1,156 research outputs found

    Daughters of Depression : A Critical-Hermeneutic Phenomenological Examination of Adult Black Women’s Experiences with Strong Black Woman’s Role When Mothered by Women with Perceived Depression

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    Black American women are experiencing chronic depression at alarming rates. Major racial/sex disparities in disease prevalence indicates Black American women are at increased risk for depression onset due to exposure to poverty and traumatic life events. With the rise of single, female-headed households, children are at increased risk for exposure to maternal mental illness which is defined as an adverse childhood experience impacting their development through adulthood. Black American mothers have the additional burden of racially socializing all children to learn how to manage systematic racist structures embedded in American society, yet daughters require the additional socialization for gender biases. This study sought to examine how living with a mother perceived as depressed impacted the transmission of culturally-specific coping strategies to daughters concerning the challenges with being Black and female. Using critical Hermeneutic phenomenology, qualitative data included in-depth interviews to assess the lived childhood experiences of adult Black American women mothered by women with perceived depression and their adult Strong Black Woman beliefs and behaviors. Identified themes included: The making of strong Black girls, Mothers’ strength lessons and alternative versions with Othermothers, Identifying and challenging learned coping strategies, Defining and redefining their mothers’ version of Strong Black Woman’s role in adulthood, and Mother as a woman. Implications from this study provide context to the intergenerational transmission of psychopathology, gendered strength socialization processes, and the importance of familial and community support for Black American mother/daughter dyads

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penerimaan Pegawai Baru PT.PLN (Persero) Kantor Pusat dengan Menggunakan Metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW)

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    PT PLN (Persero) is the largest state owned companies in Indonesia that handle electricity services throughout Indonesia and is headquartered in Jakarta. To support the progressive growth and build the organizational capability, PT PLN (Persero) in serving the community needed human resources berkualitas.Dalam it is necessary to build a decision support system to assist in the selection and set-based employee PT.PLN (Persero). Wrong a model that can be used for decision support system is a model of Multiple Attribute Decision Making (MADM) with Simple Additive weighting method (SAW). This method was chosen because this method determines the weight values for each attribute, followed by a ranking process that will select the best alternative. Research carried out by finding the weights for each criterion, and then make the ranking process that will determine the optimal alternative is the best applicants. Results of the application decision support system is the best alternative to the election of the applicant is entitled to be an employee because of pass selection in sequence according to the ranking using the programming language PHP

    Atypical presentation of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis type 8 in a sibling pair and review of the eye findings and neurological features.

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    Purpose:To report atypical presentation of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses type 8 (CLN8) to the eye clinic and review clinical features of CLN8. Observations:Detailed eye exam by slit lamp exam, indirect ophthalmoscopy, fundus photography, optical coherence tomography, visual fields and electroretinogram (ERG). Molecular genetic testing using Next Generation Sequencing panel (NGS) and array Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH).The siblings in this study presented to the eye clinic with retinitis pigmentosa and cystoid macular edema, and a history of seizures but no severe neurocognitive deficits or regression. Genetic testing identified a c.200C > T (p.A67V) variant in the CLN8 gene and a deletion encompassing the entire gene. Electron microscopy of lymphocytes revealed fingerprint inclusions in both siblings. Conclusions:and Importance: Pathogenic variants in CLN8 account for the retinitis pigmentosa and seizures in our patients however, currently, they do not have regression or neurocognitive decline. The presentation of NCL can be very diverse and it is important for ophthalmologists to consider this in the differential diagnosis of retinal disorders with seizures or other neurological features. Molecular genetic testing of multiple genes causing isolated and syndromic eye disorders using NGS panels and aCGH along with additional complementary testing may often be required to arrive at a definitive diagnosis

    Kelayakan Media Diorama Pemanasan Global Kelas VII

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    This research aimed to determine the feasibility of diorama as the media for global warming materials for grade VII of Junior High School. This research was a descriptive study. Data collection were done by using validation instrument. The diorama of global warming was accompanied with teacher's and student's guide sheets. The validation of the diorama and its guide sheets were done separately. The validation were done by 5 validators. 2 validators is the lecturers of biology education, while 3 others is the teachers of biology for grade VII of Junior High School. The validation of diorama and its guide sheets were obtained for 3.80 and 3.71 sequencely. Both are categorized as valid and feasible for global warming learning for grade VII


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    Indonesia was currently fighting disinfodemic COVID-19. During this situation, several hoaxes related to COVID-19 were circulating. Of course, the hoax news makes people even more worried and afraid. One way to prove the facts in that news is through a fact-checking system. This system is intended to check facts and verify information so that the truth can be identified. Fact-checking needs to be known by the public to suppress the spread of hoax news, especially related to the circulation of COVID-19 in Indonesia. Based on this phenomenon, the purpose of this study is to determine the informants’ experience related to the fact-checking process. The study informant referred to Mafindo, an internationally licensed fact-checking agency. To answer the objective of the research, the researcher used an ethnographic study of public relations with a qualitative approach. The ethnographic study of public relations focuses on examining communication activity planning using analysis units of Insight, Strategic Program, Program Implementation, Action, and Reputation or the IPPAR Model. The results of this study indicate that the Mafindo fact checker interprets the fact-checking for COVID-19 news as important, to reduce public concerns. The lack of reference sources to be used as data and evidence of hoax news becomes a challenge when doing fact-checking. The fact-checking phases include data collection, sorting, analyzing, and checking the results before publishing them to the public. The discussion is an effort to maintain the credibility of the results, image, and reputation of the fact-checker institution

