128 research outputs found

    Bayesian spatial modelling of childhood cancer incidence in Switzerland using exact point data: a nationwide study during 1985-2015

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    BACKGROUND: The aetiology of most childhood cancers is largely unknown. Spatially varying environmental factors such as traffic-related air pollution, background radiation and agricultural pesticides might contribute to the development of childhood cancer. This study is the first investigation of the spatial disease mapping of childhood cancers using exact geocodes of place of residence. METHODS: We included 5947 children diagnosed with cancer in Switzerland during 1985-2015 at 0-15 years of age from the Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry. We modelled cancer risk using log-Gaussian Cox processes and indirect standardisation to adjust for age and year of diagnosis. We examined whether the spatial variation of risk can be explained by modelled ambient air concentration of NO2_{2}, modelled exposure to background ionising radiation, area-based socio-economic position (SEP), linguistic region, duration in years of general cancer registration in the canton or degree of urbanisation. RESULTS: For all childhood cancers combined, the posterior median relative risk (RR), compared to the national level, varied by location from 0.83 to 1.13 (min to max). Corresponding ranges were 0.96 to 1.09 for leukaemia, 0.90 to 1.13 for lymphoma, and 0.82 to 1.23 for central nervous system (CNS) tumours. The covariates considered explained 72% of the observed spatial variation for all cancers, 81% for leukaemia, 82% for lymphoma and 64% for CNS tumours. There was weak evidence of an association of CNS tumour incidence with modelled exposure to background ionising radiation (RR per SD difference 1.17; 0.98-1.40) and with SEP (1.6; 1.00-1.13). CONCLUSION: Of the investigated diagnostic groups, childhood CNS tumours showed the largest spatial variation. The selected covariates only partially explained the observed variation of CNS tumours suggesting that other environmental factors also play a role

    Neuropilin 1 is essential for gastrointestinal smooth muscle contractility and motility in aged mice.

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    Neuropilin 1 (NRP1) is a non-tyrosine kinase receptor for vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and class 3 semaphorins, playing a role in angiogenesis and neuronal axon guidance, respectively. NRP1 is expressed in smooth muscle cells (SMC) but the functional role of NRP1 in SMC has not been elucidated. We therefore investigated the biological relevance of NRP1 in SMC in vivo by generating mice with SMC-specific Nrp1 deficiency

    Transcriptional profiles for distinct aggregation states of mutant Huntingtin exon 1 protein unmask new Huntington's disease pathways

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    Huntington's disease is caused by polyglutamine (polyQ)-expansion mutations in the CAG tandem repeat of the Huntingtin gene. The central feature of Huntington's disease pathology is the aggregation of mutant Huntingtin (Htt) protein into micrometer-sized inclusion bodies. Soluble mutant Htt states are most proteotoxic and trigger an enhanced risk of death whereas inclusions confer different changes to cellular health, and may even provide adaptive responses to stress. Yet the molecular mechanisms underpinning these changes remain unclear. Using the flow cytometry method of pulse-shape analysis (PulSA) to sort neuroblastoma (Neuro2a) cells enriched with mutant or wild-type Htt into different aggregation states, we clarified which transcriptional signatures were specifically attributable to cells before versus after inclusion assembly. Dampened CREB signalling was the most striking change overall and invoked specifically by soluble mutant Httex1 states. Toxicity could be rescued by stimulation of CREB signalling. Other biological processes mapped to different changes before and after aggregation included NF-kB signalling, autophagy, SUMOylation, transcription regulation by histone deacetylases and BRD4, NAD+ biosynthesis, ribosome biogenesis and altered HIF-1 signalling. These findings open the path for therapeutic strategies targeting key molecular changes invoked prior to, and subsequently to, Httex1 aggregation.This work was supported by grants to DMH from the Australian Research Council (grant number FT120100039); grants/fellowships from the National Health and Medical Research Council Project to DMH (grant numbers APP1049458, APP1049459 and APP1102059), and a grant from the Hereditary Disease Foundation (USA). AJH is an NHMRC Principal Research Fellow

    Constraints on instantaneous ozone production rates and regimes during DOMINO derived using in-situ OH reactivity measurements

