26,331 research outputs found

    Jumping bristletail (Insecta: Apterygota: Microcoryphia) records in the southeastern United States

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    Few records of Microcoryphia exist for the southeastern United States, with named species being reported only from Arkansas, Tennessee, and the mid-Atlantic states, and with an unnamed species being reported from Georgia. Records are here provided from 291 specimens housed in the Mississippi Entomological Museum, including ten new species-level state records. This is also the first published report of the order Microcoryphia from Alabama and Mississippi. Species include the machilids Pedetontoides atlanticus Mendes in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi, and North Carolina; Pedetontus cf. atlanticus in Kentucky; Pedetontus (Verhoeffilis) gershneri Allen in Arkansas; and Pedetontus (Pedetontus) saltator Wygodzinsky and Schmidt in Mississippi and North Carolina; and the meinertellid Machiloides banksi (Silvestri) in Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, and North Carolina

    Within- and between-pen transmission of Classical Swine Fever Virus: a new method to estimate the basic reproduction ratio from transmission experiments

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    We present a method to estimate basic reproduction ratio R0 from transmission experiments. By using previously published data of experiments with Classical Swine Fever Virus more extensively, we obtained smaller confidence intervals than the martingale method used in the original papers. Moreover, our method allows simultaneous estimation of a reproduction ratio within pens R0w and a modified reproduction ratio between pens R'0b. Resulting estimates of R0w and R'0b for weaner pigs were 100 (95% CI 54.4-186) and 7.77 (4.68-12.9), respectively. For slaughter pigs they were 15.5 (6.20-38.7) and 3.39 (1.54-7.45), respectively. We believe, because of the smaller confidence intervals we were able to obtain, that the method presented here is better suited for use in future experiments

    Language-based multimedia information retrieval

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    This paper describes various methods and approaches for language-based multimedia information retrieval, which have been developed in the projects POP-EYE and OLIVE and which will be developed further in the MUMIS project. All of these project aim at supporting automated indexing of video material by use of human language technologies. Thus, in contrast to image or sound-based retrieval methods, where both the query language and the indexing methods build on non-linguistic data, these methods attempt to exploit advanced text retrieval technologies for the retrieval of non-textual material. While POP-EYE was building on subtitles or captions as the prime language key for disclosing video fragments, OLIVE is making use of speech recognition to automatically derive transcriptions of the sound tracks, generating time-coded linguistic elements which then serve as the basis for text-based retrieval functionality

    Probabilities of spurious connections in gene networks: Application to expression time series

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    Motivation: The reconstruction of gene networks from gene expression microarrays is gaining popularity as methods improve and as more data become available. The reliability of such networks could be judged by the probability that a connection between genes is spurious, resulting from chance fluctuations rather than from a true biological relationship. Results: Unlike the false discovery rate and positive false discovery rate, the decisive false discovery rate (dFDR) is exactly equal to a conditional probability without assuming independence or the randomness of hypothesis truth values. This property is useful not only in the common application to the detection of differential gene expression, but also in determining the probability of a spurious connection in a reconstructed gene network. Estimators of the dFDR can estimate each of three probabilities: 1. The probability that two genes that appear to be associated with each other lack such association. 2. The probability that a time ordering observed for two associated genes is misleading. 3. The probability that a time ordering observed for two genes is misleading, either because they are not associated or because they are associated without a lag in time. The first probability applies to both static and dynamic gene networks, and the other two only apply to dynamic gene networks. Availability: Cross-platform software for network reconstruction, probability estimation, and plotting is free from http://www.davidbickel.com as R functions and a Java application.Comment: Like q-bio.GN/0404032, this was rejected in March 2004 because it was submitted to the math archive. The only modification is a corrected reference to q-bio.GN/0404032, which was not modified at al

    Waardewerken heeft multifunctionele landbouw een gezicht gegeven

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    Welke invloed heeft Waardewerken, het innovatienetwerk van pionierende ondernemers in de multifunctionele landbouw, gehad op beleid en praktijk? Dit was de hoofdvraag bij de evaluatie van het innovatienetwerk Waardewerken. Via de Most Significant Change-methode hebben betrokkenen bij het netwerk gezamenlijk geleerd en gereflecteerd op veranderingen, en is door het verzamelen van verhalen de ‘oogst’’ van Waardewerken in kaart gebracht

    Sustainable Soesterkwartier

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    The municipality of Amersfoort wants to construct an endurable and sustainable eco-town in the Soesterkwartier neighbourhood, by taking future climate change into account. The impact of climate change at the location of the proposed eco-town was studied by a literature review

    Towards Affordable Disclosure of Spoken Word Archives

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    This paper presents and discusses ongoing work aiming at affordable disclosure of real-world spoken word archives in general, and in particular of a collection of recorded interviews with Dutch survivors of World War II concentration camp Buchenwald. Given such collections, the least we want to be able to provide is search at different levels and a flexible way of presenting results. Strategies for automatic annotation based on speech recognition – supporting e.g., within-document search– are outlined and discussed with respect to the Buchenwald interview collection. In addition, usability aspects of the spoken word search are discussed on the basis of our experiences with the online Buchenwald web portal. It is concluded that, although user feedback is generally fairly positive, automatic annotation performance is still far from satisfactory, and requires additional research

    Electronic orders near the type-II van Hove singularity in BC3_3

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    Using the functional renormalization group, we investigate the electron instability in the single-sheet BC3_3 when the electron filling is near a type-II van Hove singularity. For a finite Hubbard interaction, the ferromagnetic-like spin density wave order dominates in the immediate vicinity of the singularity. Elsewhere near the singularity the p-wave superconductivity prevails. We also find that a small nearest-neighbor Coulomb repulsion can enhance the superconductivity. Our results show that BC3_3 would be a promising candidate to realize topological p+ip′p+ip' superconductivity, but the transition temperature is practically sizable only if the local interaction is moderately strong.Comment: 6 pages, 6 color figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1503.0047
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