364 research outputs found

    Integration of design, structural, thermal and optical analysis: And user's guide for structural-to-optical translator (PATCOD)

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    Electronic integration of design and analysis processes was achieved and refined at Langley Research Center (LaRC) during the development of an optical bench for a laser-based aerospace experiment. Mechanical design has been integrated with thermal, structural and optical analyses. Electronic import of the model geometry eliminates the repetitive steps of geometry input to develop each analysis model, leading to faster and more accurate analyses. Guidelines for integrated model development are given. This integrated analysis process has been built around software that was already in use by designers and analysis at LaRC. The process as currently implemented used Pro/Engineer for design, Pro/Manufacturing for fabrication, PATRAN for solid modeling, NASTRAN for structural analysis, SINDA-85 and P/Thermal for thermal analysis, and Code V for optical analysis. Currently, the only analysis model to be built manually is the Code V model; all others can be imported for the Pro/E geometry. The translator from PATRAN results to Code V optical analysis (PATCOD) was developed and tested at LaRC. Directions for use of the translator or other models are given

    Angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of the core levels of N_2O

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    We have measured photoionization cross sections and photoelectron asymmetry parameters for each of the core levels of N_2O. We have also carried out frozen‐ and relaxed‐core Hartree–Fock studies of these cross sections so as to better understand the underlying shape resonant structure and the role of electronic relaxation in these processes. A broad shape resonance is observed in each of the core‐hole cross sections at 10‐20 eV kinetic energy and there is some evidence of a second shape resonance near the thresholds, an energy region which is not accessible experimentally. The cross sections also exhibit site‐specific behavior with maxima at widely separated photoelectron kinetic energies. These differences probably arise from the fact that photoelectron matrix elements for different core orbitals probe different regions of the shape resonant orbital which extends over the entire molecule. Although the higher energy shape resonances appear quite similar, Hartree–Fock studies show that the central nitrogen resonance is more sensitive to effects of electronic relaxation than the terminal nitrogen or oxygen resonances. Large differences are also seen between the photoelectron asymmetry parameters for the central and terminal atoms

    Velocity-selective sublevel resonance of atoms with an array of current-carrying wires

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    Resonance transitions between the Zeeman sublevels of optically-polarized Rb atoms traveling through a spatially periodic magnetic field are investigated in a radio-frequency (rf) range of sub-MHz. The atomic motion induces the resonance when the Zeeman splitting is equal to the frequency at which the moving atoms feel the magnetic field oscillating. Additional temporal oscillation of the spatially periodic field splits a motion-induced resonance peak into two by an amount of this oscillation frequency. At higher oscillation frequencies, it is more suitable to consider that the resonance is mainly driven by the temporal field oscillation, with its velocity-dependence or Doppler shift caused by the atomic motion through the periodic field. A theoretical description of motion-induced resonance is also given, with emphasis on the translational energy change associated with the internal transition.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, final versio

    Elektrohemijsko taloženje Nd i Pr na W iz fluoridnih rastopa

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    Electrodeposition of neodymium and praseodymium metal from molten NdF3+PrF3+LiF+ 0.5wt.%Pr6O11+0.5wt.%Nd2O3 electrolytes on W was investigated using voltammetry at 1050 °C. The square wave voltammetry confirmed that Nd electrodeposition is a two-step reduction process: first, involving one electron exchange (Nd(III)→Nd(II)) and second, involving two electrons exchange (Nd(II)→Nd(0)). However, praseodymium deposition proceeds as an one-step process involving exchange of three electrons (Pr(III)→Pr(0)). Nd and Pr metals were electrodeposited applying potentiostatic mode. The working electrode surface was analyzed by X-ray diffraction after Nd and Pr co-deposition.Elektrohemijsko taloženje neodijuma i prazeodijuma iz fluoridnog NdF3+PrF3+LiF+ 0.5wt.%Pr6O11+0.5wt.%Nd2O3 rastopa na W radnoj elektrodi ispitivano je pomoću voltametrijskih tehnika na 1050 °C. Voltametrija sa pravougaonim talasima (SWV, square wave voltammetry) potvrdila je da je elektrohemijsko taloženje Nd proces koji se odvija u dva koraka: prvi, uključuje razmenu od jednog elektrona (Nd(III) → Nd(II)) i drugi korak, uključuje razmenu dva elektrona (Nd(II) → Nd(0)). Međutim, taloženje prazeodijuma uključuje izmenu tri elektrona (Pr(III) → Pr(0)) u jednom koraku. Nd i Pr su elektrohemijski taloženi primenom potenciostatskog režima. Nakon elektrohemijskog taloženja Nd i Pr površina radne elektrode analizirana je rengensko-difrakcionom tehnikom.XII YuCorr International Conference, September 13-16, 2021, Tara Mountain, Serbia, http://sitzam.org.rs/YUCORR

    The effects of implementing recitation activities on success rates in a college calculus course