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    In this study air masses are characterized in terms of their total OH reactivity which is a robust measure of the reactive air pollutant loading . The measurements were performed during the DOMINO campaign (Diel Oxidant Mechanisms In relation to Nitrogen Oxides) held from 21/11/2008 to 08/12/2008 at the Atmospheric Sounding Station - El Arenosillo (37.1° N-6.7° W, 40 m a.s.l.). The site was frequently impacted by marine air masses (arriving at the site from the southerly sector) and air masses from the cities of Huelva (located NW of the site), Seville and Madrid (located NNE of the site). OH reactivity values showed strong wind sector dependence. North eastern continental air masses were characterized by the highest OH reactivities (average: 31.4 ± 4.5 s−1; range of average diel values: 21.3-40.5 s−1), followed by north western industrial air masses (average: 13.8 ± 4.4 s−1; range of average diel values: 7-23.4 s−1) and marine air masses (average: 6.3 ± 6.6 s−1; range of average diel values: below detection limit −21.7 s−1), respectively. The average OH reactivity for the entire campaign period was ~18 s−1 and no pronounced variation was discernible in the diel profiles with the exception of relatively high values from 09:00 to 11:00 UTC on occasions when air masses arrived from the north western and southern wind sectors. The measured OH reactivity was used to constrain both diel instantaneous ozone production potential rates and regimes. Gross ozone production rates at the site were generally limited by the availability of NOx with peak values of around 20 ppbV O3 h−1. Using the OH reactivity based approach, derived ozone production rates indicate that if NOx would no longer be the limiting factor in air masses arriving from the continental north eastern sector, peak ozone production rates could double. We suggest that the new combined approach of in-situ fast measurements of OH reactivity, nitrogen oxides and peroxy radicals for constraining instantaneous ozone production rates, could significantly improve analyses of upwind point sources and their impact on regional ozone levels

    Widespread FRA1-Dependent Control of Mesenchymal Transdifferentiation Programs in Colorectal Cancer Cells

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    Tumor invasion and metastasis involves complex remodeling of gene expression programs governing epithelial homeostasis. Mutational activation of the RAS-ERK is a frequent occurrence in many cancers and has been shown to drive overexpression of the AP-1 family transcription factor FRA1, a potent regulator of migration and invasion in a variety of tumor cell types. However, the nature of FRA1 transcriptional targets and the molecular pathways through which they promote tumor progression remain poorly understood. We found that FRA1 was strongly expressed in tumor cells at the invasive front of human colorectal cancers (CRCs), and that its depletion suppressed mesenchymal-like features in CRC cells in vitro. Genome-wide analysis of FRA1 chromatin occupancy and transcriptional regulation identified epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT)-related genes as a major class of direct FRA1 targets in CRC cells. Expression of the pro-mesenchymal subset of these genes predicted adverse outcomes in CRC patients, and involved FRA-1-dependent regulation and cooperation with TGFβ signaling pathway. Our findings reveal an unexpectedly widespread and direct role for FRA1 in control of epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity in CRC cells, and suggest that FRA1 plays an important role in mediating cross talk between oncogenic RAS-ERK and TGFβ signaling networks during tumor progression.This work was supported by project grants 1026228 and 1044168 (to A.S.D.) and Senior Research Fellowships (to R.D.H., R.B.P. and J.M.M.) from the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia

    A functional genetic screen defines the AKT-induced senescence signaling network

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    Exquisite regulation of PI3K/AKT/mTORC1 signaling is essential for homeostatic control of cell growth, proliferation, and survival. Aberrant activation of this signaling network is an early driver of many sporadic human cancers. Paradoxically, sustained hyperactivation of the PI3K/AKT/mTORC1 pathway in nontransformed cells results in cellular senescence, which is a tumor-suppressive mechanism that must be overcome to promote malignant transformation. While oncogene-induced senescence (OIS) driven by excessive RAS/ERK signaling has been well studied, little is known about the mechanisms underpinning the AKT-induced senescence (AIS) response. Here, we utilize a combination of transcriptome and metabolic profiling to identify key signatures required to maintain AIS. We also employ a whole protein-coding genome RNAi screen for AIS escape, validating a subset of novel mediators and demonstrating their preferential specificity for AIS as compared with OIS. As proof of concept of the potential to exploit the AIS network, we show that neurofibromin 1 (NF1) is upregulated during AIS and its ability to suppress RAS/ERK signaling facilitates AIS maintenance. Furthermore, depletion of NF1 enhances transformation of p53-mutant epithelial cells expressing activated AKT, while its overexpression blocks transformation by inducing a senescent-like phenotype. Together, our findings reveal novel mechanistic insights into the control of AIS and identify putative senescence regulators that can potentially be targeted, with implications for new therapeutic options to treat PI3K/AKT/mTORC1-driven cancers.Peer reviewe

    Autoimmunity and immunodeficiency associated with monoallelic LIG4 mutations via haploinsufficiency

