124

    Ionoluminescent response of several phosphor screens to keV ions of different masses

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    We have characterized the ionoluminescent response of several phosphor powder materials when irradiated with ions of different masses H+ ,He+ ,Ar+ accelerated to keV energies. In particular, we have determined the absolute luminosity in terms of the number of photons per incident ion emitted by luminescent screens of Y2O2S:Tb P45, Y3Al5O12 :Ce P46, Y2SiO5 :Ce P47, Y2O3 :Eu P56, and SrGa2S4 :Eu TG-green. Their ionoluminescence has been studied as a function of ion beam energy and current and ion fluency. The energy trend and mass dependence of selected experimental results are compared relative to stopping and range of ions in matter SRIM code predictions.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia FTN2003-090

    The materials production and processing facility at the Spanish National Centre for fusion technologies (TechnoFusión)

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    Proceedings of : The 26th Symposium of Fusion Technology (SOFT-26), Porto (Portugal),- 27 september - 1 october 2010.In response to the urgent request from the EU Fusion Program, a new facility (TechnoFusion) for research and development of fusion materials has been planned with support from the Regional Government of Madrid and the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain. TechnoFusion, the National Centre for Fusion Technologies, aims screening different technologies relevant for ITER and DEMO environments while promoting the contribution of international companies and research groups into the Fusion Programme. For this purpose, the centre will be provided with a large number of unique facilities for the manufacture, testing (a triple-beam multi-ion irradiation, a plasma-wall interaction device, a remote handling for under ionizing radiation testing) and analysis of critical fusion materials. Particularly, the objectives, semi-industrial scale capabilities and present status of the TechnoFusion Materials Production and Processing (MPP) facility are presented. Previous studies revealed that the MPP facility will be a very promising infrastructure for the development of new materials and prototypes demanded by the fusion technology and therefore some of them will be here briefly summarized.This work has been supported by Madrid Community through the project TECHNOFUSION (S2009/ENE/1679).Publicad

    Chemical factors controlling the steady-state distribution of mixed carbonate-siliciclastic sediments in Bayona Bay (northwest Spain)

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    The relative space distributions of single mineral constituents in mixed terrigenous-carbonated sediments of the Bayona Bay have been analysed. In order to determine the existence of different mixing mechanisms, a study comparing the general sedimentary trends resulting from the average patterns and the single mineral behaviour, reflected in the single-mineral mapping, was carried out. The relative abundance of all mineral phases in surface sediment samples was first determined by quantitative X-ray powder diffraction data, using the Rietveld method. This procedure enabled us to create specific maps for both the minerals forming the terrigenous fraction and the different calcium carbonate polymorphs involved in the carbonatic component. A cross-linked behaviour between the carbonate facies and the terrigenous minerals involved in the calcium carbonate generation was found, suggesting the existence of a chemical control mechanism which, through dissolution-crystallization processes, constrains the mixed environment's long-term evolution. In the general framework of the region studied, these relations operate for the relative amount of plagioclase to calcium carbonate. The existence of dissolution and growth between both minerals, favoured by the high rate of removal, is proposed, yielding a final crossed pattern, representative of the steady-state. Furthermore, a specific analysis, restricted to the region of low rate of material removal and maximum amount of intermixed sediments, clearly shows an anisotropic distribution for every calcium carbonate polymorph (calcite and aragonite). These correlate with the biotite distribution, and can be connected to local variations in seawater Mg/Ca ratio, induced by biotite weathering.En este trabajo se analiza de forma específica la distribución espacial de cada uno de los minerales involucrados en sedimentos mixtos terrígenos-carbonatados de la bahía de Bayona y se compara con la distribución global de sedimentos, tal como resulta de análisis granulométricos, con el fin de determinar la existencia de diferentes mecanismos de mezcla entre los minerales de ambas fracciones. El contenido porcentual en peso de cada fase mineral, en muestras superficiales de sedimento, se determinó a partir de datos cuantitativos de DRX, empleando el método de Rietveld. Este procedimiento nos ha permitido realizar mapas específicos de distribución, tanto para cada mineral de la fracción terrígena como para cada uno de los diferentes polimorfos de carbonato cálcico en la componente carbonatada. Como resultado de este estudio comparativo, se ha encontrado una correlación, en la distribución espacial y granulométrica, de las facies carbonatadas y los minerales terrígenos implicados en la generación de carbonato cálcico. Un posterior análisis de este resultado sugiere la presencia de mecanismos químicos de control que regulan la interacción entre siliciclastos y carbonatos mediante procesos de disolución-cristalización mediados por el agua del mar. El estudio se ha realizado a dos escalas. En el ámbito general de la bahía de Bayona, las relaciones de distribución observadas entre plagioclasas y carbonato cálcico pueden ser explicadas, dentro del balance global del Ca³⁺ disuelto en el agua del mar, mediante la meteorización química de las plagioclasas y la consiguiente generación de carbonatos. En este caso, los patrones de distribución reflejan la aproximación a un estado estacionario mediante sucesivos eventos de mezcla asociados a la alta removilización material en el medio, tanto para la distribución porcentual en peso como para la distribución granulométrica entre ambos minerales. Finalmente, se realiza un análisis particularizado en una región con baja tasa de removilización y donde la interacción entre sedimentos de ambas fracciones es máxima. El resultado muestra claramente una distribución espacial anisótropa para cada uno de las fases de carbonato cálcico (calcita y aragonito). La abundancia relativa de cada uno de los polimorfos, así como el contenido en Mg³⁺ de la calcita, ha sido correlacionado con la distribución de la biotita y explicado a partir de las diferencias de solubilidad en función de la alta relación Mg³⁺ /Ca³⁺ en el agua de mar que resulta, localmente, de la meteorización química de dicho mineral.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Independent and combined influence of healthy lifestyle factors on academic performance in adolescents: DADOS Study

