2,815 research outputs found

    From Andreev bound states to Majorana fermions in topological wires on superconducting substrates : a story of mutation

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    We study the proximity effect in a topological nanowire tunnel coupled to an s-wave superconducting substrate. We use a general Green's function approach that allows us to study the evolution of the Andreev bound states in the wire into Majorana fermions. We show that the strength of the tunnel coupling induces a topological transition in which the Majorana fermionic states can be destroyed when the coupling is very strong. Moreover, we provide a phenomenologial study of the effects of disorder in the superconductor on the formation of Majorana fermions. We note a non-trivial effect of a quasiparticle broadening term which can take the wire from a topological into a non-topological phase in certain ranges of parameters. Our results have also direct consequences for a nanowire coupled to an inhomogenous superconductor

    Waiting times of entangled electrons in normal-superconducting junctions

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    We consider a normal-superconducting junction in order to investigate the effect of new physical ingredients on waiting times. First, we study the interplay between Andreev and specular scattering at the interface on the distribution of waiting times of electrons or holes separately. In that case the distribution is not altered dramatically compared to the case of a single quantum channel with a quantum point contact since the interface acts as an Andreev mirror for holes. We then consider a fully entangled state originating from spliting of Cooper pairs at the interface and demonstrate a significant enhancement of the probability to detect two consecutive electrons in a short time interval. Finally, we discuss the electronic waiting time distribution in the more realistic situation of partial entanglement

    Effects of finite superconducting coherence lengths and of phase gradients in topological SN and SNS junctions and rings

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    We study the effect of a finite proximity superconducting (SC) coherence length in SN and SNS junctions consisting of a semiconducting topological insulating wire whose ends are connected to either one or two s-wave superconductors. We find that such systems behave exactly as SN and SNS junctions made from a single wire for which some regions are sitting on top of superconductors, the size of the topological SC region being determined by the SC coherence length. We also analyze the effect of a non-perfect transmission at the NS interface on the spatial extension of the Majorana fermions. Moreover, we study the effects of continuous phase gradients in both an open and closed (ring) SNS junction. We find that such phase gradients play an important role in the spatial localization of the Majorana fermions

    Current and noise correlations in a double dot Cooper pair beam splitter

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    We consider a double quantum dot coupled to two normal leads and one superconducting lead, modeling the Cooper pair beam splitter studied in two recent experiments. Starting from a microscopic Hamiltonian we derive a general expression for the branching current and the noise crossed correlations in terms of single and two-particle Green's function of the dot electrons. We then study numerically how these quantities depend on the energy configuration of the dots and the presence of direct tunneling between them, isolating the various processes which come into play. In absence of direct tunneling, the antisymmetric case (the two levels have opposite energies with respect to the superconducting chemical potential) optimizes the Crossed Andreev Reflection (CAR) process while the symmetric case (the two levels have the same energies) favors the Elastic Cotunneling (EC) process. Switching on the direct tunneling tends to suppress the CAR process, leading to negative noise crossed correlations over the whole voltage range for large enough direct tunneling

    Majorana Fermions in Honeycomb Lattices

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    We study the formation of Majorana fermions in honeycomb-lattice structures in the presence of a Zeeman field, Rashba spin-orbit coupling, and in the proximity of an s-wave superconductor. We show that an exact mapping exists between an anisotropic hexagonal-lattice nanoribbon at k = 0 and a one-dimensional chain, for which the existence of Majorana fermions has been extensively discussed. Consequently we can predict the conditions for the emergence of Majorana fermions at the edges of such ribbon, and relate the existence of Majoranas to a band inversion in the bulk band structure. Moreover we find that similar situations arise in isotropic lattices and we give some examples which show the formation of Majorana fermions in these structures.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figure

    Current correlations in the interacting Cooper-pair beam-splitter

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    We propose an approach allowing the computation of currents and their correlations in interacting multiterminal mesoscopic systems involving quantum dots coupled to normal and/or superconducting leads. The formalism relies on the expression of branching currents and noise crossed correlations in terms of one- and two-particle Green's functions for the dots electrons, which are then evaluated self-consistently within a conserving approximation. We then apply this to the Cooper-pair beam-splitter setup recently proposed [L. Hofstetter et al. Nature (London) 461 960 (2009); Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 136801 (2011); L. G. Herrmann et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 104 026801 (2010)], which we model as a double quantum dot with weak interactions, connected to a superconducting lead and two normal ones. Our method not only enables us to take into account a local repulsive interaction on the dots, but also to study its competition with the direct tunneling between dots. Our results suggest that even a weak Coulomb repulsion tends to favor positive current cross correlations in the antisymmetric regime (where the dots have opposite energies with respect to the superconducting chemical potential)

    Accelerating Universes with Scaling Dark Matter

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    Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universes with a presently large fraction of the energy density stored in an XX-component with wX<−1/3w_X<-1/3, are considered. We find all the critical points of the system for constant equations of state in that range. We consider further several background quantities that can distinguish the models with different wXw_X values. Using a simple toy model with a varying equation of state, we show that even a large variation of wXw_X at small redshifts is very difficult to observe with dL(z)d_L(z) measurements up to z∼1z\sim 1. Therefore, it will require accurate measurements in the range 1<z<21<z<2 and independent accurate knowledge of Ωm,0\Omega_{m,0} (and/or ΩX,0\Omega_{X,0}) in order to resolve a variable wXw_X from a constant wXw_X.Comment: submitted to IJMPD (uses Latex, 12 pages, 6 Figures) Minor corrections, Figures 4, 6 revised. Conclusions unchange

    Frequency-Domain Measurement of the Spin Imbalance Lifetime in Superconductors

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    We have measured the lifetime of spin imbalances in the quasiparticle population of a superconductor (τs\tau_s) in the frequency domain. A time-dependent spin imbalance is created by injecting spin-polarised electrons at finite excitation frequencies into a thin-film mesoscopic superconductor (Al) in an in-plane magnetic field (in the Pauli limit). The time-averaged value of the spin imbalance signal as a function of excitation frequency, fRFf_{RF} shows a cut-off at fRF≈1/(2πτs)f_{RF} \approx 1/(2\pi\tau_s). The spin imbalance lifetime is relatively constant in the accessible ranges of temperatures, with perhaps a slight increase with increasing magnetic field. Taking into account sample thickness effects, τs\tau_s is consistent with previous measurements and of the order of the electron-electron scattering time τee\tau_{ee}. Our data are qualitatively well-described by a theoretical model taking into account all quasiparticle tunnelling processes from a normal metal into a superconductor.Comment: Includes Supplementary Informatio

    Mid-infrared sub-wavelength grating mirror design: tolerance and influence of technological constraints

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    High polarization selective Si/SiO2 mid-infrared sub-wavelength grating mirrors with large bandwidth adapted to VCSEL integration are compared. These mirrors have been automatically designed for operation at \lambda = 2.3 μ\mum by an optimization algorithm which maximizes a specially defined quality factor. Several technological constraints in relation with the grating manufacturing process have been imposed within the optimization algorithm and their impact on the optical properties of the mirror have been evaluated. Furthermore, through the tolerance computation of the different dimensions of the structure, the robustness with respect to fabrication errors has been tested. Finally, it appears that the increase of the optical performances of the mirror imposes a less tolerant design with severer technological constraints resulting in a more stringent control of the manufacturing process.Comment: The final publication is available at http://iopscience.iop.org/2040-8986/13/12/125502
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