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    Over a period of six years, three different types of recitation sessions were implemented into the large enrollment section of a college calculus course. During the fall semesters, the results on the departmental final examination, the DFW rates, and the one-year retention rates of students as STEM majors were examined by the type of recitation session used with the large enrollment section. The three types of recitation sessions studied were: (1) optional mentoring sessions at the Math Assistance Center conducted by undergraduate students (peer mentors), (2) required mentoring sessions conducted by graduate students, and (3) required VGNA (Verbal, Graphical or Geometric, Numeric, and Algebraic) Concept activities, which were also coupled with mentoring sessions conducted by graduate students. The success of the students in the large enrollment section of the course, which included one of the three different types of recitation sessions, was compared to the success of students in the small enrollment sections of the course (enrollments less than 50 students). The effects of using each type of recitation session on raising departmental final examination scores, lowering DFW rates, and raising one-year retention rates is presented. The results of this study demonstrate methods of raising student success rates in large enrollment (lecture-format) courses

    First Observation of Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission in a Free-Electron Laser at 109 nm Wavelength

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    We present the first observation of Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission (SASE) in a free-electron laser (FEL) in the Vacuum Ultraviolet regime at 109 nm wavelength (11 eV). The observed free-electron laser gain (approx. 3000) and the radiation characteristics, such as dependency on bunch charge, angular distribution, spectral width and intensity fluctuations all corroborate the existing models for SASE FELs.Comment: 6 pages including 6 figures; e-mail: [email protected]

    The prevalence of exposure to domestic violence and the factors associated with co-occurrence of psychological and physical violence exposure: a sample from primary care patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Since many health problems are associated with abuse and neglect at all ages, domestic violence victims may be considered as a group of primary care patients in need of special attention.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The aim of this multi-centre study was to assess the prevalence of domestic violence in primary care patients, and to identify those factors which influence the co-occurrence of psychological and physical violence exposure and their consequences (physical, sexual and reproductive and psychological) as obtained from medical records.</p> <p>A study was carried out in 28 family practices in Slovenia in 2009. Twenty-eight family physicians approached every fifth family practice attendee, regardless of gender, to be interviewed about their exposure to domestic violence and asked to specify the perpetrator and the frequency. Out of 840 patients asked, 829 individuals, 61.0% women (n = 506) and 39.0% men (n = 323) were assessed (98.7% response rate). They represented a randomised sample of general practice attendees, aged 18 years and above, who had visited their physician for health problems and who were given a physical examination. Visits for administrative purposes were excluded.</p> <p>Multivariate binary logistic regression analysis was used to determine the factors associated with exposure to both psychological and physical violence.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of 829 patients, 15.3% reported some type of domestic violence experienced during the previous five years; 5.9% reported physical and 9.4% psychological violence; of these 19.2% of men and 80.8% of women had been exposed to psychological violence, while 22.4% of men and 77.6% of women had been exposed to physical violence. The domestic violence victims were mostly women (p < 0.001) aged up to 35 years (p = 0.001). Exposure to psychological violence was more prevalent than exposure to physical violence. Of the women, 20.0% were exposed to either type of violence, compared to 8.0% of male participants, who reported they were rarely exposed to physical violence, while women reported often or constant exposure to physical violence. Their partners were mostly the perpetrators of domestic violence towards women, while amongst men the perpetrators were mostly other family members.</p> <p>In univariate analysis female gender was shown to be a risk factor for domestic violence exposure. Regression modelling, explaining 40% of the variance, extracted two factors associated with psychological and physical violence exposure: the abuse of alcohol in the patient (OR 4.7; 95% CI 1.54-14.45) and their unemployment (OR 13.3; 95% CI 1.53-116.45).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>As far as the study design permits, the identified factors associated with both psychological and physical violence exposure could serve as determinants to raise family physicians' awareness when exploring the prevalence of domestic violence. The results of previous research, showing at least 15% prevalence of exposure to domestic violence among primary care patients in Slovenia, and the female gender as a risk factor, were confirmed.</p

    The contribution of female community health volunteers (FCHVs) to maternity care in Nepal: a qualitative study.

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    BACKGROUND: In resource-poor settings, the provision of basic maternity care within health centres is often a challenge. Despite the difficulties, Nepal reduced its maternal mortality ratio by 80% from 850 to an estimated 170 per 100,000 live births between 1991 and 2011 to achieve Millennium Development Goal Five. One group that has been credited for this is community health workers, known as Female Community Health Volunteers (FCHVs), who form an integral part of the government healthcare system. This qualitative study explores the role of FCHVs in maternal healthcare provision in two regions: the Hill and Terai. METHODS: Between May 2014 and September 2014, 20 FCHVs, 11 health workers and 26 service users were purposefully selected and interviewed using semi-structured topic guides. In addition, four focus group discussions were held with 19 FCHVs. Data were analysed using thematic analysis. RESULTS: All study participants acknowledged the contribution of FCHVs in maternity care. All FCHVs reported that they shared key health messages through regularly held mothers' group meetings and referred women for health checks. The main difference between the two study regions was the support available to FCHVs from the local health centres. With regular training and access to medical supplies, FCHVs in the hill villages reported activities such as assisting with childbirth, distributing medicines and administering pregnancy tests. They also reported use of innovative approaches to educate mothers. Such activities were not reported in Terai. In both regions, a lack of monetary incentives was reported as a major challenge for already overburdened volunteers followed by a lack of education for FCHVs. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that the role of FCHVs varies according to the context in which they work. FCHVs, supported by government health centres with emphasis on the use of local approaches, have the potential to deliver basic maternity care and promote health-seeking behaviour so that serious delays in receiving healthcare can be minimised. However, FCHVs need to be reimbursed and provided with educational training to ensure that they can work effectively. The study underlines the relevance of community health workers in resource-poor settings