    Phylogenomics indicates the “living fossil” Isoetes diversified in the Cenozoic

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    The fossil record provides an invaluable insight into the temporal origins of extant lineages of organisms. However, establishing the relationships between fossils and extant lineages can be difficult in groups with low rates of morphological change over time. Molecular dating can potentially circumvent this issue by allowing distant fossils to act as calibration points, but rate variation across large evolutionary scales can bias such analyses. In this study, we apply multiple dating methods to genome-wide datasets to infer the origin of extant species of Isoetes, a group of mostly aquatic and semi-aquatic isoetalean lycopsids, which closely resemble fossil forms dating back to the Triassic. Rate variation observed in chloroplast genomes hampers accurate dating, but genome-wide nuclear markers place the origin of extant diversity within this group in the mid-Paleogene, 45–60 million years ago. Our genomic analyses coupled with a careful evaluation of the fossil record indicate that despite resembling forms from the Triassic, extant Isoetes species do not represent the remnants of an ancient and widespread group, but instead have spread around the globe in the relatively recent past

    Pengaruh Campuran Kadar Bottom Ash Dan Lama Perendaman Air Laut Terhadap Pola, Lebar Dan Kedalaman Retak Pada Balok

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    Dari pengujian ini didapatkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh variasi campuran bottom ash dimana nilai kuat tekan yang paling tinggi terjadi pada campuran bottom ash 10%. Demikian juga halnya dengan hasil pengamatan pola retak, dimana hingga terjadi kegagalan geser pada balok uji dengan keruntuhan geser. Hal ini terjadi pada balok beton dengan keruntuhan geser perendaman 28 hari campuran bottom ash 10%. Perbedaan kemunculan retak awal pada benda uji dengan keruntuhan geser perendaman 14 hari menunjukkan pengaruh variasi kadar campuran bottom ash terhadap lebar retak. Berikut juga dengan besar nilai lebar retak maksimum pada balok dengan keruntuhan lentur durasi perendaman 28 hari yang dianalisis oleh peneliti. Yaitu, 0,16 mm pada campuran bottom ash 0%; 0,10 mm pada campuran bottom ash 10%; 0,12 mm pada campuran bottom ash 20% dan sebesar 0,13 mm pada campuran bottom ash 25%. Variasi durasi perendaman air laut juga memberikan pengaruh yang cukup signifikan. Seperti pada keruntuhan lentur perendaman 14 hari yaitu dengan lebar retak 0,10 mm untuk campuran bottom ash 0%; 0,13 mm untuk campuran bottom ash 10%; 0,14 mm untuk campuran bottom ash 20% dan 0,12 mm untuk campuran bottom ash 25%. Dengan lebar retak maksimum yang diijinkan oleh ACI Code untuk daerah basah khususnya dalam lingkup air laut adalah 0.15 mm dan sering dibulatkan menjadi 0.20 mm, sehingga hasil penelitian ini masih bisa digunakan sebagai acuan untuk penelitian selanjutnya. Keterbatasan alat uji menjadi masalah utama dalam pengukuran kedalaman retak. Hal ini menyebabkan tidak dapat dihimpunnya data dengan baik

    Pengaruh Komposisi Semen Dan Agregat Kasar Batu Apung Terhadap Kuat Lentur Balok Beton Bertulang Bambu Dengan Campuran Serat Bambu

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    Perkembangan Ilmu dalam bidang Kontruksi pada masa sekarang di Indonesia begitu pesat .salah satu teknologi beton yang berkembang dalam USAha pembuatan rumah tahan gempa adalah penggunaan beton ringan.Mengingat bahwa Sumber daya Alam yang sudah mulai susah di daur ulang mulai dikembangkan tulangan pengganti baja dengan menggunakan Bambu sebagai tulangan ,adapun pemanfaatan limbah bambu seperti penggunaan Serat bambu sebagai filler pada beton.Tugas akhir ini membahas mengenai Pengaruh Komposisi Semen dan Agregat kasar Batu Apung Terhadap Kuat Lentur Balok Beton Bertulang Bambu dengan Campuran Serat Bambu. Dalam penelitian ini elemen yang digunakan adalah balok berukuran 20 cm x 15 cm x 160 cm .Penentuan komposisi semen dan agregat pada penelitian ini menjadi pembahasan dalam pengujian balok.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan total 12 benda uji dengan 4 rancangan benda uji. Benda uji dibuat berdasarkan perhitungan sampel dengan percobaan faktorial sebagian.masing masing benda uji yaitu serat bambu 40 gram komposisi semen agregat 1:2:1 rasio tulangan 1% , serat bambu 40 gram komposisi semen dan agregat 1:2,5:1,5 rasio tulangan 1,5%, serat bambu 150 gram komposisi semen dan agregat 1:2:1 rasio tulangan 1,5% dan serat bambu 150 gram komposisi semen dan agregat 1:2,5:1,5 rasio tulangan 1% .Hasil pengujian menunjukan bahwa kekakuan komposisi tinggi 1:2:1 lebih kaku dan kuat menahan beban sehingga lendutan yang didapatkan lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan komposisi 1:2,5:1,5.Namun pada penelitian ini mengalami perbedaan antara uji coba dengan teori yang ada . Salah satu penyebabnya adalah ketidak kompak nya antara bambu dan beton, sehingga daya lekat bambu terhadap beton kurang.Pada perhitungan statistik uji anova satu arah diketahui bahwa belum ada pengaruh komposisi semen dan agregat pada beton bertulang bambu dengan serat
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