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    BACKGROUND: Biallelic mutations in LIG4 encoding DNA-ligase 4 cause a rare immunodeficiency syndrome manifesting as infant-onset life-threatening and/or opportunistic infections, skeletal malformations, radiosensitivity and neoplasia. LIG4 is pivotal during DNA repair and during V(D)J recombination as it performs the final DNA-break sealing step. OBJECTIVE: We explored whether monoallelic LIG4 missense mutations may underlie immunodeficiency and autoimmunity with autosomal dominant inheritance. METHODS: Extensive flow-cytometric immune-phenotyping was performed. Rare variants of immune system genes were analyzed by whole exome sequencing. DNA repair functionality and T cell-intrinsic DNA damage tolerance was tested with an ensemble of in vitro and in silico tools. Antigen-receptor diversity and autoimmune features were characterized by high-throughput sequencing and autoantibody arrays. Reconstitution of wild-type vs. mutant LIG4 were performed in LIG4 knock-out Jurkat T cells and DNA damage tolerance was subsequently assessed. RESULTS: A novel heterozygous LIG4 loss-of-function mutation (p.R580Q), associated with a dominantly inherited familial immune-dysregulation consisting of autoimmune cytopenias, and in the index patient with lymphoproliferation, agammaglobulinemia and adaptive immune cell infiltration into nonlymphoid organs. Immunophenotyping revealed reduced naïve CD4+^{+} T cells and low TCR-Vα7.2+^{+} T cells, while T/B-cell receptor repertoires showed only mild alterations. Cohort screening identified two other non-related patients with the monoallelic LIG4 mutation p.A842D recapitulating clinical and immune-phenotypic dysregulations observed in the index family and displaying T cell-intrinsic DNA damage intolerance. Reconstitution experiments and molecular dynamics simulations categorize both missense mutations as loss-of-function and haploinsufficient. CONCLUSION: We provide evidence that certain monoallelic LIG4 mutations may cause human immune dysregulation via haploinsufficiency

    Phantom headache: pain-memory-emotion hypothesis for chronic daily headache?

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    The neurobiology of chronic pain, including chronic daily headache (CDH) is not completely understood. “Pain memory” hypothesis is one of the mechanisms for phantom limb pain. We reviewed the literature to delineate a relation of “pain memory” for the development of CDH. There is a direct relation of pain to memory. Patients with poor memory have less chance to develop “pain memory”, hence less possibility to develop chronic pain. Progressive memory impairment may lead to decline in headache prevalence. A similar relation of pain is also noted with emotional or psychiatric symptoms. Literature review suggests that there is marked overlap in the neural network of pain to that of memory and emotions. We speculate that pain, memory, and emotions are interrelated in triangular pattern, and each of these three is related to other two in bidirectional pattern, i.e., stimulation of one of these will stimulate other symptoms/networks and vice versa (triangular theory for chronic pain). Longstanding or recurrent noxious stimuli will strengthen this interrelation, and this may be responsible for chronicity of pain. Reduction of both chronic pain and psychological symptoms by cognitive behavioral therapy or psychological interventions further suggests a bidirectional interrelation between pain and emotion. Longitudinal studies are warranted on the prevalence of headache and other painful conditions in patients with progressive memory impairment to delineate the relation of pain to memory. Interrelation of headache to emotional symptoms should also be explored

    Broadened Population-Level Frequency Tuning in Human Auditory Cortex of Portable Music Player Users

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    Nowadays, many people use portable players to enrich their daily life with enjoyable music. However, in noisy environments, the player volume is often set to extremely high levels in order to drown out the intense ambient noise and satisfy the appetite for music. Extensive and inappropriate usage of portable music players might cause subtle damages in the auditory system, which are not behaviorally detectable in an early stage of the hearing impairment progress. Here, by means of magnetoencephalography, we objectively examined detrimental effects of portable music player misusage on the population-level frequency tuning in the human auditory cortex. We compared two groups of young people: one group had listened to music with portable music players intensively for a long period of time, while the other group had not. Both groups performed equally and normally in standard audiological examinations (pure tone audiogram, speech test, and hearing-in-noise test). However, the objective magnetoencephalographic data demonstrated that the population-level frequency tuning in the auditory cortex of the portable music player users was significantly broadened compared to the non-users, when attention was distracted from the auditory modality; this group difference vanished when attention was directed to the auditory modality. Our conclusion is that extensive and inadequate usage of portable music players could cause subtle damages, which standard behavioral audiometric measures fail to detect in an early stage. However, these damages could lead to future irreversible hearing disorders, which would have a huge negative impact on the quality of life of those affected, and the society as a whole