5,461 research outputs found

    Preparation of Dipteran Larvae for Scanning Electron Microscopy with Special Reference to Myiasigen Dipteran Species

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    Although controversy exists concerning the role of chemical fixatives in scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studies of Dipteran larvae, we have observed that filtered 10% formaldehyde solution gives excellent results as a preservative. After immersing in vivo in formaldehyde, the larvae material is preserved for prolonged periods (up to 8 months), before examination with SEM. As a fixative, formaldehyde preserves the structure of the larval cuticle and produces no visible artifacts. Moreover, postfixation is not necessary. Due to pecularities of the way of life of Wohlfahrtia magnifica (principally the accumulations of necrotic tissue, purulent particles, and other types of substances that often adhere to the numerous spines of larvae), this species must be cleaned before examination by SEM. Manual cleaning with alternating bidistilled water and 0.9% saline solution proved to be a rapid, easy and inexpensive method that gave good results. Both lyophilization drying and critical point drying were used before sputtering the material. While lyophilization drying proved to be the most effective method for instars II and III, critical point drying was the best technique for study of specimens belonging to instar I. The optimum time for drying and conditions for lyophilization and sputter-coating with gold were determined experimentally. Samples were mounted on SEM stubs with double-sided adhesive and silver conductive paint. The method proposed is easy and effective for the SEM study of larvae myiasis-producing diptera

    Economic burden of air pollution in Colombia

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    To estimate indirect costs related to the loss of productivity due to premature mortality associated with air quality risk factors in Colombia, 2016. We estimated potential productivity years of life lost (PPYLL) related to indoor (biomass fuels) and outdoor pollution (PM2.5 and ozone). We analyzed deaths records of the Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística, 2016, with the following basic causes of death related to air quality risk factors: isquemic hearth disease (IHD), cardiovascular disease (CD), lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI), lung cancer (LC) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD), according to ICD-10. PPYLL were valued considering the productive age in Colombia, which ranges from 18-57 years for women and up to 62 for men. Three scenarios were built: lower loss (minimum legal wage), average loss [one per capita gross domestic product (GDPpc)] and higher loss (three GDPpc). PPYLL for the mentioned causes were multiplied by the fraction attributable to each air risk factor. The latest were estimated from IDEAM (outdoor) and the survey of Quality of Life 2016 and systematic reviews (indoor pollution). Costs were reported in American dollars, using the December 31 (2016) exchange rate: 1USD=3,000.7 Colombian Pesos. The economic burden due to premature deaths caused by the analyzed diseases was US845,967,999(845,967,999 (444,320,058-2,537,903,997).Fromthisburden,17.82,537,903,997). From this burden, 17.8% was attributable to air risk quality factors, corresponding to US150,585,143 (79,090,461451,755,428).Regardingtothestudieddiseases,IHDdeathscausedbyairqualityriskfactorsaccountedUS79,090,461-451,755,428). Regarding to the studied diseases, IHD deaths caused by air quality risk factors accounted US83.007.582. The second with the highest economic burden attributable to air quality risk factors was CD (US32,750,315),followedbyLRTI(US32,750,315), followed by LRTI (US22,077,091), LC (US6,909,659)andCOPD(US6,909,659) and COPD (US5,840,495). The exposure to PM2.5 particulate matter represented the largest share of the economic burden attributable to air quality risk factors. Our estimations suggest that premature deaths caused by exposure to air qualityrisk factors represented 0.052% of GDP for 2016

    Out-of-pocket health expenditures in Colombia: a systematic review

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    Objectives To review the evidence of out-of-pocket (OOPE) and catastrophic expenditures (CHE) in health in Colombia. Methods Systematic review of the literature (SLR). Searches were performed in PubMed, Scopus, Scielo and Google Scholar. We used the MESH terms: out-of-pocket, catastrophic health expenditure, health and Colombia. We included cost description or cost analysis studies. Cost-effectiveness analysis of health technologies and qualitative studies were excluded. Data about period of analysis, type of study, costing perspective, OOPE, and CHE were extracted. Studies were classified as macroeconomic, microeconomic, and diseases analysis. All costs were indexed to 2018 and reported in Colombian pesos (COP)

    Differential pain-related behaviors and bone disease in immunocompetent mouse models of myeloma