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    BACKGROUND. Few studies have analyzed the combined effect of lifestyle factors on academic performance (AP) in adolescents. The aim of this study was to analyze the independent and combined effects of weight status, screen time, sleep quality, daily meal frequency, cardiorespiratory fitness and physical activity (PA) on AP in adolescents. METHODS. A total of 262 adolescents (13.9±0.3 years) from the DADOS study were included in the analysis. Weight status was assessed through body mass index (kg/m 2 ). Participants completed questionnaires to evaluate screen time, sleep quality and daily meal frequency. Cardiorespiratory fitness was assessed by the 20-m shuttle run test. PA was evaluated by a wrist-worn GENEActiv accelerometer. AP was assessed through the final academic grades and a validated questionnaire. RESULTS. Non-overweight status, low screen time, good sleep quality and proper meal frequency showed independent, positive influence on AP. Moreover, adolescents achieving at least 3 healthy lifestyles were more likely to be in the high-performance group for academic grades than those achieving ≤ 1 (math OR: 3.02-9.51, language OR: 3.51-6.76 and grade point average OR: 4.22-9.36). CONCLUSIONS. Although individual healthy lifestyles are independently and positively associated with AP, the cumulative effect of multiple healthy lifestyles have a stronger impact

    Imported malaria in pregnancy in Madrid

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Malaria in pregnancy is associated with maternal and foetal morbidity and mortality in endemic areas, but information on imported cases to non-endemic areas is scarce.</p> <p>The aim of this study was to describe the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of malaria in pregnancy in two general hospitals in Madrid, Spain.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Retrospective descriptive study of laboratory-confirmed malaria in pregnant women at the Fuenlabrada University Hospital and the Príncipe de Asturias University Hospital, in Madrid, over a six- and 11-year period, respectively. Relevant epidemiological, clinical and laboratory data was obtained from medical records.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There were 19 pregnant women among 346 malaria cases (5.4%). The average age was 27 years. The gestational age (trimester) was: 53% 3<sup>rd</sup>, 31% 1st, 16% 2<sup>nd</sup>. All but one were multigravidae. Three were HIV positive. All were sub-Saharan immigrants: two were recently arrived immigrants and seventeen (89%) had visited friends and relatives. None had taken prophylaxis nor seeked pre-travel advice. Presentation: 16 symptomatic patients (fever in fourteen, asthenia in two), three asymptomatic. Median delay in diagnosis: 7.5 days. Laboratory tests: anaemia (cut off Hb level 11 g/dl) 78.9% (mild 31.6%, moderate 31.6%, severe 15.8%) thrombocytopaenia 73.7%, hypoglycaemia 10.5%. All cases were due to <it>Plasmodium falciparum</it>, one case of hyperparasitaemia. Quinine + clindamycin prescribed in 84%. Outcomes: no severe maternal complications or deaths, two abortions, fifteen term pregnancies, no low-birth-weight newborns, two patients were lost to follow-up.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Though cases of malaria in pregnancy are uncommon, a most at risk group is clearly defined: young sub-Saharan mothers visiting friends and relatives without pre-travel counselling and recently-arrived immigrants. The most common adverse maternal and foetal effects were anaemia and stillbirth. Given that presentation can be asymptomatic, malaria should always be considered in patients with unexplained anaemia arriving from endemic areas. These findings could help Maternal Health programme planners and implementers to target preventive interventions in the immigrant population and should create awareness among clinicians.</p

