1,734 research outputs found

    On the muon neutrino mass

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    During the runs of the PS 179 experiment at LEAR of CERN, we photographed an event of antiproton-Ne absorption, with a complete pi+ -> mu+ ->e+ chain. From the vertex of the reaction a very slow energy pi+ was emitted. The pi+ decays into a mu+ and subsequently the mu+ decays into a positron. At the first decay vertex a muon neutrino was emitted and at the second decay vertex an electron neutrino and a muon antineutrino. Measuring the pion and muon tracks and applying the momentum and energy conservation and using a classical statistical interval estimator, we obtained an experimental upper limit for the muon neutrino mass: m_nu < 2.2 MeV at a 90% confidence level. A statistical analysis has been performed of the factors contributing to the square value of the neutrino mass limit.Comment: 18 pages, 5 eps figure

    Constraining Antimatter Domains in the Early Universe with Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

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    We consider the effect of a small-scale matter-antimatter domain structure on big bang nucleosynthesis and place upper limits on the amount of antimatter in the early universe. For small domains, which annihilate before nucleosynthesis, this limit comes from underproduction of He-4. For larger domains, the limit comes from He-3 overproduction. Most of the He-3 from antiproton-helium annihilation is annihilated also. The main source of He-3 is photodisintegration of He-4 by the electromagnetic cascades initiated by the annihilation.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, revtex, (slightly shortened

    High efficiency thermionic converter studies

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    The objective is to improve thermionic converter performance by means of reduced interelectrode losses, greater emitter capabilities, and lower collector work functions until the converter performance level is suitable for out-of-core space reactors and radioisotope generators. Electrode screening experiments have identified several promising collector materials. Back emission work function measurements of a ZnO collector in a thermionic diode have given values less than 1.3 eV. Diode tests were conducted over the range of temperatures of interest for space power applications. Enhanced mode converter experiments have included triodes operated in both the surface ionization and plasmatron modes. Pulsed triodes were studied as a function of pulse length, pulse potential, inert gas fill pressure, cesium pressure, spacing, emitter temperature and collector temperature. Current amplifications (i.e., mean output current/mean grid current) of several hundred were observed up to output current densities of one amp/sq cm. These data correspond to an equivalent arc drop less than 0.1 eV

    High efficiency thermionic converter studies

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    Research in thermionic energy conversion technology is reported. The objectives were to produce converters suitable for use in out of core space reactors, radioisotope generators, and solar satellites. The development of emitter electrodes that operate at low cesium pressure, stable low work function collector electrodes, and more efficient means of space charge neutralization were investigated to improve thermionic converter performance. Potential improvements in collector properties were noted with evaporated thin film barium oxide coatings. Experiments with cesium carbonate suggest this substance may provide optimum combinations of cesium and oxygen for thermionic conversion

    Apparent high metallicity in 3-4 keV galaxy clusters: the inverse iron-bias in action in the case of the merging cluster Abell 2028

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    Recent work based on a global measurement of the ICM properties find evidence for an increase of the iron abundance in galaxy clusters with temperature around 2-4 keV up to a value about 3 times larger than that typical of very hot clusters. We have started a study of the metal distribution in these objects from the sample of Baumgartner et al. (2005), aiming at resolving spatially the metal content of the ICM. We report here on a 42ks XMM observation of the first object of the sample, the cluster Abell 2028. The XMM observation reveals a complex structure of the cluster over scale of 300 kpc, showing an interaction between two sub-clusters in cometary-like configurations. At the leading edges of the two substructures cold fronts have been detected. The core of the main subcluster is likely hosting a cool corona. We show that a one-component fit for this region returns a biased high metallicity. This inverse iron bias is due to the behavior of the fitting code in shaping the Fe-L complex. In presence of a multi-temperature structure of the ICM, the best-fit metallicity is artificially higher when the projected spectrum is modeled with a single temperature component and it is not related to the presence of both Fe-L and Fe-K emission lines in the spectrum. After accounting for the bias, the overall abundance of the cluster is consistent with the one typical of hotter, more massive clusters. We caution the interpretation of high abundances inferred when fitting a single thermal component to spectra derived from relatively large apertures in 3-4 keV clusters, because the inverse iron bias can be present. Most of the inferences trying to relate high abundances in 3-4 keV clusters to fundamental physical processes will likely have to be revised.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures.Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysycs. Minor changes to match published versio