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    Bone pain is a serious and debilitating symptom of multiple myeloma (MM) that impairs the quality of life of patients. The underlying mechanisms of the pain are unknown and understudied, and there is a need for immunocompetent preclinical models of myeloma‐induced bone pain. The aim of this study was to provide the first in‐depth behavioral characterization of an immunocompetent mouse model of MM presenting the clinical disease features: osteolytic bone disease and bone pain. We hypothesized that a widely used syngeneic model of MM, established by systemic inoculation of green fluorescent protein‐tagged myeloma cells (5TGM1‐GFP) in immunocompetent C57Bl/KaLwRijHsd (BKAL) mice, would present pain‐related behaviors. Disease phenotype was confirmed by splenomegaly, high serum paraprotein, and tumor infiltration in the bone marrow of the hind limbs; however, myeloma‐bearing mice did not present pain‐related behaviors or substantial bone disease. Thus, we investigated an alternative model in which 5TGM1‐GFP cells were directly inoculated into the intrafemoral medullary cavity. This localized myeloma model presented the hallmarks of the disease, including high serum paraprotein, tumor growth, and osteolytic bone lesions. Compared with control mice, myeloma‐bearing mice presented myeloma‐induced pain‐related behaviors, a phenotype that was reversed by systemic morphine treatment. Micro‐computed tomography analyses of the myeloma‐inoculated femurs showed bone disease in cortical and trabecular bone. Repeated systemic bisphosphonate treatment induced an amelioration of the nociceptive phenotype, but did not completely reverse it. Furthermore, intrafemorally injected mice presented a profound denervation of the myeloma‐bearing bones, a previously unknown feature of the disease. This study reports the intrafemoral inoculation of 5TGM1‐GFP cells as a robust immunocompetent model of myeloma‐induced bone pain, with consistent bone loss. Moreover, the data suggest that myeloma‐induced bone pain is caused by a combinatorial mechanism including osteolysis and bone marrow denervation. © 2019 The Authors. JBMR Plus published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of American Society for Bone and Mineral Research

    From the North-Iberian Margin to the Alboran Basin: A lithosphere geo-transect across the Iberian Plate

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    A ~ 1000-km-long lithospheric transect running from the North-Iberian Margin to the Alboran Basin (W-Mediterranean) is investigated. The main goal is to image the changes in the crustal and upper mantle structure occurring in: i) the North-Iberian margin, whose deformation in Alpine times gave rise to the uplift of the Cantabrian Mountains related to Iberia-Eurasia incipient subduction; ii) the Spanish Meseta, characterized by the presence of Cenozoic basins on top of a Variscan basement with weak Alpine deformation in the Central System, and localized Neogene-Quaternary deep volcanism; and iii) the Betic-Alboran system related to Africa-Iberia collision and the roll-back of the Ligurian-Tethyan domain. The modeling approach, combines potential fields, elevation, thermal, seismic, and petrological data under a self-consistent scheme. The crustal structure is mainly constrained by seismic data whereas the upper mantle is constrained by tomographic models. The results highlight the lateral variations in the topography of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB), suggesting a strong lithospheric mantle strain below the Cantabrian and Betic mountain belts. The LAB depth ranges from 180 km beneath the Cantabrian Mountains to 135-110. km beneath Iberia Meseta deepening again to values of 160. km beneath the Betic Cordillera. The Central System, with a mean elevation of 1300. m, has a negligible signature on the LAB depth. We have considered four lithospheric mantle compositions: a predominantly average Phanerozoic in the continental mainland, two more fertile compositions in the Alboran Sea and in the Calatrava Volcanic Province, and a hydrated uppermost mantle in the North-Iberian Margin. These compositional differences allowed us to reproduce the main trends of the geophysical observables as well as the inferred P- and S-wave seismic velocities from tomography models and seismic experiments available in the study transect. The high mean topography of Iberia can be partly consistent with a low-velocity/high-temperature/low-density layer in the sublithospheric mantle.The presented work has been supported by Topo-Iberia Consolider-IngenioCSD2006-0004, GASAM/TopoMed (CGL2008-03474-E/BTE/07-TOPO-EUROPE-FP-006), TECLA (CGL2011-26670) funded by the Spanish Government, and PYRTEC-IP2 (SV-PA-10-03, funded by the Government of Asturias/ESF TOPO-EUROPE Programme) projects. AC benefitted from a JAE-PreCP grant from CSIC. JCA acknowledges the support from ARC GrantDP120102372.Peer Reviewe

    Hawking radiation and thermodynamics of dynamical black holes in phantom dominated universe

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    The thermodynamic properties of dark energy-dominated universe in the presence of a black hole are investigated in the general case of a varying equation-of-state-parameter w(a)w(a). We show that all the thermodynamics quantities are regular at the phantom divide crossing, and particularly the temperature and the entropy of the dark fluid are always positive definite. We also study the accretion process of a phantom fluid by black holes and the conditions required for the validity of the generalized second law of thermodynamics. As a results we obtain a strictly negative chemical potential and an equation-of-state parameter w<5/3.w<-5/3.Comment: 22 pages,3 figure


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    The aim of this research was to determine the characteristics, volumes and treatability of Full-service carwash wastewaters in Toluca (Mexico State). The average water use for Exterior-only wash was 50 L per small-size car and 170 L per medium-size vehicle (pick up, van or light truck). The Full-service wash (exterior, engine and chassis) required 170 L per small-size car and 300 L per light truck. Wastewaters were generally emulsified and contained high contaminant loads (in average, 1100 mg/L oil and grease, 4500 mg/L COD and 3500 mg/L Total Suspended Solids). Gravity oil separators used in the car washing facilities were able to reduce the pollutant loads (showing a 80 % efficiency) but usually not enough to meet the sewer discharge standards or reuse requirements. The data provided by the study are useful for screening the applicable technologies and setting the design capacity of the reclaim systems that are needed in the Mexican car washing sector