    Early Predictors of Objectively Measured Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour in 8–10 Year Old Children: The Gateshead Millennium Study

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    With a number of studies suggesting associations between early life influences and later chronic disease risk, it is suggested that associations between early growth and later physical activity (PA) may be a mediator. However, conflicting evidence exists for association between birth weight and childhood PA. In addition, it is important to know what other, potentially modifiable, factors may influence PA in children given its' association with childhood and later adiposity. We used the Gateshead Millennium Study (GMS) to identify predictors of childhood PA levels. The GMS is a cohort of 1029 infants born in 1999–2000 in Gateshead in northern England. Throughout infancy and early childhood, detailed information was collected. Assessments at age 9 years included body composition, objective measures of habitual PA and a range of lifestyle factors. Mean total volumes of PA (accelerometer count per minute, cpm) and moderate-vigorous intensity PA (MVPA), and the percentage of time spent in sedentary behaviour (%SB) were quantified and related to potential predictors using linear regression and path analysis. Children aged 8–10 years were included. Significant differences were seen in all three outcome variables between sexes and season of measurement (p<0.001). Restricting children’s access to television was associated with decreased MVPA. Increased paternal age was associated with significant increases in %SB (p = 0.02), but not MVPA or total PA. Increased time spent in out of school sports clubs was significantly associated with decreased %SB (p = 0.02). No significant associations were seen with birth weight. A range of factors, directly or indirectly, influenced PA and sedentary behaviour. However, associations differed between the different constructs of PA and %SB. Exploring further the sex differences in PA would appear to be useful, as would encouraging children to join out of school sports clubs

    Stratification and therapeutic potential of PML in metastatic breast cancer.

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    Patient stratification has been instrumental for the success of targeted therapies in breast cancer. However, the molecular basis of metastatic breast cancer and its therapeutic vulnerabilities remain poorly understood. Here we show that PML is a novel target in aggressive breast cancer. The acquisition of aggressiveness and metastatic features in breast tumours is accompanied by the elevated PML expression and enhanced sensitivity to its inhibition. Interestingly, we find that STAT3 is responsible, at least in part, for the transcriptional upregulation of PML in breast cancer. Moreover, PML targeting hampers breast cancer initiation and metastatic seeding. Mechanistically, this biological activity relies on the regulation of the stem cell gene SOX9 through interaction of PML with its promoter region. Altogether, we identify a novel pathway sustaining breast cancer aggressiveness that can be therapeutically exploited in combination with PML-based stratification.The work of A.C. is supported by the Ramón y Cajal award, the Basque Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade (Etortek), Health (2012111086) and Education (PI2012-03), Marie Curie (277043), Movember Foundation (GAP1), ISCIII (PI10/01484, PI13/00031), FERO (VIII Fellowship) and ERC (336343). N.M.-M. and P.A. are supported by the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC), AECC JP Vizcaya and Guipuzcoa, respectively. J.U. and F.S. are Juan de la Cierva Researchers (MINECO). L.A., A.A.-A. and L.V.-J. are supported by the Basque Government of education. M.L.-M.C. acknowledges SAF2014-54658-R and Asociación Española contra el Cancer. R.B. acknowledges Spanish MINECO (BFU2014-52282-P, Consolider BFU2014-57703-REDC), the Departments of Education and Industry of the Basque Government (PI2012/42) and the Bizkaia County. M.S., V.S. and J.B. acknowledge Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA) Foundation (Tumour Biomarker Research Program). M.S. and J.B. are supported by NIH grant P30 CA008748. M.dM.V. is supported by the Institute of Health Carlos III (PI11/02251, PI14/01328) and Basque Government, Health Department (2014111145). A.M. is supported by ISCIII (CP10/00539, PI13/02277) and Marie Curie CIG 2012/712404. V.S. is supported by the SCIII (PI13/01714, CP14/00228), the FERO Foundation and the Catalan Agency AGAUR (2014 SGR 1331). R.R.G. research support is provided by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation grant SAF2013-46196, BBVA Foundation, the Generalitat de Catalunya (2014 SGR 535), Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats, the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) and FEDER funds (SAF2013-46196).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Nature Publishing Group via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ncomms1259