    Solving the cosmic lithium problems with primordial late-decaying particles

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    We investigate the modifications to predictions for the abundances of light elements from standard Big-Bang nucleosynthesis when exotic late-decaying particles with lifetimes exceeding ~1 sec are prominent in the early Universe. Utilising a model-independent analysis of the properties of these long-lived particles, we identify the parameter space associated with models that are consistent with all observational data and hence resolve the much discussed discrepancies between observations and theoretical predictions for the abundances of Li^7 and Li^6.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Physical Review D; minor changes to reference

    XMM-Newton spectral properties of the Ultraluminous IRAS Galaxy Mrk 273

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    We present a 23 ks XMM-Newton observation of the ULIRG Mrk 273. The hard X-ray spectrum can be modeled by a highly absorbed power law plus an Fe Kalpha emission line. The iron line is broad, suggesting possible superposition of a neutral iron line at 6.4 keV, and a blend of ionized iron lines from Fe XXV and Fe XXVI. Given the relatively short exposure, the three line components can not be singularly resolved with high statistical significance: the neutral component is detected at ~2.5sigma and the Fe XXV line at ~2sigma c.l., while for the Fe XXVI line we can only estimate an upper limit. The broad band spectrum requires, in addition to a highly absorbed power law, at least three collisionally ionized plasma components, which may be associated with star-forming regions. The temperatures of the three plasmas are about 0.3, 0.8 and 6 keV, where the highest of the three is sufficient to produce ionized iron emission lines. An alternative interpretation for the origin of the soft emission might also be given in terms of reflection off some photoionized gas, as has been observed in a number of nearby Compton-thick Seyfert 2 galaxies. A hot gas, photoionized by the primary, continuum can also produce ionized iron lines. Unfortunately, given the limited statistics and the lack of high resolution spectroscopy, it is not possible to distinguish between the two models investigated. We further compare the XMM-Newton findings with the Chandra data obtaining consistent spectral results. The absorption corrected hard X-ray (2-10 keV) luminosity of Mrk 273 corresponds to ~0.2% of the far-IR luminosity, similar to typical values found in pure starbursts. The thermal contribution to the soft X-ray luminosity is ~0.2-0.7x10^42 erg s^-1, comparable to those found in NGC 6240 and other starburst dominated ULIRGs.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysi

    Production of η\eta\prime Mesons in the ppppηpp \to pp\eta\prime Reaction at 3.67 GeV/c

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    The ratio of the total exclusive production cross sections for η\eta\prime and η\eta mesons has been measured in the pppp reaction at pbeam=3.67p_{beam}=3.67 GeV/c. The observed η/η\eta\prime/\eta ratio is (0.83±0.110.18+0.23)×102(0.83\pm{0.11}^{+0.23}_{-0.18})\times 10^{-2} from which the exclusive η\eta\prime meson production cross section is determined to be (1.12±0.150.31+0.42)μb(1.12\pm{0.15}^{+0.42}_{-0.31})\mu b. Differential cross section distributions have been measured. Their shape is consistent with isotropic η\eta\prime meson production.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, accepted by Phys.Lett.

    Two-body Photodisintegration of 4^{4}He with Full Final State Interaction

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    The cross sections of the processes 4^4He(γ,p\gamma,p)3^3H and 4^4He(γ,n\gamma,n)3^3He are calculated taking into account the full final state interaction via the Lorentz integral transform (LIT) method. This is the first consistent microscopic calculation beyond the three--body breakup threshold. The results are obtained with a semirealistic central NN potential including also the Coulomb force. The cross sections show a pronounced dipole peak at 27 MeV which lies within the rather broad experimental band. At higher energies, where experimental uncertainties are considerably smaller, one finds a good agreement between theory and experiment. The calculated sum of three-- and four--body photodisintegration cross sections is also listed and is in fair agreement with the data.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    Fragmentation studies of high energy ions using CR39 nuclear track detectors

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    We report on the measurements of the total charge changing fragmentation cross sections in high-energy nucleus-nucleus collisions using Fe, Si and Pb incident ions. Several stacks of CR39 nuclear track detectors with different target combinations were exposed at normal incidence to high energy accelerator beams to integrated densities of about 2000 ions/cm^2. The nuclear track detector foils were chemically etched, and ion tracks were measured using an automatic image analyzer system. The cross section determination is based on the charge identification of beam ions and their fragments and on the reconstruction of their path through the stacks.Comment: 5 pages, 4 EPS figures. Corrected Eq. 3 and Table 1. Presented at the 10th Inter. Symp. Radiat. Phys., Coimbra, Portugal, 17-22 Sept. 200